Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"Well she had the twins and Lucifer ran off with the boy...she's upset about that but she'll live." Demonia smiled "Once you're better to move we'll head home and clean the kingdom up."
"I saw the child... I tried to kill Lucifer but Cinder stopped me and tried to talk peacefully with him. He just shrugged and left. I'm worried about the kind of man Aeron would turn out to be in the care of Lucifer. He can barely deal with people let alone children. If he ever lays a finger on the boy..." He growled, angrily.
"Dear I don't think he would be the father that he is towards Lucy." Demonia sighed and felt bad for Lili and Lucy "He has two kids that he just leaves's them that I worry about the most."
"Yeah but aren't they better off without him? I mean he wasn't with them through anything and decided to one day show up in their lives and expect them to love him..." Axoret sighed.
"For Lili it might be nothing but Lucy was very loyal to his father and hoped that they would be a happy family since their father was back." Demonia looked down "Also I might need to return to hell for some time....seems it's been trashed after this war....people normally run out of hell, not run in." she shook her head.
Demonia laughed "Dear I'm not leaving you til i know that you can walk around and that you have regained your energy. You can't get rid of me that easily." she said jokingly.
"Oh yeah?" He started to kiss her passionately and pulled her on to his lap. "I love you so much but... Protect Hell. Its your home, after all. I need to protect my home." He nuzzled her neck. "I'll be fine."
Once Duanna was feeling better she quickly returned to Heaven with her daughter in her arms. Duanna was not too thrilled on how Heaven had recently treated her and she was going to make sure that everyone knew that she was queen and she would not be taken down so easily.

Demonia helped him up and and then appeared in Azriel "While I am gone please don't push yourself too hard." she then kissed him.
Amarisa was seen, bring taken away by soldiers. Angels that survived were also being taken away. They were being punished for attacking the human realm and Hell.

Axoret wrapped his arms around her, kissing her back. "I'll try not too but I do have to rebuild my kingdom. The people still alive are terrified. I have to fins a way to calm them. We can't have something like that happening again."
Duanna thought nothing of it but once she made sure that everyone knew that she was queen and wasn't weak she started on paperwork that had piled up because of the recent battle. She had a crib set up in her office close to the desk so that Delaney would have a place to sleep, she even sent a servant to get Leo and Leta from Azriel.

"And Nova can help you with rebuilding and I know our little Kana is good at calming down the villagers." Demonia smiled "Also I would be looking up soul spells, they are stronger and harder to break, next time that this happens the angels won't be able to get in."
Axoret smirked and kissed her cheek. "Dont wory. No need to worry about us. Maybe when you come back, the kingdom will be rebuilt."
Demonia kissed him one last time and then vanished. Kana came running into the room and stopped when she didn't see her mom "I thought you and mommy had returned?"
"Mommy went to her old home to finish some business. She will be back soon. In the meantime, can you do me a favor? Can you go to the villagers homes and comfort them. Oh and where is your brother? I need to speak with him."
"Last time I saw brother he was talking to some girl who he said was a new guard but I don't ever remember her going though training or protocol to become a guard, they were talking about cleaning up the bodies and fixing the castle." Kana smiled, she enjoyed talking to the villagers.
Vivian giggled "ok..." she looked around the room.

Uh looked at diva when she walk outside, he then followed her inside and looked down when he saw zafon.

Zafon got really angry when he say uh, he stood up and looked at diva "what the hell is he doing here..."

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Nova was cleaning up the bodies out in the hallway.

Diva sighed "I said no fighting kids!" Diva yelled this time "Stop acting like a damn child!"
Axoret smiled as he approached Nova. "Hello my son. Haven't seen you in a while." He was bandaged but seemed fine. He was limping though. "I hear your helping rebuild my kingdom. I have good news. Your sister Duanna... She gave birth to a healthy girl and a healthy boy. Bad news is, Lucifer took the son naming him Aeron."
Vivian began to help him clean up all the bodies, she then stopped when she heard someone, she looked to see who it was.

Zafon growled then looked away, he then set back down while looking annoyed.

Uh glance over at zafon when he set back down, he then took a set far from zafon.

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"Yea I heard, the word is Duanna is already working in heaven and has reorganized everything." Nova looked at Vivian "Oh and dad this is Vivian she is a guard sent by an old friend of yours I believe, she has been protecting me and Kana currently."

Diva then smiled "Alright everyone lets be kind to our guest and leave enough for him meaning your father gets served last since he was so rude." she giggles and kisses Zafon on the cheek "I told you to behave."
Axoret narrowed his eyes and demanded "who is your father?" He didn't like people he didn't know hanging around his palace. "Answer me!" He unsheathed his dagger.
Vivian watched axoret and stood her ground when he unsheathed his dagger "I come from the japan mafia known as the boss told me to give you this letter when I saw you.." she got the letter out then held it out to him "my name is Vivian Ryogami..."

Zafon glares at uh most of the time during dinner.

Uh looks down when he notices that zafon is glaring at him.

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