Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"I could never hate him...I would follow him from death to life, I might be a fool for thinking like that but I love him to much to hate him. Even if it meant my death I would take every bit of poison from him and bring it into myself just to save his life." Hell looked down thinking of how much of a fool she must be but she couldn't help it, it's just how she had always felt.

Lilith sighed "What would it take to get the antidote? He is to pathetic and it's insulting to see him like that."

Kuro hugged her "It's alright, you're safe her with me."
"I will speak with the council." She disappeared and reappeared by the knight. "Thorne... You must stop your game. He's suffered enough. As head of the angel council I command you to stop." He thought about it and asked "for Michael? Your crush on him is starting to get annoying. He broke up with you for a Hellborn angel." He laughed and she clenched her teeth. "Dont remind me. Just... Give him the antidote." Thorne shrugged and said "I dont have it. I gave it to a friend. Oops." Amarisa grabbed his shirt but then threw him to the ground. She kneeled beside Lucifer and took as much of the poison as she could out of him. She winced and then pulled away. "That should give him enough time to find the antidote. If I know Thorne, then it should be here." She wrote down an address and gave it to Lilith. She rolled her eyes. "Find the antidote. I must leave and speak with the council."
Lilith seemed shocked "well then I wasn't expecting an angel to intervene on his punishment but whatever works" She looked at Thorne "Guess I get to go search for the antidote." she smiled.

Hell slowly walked with Lucy to Azriel, she was praying that Lucifer would be okay.

"It's alright, you don't have too." Kuro was trying to calm her down so she could go back to sleep.

Diva was setting up the table for dinner and the kids kept running around her and she starting to get annoyed.
Amarisa looked at her for the first time. "I have a contract with Thorne here so therefore, whatever he decides to do is immediately my business." She flipped her hair, disappearing. Thorne sighed. "Have fun finding him. He constantly travels."
Saya finally calmed down after a while then layed back down, she looked at kuro "kuro....I'm sorry you had to see me like this.."

Zafon got down with his shower and walked into the kitchen with no shirt on, he say the kids and saw that diva was getting annoyed "thats enough! Sit down.."

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Lilith looked at Lucifer "Do you need help getting to a bed? I want you to stay in bed until I return, you are no use to me if you are dead." She glared at Lucifer coldly.

Kuro smiled at her "It's fine, as a friend it's what I am here for."

Diva nearly dropped the plate in her hand because Zafon had made her jump and the kids ran off scared "Dear it was fine, they are kids." she sighed "I just wish they would play somewhere else is all."
Zafon looked at diva then sighed "sorry...." he walked over to diva and kisses her on the cheek.

Saya smiled "thank you..."

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"Yeah." Thorne smirked and said "you aren't so scary. I was expecting a succubus but your nothing more than a rat. Quite disappointing." He easily got out of his bindings and walked out of the cell. "The rumors were wrong." He walked off. Lucifer growled and put out his hand but his powers wouldn't work. "D-Damn it."
Lilith laughed "Sorry to disappoint you but I'm a higher class succubus, meaning I have a type and I don't let my sexual side control me, meaning you aren't my type, you're cute but you're not that cute."

"Did you enjoy your shower?" Diva kissed him back.

"Anytime" kuro hugged her again "You should get some more sleep, you seem very tired."
Thorne stopped and looked back at her with dead eyes. It was as if he had no soul the way he looked at her. "Its OK. I wouldn't have f***** you even if you bound me and tortured me." Lucifer was shocked that Thorne had the balls to say that to Lilith.
Lilith laughed "So much fight. And I guess you didn't hear the rumor that I only like men that are easily manipulated." she looked at Lucifer as she said this showing just what she thought about him and then looked back at Thorne "Maybe in another life you'll be my type." she laughed again.
"I will never be manipulated by witchs. I'm just a mere human." He turned to look at them. "Your the ones I've manipulated. While your here busy with me, Axoret's entire army is in Hell. I was simply a distraction." He was in front of her with incredible speed and stabbed her with a poisonous dagger. He nuzzled her neck and then whispered "I win." Lucifer screamed "no!!"

At Hell's palace, part of the place exploded and the humans charged in. They killed everyone in their path. There was so many of them. There was definitely more forces than what Hell had, especially since they were caught off guard. The humans all had spells on them so Hells corruption didn't bother them.
Lilith looked slightly shocked "Well then I hope he discussed it with Demonia before doing this, one wrong move and Demonia along with Hell is dead." she faded away and her laughter filled the room "Thanks for tell me your plan, clones are so perfect to get out what is going on. Seems like I am on my way to hell."

Hell bent over in pain and her skin started to flake and turn to dust on one side of her body, she looked at the entrance of Hell and wondered what was going on that someone would be foolish enough to attack hell.
"This is Gods Will." Lucifer seemed angered but disappeared to Hell. He made sure Axoret and everyone in Azriel knew what was happening. Thorne's expression darkened and he raised his arm. Everything was working according to plan. Hell thought he told her the whole plan.

Back in Azriel, angels were killing everyone. Their were few fighting back but because Axorets army was in Hell, they had no one. The angels easily made it to the palace. Amarisa easily broke the seal, letting her angels in.servamts were killed left and right. Thorne stayed back watching the destruction of two of the most powerful kingdoms.

