Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Axoret smiled. He kissed her down the neck. He was returning to his old self. "I would die for you." His hands were all over her but he seemed to be holding back slightly. He was teasing her.
Once uh was close to the castle, he vanished and appeared outside of the room that she was in, he quickly knocked out, and went to say something but nothing came out, he was afriad to let her know it was him, he looked down.

Zafon smirked and walked over to nova "hey get so big" he laughed then looked over at vivian while smirking "and I see you got yourself a girlfriend too..."

Vivian face went completely red and she looked away quickly before nova could see "I...its that...I..I'm a bodyguard.."

(Sorry guys, be back in a few, please wait for me..)

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Axoret stopped kissing her and looked up. "Who's their?" He spat out with distaste. He laid her on the bed and continued to kiss her neck. He was in paradise with her.
"And I would die for you." she felt the energy and sighed "It's my bodyguard from hell. The one you met when you came to hell with me."

Nova smiled "Yea, I and she's right. I'm wouldn't want to damage her like I have done to the other girls in the past." he laughed
"I dont like him. He reeks of lust for you. Its disgusting." He reluctantly got off of her and lit a cigarette. "You should go see what he wants. He probably wants something important but make him know that your body is mine."
Uh back away from the door and hide in the shadows in the hallway, he kept looking down, he new he was probably the last peraon demonia ever wanted to see again.

Zafon laughed when he saw vivian suddenly blush, he then looked at nova "hello...even if your new dad forbids that kind a relation, I think you to would be cute together.." Vivian just kept looking away, she then continued to clean up the bodies which only made zafon chuckle more at her nerviness.

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"Dear he already knows that, I made that clear to him last time we met. He possibly heard what happened in Hell and came to check on me." Demonia kissed him and then answered to door after making herself presentable "Can I help you? UH i know you are out here."

"Come on stop teasing the girl." Nova laughed.
Axoret came up from behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Yes, you must've had a reason to disturb her." He was kissing her neck playfully. He was totally acting like an ass for Uh
Uh looked at her then sighed in relief that she was ok, he slowly walked out of the shadows while looked down "...hello..demonia...."

Zafon laughed "but its fun...ok ok, I'll stop.." he smiled " is demonia"

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"I take it you heard about what happened in hell and became worried that I was hurt?" Demonia giggled as Axoret kissed her neck.

"Mom is fine, here and Axoret were just fighting so I'm not sure if she is still her." Nova sighed.
Axoret watched Uh and he growled lowly. "He still smells of lust... I want to have a word with him. Meanwhile, you throw on a shirt. Only I can look at your sexy body." He winked. "We will finish after I speak with your manservant."
Zafon smirked then walked passed them "she is...I'll be back" he waved bye to nova and vivian.

Uh glanced at what axoret was doing then he looked away "yea...I..just came to see if you were safe...I'm sorry for bothering you both..please...." he quickly bowed his head, his heart was aching but he kept the feeling hidden "excuse me..." he went to walk away.

Vivian looked up and watched as zafon left.

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Demonia glared at Axoret for a brief moment "He is my friend, not a manservant. Dear I am a queen and more than just UH has lusted after me. You better not say an unkind word to him I would tell UH the same but he knows where he stands so he won't be speaking out of line unless he thinks you see me as property. Also I have my robe on, that is good enough, I am a queen and as such I do not wear shirts, I wear dresses and robes." Demonia watched as UH walked away and sighed "Looks like you two don't get a heart to heart, it might be for the best."

Nova went back to cleaning up.
Uh stopped then looked back at demonia then looked down "I' to axoret.."

Zafon finally saw uh then over heard their conversation, he smirked "and why they are talking...I can have some time with me daughter" he looked at demonia

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Axoret brought Uh into a room and locked the door so no one bothered them. "You state you are so in love with Demonia and I see the way you look at her but if you truly loved her, you would have protected her when the angels attacked. You would have been by her side when she was crying. She calls you her friend but I don't think your worthy of the title." He lifted his chin. "Fight for her love. Fight for her affection. Dont cry because I got to her first. Get some balls and make her smile. Make her laugh. Be a true friend. To me, all I see is a manservant that is cowarding in the corner because his master doesn't love him. Grow up." He grabbed Uhs crotch and said "you have balls. Use them. Man up. Fight for the girl you love." He walked away but stopped and said "I still won't let you lay a finger on her."
Uh followed Axoret into his room, he glared at Axoret as he spoke but when Axoret suddenly grabbed his crouch, he flinched then went to punch him in the face "what the hell man...dont you dare touching me!!" He growled "I will not fight for demonia's love...because I know that is not something she would want..she wouldnt want to see me or you get hurt..and I know my place and that is way I stepped aside....I didnt want to hurt her anymore then I already did..thats way I let her be happy with her....I could never take away her happiness....I love her to much to do that!!.."

