Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Aeron thought about it and said "little to none. I do know a man named Michael came to our home when I was 8 covered in blood. My father took him in. I was too young to really think it was strange to do something like that. This man knew little to nothing about where he came from and who he was."

"I know." He turned around to kiss her passionately and smiled a little. "I love you so much."
Duanna pulled out a photo album "Alright thanks, you all can leave now." she waved them away. Leta sighed "Not till you calm down." Duanna glared at her and Leta suddenly hit a walk and Delaney slightly screamed in pain as her chest started to hurt more. Leta looked at Aeron "Purify mom..." Leta then passed out. Duanna looked at Aeron "Look just take Delaney and keep her calm. Once I'm done doing what I need to she'll be better." Luna walked in and smiled "If you do, make sure it's only a little. If she can get Michael back then she'll be to her old pure self but if not then she'll end up killing herself by becoming a fallen." she looked at Leo "And then you'll get to be king of Heaven."

"I love you too." Nova ran off to beat her to the training grounds.

"Maybe we should look into what can be done to make him happy again." Diva sighed
Vivian giggle as she ran after him, he speed was fast and was already tailing close behind him.

Zafon sighed "your right...but what will make him happy..nothing seems to be working"

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Leo rolled his eyes and replied sarcastically "great..." Aeron frowned and ran a hand through his hair. "Mom." He was behind her with incredible speed and he laid on hand on her. He slowly started to purify her. "I'm sorry mom but... I can't let you let Delaney suffer. I dont care what you feel but I finally have family. I won't let you take that away from me..." When he was done, he pulled away. He was pained but for the most part, alright.

Axoret walked away. "I'm going to go train."
Duanna looked around "I'm sorry...." she vanished to where Michael was with a photo album in her hands "Sorry that I kept you waiting..." she was weak but she want to see Michael.

Luna smiled and left the room, Delaney laid there trying to catch her breath from the pain and smiled at Aeron "Are you ok...?"

Demonia smiled "do you want me to come with you?"

Nova smiled as he got to the training grounds first by shadow stepping.

"We could bring her back." Diva looked at Zafon wondering what he thought.
Michael looked at her, looking even more gorgeous than when they first met. He was so much different when he wasn't wearing a military outfit. He stood there wearing a white t shirt and faded jeans. He definitely just took a shower since his hair was wet and part of his shirt was wet revealing his 6 pack. He seemed to study her face. "I spoke with Lucifer... He said that I used to be married to you. He told me everything... I can't remember you. I can't even feel the same love for you as I did back then. Its as if part of me is missing. Its as if that part of me doesn't exist anymore. I'm sorry. I have a new life now. My girlfriend... I love her. I dont want to hurt her. You must understand. Look, your a nice girl and all and I know your trying but you can't force someone to love you. Especially if that love doesn't exist anymore. I'm sorry... Sometimes its better to know when to give up." He shrugged and walked away.

Aeron smiled a little and said "the better question is, are you?" He smiled softly and then kissed her cheek. "Do you feel better."

"If you want?" Axoret shrugged.
"You won't even give me a chance to try and help you remember....the council did this......and to think I gave up everything to you. You won't even try to let me win you back.....the council sealed your memories away.....that part of you that loves me is just locked away, not gone.....I'm sure Lucifer said a bunch of lies about me too to make you hate me.....I wish I would have stayed dead back then......seems what they say about my family is just isn't in our cards" she tossed the photo album to the ground "Take it....I can't have anything with you in it or I just might die of loneliness."

Delaney smiled "Much better" she then looked down "We need to go have a talk with the council or Heaven might end up as the new Hell."

Demonia smiled but then looked up when she saw guards in front of the training room "That's different...."
"I'm sorry." He looked away. He looked at him and yelled "according to Lucifer, I haven't seen you in 17 years! You can't wait for me forever! I have a new life now! I can't just drop everything to runaway with some chick in hopes that I will someday love her!!" He walked off. He was annoyed with her.

Viktor frowned. "I always thought that Michael being out of the way was what I wanted but... We need to get him to remember." He frowned.

Axoret raised an eyebrow and demanded "what the hell is this?"
"And every time we saw one another you would always say I love you and can't wait to see you again and that was 9 years ago....and then you vanished, guess that's when you were brought back.....You do still love me and i know it! Somewhere inside you knows who I am and is screaming for me and if not that side of you is sleeping, the Michael I knew would never stop falling in love with me! Your not the real him your nothing but a fake who wants to be Michael! You might have his face but you will never have the heart that he did! You serve your brother who is a monster!" she appeared in Lucifer room and glared at him. "I should kill you, I should have left you and empty shell and let Viktor kill you."

