Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Duanna smiled and then appeared where Lucifer was "Sorry to bother you again but I have another question....your mother must have ruled with an iron fist, I'm a little to nice to ever rule like that unless I let my darkness out.....I was just wondering what you thought. Like before I would have gone to Michael but he wouldn't know how to answer, speaking of him is her okay? He left the cafe with a headache....he was trying to remember and the council redid the spell....I'm worried about what could happen to him if this continues...."

Delaney looked around a little scared as she remembered the last time they were in a club together.

Leta laughed and pulled out a navigator system "There in a club from the looks of it. We should probably go there and to keep an eye on them."

"Stupid witch.....I fought her for too long....." Kana tried to forget the pain but it was to much and to the point where she eventually passed out, last time it happened she tossed and turned in her bed for three days.
Lucifer nodded. "Yeah. He's OK. He had sex with his girlfriend and now is resting." He laid on the couch. "Mom was a tough ruler. She was powerful and stern but also beautiful and kind. People from all over respected her. Even Xerxes. He wouldn't say a bad word about her."

When guys eyed Delaney, Aeron pulled her close. His hand was around her waist so people would think they were a thing. They immediately turned away. "You see, men only like girls that they think are available. Girls with boyfriends are guy repellants."

Leo nodded. "Considering the council are hunting them, yeah we should watch them. They could be in danger."

Axoret frowned and touched her cheek. "Just rest..."
Takashi already had kana in his arms, he began to carry her to the palace, once inside, a lot of his servent were there to great him at the door, he looked at a maid "get me a bowl of water and a rag, bring it to my bedroom..." he then looked at his butler "prepare food for my to guest.." he then carried kana to his bedroom while he also led axoret.

Vincent looked at her and chuckled "I have a few ideas.." he kissed her again on the lips then began to trail kisses down to her neck.

Zafon sighed as he set in a chair while diva put medicine on his cheek "fine.."

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"I'm sure if i let them speak freely they would have so many unkind words about me..." Duanna looked down and hurt "I knew I was never a good choice for queen so why was I brought onto the path....if I release my dark half she could kill me but she could also bring order....I should have told Michael all those years ago I didn't want to be a queen...maybe he would have left me alone and went with his ex....." she was torn up that she couldn't control Heaven, she thought she was a great queen but it seems she was mistaken, she sat down and rest her head in her hands, lost on what to do.

Delaney smiled and hugged him, she looked around the room and noticed some people "We need to be careful, the watchdogs of heaven are here..."

Leta made them both appear at the club and she showed a tattoo on her wrist and said something about Leo in another language and they were let through.

Kana already looked like she was having a nightmare, Sephrith appeared in the room "Demonia sent me, she had a feeling that something had happened."

Sarah giggled and then yawned, her face became red "Sorry..."

Diva smiled "So did it feel like her broke anything? I mean you have a hard head and jaw so I doubt he broke something but I thought I would ask."
Takashi laid kana down on his bed and covered her up, he then looked over at Sephrith who had just appeared in the room "I see...and who are you..if I may ask.."

Vincent chuckled and looked at her "its ok.." he then laid down next to her and held her close "get some rest.." he covered them both up.

Zafon put his hand on his jaw and moved it around, he then looked at diva "nope..nothing is broken..."

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Lucifer shrugged and said "you could give Fayde the entire rulership of Heaven. I mean he is a very scary man when you make him angry. I still don't approve of his relationship with Cinder but what can ya do?"

Cinder got out of the pool wearing only a bikini. She looked magnificent. She was more powerful and even became an angel again. She didn't look sickly anymore. She had turned out to be a beautiful girl that had every man on his knees, begging to be praised by her. She laid on the lounge chair and drank her lemonade. She was enjoying herself. @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

He went to the other aide of the club and sat at the bar. "Lets just keep our heads down and not speak to anyone.

Leo looked around and said "I'll deal with the watchdogs before they catch the twins." He walked off.

Axoret nodded at Sephiroth. "Hey there." He checked to see if Kana had a fever. He was really worried about her health.
"Sephrith, and old friend and guard to Kana's mother." Sephrith bowed.

