Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"What was up with that shrug? Do you not care for us as you once did. When I said I'll give you a chance I was talking about if you still for for me then there's a chance I might want you too but I am also an elder once again which would put a strain on our relationship."

"Thank you." Duanna smiled. "So where did the kids go?"

"With that being said can you undo what you have done to Aeron, he has been helping us get a better control on Delaney, if he falls then it could hurt the progress that we have seen in her. I hate asking for so much even though it seems I do it so often. Please forgive me if I am asking for to much but you wanted a way to keep Delaney calm and controlled, well that could be done through Aeron. I have enrolled him and Delaney in Leo's school and some students scared her but I wasn't able to move I was amazed that she hadent killed them." Leta's second job was to report to the council on any regression or progress that had been made in Delaney's emotions, attitude, or actions.

Delaney watched and wished she could do something but she knew she would only make it worse if she tried to help.
Lucifer looked up and started to kiss her passionately. He missed her so much. Every moment away from her, it hurt. He would never admit that to her. He just smiled and said "I love you."

"Speaking to the council again. Doubt they will get more progress though. The council are kinda jerks." He chuckled but then looked up. "Dont worry though. We'll find a way."

The second in command sent away One of the members and let out a light sigh. He rolled his eyes. "Delaney... Aeron... Ying yang." He smirked as he got an idea. "We want the children after they graduate." The other members seemed surprised.

A council came in and touched Aerons forehead. He immediately calmed down and the member left. Aeron opened his eyes and winced a bit. "Are you an angel?" He gave her a goofy smile.
Luna smiled and kissed him back "besides seeing you I wish I could see our kids but the elders have given me strict rules to watch yours and Duanna's kids, my punishment for what I did to her..." She sighed and sat next to him.

Duanna looked worried "please don't tell me that Delaney and Aeron went in...Aeron doesn't know how the council works...he might blurt something out and he could be hurt."

Leta looked at them "you know my mother would never approve and if I make such a judgement without talking to my mother or even Delaney and Aeron that could turn around and hurt me, hurt us."

"Only in your darkest dreams." She smiled back.
Lucifer chuckled and said "there no different here. But I'm not afraid of breaking the rules." He kissed her neck playfully.

"Leta is with them so she should be able to protect him... Hopefully. Though they can be scary. There powerful after all." He kissed her cheek before heading for the door. "I should check on them... Just in case."

"We want them. This isn't an offer or request. We will take them by force if necessary. You know they are a danger to society if they are together. Their power... I've never felt anything more powerful when they are together. They could destroy the heavens. I want to stop that. You are dismissed." His voice was stern.

Aeron laughed and went for the door. "Lets go see Leta.
Luna giggled and then looked up as if looking into Heaven "not good..."

Duanna smiled "thank you"

Leta left the room worried and then made her way to Aeron room and opened the door looking upset.
"What?" Lucifer seemed alarmed.

Viktor walked toward the council room but when he saw Leta walk into a room, he followed. "Hey there. How was the meeting of doom?"
Zafon sighed "if he loves her as much as he looks like he does...then he wont"

Vivian giggled as she listened to nova and uh argue.

Uh sighed in annoyance "lets just get this over with.."

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Luna looked at him "I believe someone is making plans to separate the kids, the elders have plans for them and will do anything to keep them together."

"Just that...doom..." Leta was upset

Diva sighed "alright, after dinner."

Nova smiled "fine..."
Zafon walked over and kissed diva on the cheek "..ok...."

Vincent finally came out of his room and walked into the kitchen, he walked over to the table and set at one of the chairs.

Uh sighed then vanished and appeared behind him, he then went to kick nova on the side hard.

Takashi had appeared in the castle and looked around, he looked around then began to walk down one of the hallways as he looked for his friend kit.

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Lucifer growled and said "we have to act fast. They are not ones to mess with. We have to be careful not to break the law as we protect the children."

Viktor frowned as he sat on the bed. "Talk to me." Aeron watched her curiously. "What's going on?" He asked, innocently.
Luna sighed "but how will you gain entry into heaven? You're not suppose to be there since Aeron made you human...."

"If you can promise to stay calm I'll tell you and I swear even if it costs me my life I won't let it happen..." Leta didn't want to tell them.

Diva sat down and everyone started to eat.

Nova dodged and vanished waiting to attack UH.

Kana pointed a blade to takashi's "and what are you doing in our home tresspasser?"
"Crap. Forgot about that. Damn Aeron. I'll get him back one day." He thought about it but then smirked. "Head back to the heavens. Protect Aeron and Delaney... But also you have to suck up to the council." He chuckled.

Viktor cocked his head to the side, noticing her hesitation on telling them. He sipped a beer. "How bad can it be?" He sighed and then said "fine I promise."
Takashi looked at then girl in surprise then smirked "why hello there, I'm looking for my friend kit" he put one finger on the blade then moved it out of the way with ease, in one swift movement he got closer to her and leanes down "my my, you sure are a beauty" he put his hand under her chin and made her lookes up more so he could look into her eyes.

Zafon set down at the table and began to eat.

Uh sighed and stood there as he waited for nova to come at him.

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Luna looked annoyed "I'd rather kill myself then suck up to those pricks."

