Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"Okay." Rei said with a hint of happiness.

Shadow man was still hiding in the corner.

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Duanna sighed "Or you may not, no sleeping with the maids or anyone of low ranking. I don't care how your father raised you but you are royalty and I will not have you sleep with servants or anyone of a low bloodline." the maid pulled out a sword after she found Shadow man and started walking towards him "Seems like I found the rat."

Lili smiled "Do you want me to carry you there on my shoulder?"
Aeron narrowed his eyes at her and then said "deal with your problem yourself then." Beautiful angel wings appeared but it was different. One was glowing white but the other was black and practically destroyed. It obviously was wounded in his past and he couldn't repair it. He's had a tough past but he stayed strong. He didn't let anyone break him. He wanted to fall in love but was so afraid to fall in love. "No one can steal my heart away. I'll just steal away theirs." He smirked.
He sighed, "I may as well come out if my hiding skills are that rudimentary..." The man steps out of the shadows and bows to them. "I mean no harm my lady"

"Shoulder ride? ... Yes..." She said quietly, she really liked shoulder rides..

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Delaney sighed "How about I take you to a special room. Mom just doesn't want you to get your body dirty and tainted by the servants, she would prefer if you slept with higher blood and I know where you can get it." she looked at her maid "Take care of him however is needed." Duanna looked at the man "Why were you in my daughter's room?"

Lili placed Rei there and walked to her mother's grave and saw the flowers down "I wish he had never dad broke a promise that he should have kept and it seems we paid the price for it...."
Aeron smirked as he let his sister take him away but he winced in pain. "You know, when the humans found out what I was they thought it would be funny to rip out my wings. I accidentally killed them. Are you sure you want me here? I mean I can always find somewhere else to live?" He watched her curiously.
He straitened. "I am a watcher by profession, I witness important events. Or at least things I consider important." He shrugged and mumbled, "being as old as I am you think I would know not to get involved... Also, not a rat thank you."

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"I have wanted nothing more but for us to be the yin and yang that we were meant to be so I would hate it if you left after I have met you so soon. Mom has never let me venture to the human world unlet it was with our older sister Leta, you know mom saved her, Leta was left under a plant in Azriel and mom found her and raised her from ages five and up, story is why it's five and up is because mom came to heaven and they didn't know if sis would be able to enter without getting hurt, it wasn't until mom died that our uncle brought sis her and found out she would be fine." she covered her mouth as she realized she had started to babble "Sorry I didn't mean to go on and on like that it's just some people see mom as a bad person when she isn't, if anything she is very caring and loving and would do anything for anyone as long as it doesn't harm another person." she stopped in front of a room. "I can't go in but you can, only females allowed in are the workers."

Duanna sighed "You hid under my daughter's bed and then in the shadows, sorry to say it but it sound like a rat. Also I don't like it when people hide in my kindom so next time just watch out in the open, you wouldn't be the first to watch my family."
Aeron said "its OK. We've lived such different lives yet were not so different from each other. I'm going to start going to your school tomorrow. What's it like? Is it private or public? I've been to both." He leaned on the door frame. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad here.
"I opted into the private hard for me to control my anger so school didn't look to good for me." she looked down feeling like she had already messed up something he was looking forward to doing with her.
"I've never been homeschooled. Dad wanted me to but... Too many hot chicks at real high school. This world... Its different from home. But... I will have to choose to go to high school for reasons I can't tell you." He looked away, his walls building around him once more, protecting himself from everyone. "Good night..." He closed the door and immediatly slid down the door, sighing.
"Noted,also I don't watch anything inappropriate that's just not right! Ooh! And I'm not the only one? Well actually I don't only watch your family... But whatever" he is talking too much but he hasn't talked to anyone in 17 years because he wasn't with Rei...

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Three girls greeted him and waited for him on the other side "Oh did the princess upset you? If you want we'll make you forget all your worries and troubles for tonight." they smiled at him.

Duanna smiled "Please sit, you are not the first observer that I have met, in fact you are the fifth, I don't know about you but they watch Heaven, Azriel, and Hell. The royal families anyways."
He smiled. "I'm gonna love it here. Just so you girls know... I like it rough." He went over to one of the girls and started to kiss her but soon went to another girl to kiss her and then the last girl.
"Well I watch whoever catches my interest but at the moment it seems to be the royal family."

