Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Luna sighed "Will you at least let me help you both? I can make it so you two can keep attending school and be hidden from the council. We elders want to make sure that you two are never separated but that you also finish your education." Luna was worried "The elders do not wish to control either of you, in fact we are angry with what the council was planning."

Kana smiled "Dad is protective of his kid, we think mom made him that way." she giggled

Nova looked at UH "We have a guest in the castle, I just don't like the energy that I am feeling from them."

Kit had become commander of the guards in seventeen years and Lilith and him were now married. Lilith Draco was walking past Axoret and them to bring Kit his lunch in the guard's training hall.
Aeron looked away and said "this is our life from now on. Aeron and Delaney do not exist anymore. If that means dropping out then so be it. Its also the elders fault we ran away. You didn't stop the council at all for trying to manipulate us. We refuse to join either the elders or the council. We are not your pets. Now leave our presence or else you will suffer the same fate as dad." He continue to walk off.

Axoret smirked at Lilith. "Hey, Lilith! Bring Kit to us. Takashi is here to see him." He looked back at Takashi. "When you head back home, I'm coming with and so is Kana. If I dont like your home then I won't have my daughter marry you."
Takashi laughed "thats fine, I respect that...if you want you can come see my kingdom at anytime" he smirked at axoret "thats fine, I understand"

Uh nodded then closed his eyes, after a few minutes he reopened then "whats the probably, its just a vampire" he didnt see vampires as a threat.

Vivian glared at the castle then suddenly started running toward it, her speed was a lot fast this time.

After dinner vincent got up and went to wash his dishes, he then put them away and went back to his room.

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Delaney looked at Luna and then followed Aeron, Luna sighed and appeared in front of them bowing "Look the elders only want me to serve you and I would have if I was not busy with speaking to your father and getting his reasoning on why he did not tell Duanna why Michael was back. And we are not asking you to join us, we are wanting to care for you and your sister to make sure the council does not ruin your futures. That is all. My brothers have requested that I keep you both safe from anyone in Heaven that means you harm or drag you to the council. I could even pass letter from you to your mom and Leta, maybe one day when your father has redeemed himself you will want to write him as well. PLease let me serve you both in what ever way I can."

Lilith nodded and soon brought Kit to them "Hey, how have you been Takashi. See you finally met our king." Kit smiled.

Nova followed close to Vivian, he didn't want her to possibly get hurt.

Diva watched "Vincent I want you to meet us out back around midnight, alright?"
Aeron sighed and said "fine but you must not show yourself in our presence ever unless we call you. I'm getting rid of our titles completely because what my plan is... Well its considered treason and I could be executed for my crimes. Its best if were not affiliated with our mom at all. I dont want to destroy her name because of my childish acts." He smiled a little and then continued to walk off.

"Hey Kit. My daughter is finally getting married." He grinned.
Takashi looked at kit "hey kit, I'm all good...and yes, me and the king were just discussing me marrying this lovely lady" he looked at kana while smirking.

Once in the castle, vivian ran and stopped a few feet away from takashi and them.

Vincent stopped and looked at diva, he then nodded and walked off. Zafon watches vincent walk off, he then looked at diva.

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Luna vanished and Delaney looked down "So we can't contact sis anymore either?"

Kit smiled "Well better Takashi than someone else, I think Kana might kill anyone else that tries to marry her. Princess you might want to keep a short leash on him, he's a big flirt but if you two do get married you should know that he isn't the cheating type." he laughed, Lilith stayed behind Kit, she didn't want anyone to see how her belly had become slightly round.

Nova looked at Vivian "Do you know that guy?"

Diva sighed "I guess we should get started.
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Aeron didn't want to never see Leta again but he said "its for the best. Maybe, we can figure out some way to meet her in private without getting caught but it could be too dangerous. Please forgive me Delaney." He kissed her forehead.

Axoret smiled but when he saw Vivian, he looked up. "Nova?" He left the two alone and went to see what Vivian and Nova wanted.
Takashi laughed "kit knows me oh to well" he looked at kana "but he is right...I'm not the cheating type.."

