Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Takashi only got more worried "I see...I guess I need to learn a lot more about her.."

Zafon was sleeping beside diva, he slowly opened his eyes as diva woke him up "huh....oh...ok" he slowly got up tiredly then yawned and stretched.

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"Of course. Be careful of Fayde. I dont know how different he's become over the last 17 years. He might be a whole new person." He frowned.

"Damn... I'm happy I fell for you," replied Aeron. He ordered two beers and smiled. He whispered into Delaney's ear so Leta couldn't hear "Want to get a little drunk behind Letas back?"

Axoret nodded as a way to asure him that the story was true. "True story..."
Duanna held his hand and they appeared in Fayde's castle "I wonder if Cinder remembers me?" Duanna walked around and eventually found the where they were and smiled as she saw them "Hello Cinder, Fayde. It's been a while since we have seen one another."

Delaney giggled and nodded, Leta glared at them slightly "What are you two planning?"

Sephrith sighed "You only just met her so of course you do."

Sarah was down in the kitchen making breakfast.
Takashi sighed then looked at axoret "axoret...can you tell me about kana..what all important things do I need to know.."

Vincent slowly woke up to see that sarah wasnt in the bed, he quickly set up and looked around, he then got out of bed and ran out of his room and to the kitchen when he smrlt food cooking, once he saw sarah he sighed in relief that it all hadnt just been a dream, he looked at her and smiled then walked over to her "hey sarah.."

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Sephrith sighed "I don't mean to insult you my lord but if I might speak freely to this buffoon who thinks you have plenty of free time to remember anything of Kana except her fighting skill when you have a sick child who normally needs care around the clock."

"Hey I thought I would make your family breakfast, that's okay right?" she was slightly worried that she could be doing something wrong.
Takashi glare at Sephrith "as I said...I want to know the important stuff, stuff that mostly involves her health...I wasnt talking about him giving me every little detail about kana's life...kana would be able to tell me all that when she is better.." he was annoyed at Sephrith statment, but takashi knew that now wasnt the time to argue, he was more worried about kana.
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Axoret raised an eyebrow and then hit Sephiroth across the face. Because of his family ring, his slap hurt ten times more. "I dont care if you don't like him, Sephiroth but my daughter seems happy with him. She isn't fighting with me because of him. Now you will keep your mouth shut!" He started to explain as much as he knew about Kana.

Cinder smiled as she got out. She hugged them both. "I'm so happy to see you. Fayde is currently getting into swim trunks but he will be back shortly. How have you been!" Viktor eyed her, seductively and said "dayum. You've certainly been busy. You look hotter since the last time I saw you." Cinder giggled as she sipped her lemonade.

"Nothing my dear." Aeron grinned at her, innocently.
Sephrith bowed "Forgive me sir." he didn't even wipe the blood off his cheek.

Duanna hugged her back "I was good until recently, trying to deal with the council and then finding out that Michael is back but doesn't remember me hurts a little but other than that I am good." Duanna sighed as she heard what Viktor said "Please remember why I brought you here, if it wasn't for the urgency of it then I wouldn't mind if you looked at her."

Leta kissed him "Don't get her a hangover is all I'm asking." it seemed she knew what they were planning.
Takashi sighed then looked at kana, he set on the edge of the bed and put his hand on her cheek and rubbed it gently "hey axoret...what would happen..if I gave kana some of my power she can fight her other half.." he didnt even look at axoret, he kept his eye on kana the whole time.

Vincent smiled gently and nodded "that is perfectly know I love your cooking" he kissed her on the cheek.

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Demonia appeared in the room "Personally I would think it's a bad idea." she look at Sephrith "return home and keep an eye on Killian." Sephrith did as he was told and Demonia returned her attention to Kana and Takashi "Kana has to fight this battle with no one's help, she either loses or its a draw."

Sarah smiled and went back to cooking "I was worried your parents might get upset, then again that would make us even."
Takashi looked over at Demonia "I see..." he then looked back at kana and sighed as he kept gently rubbing his thomb against her cheek "so I can do nothing...but be by herside.."

Vincent chuckled then walked ovrr and set at the kitchen table "your right.."

Zafon walked out of the bed room and went toward the kitchen, he stopped walking when he heard sarah and vincent talking, he then turned on his heels and went back to the bedroom, he then got back in bed and laid there tiredly "sarah is cooking..."

