Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Axoret narrowed his eyes and grabbed the letter, quickly reading it. He didn't trust her but his son seemed to get along with her.
Vivian looked at kana and smiled "I see.."

'Dear old friend,

Its has been a ling time since we have talked, I hope your doing great, I fine got that group together that I was always talking about, it known as the Yakuza, but anyway, I have sent you a very special item that I think you will find useful, her name is Vivian Ryogami, she is very skilled in sword fighting, I thought you would be about to make use of her sword skills, do with her what you will.


Nagato Shimura'

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Axoret smirked and said "that foolish bastard. Nova... Vivian... Gather up the guards and start rebuilding the kingdom." He walked off. He kept silent.
Vivian watched as axoret left, she smiled then looked at nova "well...guess that means I can stay.."

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Axoret sat on his bed. He lost everything yet he couldn't do a god damn thing about it. He was stuck here. Everything he has built was gone. He hated the angels for doing this to his family. He growls, angrily.
Demonia soon returned licking blood off her hands "Well that was fun" she seemed annoyed "All my things that I had left behind including some of my oldest dresses all burnt up..." her dress was covered in blood.

Diva pinched Zafon's leg "Be nice or don't look at him at all" she whispered.

Nova did as he was told "My dad get's jumpy after things like this, he really isn't a bad guy just so you know."
Axoret smirked and got up. He started to clean up some of the bodies. A servant came to his die and tried to help but was inevitably yelled at. They scurried away and he started rebuilding his castle.
Zafon flinched from diva suddenly pinching his leg, he looked at diva then looked away as he began to eat.

Vivian looked at nova and smiled "its ok..he is just doing his job as a leader.."

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Demonia sighed "Dear why don't you let me clean up? it would be so much easier, turning them to ash and adding them to our army of dead." she giggled but it had a hint of darkness to it, as if visiting Hell took a slight toll on her body.

Nova smiled and then walked over to a window when he heard his sister singing and dancing to calm the villagers down.
Axoret glanced over at her and said softly "silence." It was terrifying. He smirked. "The dead... Can you hear their cries? I will never forgive the angels. We shouldn't have trusted them..."
Demonia didn't care, she heard the cries of the dead everyday, it was nothing new to her and his personality did scare her either "Yes well let's blame Lucifer....if Duanna wasn't carrying his kids at the time it wouldn't have happened....she would have put all of the angels in their place. Maybe I'll just return to hell to rule there for a while...." though she knew going back there would mean sleeping in the village or the streets since the castle was still being fixed and every possession of her's had been burnt.
Vivian watched nova then walked over "is something wrong...." she looked out the window to see kana singing and dance in front of the villagers "isnt that your sister.."

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Nova smiled "Yea she has a way to calm the villager, she got her voice from our mom and they some villagers say that the fey taught her how to combine dance and magic to calm those around her."
Vivian looked at nova as he spoke, she then looked back at kana and smiled "she is very skilled in singing and dancing.."

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Axoret threw her against the wall. "Lucifer will die by my hand... He raped my daughter and expects to be forgiven. He even kidnaps my grandson and hurts her." He grabbed her by the throat and breathed down her neck. He started to laugh in her ear.

When no one was with Duanna, Viktor walked out of the shadows. "Duanna... I'm so sorry I ran. I heard from a villager that you gave birth. I also heard Lucifer kidnapped one of them. Can I see her?" He walked toward her.
Demonia slapped him, she didn't like the way he was acting, it didn't scare her just more annoyed her.

Duanna looked up at him and nodded but kept a close eye on him, there was now a hint of coldness in her look.

"Mom put her through class and she is still in them." Nova went back to cleaning up the bodies.

Diva kissed Zafon on the cheek and smiled at him then went back to eating.
Vivian watched kana for a feq more minutes then help nova clean up the bodies.

Zafon smiled at diva then kissed her on the cheek and began eating again.

Uh had glanced at diva and zafon every now and then then looked down as he ate, he had got to the point where he envied seeing people so happy together, but he knew that he made it that way by not saying anything to demonia for so long, he missed demonia a lot but he didnt want her to hate him anymore then he thought she already did.

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Axoret smirked and said "I'm just sick of this bull. I'm tired of people thinking they can take advantage of my kingdom and destroying everything I've known. You dont understand! Everything I built and worked my a** off to build is gone." He stepped away. "Leave. Go back to your home. Your people need you. Dont come back." He punched a hole in the wall. He had an emotionless voice but his anger was building and building on the inside. He was cold and distant towards her. He was a jerk but it was obvious he was trying to protect her.

