Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

17 years have passed in the kingdoms, in Hell tragedy struck; Lucy and Lili lost their mother, she had committed after 5 years of Lucifer being gone, she had lost her anchor in the world and even with how much she loved her kids they weren't enough to keep her feet planted firmly on the ground. Lucy and Lili now hate their father more than ever, not just because he killed their mother but he had promised to Michael that he would always be with them and he broke that promise. Lili still enjoys the company of her friend Rei since her brother seems to work more than relax and trains daily to one day get revenge on their father.


(Lucy and Lili had fallen asleep under a tree where they had laid their mother to rest)

This is how Kana looks most days, on her 15th birthday her light half and dark half had a battle, in the end her darkness won. She is now 22 and enjoys torturing anyone that tries to hurt her family.

This is 22 year old Leta, she serves Heaven and Earth however she can. She enjoys hanging out with her little brother and sister when they all have the time, she wishes their mother would hang out with them but she spends more time working than anything else.

Duanna has been spending the last 17 years working in Heaven and proving that she is a great leader and queen, she has always kept her heart loyal to Michael even when Viktor has visited her. She takes one day out of the year to spend time with her kids but the rest of the days is constant working.
Over the years, Lucifer has become a kind and honest man. Once poor, he now built a kingdom with his son and some servants that were still loyal to him. He is king once again. Aeron, on the other hand, has become strong. At first, Lucifer had little to no hope in his son but now... Aeron disappoints his father because he loves his people and cares for them but eventually, his father gave into the light. The two have become well known around the world and people worship them as saints. Despite this, Aeron holds hatred for his twin sister and wishes to meet her so he can finally end her life.

Aeron walked through the main city of the angel realm. He was here for work but as he walked through the city, women of all ages were looking at him. He walked over to a girl and asked "where is the royal palace?" She blushed and pointed in the direction. He kissed her hand. "Thank you beautiful."

Once he reached the palace, he was stopped by soldiers. In seconds they were all on the ground without a scratch on them. "I dont raise my sword to those who are too weak to fight." He threw open the doors. Servants stopped him. "I am here to see the queen. When his eyes caught a familiar face(Delena), he immediately unsheathed his sword. He threw the servants and pointed his sword at the princess. He gave her a cold look full of hate. "Give me a reason not to kill you..."
Delaney sighed but did not pull out her sword yet. "And tell me a reason why you should. You smell like blood leaving me with only guesses to who you are but since I don't know who you are I see no reason to fight you or why we should fight at all." she waved the servants away so that they would not be hurt.
"You dont know who I am?" His eyebrow raised. He sneered and with amazing speed, he cut her across both knees and did a front flip over her head. He landed on all four on the secon floor balcony. "Perhaps ask your mother about me. She must remember." One of the servants attacked him from behind. He fell off the balcony but quickly adjusted himself like a cat and was able to land partially on his feet. He looked up at Delaney. "Your stupid servants have made a big mistake!" Someone came up from behind him with a knife to his throat. It was Viktor. "You have made a big mistake for attacking the princess. Who are you?" Aeron struggled and yelled "bring me to the queen!! I demand it, you stupid peasant!!" He was punched in the stomach and he fell to his knees coughing.
Delaney sighed "If you stop attacking the servants I will take you to her, brother. I know of you but had never met you and you expect me to know your face, our father must not have given you a brain but only a title." she smirked and healed her wounds. "Also do not attack mother, she is quicker than Lucifer last met her and her speed is quicker than yours."
Aeron started to purr. "I have no qualm with your mother. I just simply need work. But can I ask you this one question..." He approched her and when he was inches away from her, he pushed the hair out of her face. "How does a devil like yourself survive in a place like this? Does it burn? Do you feel pain? I can take that pain away. Just give me the word." His voice was soft and caring. He walked away. Viktor said "princess, I'll take him to her. Your elligible bachelors are here and it would be beat if you greet them. Aeron said "I can take the suffering away. Just give me the signal." He wasn't bad at all. He wanted to love and care for his sister but his father has created a disgusting image out of her forcing him to hate her.
(What Vivian looks like now)

Over then year of Vivian protecting Nova and his family, she became more skill in using her sword, she even found herself teaching some of the other guard new things, she had also gained feeling toward Nova but didn't know how to tell him so she hide her feeling until the right time was ok, she walked through the hallway as she looked for Nova who had ran off again, she sighed "where did he go...geez....what am i going to do with that boy"

(What Saya looks like now)

After 17 year had past, saya's father finally gave up looking for her, and saya was able to live a free life with out any worrys, she still loved to hang out with kuro, so she did all she could to make her friend happy, but she still never showed him her abilities in fear that he would be afraid of her, so she kept them hidden.

