Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Aeron shrugged and replied "I don't know. Try to think of one. I'm going to take a bath. Leta, your free to join." He walked into the bathroom and slipped off his clothes.

Lucifer shrugged and said "its alright. I deserved it anyways. I'm not too angry about it. I've gotten over it. I'm not one to hold grudges. Though, hopefully Aeron and Delaney dont get caught cause they will be executed."
Leta looked at him confused "You want me to join you in the bath."

Duanna looked worried "Over my dead body! If they were found I would do everything in my power to save them! Even if it meant breaking them out of where they were being held!"
Takashi looked at kana and smiled "and what makes you think I cant..." he vanished then appeared right in front of her with his face only inches away from her's, his hands were at her sides on the bed, he leaned in to whisper in her ear seductively "I wonder if you'll even be able to handle me.."

Zafon smiled at diva as they walked home.

Vincent hesitantly began to walk toward her, once he was in front of her, he put his arms around her waist and pulled her into a warm hug " it really you...are you really back.." he held her closer, he didnt want to letting her go, in fear of her fading away again.

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Aeron shrugged and walked out in just a towel. "What's the problem? Its just a bath. Haven't you ever had a bath with a guy before?" He looked at her curiously.

Lucifer smiled and said "keep that attitude and say it to their face. Viktors second in command Xerxes has too much power. Unless you strip him of that power, he will run amuck.
"I have never bathed with a man. Not once." Leta's face became red with a blush. Delaney laughed "Sis hasn't even shared a bed with brother."

Duanna sighed "I shouldn't have let him become a part of Heaven.....I just needed a friend to help be there for me." she looked down "So is Michael really happy? I want him back, I know if his memories weren't gone then he would have come to find me but that wasn't the case or my luck but if he's happy then I let him be....I wouldn't want his new love to long for him the way that I already do...."

"I can handle anyone that the world throws at me." Kana smiled.

"Yes it's really me. Your parents brought me back." Sarah sighed "as a demon...."
Aeron grinned and dragged her into the bathroom. "Time to change that. Strip... Unless you plan on bathing in your clothes." He smirked as he dropped his towel and slipped into the tub. It was a small tub but not too small. It was just big enough to fit the two of them.

Lucifer smiled and leaned against a counter. "He looks at her the way he used to look at you. I think his heart is missing that piece of it and needs something to make him feel whole again. He ended up getting a human girl to fill in the emptiness he felt. If you just start over with him, he might be able to fall in love with you all over again. He fell in love with you for a reason. He loved something about you. He's the same man as he was before. He can still learn to love you. I think he's just afraid of losing everything he worked hard to earn."
Leta blushed more and then slipped her clothes off quickly getting into the tub but didn't make any eye contact with him "I'm going to hurt Dee for telling all of the to you...."

"How can I? He already finds me annoying....I don't even know how to approach him without feeling like he looks at me with hate." Duanna sighed.
Aeron laughed as he started to wash her body. "Your so beautiful." He leaned in to kiss her lightly before he continued to wash her.

He wrote down an address and smiled. "Meet me here at this café as soon as possible." He walked out of the room.
Vincents as widen again and he pulls away and looks at her "what...?"

Zafon walked out of the woods with diva and saw vincent and sarah together.

Takashi smiled at her "thats good....I'm glad" he looked into her eyes "so...are you ready to go see my kingdom"

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Duanna returned to Heaven and changed into something more casual and less obvious of her status and then she appeared a few feet away from the cafe and then walked in, she looked around for Lucifer.

Leta smiled "Thanks..." she didn't know what else to say, to her the room was spinning too fast for her to think.

Sarah sighed "Yea, they asked me if I was upset about it and I told them why...."

Diva smiled as she saw them.

"I'm ready whenever you are." Kana smiled.
Lucifer soon walked in with Lucifer and when he saw Duanna. "Hey." Michael immediately looked at Lucifer and said "you didn't tell me she would be here." Lucifer grinned and sat them at a table. "Have fun on your date." He left without another word. Michael just stared at her, trying to figure out what to do.

Aeron smiled a little. He slid over to her and held her close to him. "I've never been so happy..." he whispered.
Vincent sighed then hugged her again "sarah...I'm sorry..I wanted you back but....not like then" he looked toward the forest and saw zafon and diva, his anger began to build up, he let sarah go then smiled at her "I'll be back.." he then glared at zafon and walked past sarah as he began to walk toward zafon.

Zafon sighed he saw zafon walking toward him, he knew what was coming, he looked at diva "diva....wait ever happens next...please stay out of the way.." he then looked back at vincent.

Takashi smiled more "then lets go tell your dad and then we shall go.."

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Duanna looked at Lucifer in disbelief "Look I'm sorry I had no idea this was his plan...he told me to meet him here so I did. I'm sorry....and sorry that you saw my darker side might sound crazy but when I get tto upset anther side of me starts to come. I haven't ever been able to control her unfortunately, you must think I sound crazy saying that...."

