Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Delaney tapped her brother on the head "You are too, before our dad ran off he was a king of Hell." Leta opened the door and told the guards to stand aside and let her siblings through. "Delaney is right. Your father ruled over hell for a brief time before he kidnapped you."

Duanna smiled "Sorry to ask but might I get some rest...these newer powers really take away all my energy."
"Even so, I still love breaking the rules." He sat on the couch. "My father had no hope in me. He wanted Delaney to become Queen after he passed. He sent me here to capture her. I only agreed cause I wanted to meet the sister that I never got to meet. And then I told him off. I'm not a good boy but I know what I want and I take it." He leaned back and lit a cigarette. "My father hates our mother. He wants her dead. I might have purified him but I can't change his thought process. I can't stop him from killing mom. He's not the only one who has new tricks up their sleeves. Father is an animal. He won't stop until Hell, Azriel and Heven all crumble before him. He didn't claim war on them for nothing. We have to stop him. I can't do it alone.
Leta sighed "So you want us to help take down your father? I'm sorry, please don't think I am being harsh but he has tried to brain wash you into thinking we are the bad ones and you want our help." Delaney sighed "Translation is she's afraid our dad will get a hold of me and taint me."
"I have a plan if your both willing to hear it." He smirked, devilishly. He breathed out smoke and sipped his wine. "Hey, maybe once he's dead I'll finally feel like a pedigre."
Uh was sitting on a tree branch at the training grounds as he waited for nova, he was unable to be seen.

Vivian smiled "thats a relief.." she looked around and saw that they were at the training grounds.

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"We us Hell, I mean Luna, as bait. My father told me he was madly in love with her and despite her new appearance, he should still recognize her. That's your cue to sneak in the back. While my father is distracted we strike. Not just us, of course. He will be arrested for his crimes against mother and hopefully executed." He put out his cigarette in the ash tray and then asked "you guys in?"
Lili had fallen asleep by the time they reached home.

Nova rubbed his nose against Vivian's.

Leta sighed "And what if Luna remembers everything when she sees him? She will try to protect him...."
"Simple... We take matters in our own hands." He grinned. "I'm not known to follow the rules. I find rules an inconvenience. I will break the law to kill my father." The bartender came in and said "a man came in with army soldiers. They told everyone to leave... He's asking for Aeron." Aeron knew immediately it was Lucifer and said "wait here girls. If I don't come back in five, go home and tell mom. Tell her I love her and am doing it for her." He walked out. There was a lot of screaming between the two but finally, silence. Aeron laid on the floor. He was breathing but very slowly.
Vivian blushes then does the same to nova, she giggles and smiles.

Uh looked over when he senced nova and vivian, he smirked and watched for a few more minutes before he decides to jump in.

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Leta looked pissed and shoved Delaney into a secret passage and then ran down into the open and glared, all the exits, walls, and ceilings were covered in thick vines "No one is leaving this bar without my permission."

"And why wouldn't I be trusted to care for my sister?" Lucy looked at Rei wondering why she would say that.

Nova looked annoyed "Great so your my teacher today?"

Demonia continued to watch over Killian.
Lucifer looked up at Leta and said "oh how you've grown." He smirked. His soldiers pointed their guns at Leta and said "wait... I smell my daughter. Where is she?" Aeron grabbed his leg and bit it hard. Lucifer yelped and said "you fu-" Aeron slowly stood up and said "watch your language daddy. I love you I do but you need to be punished for your crimes."

Axoret came back with a doctor
Vivian looked at nova confused then looked around, uh smirked and jumped down from the train "yep...your mother asked me to today.." vivian glared at uh, out of all the people in the castle she didnt really like him, she didnt know why though.

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Rei looked at him for a second, but she turned away "Sorry, I just don't trust many people... at least not too many anymore... If she asks where I went, I'm just exploring again." Rei ran off down the hall.
Leta smiled and her vines quickly wrapped around the guards and broke there neck. "Hey Lucifer guess who we found? All pretty and dolled up again, good as new. Her name is Luna but she has forgot all about you." she smiled, taunting Lucifer.

Demonia looked up "Now he won't even eat..."

Lucy placed Lili in her bed and watched over her.

Nova put Vivian down "Go take a seat to watch the show."
Vivian looked at nova then nodded "ok..." she glared at uh one last time before walked over to a tree and sitting beside it. Uh watched vivian as walked off, he the looked at nova "so...what are you being trained in"

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Lucifer smirked and ran a hand through his hair. He was trying to hide his shock. Aeron started to attack him with incredible speed but Lucifer grabbed him by the throat. "You turned me good! I'm not the good guy. I never will be. If you really loved me, you'd let me go. I just want my daughter." Aeron gave him a fake smile and said "alright dad." When Lucifer let down his guard, Aeron plunged a knife into his stomach. When Lucifer stepped back in pure fear, Aeron slipped his hand in his fathers chest and ripped out his essence. The essence disappeared into him. His father screamed in agony and then collapsed. Aeron looked at the soldiers with the look of a killer. "take him to my mother." When they didn't, he screamed "now!!!" They all fell to one knee, bowing to him. They said in unison "yes, my lord." they carried Lucifer away. Aeron looked back at Leta and said "I need air." He walked off. 
The doctor tended to the child
"Wow mom send you to train me and you don't know in what....guess we're done for the day." Nova looked annoyed.

Delaney was in her room in a safe mechanically locked room.

Luna and Duanna was in her office doing paperwork. Luna was helping keep Duanna's headaches away.

Demonia watched in worry wondering what was wrong "He won't eat now and his cough has only worsened...."
Rei teleported into the other castle. She liked the one in Azriel, here people knew her less and she could sneak around without getting caught by Lili and Lucy or being told on to them.
Uh sighed "I can train you in both hand to hand combat and sword fighting, your mother didnt tell me what you have been being train in..." vivian giggled sightly what nova said.

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Lucifer was dragged inside the office and he was screaming "he's a monster!! I can't be human!! Why!!??? Why haven't you killed him yet!!" One of the soldiers kicked him in the stomach and said "the thing is, we know of Aerons powers. Hrs more powerful than you'll ever be. Especially now that your a human. He's the only person that can save us from this war."

Aeron sat outside, staring into space. He couldn't believe what he did. He was turning into the very scum he hated.

The doctor said "well no wonder why. He's been poisoned."
Luna looked at Lucifer and walked over to them "Let him go and don't you dare hurt him again." she glared at them, Duanna smiled "I left him alive because I care about my son and I don't see him as a monster, I see him as my little angel that he should have been and not what you turned him into."

Demonia's eyes went completely black "Dear I need to go look at some servants, keep an eye on our son."

Nova smiled "I'm being trained in both."
Rei looked both ways down the hallway. A smile flitted across her face and when she saw no one she started skipping. At the moment she didn't care where she was going, she just wanted to be somewhere doing something, not left to her her thoughts where they might turn... sad... and lonely...

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