Delaney looked at Viktor "So what's the plan? Aeron and I give them a good scare till they over rule it?" she giggled.

"Lady Kana asked to have the room to herself for a moment." they bowed to them both "We are sorry but she said she would kill us if we didn't do as she requested."
Lucifer smiled and said "no balls you won't." He was drinking a beer in the kitchen. "Alright look, I'm sorry your boyfriend went all Amnesia and is actually happy now with the most beautiful girl to ever exist in the human world but... Just give him some space. At least give him some time to figure some things out before you go all Nazi on him."

"Doubt it will work but it will make me laugh." He smiled softly.

Axoret looked at Demonia and said "who's king. I'm pretty sure I was. Wasn't I, Demonia? I'm pretty sure I was crowned but by all means give me proof that Kana was crowned queen because until I see proof, you will both be suffering a fate worst then death if you dont get out of the way." He was terrifying when he was sarcastic and snarky.
Duanna grabbed Lucifer by the neck and her grip was tight "I wouldn't have to give him space if you didn't do this all on purpose and she looks like trash! And I'm not going Nazi on him just you! He was happy with me until you went power hungry with Luna and you both fu**ed my life up!" Duanna's free hand started to glow and she reached inside his chest "How about I pull your heart out and crush it, I really couldn't care if it upsets Luna but you have pi**ed me off and ruined my life for the last time."

Delaney sighed "All I know it that mom is miserable and we need to return Michael to the way he once was before mom does something to dad..."

They quickly moved out of the way "Kana had us cornered so we were just listening to her so we could keep our lives...." Demonia giggled. Kana was inside the room now smoking a cigarette after fighting some of the top class guards. "That was fun."
Lucifer grunted in pain but smirked when a knife was placed delicately at Duannas throat. Michael stood there. "You know, I was thinking that maybe I should give you a chance and see if it works out but right now, all I see is a monster and making me question why I would ever fall for a women like yourself.

Aeron nodded. "Agreed. Mom is going,crazy for one guy. Was it really that serious." Viktor nodded and explained "her and Michael were like soul mates. They were inseperable. They loved each other so much that no matter what, nothing could break them. So yeah, it was serious."

Axoret smirked and said "that's better." He walked through the doors and when he saw Kana, he grabbed the cigarette. "What the hell is this?" He demanded.
Luna appeared "Duanna let Lucifer go, Michael can I speak with you as soon as Duanna returns home and I place wards in the room to keep her out?" Duanna let Lucifer go, not because of Luna but because of what Michael did "I'm sorry....he just knew how long I had been waiting and he kept you away on purpose......" Luna looked at Duanna "You should return home before you make matters worse for yourself." Duanna looked down "Would you at lease hold me for a would help me calm down a lot even if you don't mean it the way I want it too."

Leta sighed as she woke up and heard a little "Viktor even tried to hit on her and only reason it worked is because of Delaney's darkness swimming inside her. After Lucifer had his way with our mom that was the first time they were ever away from one another, from what Luna told me in her sane years is that it nearly killed her, she was ready to die just to be reborn and be next to Michael. On my birthdays when I lived in Azriel all I would get is a letter and a present, mom wouldn't even leave Heaven to come see me on those days because Michael was busy with work. As soon as she did leave heaven though he came for her and wanted to know where she was then and there. It's a type of love people could only dream about."

"I was relaxing, chill dad, I'm 22 and can smoke if I want." Demonia shook her head and sat down waiting to watch what would happen to Kana next.
Vivian got to the training grounds shortly after "nova..that was mean living me back there" he laughed then looked over to see uh, her smiled then quickly turned into an annoyed frown. Uh saw that nova and vivian were finally back, he stood up and took the piece of strew out of his mouth "took you guys long enough.."

Zafon looked at diva and sighed "we could...but what if she doesnt want to be brought back..and please...she was human..if I brought her back..then she would become a demon.."

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Michael lowered the knife and held her close. It wasn't like he used to hold her. It was just a simple hug. It had little to no meaning. He didn't seem to care. He looked at her and said "leave before I'm forced to kill you." His voice was soft but threatening at the same time. He walked off, bowed to Lucifer and then said "white haired chick... Lets go." He walked out of the room. Lucifer was astounded.

Aeron whistled, impressed. "Damn. That's a feat. I wish I could fall in love like that. I can't fall in love." He lit a cigarette. "Girls only want men to love and care for them. I want their bodies. Its annoying. And then there are girls who prefer being treated like s*** rather than being loved. That's how it always will be. Its impossible for me to fall in love. I've tried. I can't. So to me, women are objects. I'm tired of trying to love another and win a girls heart. When I try to love someone, it makes me physically sick. Imagine, an angel that can't love. Impressive isn't it?".