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Fayde opened the door and entered, he went to a dresser and opened up the top drawer, he pulled out some trunks and quickly got changed. He came out in the trunks with a towel slung over his shoulder, his muscles were much more toned then before and he officially had a six pack. He walked back over to Cinder who seemed to be joined by Duanna and Viktor, though Duanna seemed...alot different. He walked over and smiled. "Well hello there."

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Duanna smiled at Fayde and hugged him "Goodness it has been such a long time since I have seen either one of you. Seventeen years and I must say you are looking good. Anyways I came here to ask for a favor, seems the council is giving me and Michael some problems along with my kids, I know its not your job but I was wondering if you could help me get the council to be obedient. I currently took on my darker half's form and power but I'm not really sure how long I can do this before she starts to take control of me and at that time I will have to seal her away and need even more help once I do that...Leta was stripped of her rank....she has done so much for the council and that's how they repay her...." Duanna looked annoyed.

Demonia nodded "Afraid so, I couldn't even help her last time this happened and I'm her mother."

"So when do your parents normally wake up? I am making a big breakfast and I don't want anyone to miss out on it." Sarah smiled.

Diva had fallen back to sleep and made a slight noise to let Zafon know that she heard,
Zafon put his arm around diva's waist and pulled her to him and held her close has he slept.

Vincent smiled "my siblings should be up any moment now...they normally burst into my parents room and tackle them on the bed till they wake up" he laughs.

Takashi sighed "I see..." he didnt know what else to say.

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Fayde nodded grimly. "I probably could, they're all pretty cowardly I wouldn't have to do much. When are we going to do this?" He crossed his arms his demeanor going from relaxed straight to business. He was pretty much ready for anything at this point.
"Soon I hope, I met with Michael and I let him read a journal that belonged to him and your all's mother and then he had a headache, I know how strong Michael is and without the council constantly interfering to keep his memories locked away he would remember everything by know but that's just it, I sensed that the council was redoing their spell to make it stronger and when I confronted them about it they threatened to strip me of my rank and power....they don't care that it's not allowed they will do it if they want. Seems I haven't proved myself to them so that's why I asked my darkness for help, she agreed but only for the time." Duanna looked down "I worry about the Heaven and what will happen if things don't get fixed soon. I hate asking you to fix a problem that is my own, normally I'm stubborn and wouldn't ask because I would feel like a bother but after Lucifer and Viktor suggested I see you I couldn't think of anyone else to ask."

Diva smiled and the heard a rumble of feet coming towards their room "Did you lock the door?"

"I see well them it will be nice to eat with your family, it will be the first time I have met them all." Sarah smiled.

Demonia smiled a little "You hardly know my daughter yet I can tell you already care for her."
Zafon muddered annoyedly "dangit..."

Vincent smiled "yea, I cant wait, I'm sure my little sister will love you..though I have to warn two little bothers are quite the pranksters.."

Takashi looked at demonia then looked away as he suddenly began to blush "w..well....isnt that..what a future supposed to do.."

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Cinder cocked her head to the side. "Aeron, Delaney, and Leta ran away didn't they? I mean that's what brother Lucy said when I last saw him." She put her lemonade on a servants tray and let them take it away. "Alright look, Xerxes thinks he can do whatever he wants because he's Viktors second in command. He doesn't think about consequences. He's very selfish, arrogant, and basically a jerk. I mean I should know. I've already slept with him." She shrugged but then Lucifer and Michael both appeared. Michael smiled and said "hey Fayde!!! Long time no see." Lucifer elbowed him. He looked all business now. He growled angrily as he said "the council wants war me and Azriel.... Even war with Hell. They think we've all broke agreement which we haven't. Well not yet, anyway. Also, they think one of us is harboring the twins." He rolled his eyes in annoyance. Michael nodded. Cinder looked at them and said "I think if you force Xerxes back to his place, he might listen. He's stubborn but.... Its not impossible." She smiled as she wrapped her arm around Fayde.

Aeron saluted her saying "no promises." He sipped his beer. He grinned a little bit. "Got to love me, sis."

A servant came to Axorets side and whispered something to him. This caused Axorets body to tense. He said to Demonia "hun.... Can you stay here for a bit. I have to go home and do some work." He disappeared with the servant. He seemed panicked.
Duanna suddenly looked angry and her wings flashed black but she quickly calmed herself and they returned to normal "Viktor we are going home, I did not agree to war. Attacking kingdoms without my permission. Lucifer, Michael, it is good to see you both again, also sorry for being weak when I should have been strong, none of this would have happened..." she sighed, turned around and started to leave "Fayde if you are willing to help me you know where to go."