Zafon sighed and smirked "it pissed me off when I found out that he fell for you back then....but...he really does love you..he just really doesnt know how to let out his feeling, instead he hides them away to the point where he looks like he has given up on everything"

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"Yes well how do you think I felt....I had a crush on him for so long but then he tells me his feelings when I finally found hurt me more knowing he had hid it for so long than it did to know he had feelings for me...." Demonia sighed.
Zafon looked at demonia "I understand that your angry with him...but honestly, when I found him when he was a little boy, he had had no communication with girls, thats why I trusted him with you.." he laughed "back then he didnt even know the difference between a girl and a boy...thats way it took him so long to tell you how he felt but now...seeing you happy with someone else I think kinda struck something...a feel that he had been holding back..his heart is probably bleeding from all this but..he kinda brought it upon himself"

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Axoret growled angrily. "You will never reach my level. Beat me all you want but Demonia will never love a coward like you!" He stood up and then punched him. "Stand your ground servant... Learn your place." He left the room and slammed the door shut, leaving him alone. He passed Demonia and Zafon. He stopped and said "I'm not in the mood to have sex with you anymore." His lip was bleeding. He grabbed his stomach in pain, his wounds opening up. "I dont want you giving the servant special treatments anymore. I was trying to teach him how to survive and he punched me. I am his king... You have gotten too close to him. He has lost all obedience. I must now break him." He walked off
"Dad! Enough! Damn it! Thanks for making me feel like shit...." Demonia had started to yell. "Why do you do this every time you visit!" Demonia glared at Axoret and grabbed his wrist "You will not lay a hand on him and he shall not lay another hand on you. I told you he is my friend and I see him as just that, he is a friend and not your guard. He does not live here! You lay one finger on him and you will see an anger from me that you have never seen before!" A storm had started up outside and lightning struck with a thunder crash, her eyes turned a deep blood red. Every thing that had happened that day was becoming to much on her and she was starting to lose control of her powers. She may not have gotten so angry if she had smelt the blood from his wounds first.
Zafon saw axoret leave the room and looked at him in an annoyed way.

After axorwt walked out of the room, he sit there on the floor with his hand on his cheek, a little blood running down his lip, he suddenly scented demonia's power going over bored, he vanished then appeared behind her and hugged her from behind "demonia...please..come down.."

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Axoret growled lowly but it wasn't with anger. It was full of lust. "Damn it. You should know that when your like this it turns me on." He walked away but then fell to his knees in pain. He hated how his body wouldn't heal the wound because of the blade the angels used. He saw his hands were covered in blood. "Tch..." He stood up and walked off but when he saw Uh hug Demonia, immediate hurt spread across his face. He stepped back. He was a child again in that house... He was alone again. He covered his eyes with his hair. He couldn't fight anymore. He left without another word. When he was outside, he started to throw up. He was possessive over Demonia for reasons she would never understand. He fell to his knees. His wounds were all open but he didn't care. He threw up again. He was alone. "No no no!" He coughed. His memories of his house with his father haunted him. He was scared of it being like that day and he would be alone...
Demonia quickly calmed down but it was because of the look she saw on Axoret's face, she wanted it to be him to calm her down but it was no surprise to her that it was UH, he had known her longer and what made her calm down. "I'm sorry..." she looked at her dad "I need you to get Diva and bring her here if you can. She is the best doctor I know and trust." she soon ran after Axoret "Dear lets get you inside...." the previous anger on her face was replaced with worry and fear. "I don't want you to lose to much blood and push yourself any farther. And please don't worry about what just happened UH just knows it's the best way to calm me down so that's all he was doing was calming me down before I had hurt someone or hurt you...."

(Night night so tired lol)
Once uh saw that demonia calmed down, he quickly let her go so she could go to axoret, he followed so he could possible help "she is right...I promise you at I was just calming her down, I didnt want her to lose control" he was tell the rruth and it was shown in his eyes that he was serious.

Zafon vanished and appeared at his house, he looked around for diva "hey, babe!"

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