Axoret took the cigarette and lit it. He took a big hit before handing it back to her. "Your still my baby girl." He kissed her forehead and whispered "you always will be."
Luna followed him and blew a kiss to Lucifer and winked "You owe me for saving your a**." she giggled and closed the door "Look please forgive Lady Duanna, let me put it like this. You and your new girl, lets say she died and for the past nine you you were able to speak to her spirit, right before she would vanish she would say she loves you or something very meaningful but one day she doesn't show up, you find out so many years later that someone who knew her and her past kept her hidden and she had no memory of you, I'm sure you would do everything in your power to get her back and might even blame the person that had hidden her from you to the point of wanting to kill them." she had the photo album in her hand that Duanna wanted to show him "You can' say you wouldn't stop at nothing to get her back. That's just who you are and who Duanna currently is. Please don't be angry with her to much. If you don't mind there are some photos that she wanted you to see but since she can't show you I will. I know the story behind every photo because when I look at photos I see some part of them as a movie."

Duanna appeared back in her office and sat in her chair feeling empty. Leta looked at her and then pointed to the hall way as if to say everyone out but she really didn't look at Viktor. Leta went out into the hall "Lets got talk to the council." she led the way "This could be a test for them both, if we are told that then we keep our noses out of it and just encourage mom here and there but we don't tell her that it's a test."

Kana smiled and took the cigarette "I know but I'm also a young lady now meaning I need to grow up and act like one, smoking just helps me to calm down."

"You are just impatient old man." Nova laughed and kissed Vivian "Go sit down while I get this out of the way."

"We'll discuss it with him after dinner." Diva was worried what he might think.
Michael looked at her and leaned against the table. "Listen, I know what your trying to do but I just don't have any reason to fight for her love. She's a stranger to me." He shrugged at the awful truth.

Viktor smirked and replied "sounds good." He pat her but then sighed. Leo and Aeron glance at each other. They weren't so sure this would work.

Axoret chuckled and sat back. "Look, you need to start acting like royalty but also be my baby girl at the same time."
Zafon sighed then hugged diva "ok..."

Uh sighed in an annoyed way when he was called old man. Vivian looked at nova and smiled "ok.." she glared over at uh one last time before walking over to a tree and sitting beside it.

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Luna sighed "And you're still not giving her a didn't have feelings for your new girl until you knew her better. Feels grow, you know you shouldn't have forced her to be your queen if you ever thought this could have happened......all because of that damn rule that Hellians have if someone saves them but then again her feeling were really once she knew you better. I must say, you are just as cold as you were back then." she looked into the photo album "In fact this is a photo after you save Duanna from her father, she was scared of you in this photo but you can see how in the others she slowly grew to love you realizing that you were just doing what you thought was best and she loved that about you but she was also worried since your best friend was a demon, it slowly made you fall you soon returned to Heaven after being saved and returned to your angel state." Luna looked down "Michael you have to know something...even if its a feeling that she is just your friend, love like the one that you two had does not die so easily and the mind or heart doesn't forget something so strong."

Leta looked at Viktor "I want you to stay with mom.....she seems upset and you are all she has right now." she led the way to the council room and walked in "We demand a meet with all of you and we won't take no as an answer!" Leta looked very much in charge and confident in herself.

"I will try but I can't promise anything. I'm just a princess, I'll never be anything more unless I marry a crowned prince." Kana sighed.

"What I'm not allowed to give you a nickname?" Nova smiled and laughed.

Diva returned to making dinner and served it once it was done.
Uh sighed "I go by Ultimate have some respect and call me UH, kid.."

Zafon went to go get vincent for dinner, he knock on vincent door, once vincent opened the door zafon looked at him "dinner is done.." vincent nodded then shut the door, zafon sighed then went back to the kitchen "..he might be pissed but....I think we should bring her back and surprise him.."

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"So your basically telling me, I should leave my rank as head commander and my beautiful girlfriend to try to fall in love with some stranger." He rolled his eyes and walked away. He stopped as he thought about it. "Fine. If it will make you guys stop annoying me then fine. I'll go speak with her." He seemed annoyed and didn't seem to think any of this would work.

Viktor nodded and walked back into Duanna's office. He sat on the edge of her desk. "How are you feeling, my love?" He touched her cheek and then smiled. "Were doing our best to get Michael to remember who you are. I promise." He kissed her forehead.

