Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"One of them by blood the other by adoption, Leta is adopted and Leo is blood by they know that you don't remember so if you are worried about them wanting to come see you don't be, they have more since then their crazy love sick mother." she giggled a little.

Leta smiled and then walked out of the bathroom and Delaney was shaking her head.
Michael frowned, knowing he would have hated the answer. He ordered a hamburger and then said "when I woke up, I felt empty. Like something was taken away from me. When I met you, I didn't know what to think. You came to me telling me all this stuff that I couldn't recall. I want to remember but no matter how much I try, I can't. Its like something is blocking me from remembering."

Aeron soon walked out but immediately went to his room. He soon walked out, fully dressed. "Hey there."
Duanna sighed "The council's doing I'm sure of it, they tried to do the same to your brother but Luna restored his memories, I've known the council to take several people's memories away....some tried to remember because they felt the way you did but it hurt them more than it others words please don't try too hard, it would hurt me if you ended up like the others." she went to reach for his hand but then thought against it and put her hand back in her lap.

Delaney threw a pillow at him "Pervert!" Leta started to laugh.
"This council... They sound dangerous. Tell me more. Please, I need to at least know what I've forgotten. Lucifer tells me nothing." He looks down.

Aeron laughed and wrapped his arms around her. "You know you like it."
Duanna made two journals appear "It would possibly be easier if you read, everything that I know is in these journals wrote by you and your mother...I honesty don't know a lot, when you were king you were to busy with paperwork and getting over your mother's death to explain to me how the council worked....the journals might even help you to remember bits and pieces of things."

Leta smiled "Your sis already pieced our feelings together and now she calling us perverts." she giggled a little.
Michael read the journals. He looked down and ran a hand through his hair. He grabbed his head in pain as he tried to remember. "I'm sorry. I should leave. I have plans with my fiance." He left without another word.

Aeron kissed Delaney's cheek. "I love you, sis."
Duanna had enough of seeing him in pain and she appear in the council's room "Stop it right now. I know if not for all of you Michael would remember by now! Try to strip me like you did Leta but so help me as long as I am still queen I will help Michael to remember! If all of you don't start listening to me real soon Heaven will become the new hell!" She turned to leave "I am your queen and you will learn here soon that you will no longer control me. As council I look to you all for advice, you will not be running Heaven anymore like you have been doing."

Delaney sighed "I love you too."
For once, Viktor was with them. Xerxes didn't seem to care for her. "I'll just strip you..." Viktor stood up and said "as your leader, I refuse. She is your Queen. You have no power compared to her. If you continue like this, I'll have you executed for high treason." Xerxes growled but backed down. Viktor continued "now give Michael back his memories!!" Xerxes hesitated. He then said "I will when they pass the test." Viktor stopped and fell back into his seat.

Aeron tapped her nose gently before going over to Leta. He kissed her cheek before leaving.
"Stop re-enforcing your spells, what did you think I wouldn't notice at the cafe? I think it should be which ever one happens first. Passing the test or him remembering, I almost wonder if you aren't waiting for him to marry his fiancee, he is still your king meaning there's a possibility that I could be dethroned if he is to marry someone else. I know Viktor wouldn't sink that low but I could see it from the rest of you and all I am to say is that it pretty low, that's lower than something the council of Hell would think of. Didn't realize that Heaven was below Hell" Duanna left the room and returned to her office.

Delaney followed "Where are we going." she wanted to go anywhere that he went.
When Viktor became the leader of the council, he thought it was such an honor but now hates this job. Mostly because he's not a d*** and he doesn't fit in. He followed Duanna back to her office and sais "I promise I had nothing to do with it. I mean, I'm trying to get them to give Michael his memories back even if... Even if it means losing you forever. They won't listen to me though."

"Smoke a little, do some drugs, and drink... Basically party a little." He grinned.
Duanna hugged Viktor "I know that you would never sink that low." she smiled "But from what Lucifer said we have let the council gain to much control. Honestly I would have loved to see them strip me of everything and watch the look on there face when it didn't work. I'm sorry that you have to work with them." she sighed "And thanks for always being here for me."

Delaney looked worried "But Leta said not to leave here until she had the wards ready."
"Its alright. I just... The council has so much power that the elders can't even keep them on a leash. Xerxes practically ruled. The only reason why I'm still with them is to keep them in line. Xerxes... He would be out of control if I wasn't there." He sighed. "I dont know why the old Queen trusted them."

"And you expect me to do that? Remember? I dont follow by the rules. If you want to stay here bored then by all means, do that. I'm going to have fun." He walked out of the Inn.
"She must have had better control then I do...I wish I knew what she did differently. Next time that I speak with them let them try anything that they want alright. I am hoping that my comment about being lower than Hell gives them something to think about but I doubt it...." Duanna looked down "I just hope Michael isn't in too much pain....."

