Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Delancy didn't come out of her for the rest of the day, she wasn't allowed even if she wanted to.

Luna helped Aeron to his room as he asked "Is there anything else I can do for you?" Duanna walked in and looked at Luna "You are a guest so you can rest until it's time for dinner." Luna smiled and left the room and Duanna looked at Aeron worried "How are you feeling? I came to say that I'm sorry your experience in Heaven hasn't been a good one....I never meant for you to get hurt while you were here..." Sorrow filled Duanna's eyes "If there is anything I can do to make it better just let me know....."
Aeron gave her a genuine smile and just said "I'm sorry. Coming here was a mistake. I'm going back home to my dad tomorrow morning." He crawled into his bed and smiled softly. "I'm just glad your safe... Duanna." He passed out. He wouldn't admit it but he lost all trust for them and couldn't stand being hurt anymore.
Rei fell off Lili's shoulder when Lucy pulled her into a hug. She was happy that Lucy was finally acting like a brother should, not all that overprotective stuff but actually caring for her. Unfortunately... she was jealous of Lucy... he could do or say so little and make Lili either break down or feel better. She missed her master, she always felt so important with him... even if he did leave her behind.
Duanna left the room and went to her own to cry, she felt that once again she was losing everything and she blamed Viktor and Lucifer this time but also herself because even after all the years she spent trying to be strong she still felt so weak.

Leta soon returned home and by accident appeared in Aeron's room "Oops....sorry....." she started to walk out of the room. "Not the room I meant to appear in....."

Lili picked Rei up into her arms "I won't you in this hug too. I think I would be lost if I didn't have my best friend."
"Wait!" Aeron sat up, rubbing his eyes. "Who are you?" He looked at Leta curiously. He smiled softly. The one thing he needed was a friend and he was not ready to pass up that option.
Leta turned to look at him and smiled back "The name is Leta, I meant to appear in my brother's room but appeared in here instead, sorry if I bothered you."
"What's your brothers name? Maybe I can help you find him." He smiled softly and slowly got up. He had the wall guide him. He still wasn't wearing a shirt but he didn't seem to care.
"His name is Leo, he'll be taking the crown when my mother passes away. I swear that kid needs to start being more social if he is ever going to rule Heaven. I would have taken the crown but I'm just an adopted kid and thought it was wrong to take something when I'm not blood." Leta smiled "And who are you?"
"I'm.. Aeron." His eyes showed shock but then he looked away. "Your not the only one who doesn't belong here." He stretched and started to pack his things. "I was only told of Delaney, my twin sister. I was not told that I had other siblings. Dont worry, I'll be out of here soon."

Leo was reading a book in the trees. Servants were looking for him. "How annoying..." He muttered. He dropped the book on his face and was ready to fall asleep.
Leta sighed "Would you at lease stay for a week? Give Heaven a longer try? Please, our mother spent so many night sending angels out to look for you and when she wasn't busy with paperwork she would join the search parties. She would cry every time she fed Delaney. I'm not trying to gilt trip you to stay but it would make mother very happy if you would stay a little longer, I know it would and your sister would be happy as well." Leta looked worried about him leaving so soon. "And I find it hard to believe that Delaney didn't tell you about me? When she was little she use to want to be me since I helped and didn't hurt people. Pour girl use to cut herself when she was small, she did it every time she hurt someone.....from what I was told recently she had reverted back to that whenever she would hurt our mother."
Aeron looked at her and said "I can't stay here. I dont belong here. My abilities... They have killed people. I can't stay here anymore. I have to learn to control them or else I'll get you guys hurt. I'm just happy I finally got to meet all of you." He looked down.
"If mother isn't angry with you then you should stay but I can't force you but I can tell you it would upset mom, if you care and worry about us then you should give it a week, our mom know's of some really good schools that might even be able to help. All I am saying is if you return to your dad you'll only be hurting mom more than ever and yourself, he will find a way to use you against mom one day and if he ever find out about sis then he'll use her weaknesses against mom as well, it's how he is and he'll always be like that even if you did turn him into an angel." Leta left the room slightly sad that she couldn't sway his mind but left his mind to wonder on how she knew Lucifer was an angel, she finally found Leo in a tree "Get down here Leo." she was tapping her foot "You skipped school again and don't say that you didn't your teacher contacted me and told me that you did."
Aeron ran out of the room and after her. He watches the two interact from a distance.