The second in command raised an eyebrow. He ran a hand through his hair. "Go on..." Everyone seemed to already be gathered because they were discussing something private. Aeron slammed his hands on the table and said "you will give back Michael his memories." They looked at each other and started to laugh. The second in command looked at Aeron and said "the only reason why we have let you stay here for so long is because Viktor annoyingly begged us to let you stay because it will make our Queen happy to have her family with her. You have broken so many laws though and... we have proof you have slept around with human scum. We can easily make you fall unless..." One of them appeared behind him and forced him to spread out his wings, revealing his destroyed black wing and his beautiful shining white wing. "You have already begun..." They all said in unison within his head. He screamed, falling to his knees. "Stop it!" Leo's eyes widened. He was shocked how strong Aeron was and how easily he crumbled before the council. He had heard rumors about the council but didn't believe it. He was terrified. He stepped back, shaking. The Council were all sitting in the chairs with a smirk on their faces. The second in command said "you see, we have no interest in giving Michael his memories back. Angels are not aloud to mess with free will and we have proof that was what Michael was doing whenever he was in between worlds. We cannot not protect earthlings and stop war. We are simply watchers. He knew the costs when he did it. He knew the punishment. We even told him he wouldn't be able to truly love Duanna ever again and he said 'as long as she's safe, I don't care. I just need to protect her to the best of my ability'. Exact words. We should have known he wouldn't listen to us but we tried."

Axoret shrugged and said "marry a crowned prince then. I'm not stopping you. I actually would love if you married a crowned prince because then it would ally us with another kingdom. As long as they aren't human, I'm fine with it. I'll even give you men to choose from." He shrugged.
Luna sighed, it wasn't what she meant but at least he listened to her, she suddenly appeared in Lucifer's room "So were you really just trying to make Duanna miserable or did you even think about her when you saw Michael alive again?"

"He called me a monster....have I really fallen into the ranks of these stuck up angels to be such a thing?" Duanna looked at Viktor upsetm

Leta sighed "What I was going to ask is if its a test for them? We all know the lomy father has for my mother, I honestly doubt you all would let them be together again without a test, my father is colder testing my mother on how loyal she can be since he has rejected her and a test on my father to see if his love can be reawakened and is true to my mother." She had Delaney take aeron out of the room.

"Ha, what prince would fall for me? A girl who seeks power before love." Kana smiled, her being married to a crowned prince made her laugh.

"Nah I prefer to call you old man." Nove smiled.

Diva was worried "and what if he rejects her because she is a demon?"
"When I saw Michael, he was covered in blood and close to death. He was in a coma for two weeks. I brought him in and tested him to see how much he knew. He knew how to fight and he knew his family... He just had no memory of being an angel or any of you guys. I had to prove he was an angel but everything else, I was afraid of what would happen if I told him all at once. Especially after what happened to him. It was for the best. If I didn't take him in, he would be dead. I thought about seeing Duanna but I figured she didn't want see me. Plus, I would have had to take Aeron with me cause I dont trust the servants. I wasn't ready for him to meet his mother."

Viktor held her close and kissed her forehead. "Of course not..." He smiled a little. He brushed the hair out of her face. "Once he remembers, he wont ever think that again."

The second in command thought about it and said "fine. But if they fail, they will be forbidden to see each other. Tricky because of Viktors love. If she even attempts to fall in love with Viktor, the test will be over and she would have failed. If she tries to even see Michael, her title will be stripped and Fayde will rule over the entire realm. Understood?" They seemed a lot stricter than Viktor ever has been which is probably why they choose to have meetings without him.

Aeron was unconscious and shaking. He would twitch every few minutes. They seemed to have really messed with his mind.

"You'd be surprise. There are a lot of bloodthirsty princes out there that would love to take advantage of my daughter." He smirked. "I'll look into it. You are way past the age to marry anyways. I need to get on that." He walked.
Luna kissed him on the cheek "As long as it wasn't out of spite I'll give you a chance." She smiled at him.

"I held a knife to lucifer's neck and he caught me...all I was thinking about is how much I blamed him for Micheal being in love with someone made me so angry that he would allow some girl to touch him....." Duanna was ashamed of herself.

"And if they pass my father can have his memories back and restored to his postition in Heaven?" Leta was only asking this time, she wanted her parents to be together again but the word of the council she always listened to and never asked for more than should be done.

Delaney watched and worried about Aeron, she had servants help her take him to his room.
Lucifer rolled his eyes and shrugged. "I mean, Michael is my brother. Despite are disagreements, I still love him."

Viktor frowned and kept her close. "I promise to always protect you. I won't leave your side until the day I dir... Even if you don't ever return my feelings. I dont care. I just don't want to spend a day without you and...." He looked at her with a smile. "We'll even get Michaels memories back together and you guys will live the happy ever after that you deserve."

The council member sighed and replied "fine fine. But only then. And Viktor can be very charming."

Aeron flinched. The nightmares haunted him and he couldn't truly sleep but he also couldn't ever wake up from them. His darkness was slowly awakening.

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