Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Aeron smiled and said "hey Delaney. Can I go see mom?" He looked at her. Some maids were giggling as they blushed looking at him. He smiled at them and said "hey girls."
"Yea it's fine, I'm just out here in case she needed something." Delaney then glared at the maids and they ran off and she smiled and mumbled something about how filth won't be touching her brother.
"So cold sister. I like you when your like that." He winked and then walked into Duannas office. "Hey. She doesn't remember a thing but... She's fine. She should be back on her feet soon enough." Suddenly two fallen angels came in and grabbed him. "What the hell?" He tried fighting them but they pushed him to the ground. They made sure he couldn't get up. He, however, flipped onto his back and slipped his hands into both of their chest and ripped out their essence and wings. They screamed in agony and then fell limp. "What the hell is this mom? Did you send them?" His eyes were blood red. He was furious.

Viktor smiled and said "Duannas son came back. He's so powerful though and I don't know if he understands how powerful he is. I sent some fallens to go speak to him and if he refuses to use slight force but it worries me what this boy is capable of. He might have the power to kill his mom if he was angry enough."
Duanna sighed "Someone is in trouble....I asked for them to be brought here but that was not my plan....I was going to have them taken to confined room. I was hoping to use them to help you learn how to control that power but I was going to talk with you about before anything else." she seemed annoyed "The day you were born my mom turned many angels into fallen, I know they don't want to be that way and I forced the lesser back into their purer states but the higher angels I could help....I killed two of them before I realized I couldn't give them the freedom that they wanted...."

"And you left her alone with him?!" Lucy seemed shocked.
"Well I dont need your damn help finding out what the hell I am. I will make everyone that you send suffer the same fate as these two idiots. Good bye, mother." He left without another word. He unsheathed his sword and stormed into the practice room. He started to fight the novices but badly defeated all of them. He nearly killed one of them. He panted and then punched the wall angrily. "Oh~ Someone's angry." Aeron spun around to see Amarisa standing there. "Come here." Aeron approached and the two started to kiss. He purred.

"Dont worry. I'm not stupid. He's smart and wouldn't kill her around so many soldiers. Plus, he ran off."
Duanna was upset now and threw everything off her desk and Delaney became worried.

Delaney appeared in front of Viktor and Lucy "Whatever you did you are going to get it later, my mom is so angry right now she is trashing her office. I don't think I have ever seen her like this." she smiled and her darkness started to show through. Lucy looked at Viktor "You should possibly go handle that."

During the time that Duanna was throwing her fit Luna walked in and then walked out, Duanna felt embarrassed as she looked at the mess she had caused and started to clean up "All that damn work to get him to trust me and now he probably sees me as being as low as his father...."
Viktor growled and said "I did what I thought was right. Aeron is a threat to all of us. He's not a pure bread like us. He could kill us all. I spoke with Amarisa and she said she could send some men after Aeron." He disappeared and reappeared in front of Duanna. He narrowed his eyes and growled. "This isn't my fault. I did what was right! If I didn't do it, then who would?"
Duanna glared at him "You do not growl in front of me or at me! I wanted them to be brought here in chains and shackles! Instead they get a jump on....!" she suddenly passed out, she had worked herself to much and was still weak after seeing who Luna was.
Vivian smirks more then vanished and appeared in front of nova and giggled "found you.."

Uh bowed his head then began to head to the training area.

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"Amarisa was our only shot and... She had conditions. Speaking of which, where is she?" He looked around and then his eyes widened. He said "I'll be right back my lady." He ran out of the room without bowing and threw open the practice room doors. Aeron laid on the floor, panting. His shirt was torn off and he had deep scratches all over his body. He was weak. Viktor looked around and noticed the badly wounded novices. "Get them all to the infirmary!!" He yelled.
Nova smiled "So what does this little body guard want as a reward?"