Sarah cuddled up to him "How I have missed sleeping with you."

Diva smiled "Good because I might have left it that way." she said jokingly.

Duanna looked at him "I think I'll return home now..." she vanished and appeared back in her office and started to say a few things to herself.

Delaney nodded "Alright..."

Leta looked around and found them "Hello runaways" she smiled at them.

Sephrith looked at Kana "Is she alright?"
Fayde had been practicing in the lowest levels of his palace, an expansion he had built by his servants some time ago. He had practically been living there for the past few months, doing some training that he let no one see though large explosions rocked the whole palace and sometimes his energy could be felt for miles around. He had been ignoring the conflicts he sensed while he finished his training, now he strode out of the massive doors that separated him and the rest of the world. His first step against the marble sent shockwaves throughout the building, he spread his wings and flew through the open window, circling over the grounds to find his sister. He noticed her at the pool and glided down closing his wings about ten feet up and dropping down and landing softly against the ground, his eyes more vibrant than ever and seemed to change shades, randomly. "Long time no see Cinder, how have you been?"
Viktor walked in and said "hey... What's wrong? You seem down..." He watched her curiously.

Aeron almost punched Leta but as soon as he saw her, he grinned. "Hey babe." He kissed her cheek. "Sorry we left... I dont like being caged in like some animal. I need to be free."

"I dont know... She said something about a witch." He frowned.

"Amazing..." Cinder grinned mischievously and the water suddenly splashed at Fayde. "Come on. Go swimming with me." She grabbed his arm as she put her lemonade on the servants tray.
"Thought Lucifer might be of some help but of course he just suggested I give the place to Fayde, I trust him but....I just feel like I could gain control of this place if I knew how....I hate feeling like I've given up....." Duanna sighed.

"It's fine and sorry that I have a tracker on Delaney, I think that makes us even." Leta smiled.

"She could be speaking of her other half, you know they don't get along at all." Sephrith sighed.
Fayde ducked the water but failed to avoid his sister as she grabbed him an pulled him behind her. "But I just got out." He didn't struggle, he knew it would be pointless since she would just get upset, he only moved to avoid falling on his face.
Takashi nodded at sephrith then looked at kana "this is the first time I have seen this I dont know.." he looked worried even though he had just met kana, he looked at Sephrith "if you dont mind...would you go get kana's mother and bring her here.."

Vincent smiled "I missed holding you close while sleeping with you.."

Zafon laughed "I know you would never do that..."

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"Why dont you go see him... He is a scary man after all." Viktor smiled softly. "Plus, him and Cinder shouldn't be too busy. The council aren't bothering them at all."

Aeron shrugged and said "its fine. Just as long as it doesn't get in my way of having fun, I'm fine with it.

Axoret nodded. "Yeah..."

Cinder pulled him and smiled a bit. "Being in control is so much fun and even the servants have respect for me." She then studied him a little and asked "were you training again?" She sighed and stubbornly, turned her back on him. "You need to learn to have fun." A lot of the male servants were checking her out and she rolled her eyes. "So... I talked to Lucy. Mikey... He has amnesia. He can only remember us but he can't remember anything else. And then Lucy lectured me on getting married and settling down. I rejected the idea as usual. You know, you should see them sometime too."
"Lady Demonia cannot be bothered, you have her father and me here, we have seen this once before." Sephrith sighed thinking this king was stupid and not suited for Kana. Kana tossed and turned her energies started to flux between dark and light.

Sarah soon fell asleep.

Diva didn't answer but put her kit away not even bothering to looking at him.

Duanna closed her eye "I have been meaning to see them but....I really don't know...." the nails on her hands started to grow but she either didn't notice or care.

Leta smiled "It won't and Leo is here taking care of the watchdogs in this place."
Takashi sighed, he looked at kana then walked over to her, he took her hand then kissed her on the forehead, he didnt know if it would do much but he hoped that it would help her sleep peacefully.

Vincent smiled then soon fall asleep beside her.