Leta said what happened in the meeting . "I swear I won't let them split you and Delaney apart...."

"Get off of me or I kill you." Kana glared at takashi.

Nova attacked him from above bringing his sword down on him.
"If you won't do it for the twins, do it for me." He kissed her lips lightly before pulling away. "I have to get back to work but please. Just this once."

Aerons eyes turned blood red and he yelled out curses before punching a hole in the wall. Viktor protected Delaney and Leta. "Calm down." Once Aeron was calmer, he started to laugh hysterically making Viktor question his sanity. Aeron said softly "they want a war, oh I'll give them a war." He stormed out of the room and Viktor said "hey. He never promised anything. That boy is terrifying."

Aeron threw open Duannas door and jumped onto her desk. He stared at her and smirked. "Mother..." He started to chuckle. "I just thought I'd say goodbye. I'm going rogue until the council is destroyed. They pissed off the wrong person." He started to laugh and then he kissed her nose. "I love you." He jumped off her desk and then left, slamming the door shut.

Axoret walked out of the room but when he saw Takashi, he unsheathed his sword. "Kana... Step away. They could be dangerous."
Takashi smirked then let her go "as you wish..." he then heard a voice and looked to see axoret " must be the king here...its fine, I'm just here looking for a friend of mine named kit, he is one of your guards.."

In one swift movement, uh had his blade unsheathed and used it the block nova's sword from touching him, he then vanished and appeared a few feet away "very good...if I wouldnt have been listening to your silent movements, I would have never known you were above me.."

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"Kit." He raised an eyebrow and then asked "and how do you know my soldier? I am sorry. You cannot see him." He approached and then put a hand on his daughter's head. "Who are you? You reek of royalty but your look says otherwise. And of right now, you are trespassing. Give me a reason not to kill you right here and now."
Takashi smiled "your very observant, my name is Takashi and I'm the king of Vampire's, I am in this attire because I dont really care much for my royal attire...but anyway, me and kit meet eachother a while back, he is a old friend of mine.."

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Luna sighed "Seems I have to find our young prince, the elder told me that he has ran off, I am going to hate sucking up to those snobs since I outrank them......"

Delaney appeared were Aeron is and smiled at him then hugged him "Were you go I go, no one is every separating us again."

Kana smiled and thought about it "Hey daddy we were just discussing how a crowned prince would make me queen when he took the throne, well a king is much better and he's not too bad looking if he would wear something more of his rank and possibly get the stench of the town off of him he would look even better, maybe good enough to marry." she had whispered to her father so that Takashi wouldn't hear.

Nova smiled and then appeared behind UH aiming to kick him in the back.
Lucifer laughed and said "as long as you do suck up to them because I'm so not sucking up yo them to gain entrance to the heavens." He chuckled as he left.

Aeron smirked and replied "I'm glad. I dont know what Id do without you. Though, depending on our plan, we might be considered traitors. Oh well. Nothing we can do." He held her hand and they appeared in the human realm.

Axoret smirked and wrapped his arm around Takashi. "I'll show you to Kit on one condition. You marry my daughter." He was surprisingly forward about it. He really needed to marry Kana off. "But what kingdom do you rule? Because, you must know that I must have my daughter marry a pedigree king who's the king of a kingdom I could possibly use to my advantage. Politics you know. Can't escape it."
Uh took the hit and flinched, he then smirked and vanished.

Takashi smirked at axorets "well my kingdom is quite far from here, but I am a anicent vampire king, I'm the ruler of all vampire's" he looked at kana and smiled "sure...I'll marry your daughter but may I know what sort of being she is..."

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"Part... Lets just say demon." He smiled softly. He was happy Takashi agreed to his proposal. "She's half dark elf since I'm a dark elf but her mother is everything."
Delaney smiled and held out a purse "Sis said it should help us get by for now. Leta hates what the council wanted her to do so she wanted to give us something that would help us.

Luna vanished and appeared in front of Delaney and Aeron "You two should return home. I can assure you both that the council will not have their way as long as I am around and so are my brothers."

Kana smiled "I must say a daughter of the hell bloodline marrying the king of all vampires would be a very powerful combination."

Nova looked around waiting to for UH to attack him and then he sensed something in the air "Wait! Stop training." he was able to sense Takashi and he didn't like the way his energy felt.
Takashi grinnes and chuckled "my my, it seems I have found me a rare jewel.."

Vivian had already sinced takashi, she was standing up and looking toward the castle "of all people....why him.." she whispered to herself.

Uh sighed then appeared next to a tree "whats going on.."

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"Damn. I love that girl so much!" He took the purse and checked how much money she gave them. "Alright. We can probably get an apartment with this but the remaining money won't be enough to survive off of so we would both have to get jobs. Were completely destroying our titles." He looked up and saw Luna. He shook his head. "I'm not going back and neither is Delaney. I dont care what they think. I'm not living under a group of tyrants that think they can do whatever they want because their in moms graces. She would never want us to be ruled under a dictatorship. I'm sorry but we refuse. Now go tell the council to go f*** themselves. He walked passed her.

"She is but..." He whispered to Takashi "if you damage my precious flower in any way, I will have your head." He smiled softly and held Kana close to him. "In order for her to marry you, I must visit your kingdom. She's a handful but I think you can handle it."

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