Leo grunted and said "I didn't feel like going. Simple as that." He rolled out of the tree and landed on his feet. "I'm going to my girlfriends house. Maybe she'll save me from the,scary witch." It was obvious he was talking about Leta and it was obvious there wouldn't be much talking. Aeron smirked and said "Hey, Leta. You know its rude to leave during a conversation. I'll stay on one condition. I get to go to your school."
Leta smiled "Alright as long as you don't mind me being a teacher. I'm 22, already graduated and I have a class of my own." she them watched Leo walk off and became annoyed "I swear I am going to have a talk about who should be in charge of Heaven when she dies...."
Aeron laughed. He had a nice laugh. It seemed so rare that he would laugh. "Hey, he's probably no better than me. Except I dont date. I'm way worst. I'm not big on comittment." He grinned. He walked off. "I'll start school tomorrow. Talk to the principle for me. Thanks deary." He walked off. He was a handful.
"I'm not done talking to you." Leta ran up next to him "Do you think you would be able to keep Delaney calm in school? I have been wanting to get her enrolled but she is too scared to go since I can't watch over her."
"I can probably get her to go but no promises." He shrugged as he walked away. He smiled a little bit. When he got to Delaney's room, he knocked once and then let himself in. "Hey so I'm going to school tomorrow with Leta and Leo and I was just wondering if you want to come with and bond a little. I mean if anyone tries to hurt I'll smash their skull in and if you try to harm anyone else, I'll calm you with my empath abilities." He smiled softly at her.
Delaney didn't look at him and just nodded, she had her arms under her covers, she didn't want him to see the, and her maid was battered and bruised in a corner of the room.
Aeron immediately noticed and tauntingly walked over. "You know Leta told me something interesting. You like to cut after feeding from mom." He was on top of her in a flash and he slammed her wrist onto the bed at the dies of her head. When he saw them, he whimpered. He released her but didn't get off her. "Why?" He touched them lightly. "Alright, I'll make a deal with you. You can feed from me all you want but you have to promise me never to hurt yourself again." Worry was all over his face. "Promise me."
"It's how I punish myself....I hate being who I am......I hate that all the people that work with mom give me the title of 'the one who will end time' it hurts when I see how they look at me......they hate me and want me dead, mom always gets on them but the words have already been said and they hurt so much.....I only want to drink from nobles and royalty because I can see their happy memories and I can escape from my bad ones, every servant that I have ever drank from has had nothing but misery....I don't want that when I already have my fair share of it....." she was trying her hardest to not cry.
He looked at her and said "I can't give you happiness but... Well when I was a baby, my father and I were on the streets in some human city. My father tried to protect me. When I was 6, he started building the kingdom. We were still homeless but he worked on his reputation. I was treated like shit because I had nothing. By the time I was 8, I was close to death and people would throw rocks at me. Father turned to drugs and hookers as a way out. I turned to cutting so that way I could have a quick death instead of a slow and painful one but everytime I slit my throat, my body healed it. I couldn't die. It was the worst feeling. When my father finally got enough money for an apartment, I thought things would get better but we were accused of killing or stealing it. I wanted to fly like a butterfly. I want to be free. When I was 12, we got kicked out. By that time, I temporarily dropped out of school. When I was 15, our kingdom finished and I was enrolled in private school. My life wasn't happy. I suffered my whole life because I had Lucifer as a father but it made me stronger as a person. To be honest, I'm happy. I'm happy I came here and lied about wanting work. I just wanted to see you and mom and everyone... I may be an outsider but your still my family and I'll do everything in my power to protect you. Now feed from me." He smiled.
Delaney knew it might not taste well but she did feed a little, she could not only see his memories but she could feel how he felt and that's she did enjoy. She could experience what he did and it made her feel like they grew up together. She didn't take much from him, she never did from anyone it was always enough to keep her sane "And you're not an outside, even if you weren't raised here we could never consider you an outside... wish I could leave my room and show you to your room instead of that guest room that you are sleeping in...but I'm not allowed out when I've hurt mom...."
He smiled deviously and said "rules are meant to be broken." He hurried to the window and struggled to open it but when he finally opened it, he smiled. He jumped onto the nearby tree and put out his hand. "Come on, princess. Rules are meant to be broken." He winked.
Delaney wasn't too sure about it but followed after him, slightly scared.

"I enjoy it." Nova smiled and then started to kiss her on the neck.

(I wonder if Axoret will catch them lol)

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