Vivian watched then from a nearby corner "unfortunately yes....he is the ancient king of my race.." she looked down "he is the ruler of all vampire's"

Zafon nodded then stood up "we need to go to her would be easier to bring her back there.." he whispered to diva.

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"It's alright and I will try my hardest to fit will try to teach me right? I don't want to mess up and give away who we are or what my title once was." a note fell out of the purse.


Take care of yourself okay, I have provided you with a map, in case you want to I have lined out a route for you and Delaney to take, it will lead you to an Inn. The people there were once council members but turned there backs on heaven and ripped off their wings. They chose to be humans and they hate everything the council stands for. I can assure you that for a time they can help you with whatever you need. I helped them hide from the council's judgement and punishments in the past so they owe me some favors.

Take care of yourself, Leta"

Nova sighed and then looked at his dad "Hey, we sensed that there was a guest so we came to see who they were."

Kana smiled "That's good because I would have to hurt you if you did."

Diva nodded "Lets go if you know where it is."
"I will train you yes but in the meantime, lets head to this inn. We might be able to get a job there and a place to stay for a few days." He smiled softly as he started to follow the map to the inn that Leta spoke about.

"Well... Takashi came to visit and now, he's going to marry Kana. You should think of getting married too, Nova. Your both way past the marriage age. Your not going to live forever, you know. I would prefer someone with more power so I can do politics with them but... Whatever." He shrugged.
Takashi laughed "I'm sure kit would kick my a** and your father would try and kill me.." he suddenly sinced vivian nearby and smirked, he looked over to where axoret was "hey vivian....I know your over this is where you have been hiding" he spoke up so vivian could hear.

Vivian looked at axoret then looked away, she was afraid the axoret would execpt her marrying nova, suddenly she flinched when she heard takashi's voice call out to her.

Zafon nodded "I dont really know where it is but I'll be able to find it" he smiled then began to leave.

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Delaney stayed close to him as they walked, when they got to the Inn it looked run down and out of service. "Are we sure we're at the right place? This place is a dump." A lady walked up behind them "Looks can be deceiving, so what are running from little princess?" she seemed to ignore the fact that Aeron was standing right there.

"You know Vivian? She is one of the best guards that we have here. She likes to stay close to our prince Nova." Kit smiled as he spoke about Vivian.

Nova looked at Vivian and then back at Axoret "I already have a fiancee." when he saw Vivian flinch his hand quickly went to his blade and he pulled her close to him. "Don't worry, I'll keep you safe from harm." he kissed Vivian on the cheek, not caring if Axoret saw.

Diva smiled "Alright."
Aeron smiled and said "were here for work and a place to stay. We don't discuss any of that." He narrowed his eyes at the girl. He didn't trust her at all and wasn't afraid to show it.

"Good for you just... Be careful alright." He walked off, still not happy with Novas decision. He didn't trust Vivian, especially since she was suppose to protect him. Love always gets in the way.
Vivian looked at nova and smiled "dont worry..its ok" she then walked out from around then corner and looked directly at takashi.

Takashi was looking at vivian while he answered kits question "of course I know her...she is a royal pureblooded vampire, the vampire kingdom has 3 kingdoms in total, but I am the one that controls them all, vivian is one of the few royal purebloods of the vampire kind, she is also a run away princess" he smirked as he spoke. Vivian looked down as he spoke of her back ground, she was sure that axoret now knew everything.

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"We have enemies so unless you can say something that can convince me to stay you will need to find somewhere else to go." the lady looked at them both this time, another person in rag approached and whispered something and then the lady's face softened "Sorry we didn't realize you were honored guests. Please come inside." she opened the door to the Inn and everything inside looked like new, the person in the tattered clothing and hood walked in, they seemed like a decrepit old person by the way they walked.