Leta looked around panicked "Damn...." she stomped her foot on the floor a few times and a person lifted up a secret hatch "Both of you in there now. No time to explain just do it." she looked around trying to find Leo.

Demonia looked at Takashi "You watch after her, I need to possibly bring my youngest son here. Hope you don't mind."
Demonia quickly returned home and checked on Killian, she wasn't sure what was going on but she didn't like the look she saw in Axoret's eyes.

The kids soon started to jump on the bed to get Diva and Zafon up "Dear I am going to hurt you since you forgot to lock the door...."

Sarah smiled "And I'm not? Remember how many pranks I use to pull on you?" she giggled.
Viktor frowned and Cinder nodded at them. "Be careful. They are not ones to mess with. But.... If they really are a bother than just get rid of them and reform the council so that way the twins can come home with Leta." She smiled a little and looked at a server. "Can you get me some whiskey?" The server bowed to her and she dived into the water.

Aeron grabbed some bottles, paid the bartender, and pushed Leta down the entrance. Leo, on the other hand, was distracted by some girls.

Axoret was at his palace, speaking to Xerxes. They were busy arguing. "The twins aren't here! You have no right to-" Soldiers from around the room pointed their guns at him. He knew he was outmatched. Xerxes smirked and said "I will find the brats... I know one of you has them." Axoret growled and stood up. "Get out of my house!" He yelled. Xerxes shrugged and him and the soldiers disappeared. Axoret sat back in his chair. He was trying to control his anger.
Duanna smiled and then appeared in the council room and summoned all the member there including Xerxes, it use to be a strain on her to do so but she realized things were a little easier if her and her darker side got along. "This ends now." she was calm as she normally was but as she spoke it almost made the air heavy like there was magic in her words "You either call off these fights or be held in a court for treason, I am done with this...." one of the council members went to attack her and she just looked at them and they fell to the ground in pain. "Viktor take that one away, he'll be first to be stripped of his rank and power." Duanna smiled and the rest of the members "Anyone else wish to come after me? This is an open invitation."

Leta grabbed Leo "It's time to go and I mean now." worry filled Leta's eyes.

Demonia saw that Killian was safe and quickly put up blood magic in his room to keep him safe, she then appeared behind Axoret and hugged him "So whats going on? Should I take Killian somewhere safer?"
Viktor grabbed the council member and dragged them away. Xerxes smirked. He leaned back in his chair. He asked coldly "now you decide to take control?" They all laugh but Viktor came back in and said "under code 43 section 3, Xerxes you have committed high treason and are under arrested. Your execution date will be announced." Xerxes seemed surprised. He was about to argue but attempted to run instead. The other council members grabbed his arms. Xerxes struggled. Viktor said "I have proof of your plans to kill Duanna and then to kill Fayde so you can become king and your little minions over there... Well lets just say they told me all about it." Xerxes whimpered, upset that he got caught. "Yeah they may be scared of you but their more scared of the death penalty. Take him away." He walked out of the room and the council members took away Xerxes. Viktor held a smirk on his face. He knew about the plans for a while but needed solid proof to back him up.

Leo sighed and hurried after her. He didn't even say bye to the girls. He just obediently,followed Leta.

"Xerxes just threatened war. He's Viktors second command. He accused us of harboring the twins and Leta. I didn't even know they were missing." He sighed. "You don't need to hide Killian until war does happen. It was just a threat."
Duanna looked at Viktor "Send word to Fayde that I appreciate any help that he would have sent but I do believe I have it under control but if he doesn't mind I would like him to become a new council member." she smiled "Now to restore Michael's memories and if he is in love with that other girl then so be it..." she sighed "I just want him happy..." she hugged Viktor "Thanks for all the help that you have given me, I couldn't asked for anyone better to be loyal to me."

Leta got in into the room and had the door shut "So mom wants us to go into hiding even more for a few day....she might have finally taken control of the council but she wants to be sure and during that time she doesn't want us to leave the Inn unless its an emergency. Aeron I know you may not listen but please do, war might have nearly broken out because the council was searching for you and sis. But since I doubt you two will listen I will show you the underground tunnels here so that you can go where you need too but do so quickly and let me know when and where you are going."

Demonia sighed "You don't think Duanna sent him do you? We don't really hear from her much anymore..."

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