A servant came to Hell's side. He said "Hell is under attack by humans. There's too many of them. We have just got word that the angels broke the seal and attacked Azriel. In a matter of seconds everything has turned to shit."
Duanna looked around terrified as she watched what the angels were doing, she was confused, everything that she and Michael had worked so hard for was gone, Demonia had led all the kids into Duanna's room and quickly locked and barred the door.

Hell sighed "Those fools...they hit a relic that they shouldn't have...we'll be lucky to find Demonia alive...." Hell sighed and appeared in Hell. Lilith just watched everything with a smile on her face and she wasn't trying to stop any of the killing or fighting that was going on.
Lucifer appeared beside her. "Rumor has it that the angels have destroyed Azriel. I'm sorry but this is your fault this happened. You should have killed him when you had the chance. Good bye, Lilith." He ran inside the burning palace in hopes to find Hell.

Axoret fought against the angels. "Why are you attacking?" He demanded but they didn't answer. He was cut across the stomach. He started to crawl away but felt a cut through his leg. He screamed in agony. Cinder was up, fighting against the angels the best she could but it was no use. There were too many. She had blocked away her emotions so she could focus on protecting Azriel.
Lilith smiled "Good luck in finding your loved one, by the time you find her she will be nothing more than ash." Hell was standing in front of the fire place in the library, in her hand she held a chain that was once longer and was appeared to be a hair clip in her other hand. She had several cuts on her as she had to fight her way into the library.

Duanna started to feel a pain in her stomach and she let out a small scream. Demonia looked worried and had put Nova and Vivian in charge. "I need to go out there and help Axoret fight..." she looked at Vivian "I need you to keep everyone safe while I am gone and possibly try to calm down Duanna, I leave the second task to both you and Nova." Demonia soon left the room and found Axoret, she fought her way to his side.
Lucifer screamed "Hell!!" He looked in every room trying to find her. He cut down the humans in his way. He finally through open the doors of the library. "Hell!"

Axoret laid there. He was bleeding badly but alive. He smiled softly. "Hey... Is this heaven?" He fainted from blood loss. Cinder came to them and said "we have to get out of here. Azriel is lost. If we stay, were all dead!"
Hell smiled when she saw him "Hey...I thought you were with Lilith." she walked over and kissed him on the cheek.

Demonia looked at Cinder "Take Axoret and leave. I'm a little too angry to go anywhere and Duanna is in could be the kids know of the danger and is becoming upset. In other words I can't leave yet." Demonia summoned those that had fallen and made them join her and fight behind her.
"I left her. I'm just happy your alive." He held her close and whispered "tell me what to do."

Cinder hesitated but did as she was told. She went as far away from the palace as she could. She left Azriel, never looking back. She got onto a carriage and laid him across from her. She sighed a little. She needed to get as far away as she could. Even if it meant starting from the beginning, she would do it.
Duanna's screams became louder even as she tried to stay quiet so they wouldn't be found.

Demonia plunged her hand into every angel she walked past releasing large amounts of dark energy into marking sure that they either died or became a forced fallen loyal to only her.

"We need to get these items to a safe area or mine and Demonia's souls will be crushed and lost..." Hell looked down and sighed. "And if not for an angel healing me I would be dead or mortal....that antidote was only a temporary fix...."
Zafon smirked then wrapped his left arm around her waist and pulled her closer, he leaned down and kissed her neck then whispered in her ear softly "it would have been I lot more enjoyable if you were in there with me.."

Saya nodded then slowly drifted off into sleep.

Vivian stood then bowed the demonia, she then nodded her head "yes ma'ma..." she watches as demonia left

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The angels were fighting against Demonia, posing her as the biggest threat. Other angels went toward the screaming, led by Amarisa of course. When they burst through the door and saw Duanna and the children, Amarisa smirked. "Imprison them." The angels start chaining them all up. "So your the legendary girl with the nephilim children." She lifted her chin. "I plan on wiping the entire universe of all corruption." She hit Duanna. "Yoir also the girl that stole my Michael from me. He left me so he could run off to marry you. Take her away. She will be put to death after the children are born."

Lucifer nodded and asked "are you alright? You dont look so good."
A darkness quickly engulfed Duanna and she vanished, Demonia glared at Amarisa "And you're the girl that I will kill with my bare hands for hitting my daughter!" a darkness quickly erupted from Demonia and any lower and middle class angel instantly became a fallen. Demonia's old self was starting to emerge and Nova quickly turned into her dog demon form biting any other angel that still stood against his mother. "Attacking my home was a bad choice and then attacking my daughter was the worse."

"One of the pieces in the chain broke off, it just damaged a bit of my soul is all....and weakened me a little....." hell saw what was going on with demonia and she sighed "Seems your kids think its time to be born....we need to go find Duanna...."

Diva giggled "So lets call the kids inside and eat."

When Kuro heard the fighting he carefully picked up Saya and went into an underground bunker and laid her down in one of the beds down there, he saw his mom and dad and smiled when he saw they were alive.

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