Nova stayed next to Vivian and Kit looked at Vivian and sighed "I you know why she ran away?"
Aeron said "we both need work. We can work hard. We just need everyone to stay out of our business. We can't have people prying in our lives. We also need food and a place to stay. We can pay." He sat at the bar. He looked over at Delaney and smiled.

Axoret frowned and said "run away, huh? I bet they would pay a lot to find out where you are. If you marry my son, everyone will know you. Makes it easier to find you. Do you really want to be royalty again."
The hooded person took off their outfit and it was Leta "Glad to see you found the place." she smiled and hugged them both "Council is angry that I let you two leave so easily, they stripped me of my title, that upset mom and she had a fit on the council.....they almost stripped her of rank and powers until I made her calm down and then left." she sighed, Delaney looked worried about their mom.

Nova glared at Axoret "and I would hope as my father you would keep our marriage a secret."
Aeron frowned and then held Leta close to him. "Mom is strong. I know she is. I'm so sorry. I was trying to avoid this..." He looked at her with sad eyes. He leaned in to kiss her but instead pulled away, grabbed a pair of keys and went upstairs. "I'm going to find us a room to stay in." He wouldn't let his love for Leta destroy his missions. He was worried though. He was acting childish and because of his actions, the council is after Leta and Duanna. Leta even lost everything for him. He shook his head. When he got to a room, he closed the door and slid down it. He lit a cigarette and sighed with relief.

"I won't but I can't control it once it gets out." Axoret frowned.
Vivian clinched her fist "I left home because I didnt want any part of my families company...I was the one that wanted to live my own life...but my family tried to force everything onto me..they tried to force me into an arranged marriage...I didnt want that I ran away..I wanted to be able to fall in love...then marry" she looked at nova and smiled. Takashi sighed "she is right...and plus the person that vivian's family wanted her to get married to was planning on killing her off and taking everything from her family.." he was annoyed at how her family did things "me being the ruler of vampires, something like someone else other then me killing or punishing my people kind of angers me.."

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Leta sighed and hollered up to the rooms "Just so you know smoking isn't allowed in the rooms." she could already smell it a little "We have special rooms meant for smoking or you could at least open the room window."

Nova sighed "I just want it to be something small, no large wedding. Just you mom and the siblings. That's it." Kit sighed "If need to be we'll make sure it doesn't get out for as long as we can."
"Its my fault..." he muttered to himself. He went to the window and opened it. He flick the cigarette out of the window and smirked. "Its my fault. I shouldn't have run." He was playing with a knife. He stabbed his arm causing him to scream in pain. "Its my fault." With his blood, he wrote on the walls 'its my fault' over and over again until he passed out. He blamed himself for everything. Because the knife was in his arm and hit a vein directly, his body was having trouble healing it. At this right, he would bleed out.

Axoret shrugged and replied "fine by me. I will have a servant arrange it." He walked off but as he walked by Takashi, he said "tell me when your leaving."
Takashi looked at axoret and nodded. Vivian watched as axoret walked off, she was still upset that axoret still didnt seem willing to execpt her, she sighed then took nova's hand and looked down.

Zafon walked through the woods looking for sarahs grave, he finally found it and walked over, he saw the roses laying in front of the tombstone, he smiled "looks like this is where he went for a long time earlier.."

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Leta busted the door open and looked annoyed when she saw what he had done, she pulled out the knife and healed him. She yelled for an Inn servant to bring her a bucket of water and a rag, she started to clean off the walls and had Delaney watch over Aeron. "When he wakes up me and him is going to have a long talk." she sighed.

Nova kissed her "One day he'll except you or get over it." he smiled. Kana made a gagging noise as they kissed and Nova looked at her "Nice way to show how mature you are in front of you fiance." Kana didn't think about it and ran to her room embarrassed.

Diva was worried "Are you sure this is the right thing? What if he doesn't accept what we've done?
Zafon sighed "diva...we are already here..their is no turning back now....dont worry about it, even if he gets angry, he will get over it.."

Takashi chuckled then watched at kana ran off, he then looked at kit "so...what is the girls name..and your kings name.."

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