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Vivian looked at him then blushed and looked away, she slowly let go of his head " wanted to come..and watch you train.."

Zafon sighed then kissed diva on the cheek l, he smiled at diva "ok, we will be home soon.."

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"Alright, what worried I might get my but kicked and you'll have to save me?" Nova laughed a little.

Diva walked back to the house to start on dinner.

That night the girls gave him everything that he wanted and they enjoyed his company, they smiled and waved bye to him as he left "Don't be a stranger, come back as often as you want." the three spoke in unison.

Duanna nodded "How about we go to my office to speak me? I'll have some tea brought to us." she smiled.
Vivian looked at him and smirked "maybe.."

Zafon watched diva leave then looked at his son who was still eating, he sighed.

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Rei held onto Lili's hair, "I didn't even get to know him very well... but he doesn't seem to be worth all the love he received... eeing how sad you are it makes me wish he had tried harder...

"Sounds wonderful! I haven't had a cup of tea in..." for a moment his face dropped as he thought of Rei, "W-well it has just been quite some time, let us be off my lady." He held out his arm for Duanna like a gentleman, "If you permit me to take your arm, you may lead the way." he was always doing old fashioned things like this since he didn't interact with regular people often.
Lili looked at the chain that had been place into her grave stone and ran her hand over it "Mom left that note saying we shouldn't hate him but how can we gave everything up for him, I don't understand how she could love a man she hardly knew...."

Duanna smiled and took him arm leading the way "What tea or teas do you prefer?"

Nova laughed and started to run to the training grounds, his and Vivian's form of tag became fun for him.
"I think Love is the one mystery I will never be able to solve no matter how long I live... Actually... I'm kind of envious that your mother was able to feel such an emotion, one so strong no one is able to comprehend it." Rei's voice had a weight to it, love like this was something she believed she would never achieve... being a doll smaller than a child had it's downfalls.

"What ever suits your fancy my lady, I have always believed women have much more sensible tastes than men..." He paused for a moment, " If I may ask, why did you not attempt to kill me the moment you found me? All other times I have been caught, they attempted to dispatch me on sight."
Vivian watched then ran after him "nova..wait up!" She smiled then giggled as she ran after him

Uh was with demonia, he looked at her and sighed "so...demonia, is there anything you need me to do.."

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"It makes me wonder what she died from more.....the rope of a broke heart." Lili had often discussed bringing there mother back as the elder she once was but Lucy had always said it would take to much energy and the ritual called for ten willing sacrifices which he refused to do.

"You did not have a weapon drawn out so why would I? The maid on the other hand I am sure you know how long she has served my daughter and I am sure you understand why she attacks people on site before asking questions." Duanna sat down once they were in her office, she asked a maid to bring Earl Grey and Rose tea "You can choose one of the two teas, I like to make sure my guests have a choice, after all isn't that what Heaven is all about is choices." she smiled

Nova hid behind a pillar quickly.

Demonia looked at him "Even after all this time you still try to help so much but yes there is something you can do, Nova doesn't know it but his teacher is sick today meaning no one is there to train him." she smiled wondering if he understood.
"Lili... it is sometimes better not to know those things..." Rei hoped she was being wise, it certainly was a strange sentence coming from an information maniac like her.

"If you insist," He thought for a moment, "I will take the earl grey then, it suits an old man like me." He looked at her with his soulless white eyes, "I must say I like both you and your maid's stance on this issue, both types of people are needed in this world. Especially when it come to people like me, because if I'm being honest I don't actually use weapons... but I prefer to stay neutral and avoid conflicts anyway."
"I know....." Lili sighed "Sis what do you think you are doing here without a guard." Lucy had walked behind them "I know you have your friend but I don't think that would have been enough protection if Lucifer had decided to show up, remember that were not in Hell when we visit mom and that we buried her on earth." Lili looked annoyed "You don't have to remind me every time....and he has never shown up so I don't see why he would."

When the maid entered Duanna had the rose poured into one and the earl into another and placed on the table with cookies, sugar, and cream. "I at one time thought it was possible but that war all those years ago taught me differently...." she sighed "I lost so much back then....."

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