Viktor picked up Delana and smiled. "She's so beautiful. Her innocence... That's what you must protect. Soon, everything you teach her will be a waste. If two children from the same seed, angel vs devil, who will win I wonder." She started to giggle as he played with her. She immediately liked him. He laid her back down in the crib and he walked over to her and said "I still live you, Duanna but I'm not stupid. I took advantage of your weakness and I apologize. I apologize for everything I did to you and your husband. I must be honest, I dint come to see the child. I came to see you. Please..." He fell to one knee, bowing to her. "I dont regret loving you. I dont regret the times we had together because frankly, I loved every moment. I cared about you like a daughter but my feelings got ahead of me. I couldn't control myself around you. Dont hate me. I dont want to never see you again." He grabbed her hand and kissed it lightly.
Some of the kids started to talk about how there was a recent war in Hell and the castle had gotten destroyed, they laughed about not thinking about that Demonia could have been there and gotten hurt. Diva looked up as she heard them whispering about it.

"So I think I'll ask my dad later if he wants the dead buried or have mom turn them to dust." Nova sighed as he looked at all the bodies around them.

"I could never hate you...I was just worried that you might try to take my little girl...sorry if read the wrong message." Duanna sighed and looked down. "Also Michael is gone so it would be nice to have you around but only as a friend, I am still loyal to Michael even though part of my heart had made space for you."

Demonia became angry "Everything you worked hard for! Everything you built and worked your a** off for! Do not forget how old I am! I was a queen before your first steps! The place that was once my home is ruble and ash, I will be lower than a commoner with every bit of my wealth gone!" she was yelling and then looked down "If I would have known this is how our relationship would have ended I would have never even started it...I thought we understood one another because we were so much alike but I guess I was wrong....I hope you enjoy this place that was once our home....I'm taking the kids and that includes Kana and Killian...." tears were now streaming down her face and she tried her hardest to make sure her voice did not break. "I just hope you remember I helped you make this kingdom a place of peace and prosperity these last few years.....this kingdom was ours....."
"Duanna... I cannot control myself around you and I won't give up. I will get you to love me once again but... I will become friends with you. I must leave before someone sees me." He kissed her cheek. "Good bye." He disappeared in shadows.

Axoret ignored the tears stinging his eyes. He spun around and picked up Demonia, kissing her deeply. "I fell in love with you the moment I saw you. I lost everything for you but I also gained everything. I made a new life with you. I can't be with you. It hurts too much." He went back to kissing her. He was furious with himself. He had to let her go but no matter what he did, he could never forget her. "Why?" He clenched onto her clothes and then ripped off her shirt without hesitation. He was hating himself the longer he was with her. Tears ran down his cheeks. "I'm too far gone to help." He slammed her against the wall, kissing her. He didn't care who saw. He loved her so much that being away from her would kill him from the inside. He was shaking.
Uh over heard the kids, his eyes widened qhen he heard that demonia could have been in hell and got hurt, he quickly stood up "please...excuse me.." he then went to leave but stopped him zafon spoke. "This time...dont be an idiot..just be their for her is all you need to do.." zafon said as he messed qith his food while looking bored, uh looked down and nodded "y..yes sir.." he then left to go look for demonia

Vivian looked at nova and nodded "ok..." she then looked up when heard yelling, her being a vampire it made it easier to hear loud things.

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Duanna sighed and went back to work, this was her office and the only way to get in was knocking but she did have paperwork to return to so it didn't bother her to much that she was alone again.

"If you make me have no idea what it would do to would kill me....." Demonia fell into his kisses "I already told you about what my last two loves did to me, one sent me away because I was princess of hell......the other took Lilith from me and she hated me for so long after that.....Nova and Duanna see you as their father....please don't be the next one that breaks my hearts and they start to hate you as well...." the tears didn't seem to stop, every moment she thought about being away from him made her ache inside "I would give up my immortality just to stay next to you..."

Diva looked at him "You're not going to see if she is okay? Demonia is your daughter, if she is hurt you should be there for her. Hell was also your kingdom at one time. It wouldn't bother me if you left family dinner time just this once."

Nova shook his head "We don't get involved with the fights. Just ignore them." it was obvious that he heard it to.
"I dont want to hurt you." He ripped off his shirt. He grabbed her by the throat. "Why did I fall for you of all people... Damn it." He kissed her deeply. "I'm so sorry." He loved Demonia. He just didn't want to hurt her in any way. He slammed her against the bedroom door. He was clenching onto her arms.
Uh run toward the kingdom that demonia was at, he followed her scent and could smell blood along with it which only made hia worry build up more "please ok.." he said to himself as he ran faster.

Zafon looked at diva and smiled then kissed her "thank you love..." he then walked over and kissed his kids on their heada then vanished and appeared in the castle, he walked the halls as he headed to where demonia was, he then saw nova and vivian in the hallway.

Vivian looked at nova then nodded, she then heard foot steps and the scent of a demon walking toward them, she looked toward zafon as she put her hand on the hilt of her sword "who are you!!...state your business.."

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"Then don't make me leave...that is the greatest form of pain I could ever feel.....being away from your side...." the pain in Demonia's arms or anywhere else was nothing compared to the pain that was in her heart currently.

Nova smiled when he saw them "Yo gramps, how have you two been? Vivi it's fine this is my grandfather Zafon, creator of Hell."

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