(What UH looks like now)

UH had become a lot calmer over the years about Demonia being with someone else, although he still had feeling for her that would never go away, he thought her happiness was more important, he had decided to stay by Demonia side as her bodyguard/close friend, and this time he kept his promise to always protect her, he even found himself becoming good friends with Axoret too.
Delaney looked at Viktor "Let me lead him please, this is the first time I have met my brother and I wish to know as much as I can about him." she smiled and there was no anger only kindness. "And to answer your question brother, mother helped me and taught me how to keep the energy here from hurting me. Just so you know I hate being what I am...I hate that I feel like I am a burden on our mother. I try my hardest to help everyone instead of hurting them..." she sighed "You know what now that I think about it i will leave to see if any of them are of my tastes." 
Nova dropped a water balloon on Vivian and laughed.
Vivian felt something hit her head then suddenly she was all wet, she looked at her clothes then looked up to see Nova, she sighed "Nova you Idiot! I'm all wet!!" she yelled at him and pouted.
"I have healed millions of people of all different races. I can feel things I know other angels can't feel." He walked over to her and said "I know its your emotions that I feel. I know you feel the same. I can... I have empath abilities that no angel has. I know you have the same. I know you better than anyone else despite how we've never met. We are connected with a bond that is unusual. Throughout every book I have ever read, its nothing I've ever seen. My father taught me to hate you but... We need each other more than anything in the world. You need me to take away that loneliness." He let Viktor finally take him to see his mother.

He threw open the doors and said "hello Demonia." He refused to call her mother. "I have come for work. I hear your looking."
Nova dropped down in front of her "Sorry but you just so cute when you become upset." he kissed her on the cheek and smiled. "Come on you don't hate me too much do you?"

Delaney sighed "I have no loneliness" she said once he was out of ears shot and walked to the room where her suitors waited and started to look them all over.

Duanna looked up from her paperwork and then went back to it "If you wish to work her then you will address me as Queen Duanna. You will not be so formal with me or you can look for work else where." a servant came in with a letter and Duanna read over it and quickly wrote a letter in responce "Damn fools still think they can fight heaven after all these years but what would you expect from the kingdom of hell...."
"I can fight those that are a... Pain. I refuse to kill though. I can make the pest go away. Hire me and you won't regret it..." He leaned on the desk but was grabbed by Viktor. He said "I heard what you did... Your father, is it true he has reformed?" Aeron growled, his eyes turning blood red. "Dont speak of my father so casually, angel! We are enemies. I simply need money and something to do! Dont get so comfortable with me!" When Viktor released him, he calmed down. He refocused on Duanna. "What do you say?"
"First off that's what they want and I will not give those kids what they ask for and answer Viktor's question or you can be on your merry way." Duanna was not rude but was just speaking, she had to much work to think about how to word things. Delaney soon stormed into the room covered in blood "Get them out of here before I turn around and kill them! Every suitor in that room pulled a knife out on me and tried to kill me! I left them alive but I swear I am so angry right now I might turn around and rip into their necks!" she was trying to calm herself down but it scared her and then made her angry that someone would try to attack her in Heaven.
Vivian pouted more then blushed when nova suddenly kissed her cheek, she looked away nervously "o..of course not....i..i could never hate you" she only blushed more, she tried to calm herself down quickly "well...anyway, we should your mom and dad..or something"

Zafon was watching his son train in the training grounds that he had built near his house, he smirked as he watched.
Nova smiled "Or you could entertain me in my room." he pushed her against a wall and started to kiss her on the neck. He knew his father wouldn't approve but he didn't care.

