Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Later that day, Aeron woke up. He felt terrible after trying to kill himself. He slowly sat up. "Damn it." He bit his lip. He looked at Delaney and smiled softly. "I'm sorry."
"The girl is Kana and our king is Axoret. I have told you his name before, did you forget, try to not forget again." Kit sighed

Diva sighed "So do you need me to do anything or just wait for you?"

Delaney hugged him "Just promise you won't do that again." Luna was standing a corner of the room "Good thing I made sure Leta heard you or you would be dead..." Leta walked in and saw that Aeron was awake "What the hell was that!? I didn't tell you what happened so you could kill yourself I told you so you would know what difference you are able to make! Do you realize how long I have been serving those a**es? Since I was ten! I have always wanted a way out and you gave it to me but then you try to kill yourself! You ever do that shit again and you won't have to worry...." Luna grabbed Leta by the neck and glared at you "You will not harm him or you will answer to the elders." Leta struggled to get free.

Duanna had gone to earth and started around Lucifer's kingdom to try and find Delaney and Aeron. She was worried about them and Leta.
Aeron growled and with incredible speed, he hit Luna to the wall. He held the knife to her throat. "Touch her again and I won't hesitate to kill you." He threw her to the ground and then looked at Leta. He grabbed her wrist and dragged her out of the room into a closet. He kissed her deeply. "I... I'm at fault. If I never lost my temper than you would still be with them. You wouldn't have lost everything. Why?"
Zafon looked at diva "would you be able to make clothes appear, you will also have to cover her up after I bring her back...once I bring her back..she will be without clothes, it also may take her a few minute to be able to balance herself well enough to stand or walk.."

Takashi nodded " can you show me to kana's room"

Vivian looked at nova and smiled "thank you..." she glanced back over to takashi then looked down "can we...go to your room or something.." she was beginning to fell tired for some reason.

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Luna sat up but did nothing more. She would wait there until he came out so that she could apologize to him. Leta looked at him surprised and then kissed him back and smiled "I hated the council. They wanted to control your sister since day one so they made me her babysitter....I felt bad for her every time she hurt someone, the council would try and punish her to get her to obey but I would take it instead. You sister would spend days crying after it was done and said. she would tell me she was sorry. I wanted to find her a way out but couldn't until now and then you two left and I wanted out but didn't want to leave mom, the council then thought they would punish me for letting you get away one thing led to another and here I am and I must say I feel better than I ever have in years." Leta smiled.

Kit nodded and led the way to the room. Lilith followed close to him. "Just a fair warning her room might be a mess."

Nova picked her up and carried her to his room and then put her down on the bed and he laid down next to her.
Aeron sat on some boxes and explained "sometimes... I have these moments where my dark side takes over but not completely. He tells me what to do. I've taken medication for it but only becaue my dad thought I was schizophrenic. He thought I was crazy after the first time I tried to kill myself and almost succeeded. He hit me and told me that my life wasn't that bad. That I should suck it up. My dark side is my other self. You probably think I'm crazy now, right?"
Leta shook her head "We believe it happens to those born of the hell blood line but it also seems the weaker the blood the stronger the other half can be. Grandmother, mother, Delaney and our aunt is the same way." she smiled hoping this bit would help cheer him up.

Duanna sighed and then went to see if she could have a word with Lucifer, she didn't feel right just walking in so she knocked on the main door hoping someone would hear her.
Takashi walked beside kit and nodded as kit spoke "I I princess who has a dirty side..sounds nice" he chuckled.

Vivian blushed when nova picked her up, she then laid her head on his shoulder as he carried her to his bedroom, once in there, she cuddled up against him when he laid beside her.

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Aeron smiled and said "I know your my sister and all but is it wrong that I've fallen for you?" He was gliding his fingers against her skin. He looked away and said "another question. Have you ever wanted to find your parents?"

Michael answered the door but then closed it in her face. He seemed annoyed that she came back but finaly opened the door for her again. "What?"
Kana opened her door and then quickly shut it when she saw who it was "You can't come in here."

Nova smiled at her "You seem tired."

Diva smiled "I brought a dress that I found in Vincent's closet, I snuck it out before her noticed what I had in my hands."

Leta laughed a little "The earth created me, I have no parents so no need to look. Michael and Duanna is the only parents I have every needed and we are only siblings through adoption, there is no blood relation so I don't see anything wrong with your love for me." she smiled.

"I was wanting to speak with Lucifer....our kids have gone missing and I needed to ask him a few things and I understand that you don't want me anywhere near him since I tried to kill him so I don't care if you keep an eye on me while I speak with him, I'll even give you all my weapons but I just need to see how much of his memories he has back and how much he remembers of Heaven." Duanna's eyes were red from crying.
Aeron picked her up, wrapping her legs around his waste. He kisses her passionately. "I've never been in love before... Is this how it feels. It feels weird." He smiled.

Michael patted her down for weapons. He took away all of her weapons and gave them to his servant. He let her in to ser Lucifer.
Leta shook her head "Only type of love I have ever known is for our mom but this feels different from that feeling."

Duanna looked at Lucifer "I'm sorry..." she started to cry again "I've failed as a mother to our kids.....I wanted to keep them safe from the council but I couldn't and now they've ran off...." she didn't want to cry in front of him, she didn't want anyone to see her in such a weak state.
"Your not like those other girls. I love you so much." He smiled but then released her, pulling awy. "W-We should head back to them. They might get suspicious if were gone for too long."