Delaney smiled when she noticed no one was watching over her mother and she walked over biting into her mother's wrist. "Your blood is so much better than that damned maid that I have..." she drank more of the blood and Duanna's eye's shot open and she started to scream in pain. It reminded Duanna of the pain she would fill as darkness entered into her body.
Viktor walked in with Aeron in his arms. He threw Delaney off. "W-What are you doing." He gently laid Aeron on the desk. He looked at Delaney and said softly "what were you doing to your mother?"
Delaney laughed "And you thought it was my brother that you needed to watch out for, I'm a bigger threat to mother than he is. Mother's blood always was the best, I remember the taste of it so well from when I was in the womb." she licked the blood off her lips and Duanna stood up weakly, one of her wings had turned black, a change had started to happen inside her and she was sure it would kill her if she didn't reverse the negative energy soon. "Lock her up in her room....and make sure the seals are active and her window is locked so that she can't run away..."
Aerons eyes fluttered open and he whispered "Delaney... How c-could you." He passed out. Viktor dragged Delaney out of the room but before they left, he stopped and looked at Duanna. "Amarisa drained him. I dont know how but he's close to death. I'm assuming they had sex. Please... You have to save him." He dragged Delaney away, feeling guilty about asking Amarisa for help.
Duanna walked over to Aeron and brushed some hair out his face "I will do everything I can, I am sorry that this happened....I only wanted to help you but because of me it seems that you have only been hurt." she forced what pure energy she had left into him so that he would have some and she tried her best to heal him. In her mind she kept calling out for Michael and Lucifer hoping one of them would show up to help, she didn't have much energy left so she did all she could before falling to the ground crying and weak and the darkness started to take her over. Luna quickly ran in to heal the rest of Aeron's wounds and restore his energy but when she looked at Duanna there was nothing she could do for her.

(Maybe Lucifer shows up and sees Luna?)
Aerons eyes shot open and he quickly sat up. "Mom!" He ran over to her and he kneeled down. "Mom... Please dont. Mom!" He tried pushing her but when she didn't respond, he started to focus his energy. "This might hurt a lot." He forced light energy into her. It was like a purification ritual but ten times stronger and with only him. Light shines through the entire room. It was blinding.
Duanna didn't even scream, the pain was so unbearable that her mind couldn't even register it. Luna watched and smiled as she was able to see through the light, the brightness didn't bother her at all.
"Lili it's going to be okay..." Rei started to get worried. She wished that she could bring Lili to her aunt but she had never been to heaven before... unless... "Lili do you really want to go see your aunt?"
Aeron fought the darkness and even locked away his own. The light got stronger and stronger until finally, it evaporated. Aeron fell to his knees, panting. He looked up. "Its done..." He smiled but then slowly stood up. "L-Luna... Can you bring me to my sister." He leaned on her for support.
Vivian giggled then grabbed the collar of his shirt "this..." she pulled him torward her and kissed him on the lips.

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Lucy soon walked up "She is currently busy with our half brother, seems he's living with mom now." Lili looked away afraid to face her brother and he sighed "Look sis all we have is each other so I worry about you, our relatives are too busy to bother with us, I'm not trying to be controlling I'm just being your worried brother, can we please return home now?" Lili looked at him and sighed, she didn't know what to say.

Duanna laided on the ground waiting for her body to be able to move again.

Luna helped him to his sister room "Do you need more energy? I wasn't weakened at all when I gave you energy so I can give you more."

Nova smiled and kissed her back "so forceful"
"No. I just want to chat." He walked into the room and saw Delaney. "Why? I was starting to like you and thought maybe my father was wrong but... Evidentally, he was right. You are a no good demon that acts all high and mighty. You should have no right to the throne after mom passes." He sends a light beam at her to blind her, not wound her.
Rei didn't know what to say either... She was stuck between wanting Lili to stop crying and not liking how Lucy treated his sister. "Lili, we can do whatever you want to do," Rei decided to say. But she was staring at Lucy because it was his fault.
Delaney sighed and held her hand absorbing the beam "Look I was hungry, you don't get how much I lust for blood and all I am given is a peasant blood!" she points at her maid "It is the most vile taste in any must be nice to not hunger for blood.....and then be judge by it when it's something that I need to survive or die! Mother's blood is the best and if I didn't drink from her then might have been you or Luna.....I have attacked mom from time to time when my thirst has become to much so it's nothing new to her.....but when I do drink from mom a darker side or me....a side that I hate comes out.....peasant blood only touches my only makes it worse." she sat down in a chair and her hands were shaking "I would rather be dead than thirst after the people that I love....." she started to cry.

Lucy sat down next to her and pulled her close "I'm just scared of losing you since you are all I have..." Lili started to cry into his shirt. "I just want our family the way it once was....back when dad was around and we were starting to be a happy family...."
Aeron cut his hand with his sword and licked it clean. He approached her and then kissed her deeply, letting the blood flow through her mouth. When he was done, he pulled away. "Were the only of our race... We have to stick together." He shrugged but it was obvious he was disappointed in her. He leaned against Luna and said "take me to my room..."

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