Diva came up with lunch "i bought you two some lunch." she smiled.
"Control your anger, sister!" His voice was stern. He was rejecting the anger that flowed in him and instead, sent peace through her. He held her close. He whispered "control yourself." He knew he needed her with him, despite what his father said. If they didn't have each other, they weren't strong. They were yin and yang. They were stronger when united. When he felt her calming, he released her. "My father is an angel again. I hope that answers your question." He bowed and walked out. Viktor looked at Duanna and asked "is it possible?"
Over the years Rei stayed by Lili's side through everything she never left... Unless it was too explore. She know knows every inch of both castles back to front (after all once she has been somewhere once...) and she has read every book she could get her hands on. She still hasn't been to heaven but as long as she has Lili Rei doesn't mind. Rei never had to care for someone in the way she does with Lili for some reason she knows when Lili needs her and Lili only has to say her name and Rei will be by her side. Rei thinks it is because dolls are attuned to the magic of their masters and since she hasn't seen hers in so long Rei has started to sync with Lili.

Even though it has been 17 years Rei still holds the hope that her master will return, She loves Lili but her master will always hold her heart hostage.

Shadow man is never changing. He watches. And he waits. He would have retrieved Rei by now but she integrated herself into the lives of those around her and she is learning things he could never teach her. He also is still interested in this land. The twins lives apart from one another has been the greatest interest and he visits them frequently only ever watching from the shadows... (Of course traveling to heaven was no problem he long ago fixed that issue, and even heaven has it's shadows) He had watched the others too, he often wondered if they ever saw him... out of the corner of their eye... felt that someone was watching... of even noticed a shadow out of place. If they did they never said anything all these years, or were too wrapped up in their troubles to notice a simple shadow.

At this moment they were both where you would expect Rei was with Lili and Shadow man was watching his favorite two... reunited at last.
Duanna sighed "Aeron come back here please?" Delaney looked down, it normally took her being locked in her room to calm down but it was only a matter of seconds this time, for once she started to cry a little because her anger was always waiting to take control and she ran past Aeron and to her room."

Lili was picking flowers for her mother's grave once again, she always visited as often as she could. "Does it ever annoy you how much I visit my mom?" she looked at Rei.
Aeron walked back in with a smile on his face. "Change your mind?" He purred, happily. He smirked sat at the desk. "I'm sure you have plenty of questions. But my father is probably furious that I'm not home yet. I'm here strictly business so lets keep it that way."
"No, I understand the need to see someone you love." After all this time her voice was as emotionless as ever. Even as she felt the ache to see her master again... Rei wondered why she never told Lili too much about him, it was the one rule of his she followed to this day.
Vivian face went completely red when he said that, she flinched slightly when he suddenly pinned her against the wall, she looked at him then blushed even more when he began to kiss her neck, she closed her eyes and bit her lower lip to keep herself from moaning.

Zafon looked over at diva and smiled,
"I will think about giving you a job if you do a favor for me. I doubt your father cares anymore but his ex love Hell passed away some time ago and left a note for him that she wants him to get. Would you give it to him?" she places a small bag of gold coins on the table "If you accept this is just your first reward, you will get more if you complete it."

"Thanks I worry since my brother is always working that you will become bored with me one day and then leave." Lili looked down.

"So what do you say about my room." Nova smiled. Demonia saw "Nova! Let her go now!" Nova quickly let Vivian go.

"So how is training going?" Diva smiled.
Vivian blushed more, she then heard Demonia's voice and opened her eyes when she felt Nova let her go, she looked over to demonia then back to nova, she then looked down and blushed even more.

UH was standing behind Demonia, he looked over her to see vivian and nova.

Zafon looked at his son that was still training "pretty good, he has gotten better..." he looked at diva then at the lunch she brought and smirk "wow diva...that smells really good"
"Father... Can I tell you that my father has told me stories about her and has told me that every day he regrets leaving her. He... He truly loved her. He would do anything for her. And look at me. I'm incapable of love. I not only heal but I sleep with every women I meet and never call them again. I give them feelings of ecstacy for a little bit. I break promises and am unfaithful. It must be great to be in love. I'll deliver the letter on one condition... I take Delaney with me. I will take her to a place where she won't be forced to marry asshole men who are just obsessed with her body. A place where she can be free. A place where she doesn't have to hide that she's nephilim... I know what she's feeling. If she isn't with me, she's weak. Were stronger as a pair. There was a reason we were born and I'm going to find that reason. I can't do it without her." He grabbed the bag of money.
"Bored just means you can't think of anything else to do, I'm smarter than that." Being with Lili for so long means she has let Lili see her as she really is and makes Rei not afraid to show Lili her strange sense of humor... "Plus it's I don't think your company will ever seise to amaze me... You are my first friend after all." Rei has never gotten sick of saying that.

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