Zafon sighed then got up and walked up behind her and put his arms around her waist, he leaned down then began to kiss her neck.

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Fayde rolled his eyes, "Fine if you want to swim I'll swim, and I'm glad you are getting along with the servants. Though I don't like the way the boys are looking at you." He followed her, shrugging then scowling as she said she shot him down. "Why do you still refuse to marry?" He stepped up to walk next to her.
"Look... They are our only option. Just go see them. How bad can it be." He smiled.

"Leo? Dont tell me he's planning on running away as well." He frowned, disapprovingly.

Axoret shrugged. "You get what you see."

Cinder touched his cheek and said "because I love my life right now. I'm living in a beautiful castle with the most amazing guy to ever exist and I can get whatever I want. I'm living in luxury. Why ruin it with a man?"
"Viktor can you give me a moment to myself?" Duanna's hair that she always kept cut above her waist was now hitting the floor. "I just want some time to think about my options."

"I hope not, he's the only kid that mom has left in Heaven but he is also protective of Dee so that could be why he is helping, it might even be the push mom needs to get control of everything." Leta sighed.

Inside Kana's mind her light and dark was fighting, she was trapped but she also knew the only way out was by winning or a truce between the two and she wanted full control.

Diva pushed Zafon away playfully.
Fayde smirked, "Good points, now cmeon let's go swimming." He was trying to avoid showing too much affection, especially in front of his servants. He pulled her along towards the pool lettinggo of her when they were near and went, to a little hutch to change into some trunks. He looked over his shoulder. "Be right back."
"What is there to think about? You either go or you don't. Not much to think about. But I'll leave you to thinking about your two options..." He walked out.

Aeron nodded. "If he even thinks about it, send him back home. We need a ruler after mom passes and surprisingly, he's the only one fit for a king. He might not think it, but he really is king worthy."

She called out to him playfully "you know you could always go nude." She giggled as she relaxed in the water. A servant came over and started to flirt with her. She flipped her hair back and flirted with him. She giggled.
Takashi looked at kana anf frowned when it seemed that he didnt help.

Zafon smirked then slammed diva against the wall gently then pinned her there and began kissing her neck more.

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After a few minutes Duanna walked out and hugged Viktor, her hair brown hair was now black and dragging the ground, her pink lips a deep red, everything about her change made her look more beautiful but dark, only thing that remained the same was her wings, they were still the same as when she was in her light form. "I am going to go ask Fayde if he will help me gain control of Heaven but I don't want to give it to him."

Leta sighed "I will try but he may not listen."

Sephrith sighed "Look nothing you do will help her, just let her rest and fight the battle out."

Diva giggled and got away from him, she ran to their bedroom.
Takashi looked at Sephrith then back at kana "can you blame me for worrying....even though I just met this girl..I'm worried about her....out of all the years that I have been on this in this world..I havent care for anyone....but now..somethings different.." he was confused with his actions.

Zafon smirked then ran after her.

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Viktor blushed at the site of her and was about to tell her how beautiful she looked but chose against it. Instead, he asked "d-do you want me to come with you?"

"Tell him Delaney will cry if he runs away." He winked at her.
"Please, I need someone that knows me to be there....honestly I'm using my darker form since she is stronger than me but I will need someone there if it looks like she is taking control of me. I may not be completely aware of any changes that happen from this point on." Duanna smiled.

Leta sighed "Alright, I will." she looked at Delaney "Dee I only want you to have one drink and that's it. The rest of the night you will have soda." Delaney sighed "Party pooper." one of the watchdogs grabbed Leta to get to Delaney and Aeron, she quickly turned around and broke the persons neck. People watched and didn't seem bothered by it, Leta smiled at them both "Well that was fun."

They spent the rest of the night with one another and then in the morning Diva woke up and smelt someone cooking. "Zafon...someone is in the kitchen..."

"I see well Kana is a daughter of darkness but she has some light to her, the two are constantly fighting for control. One day it was Kana's birthday and she never came down. We worried and checked on her, three days passed and when she woke up her darkness had taken complete control of her." Sephrith watched as Kana tossed and turned.

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