Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Luna sighed "Yes I know that I am the cause of all this as well but I served my sentence to the elders for the crimes I have done....back then I was hoping it could be us that took care of Duanna's kids.....I was power hungry with you but then you let and that madness of power went straight to my heart....." she stopped crushing his heart and looked down "You will never see me again....I never want to be hurt by you again....I love you but not as much as I once did. I hope you long for me the way I once longed for you and it drives you mad with loneliness....." she saw the necklace she had once made for him and took it back "I might return once I think you have suffered enough, also I wouldn't try to see Lucy or Lili if I were you, since you are now human they will kill you first chance they get."

Delaney hugged him and did her best to try and calm the energies inside him "I hope I am helping some....I have never helped anyone, I wasn't born to do so."

"But if I had been careful when I was pregnant with him then he wouldn't be like that right was an already complicated pregnancy with the pain I was having from the very beginning but I didn't want to be the queen that just sat in bed....I just had to get up and order people to do things and for my mistake our son is paying the price...." Demonia looked down, angry and upset with herself.

Nova smiled "Thank you."
Lucifer turned his back on her, trying to hide hi pain and suffering. Just then, Viktor grabbed his head and watched him scream in agony. After the screams calmed down, he disappeared. "Dont worry. He won't remember you anyways. Its angel law if for some reason an angel turns human, we must erase their memory completely and send them to Earth." Viktor walked away.

Aerons demon side was fighting against her but he grabbed her hands and said "focus your energy." He closed his eyes, focusing his as well. 
Axoret frowned and said "dont blame yourself." He kissed her deeply. "I love you so much and I know he loves us. Killian... If we train him right, he might be stronger."
Luna slammed him into a wall "Return his memories now! I want him to suffer as I have suffered and if he has no memories then how is that to happen!" Duanna sighed "Viktor I was going to fill out the forms to make sure he would keep his memories. I was going to allow Luna to have her revenge...taking memories is one thing but returning them can nearly kill a person....."

Delaney did as she was told.

"And what if he gets hurt..." Demonia looked worried.
Vivian looked at nova then began to walk back over to the tree she was sitting at. Uh watched then looked at nova "so...I thought your dad didnt like royalty dating servants.." he smirked

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"As leader of the council, I am in charge of these things. He will not suffer, Luna. I don't care about your petty hatred for him. I honestly don't care about what happened between you two. Humans aren't aloud to know about our existence. I don't care whether they were once one of us or not. He betrayed us. He is not one of us. He will never be one of us. Lay a finger on me again and I will make sure you suffer the same fate." He pushed by her and walked off. "I'm going to work, my lady." He bowed and continued to walk away.

When he was strong enough, he released her and locked away her demon self. He smirked. "I'm good." He kissed her cheek. "I'm glad I met you. I should go though." 
"I will make sure that does not happen. Look, training is the only thing Killian has to survive this world. If he is attacked, he will most likely die from the attack. Just trust me. Let me train him. I'll start off slow. If he can't handle it then we'll stop. I doubt he enjoys feeling weak all the time. If he at least learns to protect himself then he won't feel so weak all the time. Just think about it." He walked away from her.
Duanna sighed "Luna was going to grant him immortality." Luna looked down "He's got out to easy.....why does he get to forget when I have to deal with pain...."

"I know we're siblings but you could rest in my room if you want...." she looked down wondering how odd it sounded.

Demonia sighed "Alright, once he's better we'll talk to him about it." In the other room Killian started to cough again and Demonia looked in the direction worried.

Nova laughed and looked at Vivian "So how about we leave while he's distracted?"
Viktor stopped and looked back. "I am bound by the law. I cannot be letting people off. I would prefer not explaining to the other council members why I decided to let the biggest criminal off the hook." He rolled his eyes. "Think what you want but I cannot bring back his memories even if I tried. If you want to make it an issue, bring it to the council and explain your reasoning. Most likely you would get whipped for even trying to bring it up." He ran a hand through his hair.

Aeron smiled and laid beside her. "Don't tell me your falling for me," he said playfully. He kissed her forehead. He laid on the bed and sighed a bit. "You know, I'm glad I met you, Leo, and Leta. Though I don't think Leo likes me that much. He keeps glaring at me."

"The doctor I hired is one of the best. He also works for me so don't worry. He'll find a way to cure him." He waved to her.
Duanna sighed "Then I'll bring it up for her. Honestly I think him being stripped of his power was enough of a punishment. Viktor I want you to go to your chambers for the time being and think about how you haven't discussed one thing with me like you normally would, I think your personal feelings are getting in the way."

"Leo glares at mom, he glares at everyone so don't take it personally." Delaney smiled. "Leo.....I think he's that way because mom puts such a pressure on him that he needs to study and everything else since one day he'll be king. When Michael died mom had to learn real quick everything she should have already known mom only take one day out of the year to be with us and the rest of the time it's work...." she sighed.

"I guess I worry to much....goodness being a queen of this world I think has made me soft." Demonia giggled.