Lucifer held her close to him. He actually seemed caring. He smiled and said "I promise we will get them back." He held her hand.
Takashi laughed then smirked "aww, come on Kana...let me in"

Vivian looked at Nova and smiled "only a little.." she lean up and gently kissed him on the lips.

Zafon nodded and smiled "perfect.." he then turned to the grave, he held his hand out over the grave and closed his eyes, after a few minutes a yellow aura began to surround Zafon's body and the wind in to area began to pick up, suddenly a female body began to form over Sarah's grave, Zafon used most of his power to fully form Sarah's body and bring her back to life, after a while it was done and then aura around Zafon vanished, he turned and opened his eyes to look at diva "she will awake up in a few minute's, get her covered up.."
Leta smiled "Agreed and also if I might make a suggestion on Luna, next time just tell her to release me. She was worried that I meant you harm so she was just trying to protect you." she led the way to the room. Delaney was tending to a wound that Luna hadn't even bothered to heal.

"I tried to talk to the council and they said they would strip me of all my wouldn't have bothered me but the last time Heaven was without a ruler the angels went where ever they pleased and attacked Azriel....I just wish I knew what to do....Luna hasn't even returned or I would have asked her....I'm sorry for coming here but I didn't know where else to go or who to turn to except you, I wanted to know if your mother had ever been in this position and what she had done." she tried to wipe her tears away.

Diva quickly got her dressed and Sarah looked around "Where am i?"

Kana locked her door "It's wrong to be in a young lady's room without supervision of a parent."

Nova smiled "Then sleep." he kissed her back.
Takashi chuckled more "but I'm your future husband, i would like to come in and see what my future wife's style is.."

Vivian smiled and cuddle up to him more, she unhook her sword and laid it beside the bed, after a few minutes, she fell asleep next to Nova.

Zafon looked at Sarah once Diva had got done dressing her, he smiled "your in the woods, this is here Vincent had you buried after you had died" he looked up at the large tree that her grave laid under, he then looked back at sarah "i made sure that you had all your memories that you had before you died....Vincent has missed you a lot and...he doesnt really know that you have been brought back to life.." he rubbed the back of his neck and looked away.
Kana made a lot of noise on the other side of the door for a few minutes and then unlocked her door "Okay, you can come in now." she smiled.

Nova soon fell asleep as well

"And why doesn't he know?" Sarah was confused as why Vincent wasn't the person she saw first when she woke up.
Takashi looked at her then laughed, he then walked into her room and looked around "nice, little room you got here.."

Zafon looked down "he doesnt know because we figured he would get angry...especially with the fact that you are no long human...your a demon was the only way i could bring you back" he looked at Sarah "are you mad..."

Vincent was in his room laying on his bed, he couldnt stop think about Sarah, he sighed then looked at the time to see that it was getting close to midnight, he got out of bed and decided to head out back to where diva ask him to meet her.
Kana looked at her room "Why do you say it's little?"

"Demons killed my parents so a little...." she got up and walked off and diva looked at zafon "Do we follow?"
Zafon watched Sarah walk off, he then sighed and looked at Diva "lets let them be alone for now..."

Takashi looked at Kana and smirked "the rooms in may kingdom are bigger...."

Vincent sighed as he kept waiting, he looked over at the woods, he was debating on going to see Sarah's grave one more time before he went to bed.
When they walked in, he laid on the bed. He smiled a bit. "What are we going to do now? Were at the inn... We have a place to stay and work. What else do we need?"

Lucifer hushed her and then wiped her tears. "My mother... The angels are always a tough bunch to take care of and rule over. You will always have trouble but... The council can't strip the Queen. You need to gain power over them or they will become the ruler."
Sarah soon walked out of the woods looking annoyed.

Kana rolled her eyes "I take it your kingdom is larger than my father's as well?"

"Alright, should we go back home?" Diva was a little worried. 
Leta sighed "Movable wards to blind the council of where you are. I can easily get the ingredients but until they are collected you and Delaney work on new backgrounds and names for yourselves. make sure that the stories match up perfectly, alright?"

Duanna sighed "Seems they run it more than I do....from what Leta told me before they stripped her of everything is that they nearly made Aeron fall. I'm sorry that you had to see me like this. Goodness you must see me as a joke of a queen..."
Takashi nodded as he contenued to look around the room "yes..but not by much...."

Vincent saw someone walking out of the woods, he looked closer then his eyes widened, he couldnt believe who it was, he vanished then appeared a few feet away from Sarah "s...sarah.." his voice was weak as he spoke to her in disbelief.

Zafon looked at diva "yea...lets go" he took diva hand and led her back to the house.

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"My name will be... Adrian. I am from a wealthy family but ran away at the age of 10 because I hated being told how to act. Have been a street kid ever since. I met her," points to Delaney, "a couple of years ago while on the streets. I was fighting for some food but ended up getting beaten for it. She saved me. I've been with her since then." He grinned.

"Its alright. I think the twins are going to destroy the council. Once they do, you will be free. And I soul never think of you as weak."
Delaney liked her name and it was what she was called so she couldn't think of anything else. "What name should I go with?"

Duanna looked at him and kissed him on the cheek "Thanks for helping me out and sorry for trying to hurt you earlier.....I was just upset that Michael didn't remember and all I could think of was to blame you..."

"I see, well I hope you can handle a girl like me." Kana smiled as she sat on her bed.

Sarah smiled when she saw him "Yea its me."

Diva smiled and let him lead the way home.

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