Delaney ran after him "If they find you then I want to be found too, if they do show up then we might be able to fight them off. They fear us for some reason and I say we find out what that reason is." she smiled.
Viktor smiled and said "the difference between you and her is that she was terrifying." He grinned. "Oh and when you left, they were laughing. Laughing like aristocrats do at someone who thinks their better than them."

Aeron held her hand and walked towards the center of town to hopefully find some clubs or parties going on.

Leo appeared beside Leta. "Hey..." He smiled a little and then said "the council are gaining more power by the second."
Vincent sighed and looked at sarah as they walked into the house "well...he pissed me off.."

Zafon got up and looked at diva with a smiled "I new he was going to be mad....but he will get over it"

Takashi chuckled then turned away from kana and axoret, he held out his hand and used his nail to cut a portal, he then stepped aside to let them in first "after you.."

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Duanna looked down "I might have to release my darkness to get them under control...." she looked up at Viktor "Do you think speaking to Lucifer would be a good idea on what he thought about it? His mother was once ruler but I never had an honor to speak with her after I became a council member.....back then they looked down on me, seems like I have never proved myself strong enough."

Delaney was happy but looked around as they got into town. "Does something feel off to you? Maybe I'm just paranoid."

Leta sighed "Mom needs to get control of them or it's up to Aeron and Delaney to put them in their place."

Sarah kissed him "I missed you."

Diva shook her head "You know he might go all out on you tomorrow."

Kana looked at Takashi "So how are we getting to your kingdom?"
Vincent kissed her back then picked her up and carried her to his room, he laid her on the bed then climb on top of her and began kissing her neck "you have no clue how much I missed you..." he niddled on her neck gently.

Zafon laughed "even better, that means we will be back to his old self"

Takashi held out his hand for kana to take "all you have to do is walk through this portal and your there" he chuckled.

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Sarah giggled as he kissed her "You know I watched you everyday and it it hurt to see you in so much pain."

Diva sighed "Look I don't need you coming back home again with broken bones, understand me?"

Kana smiled and looked at Axoret "Don't make us wait too long, alright dad?" she walked through
Viktor shrugged and replied "you can... I won't advise it but its up to you." It was obvious he wasn't Lucifers biggest fan.

Aeron shrugged and said "your just being paranoid. Now trust me." He winked at her before walking off.

Leo nodded and then asked "are the council really necessary? Are you sure it would be dentrimental if they,were destroyed."

Axoret followed Kana and smiled a bit when he saw the kingdom.
Vincent looked into her eyes and smiled, he then put his hand on her cheek "I'm that your back"

Zafon sighed then pulled diva closer and kissed her on the lips "I know.."

Takashi walked into the portal behind axoret and looked up at his kingdom, once then portal vanished, takashi began to walked ahead of kana and axoret as he headed toward the castle, his kingdom was a few feet taller then axoret's kingdom and it was dark, he glanced back at kana and axoret "so...what you think"

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"I like it so far..." He smiled. "My younger son would love it. Exiriya loves darkness." He walked toward the palace. "The kingdom looks fine but now we just need to see the palace."
"It's just neither of us know how Heaven was ran in the past.....Lucifer does." Duanna sighed "And I want to check on Michael if I possibly can."

Delaney stayed close to him.

"They are doing more harm than good, and to their own kingdom." Leta looked down.

"That's good, no more silence?" Sarah giggled.

Diva smiled "Good, no then lets get you home to see how bad he hit you."

Kana started to hold her head as if she was developing a headache and continued to walk but lost her footing and tripped.
Vincent smiled "no more silence.." he leaned and kissed her gently on the lips.

Zafon nodded and smiled "ok..." he took diva's hand and walked back to the house with her.

In one swift movement, takashi had caught kana and picked her up in his arm, he looked at her "are you ok, kana..."

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"Good, so what are we going to do since I'm back now?" Sarah smiled.

Diva got out a first aid kit and applied some numbing medicine to the bruise "I still say that we should have asked him and I am letting him know when I see him again it was my idea ask how he would feel about it."

"Yea....just a slight headache....." her other half was trying to fight her for once in a long time, she buried her face into his shirt as the pain continued.
Viktor shrugged, agreeing with her. "Fine but just be careful." He leaned in to kiss her but changed his tactic and kissed her cheek. He bowed and walked out without another word.

Aeron walked into a club and smiled at the sight of the people partying. He flashed two fake IDs at the bouncer and he let them in. There were drunk teens everywhere.

"Speaking of Aeron and Delaney... Where are they? If that bastard dragged my sister to somewhere dangerous... I'll kill him."

Axoret rested a hand on her shoulder. "Lets get her to the palace. It might be more than just a headache... Can you pick her up? I'm getting too old." He rubbed the back of his head. Come to think of it, his hair was greying a little and he was growing some stubble.

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