"The woods, our hide away?" Nova smiled.
Viktor smirked and said "really? My personal feelings! So I'm basically being grounded. Great..." He walked off in annoyance but then stopped. "You know... You won't have to worry about me being all over you all the time. I got a new girlfriend." He walked away.

Aeron laughed and then asked "who's Michael?" He looked at her curiously. "Oh and Leta is cute. So she really isn't related to us." He grinned.

Axoret nodded and said "definitely."
Duanna sighed and went back to her paperwork.

Delaney seemed shocked "Mother's husband, father's brother. He was the king of Heaven before dying by the hands of our aunt. And Leta is adopted but I don't think she would go out with you, it's an age thing not a sibling thing. I just wish mom could have uncle back." she laid down on the bed and sighed.

"Hey! You're not suppose to agree, you are suppose to say I am still the most wicked queen you have ever met." Demonia jokingly glared at him.
"My father never spoke of Michael or my siblings. Just how terrible you were." He rolled his eyes but then smiled. "I dont date. Remember? Even if something happened, it would last one night. People could say I'm an incubus except not a blood born one." He sighed. "Girls have fallen for me and caused problems. I hate females." He clenched his fist.

"Oh is that supposed to happen? Oops..." He laughed and walked into Killians room. The doctor said "I can create a cure."
Delaney smiled and kissed his cheek "You don't hate me." she giggled and she started to fall asleep.

Demonia sighed with relief "Thank you." Killian looked down "sorry for being such a bother on everyone...." Kana leaned against the door "Get stronger and you won't be but then again you are so weak you could never get strong." Demonia looked at Kana "Continue to talk like that and you'll be locked in you room for two days!" Kana glared "Sorry it use to be everyone looked at me because I was the youngest and the only girl in a house of brothers." Killian looked down "I'm sorry that I have caused you so much misery sister...."
Aeron smiled softly and fell asleep, holding her hand. He would never let anyone touch her. Tomorrow he was starting school with Delaney.

Axoret frowned and kneeled down. "You know, want us to leave the doctor to Killian and lets go see your new moves that you've learned." He smiled.
Leta walked in "Time for school you two, you don't want to be late for breakfast or your first day." she smiled and had laid their uniforms down over a chair.

Kana sighed "I know you are too busy so it's fine." she started to walk off, blood dripping out from one of her wrist bands.
Vivian nodded and smiled more "ok.."

Uh appeared where demonia was at "hey demonia I got..." he paused when he saw axoret, he smiled then bowed his head "hello axoret.."

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Downstairs, Leo was eating breakfast. Aeron slipped on his school uniform looking even more gorgeous. He walked into the dining room and smirked. "Hey big bro~" Leo growled and stood up. "I'm done..." He grabbed his bag and walked off.

Axoret frowned and said "Kana wait!" He let out a sigh. He leaned against the wall.
Duanna looked at Leo "Come back here and finish your food now or I'll make sure you don't see your girlfriend for the next few days." Delaney followed Aeron down "I feel uncomfortable in this...."

Demonia smiled when she saw UH "Did you need something?"

Kana stopped but didn't look at Axoret "What? I swear I don't belong in this family, everyone is too nice...."

Nova led Vivian to the woods "So will I ever get to tell my parents that you are a princess?"
Uh looked at demonia and smiled "I was wondering how long nova normally trained for..." he sighed "and why didnt you tell me what he was being trained in.."

Vivian looked at nova as they walked, she sighed "I dont know nova...what if you dad doeant believe us..its not like I can show him cant have my family finding out where I am.." she looked down as they walked.

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"We'll just tell him that you have a strong disagreement with them" Nova smiled.

"A few hours and I know you do sword and physical training so I didn't see it as important and you didn't ask." Demonia smiled
Uh sighed "I see...also..I dont thing that one body guard of nova's likes me..I hit nova and she glared at me" he laughed.

Vivian looked at at nova with a worried "are you really sure about this nova...what if he tells me to leave.."

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Leo smirked and said "you can't tell me what to do. By the way mom, I'm staying with her for a while. I can't stand being here with Earth vermin. The humans probably contaminated him." Je left and Aeron stood up, screaming "if you have a problem with me then say it!!" He sighed, used to being treated like this. He sat back down and continued to eat.

Axoret smirked and said "obviously you don't know us enough. Look, I dont care about your petty teenage temper tantrums. Come with me."
Duanna sighed "Great...." she looked at Aeron "I'm sorry for his's not very princely....I do hope your time at school is better than breakfast." Leta sighed "He's thinks of himself as a high and mighty prince that everyone should bow before, or that's how I see his actions. I give you full permission to kick his a** but I don't give you permission to take his wings or make him human." Leta smiled "Knock him down a few pegs." Duanna sighed "I think I am going to go check on Viktor, I was short with him yesterday, I blame the damned new powers that I have and the paperwork...I should go apologize to him...."

Kana sighed and followed him "What? I'm just tired of brother being treated like a god..."

Demonia sighed "Well it is her job to protect him from harm."

Nova smiled "I'm not worried about it but what if I wanted us to be more.....and if he does make you leave then I'm leaving too"
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