Leta smiled "And to think if I hadn't rebelled against the council because of you a Dee then I wouldn't be here right now."

Diva nodded and took a few steps back.

Kana smiled and ran to her parents room "Hey dad, Takashi is getting ready to leave to his home."
Takashi smirked and followed her.

Vincent went up and punched zafon right in the face hard. Zafon fell to the ground and looked down as he rubbed his cheek that was now bruised. Vincent glared at zafon "next time ask me how I would feel about my wife being turned into a demon..." he turnes away and walked back to sarah, he smiled at her "'ll show you to my room" he took sarahs hand and led her to the house. Zafon watched and sighed as he rubbed his cheek more "I deserved that..."

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Michael watched her and then started to laugh. "Its fine. Lucifer can be very sneaky sometimes but he means well. While were here, why dont we just enjoy ourselves... As friends, I mean." He smiled.

"True. And I wouldn't have the guts to tell you how I feel." He grinned.

Axoret walked out and said "then lets go." He smiled a bit.
Duanna nodded "Alright, so do we want to order something here and you can tell me how you've been or we can go else where. Before everything happened you use to take me to a garden cafe. Sorry I shouldn't be dwelling in the past like that."

Leta smiled and started to enjoy the bath.

"Is mom staying here to keep an eye on Killian?" she wanted both her parent to be able to go but she also knew someone needed to watch over her brother.

Sarah sighed "You didn't have to do that."

Diva helped Zafon up "I told you we should have asked first."
A waitress came over to them and he smiled "I think we can eat here. I'm not in any rush to gain back my memories." He looked at the waitress and ordered some tea. He gestured for Duanna to order what she wanted to start off.

Aeron relaxed and smiled a bit as he washed himself. When he was done, he got out. He wrapped a towel around his waist.

Axoret frowned and replied "I'm sorry. She can't come because of Killian but I will be with you." He kissed her cheek. "So how do you like him?"
She ordered a mixture of rose and earl grey tea. "You must think I have weird tastes in teas." she giggled "I normally get looks when I order such a thing."

Delaney knocked on the door "Don't let Leta sit in the water for too long or she starts to grow plants." Leta's face got red once more as she hid the fact she had started to grow a flower at the edge of the tub.

Kana smiled "He wanted to see my room....I swear Kit did that one on was a mess so I had to lock him out and quickly clean my room......"
Michael smiled and replied "it doesn't bother me. I find it cute." When the waitress gave them their teas, he gave her a charming smile. "Thank you, gorgeous." She blushed and scurried away. He sipped the tea but then put the cup down. "Too much sugar." He sighed.

Aeron smiled and asked "are you done?" He put a hand out for her. With his other hand he was drying his hair.

Axoret laughed and said "good. Your room was a disaster. I've been telling you to clean it. Your not going to live like that at Takashi's place are you?"
Duanna giggled "From what I remember you only liked half a cube, just enough to take the bitterness away." she took a sip of her tea and smiled "If you want I'll take it up and let them know it's too sweet."

Leta smiled and used her abilities to make a plant dress as she stood up out of the water "Instaclothing." she said jokingly, taking his hand to help her out.

Kana quickly shook her head. "I'd been embarrassed if people saw that there queen lived like that."
Michael seemed surprised that she knew that and then smiled. "Yeah. Thank you so much." He rested his head on his hand as he watched her. He seemed amused. Girls giggled as they walked by him.

Aeron laughed as he pulled her close to him. "Your adorable."

Axoret sighed and replied "you should always think like that. And you thought you'd never be Queen. That it was impossible."
Duanna came back with his tea "I watched them make it so I know that this is correct." she smiled and sat down "So your fiancee, what's she like? Sorry if that's a personal question but I'm just wondering. I feel really bad that I threatened her with a curse earlier..." Duanna hated that he saw every bit of her darker side.

"And you are a lady killer." Leta said jokingly.

Kana stuck her tongue out at him and then covered her mouth. She had forgot that Takashi was following behind her.
"She's smart, she's funny, she's sweet, and she's really cute when she's shy." He smiled as he stirred his tea. When he was done, he sipped it. "Much better." He looked up and asked "who's that guy that follows you like a lost puppy?"

"Oh you hurt me so much! I only degrade women and treat them like objects," he replied playfully.

Axoret laughed. "Alright. Lets go... Shall we?"
"Viktor? He's my friend and he tries to serve me the best he can. He wishes that I would love him the way he loves me but I can't, he does hold a special place in my heart but it's not deep enough for me to love him the way he wants to be loved but currently all me and him have is one another....three of my kids have left heaven because of the council and the other tries to stay away from home as much as he can." Duanna sipped some more of her tea and then sighed.

Leta laughed "Am I an object to you." she smiled and kissed him.
Michael nodded slowly. He then asked slowly "are any of them mine?" He bit his lip, afraid of the answer.

"More or less. But an object that I think I'm falling in love with." He kissed her back.

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