Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"I will never bow to you." He slapped her across the face, his family ring scraping against her skin. He grabbed the antidote and said "thank you dearest." He poured the liquid down Hell's throat and grabbed Lilith, disappearing. He didn't want to be there when she woke up. He reappeared at a cabin. "We stay here for the night. Any complaints?"
Vivian giggled "I see...I'll make sure to remember that.."

Saya looked at kuro and smiled "I'm sure they are fine.."

Zafon looked diva in the eyes then sighed "I'm going to take a shower.." he turned and began to walk away.

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Lilith smiled as if she knew something that he didn't "None at all. Though I can't believe you really left my sister, it amazes me just how far you have fallen." she giggled.
"My son will most likely get her. I told him what happens if I dont come back." He smiled softly. He ran a hand through his hair. "I love Hell more than anything. She will understand why I did this."

Axoret was with Cinder to maybe get her out of her state but nothing seemed to work.
Nova smiled and then walked to his room.

Kuro smiled "Yea I hope so..."

Diva smiled "Well dinner will be ready in about thirty minutes so don't take too long."

Lucy knocked on the door to let Axoret know that they were there "Hello, my father instructed us to come here. I need someone to look after my sister while I return to Hell to get my mother."
Lilith smiled "also I forgot to mention one more thing."

Lili protested but after a bit agreed to stay and wait for Lucy to return. She watched as he left and looked worried.
Lucifer narrowed his eyes and asked "what is it?"

Axoret smiled and said "dont worry. He'll be back soon enough. You can play with your friend in the meantime."
"You never see Duanna again while she is carrying your kids." Lilith smiled "If you don't agree to that then I have my assassins attack your son as he retrieves his mother."

"I's just with all this going on I am worried about him...." Lili sighed.
"She'll die!!" He exclaimed. He clenched his fist. "I only see her to feed her. Once she gives birth, she will give birth to the most powerful beings to ever exist. They will be half angel, half demons; pure blood nephilim children. Once she gives birth, I'll kill her and take the children for my own. They will be ours. Nothing can stop us. Sound like a plan?" He was back to his cocky self.
"That's just it, I want her and them dead." Lilith grinned. "Two of your kids is problematic enough but four I won't be able to handle, also I hear Duanna goes on a feeding frenzy when she doesn't get your blood. I want her to rip the royal family apart just to get their blood."
Axoret nodded. "Understandable. He's a strong kid but he's still young." He smiled softly.

Lucifer shook his head "they won't be problematic if raised by us. They will learn to use their powers for evil. They will kill the entire royal royal family if we need them to. I've been planning on taking them from the very beginning. You must understand that I can't stop seeing her because I am not stupid. Losing these children would basically be admitting our defeat and I am not ready to do that. Though once she gives birth, she's useless to me. Right now, she's growing an addiction for my blood. She's basically a slave to me. She can't say no so killing her would be easy." He kissed down Lilith's neck. "You will be making a big mistake if you let the twins die." He smirked. He was quote manipulative but also an evil genius. He clearly thought this through.
Lilith smiled and then pushed him away, pain started to fill her body and it took everything she had not to scream. "She'll pay....for this....I swear.....I'll kill her....."

Lili tried to smile "I think I am going to go find a room to rest in..."

Hell was sitting up on Lili's bed and was smiling. In the middle of the fight with her sister she had placed a mark on Lilith that would cause her pain if she started to have real feelings for Lucifer.
"You will not lay a finger on her." He slammed her against the wall, and started to kiss her deeply, relieving her of the pain. He said in Hell's head dont hurt her, my love. I'm sorry for leaving you but I need power and she's the only person that can give me what I want. She won't kill me. I know this. I'm too valuable to her. Good bye. He gasped as he pulled away. He felt the pain that Hell was feeling. He then looked at her. "Hopefully Hell listens to my message." He didn't love Lilith but he was willing to pretend that he did and he was really good at pretending.
"Doubtful, if I have my way then she'll become the new me." Lilith smiled and placed a hand on Lucifer's cheek "This all started with the two brothers of Heaven my dearest Lucifer, she sacrificed what I would not in order to keep a fallen out of stone and chains." Lilith laughed a little.
Axoret nodded and replied "alright very well then."

Lucifer smirked and said "were keeping the twins right? We have a deal? You won't regret it. I promise you. And... If they refuse to cooperate, I'll kill them myself." He went back to kissing her neck.
"Fine but I will be watching over every meeting to make sure my sister doesn't try to show up..." Lilith was happy that he didn't ask what she meant by her previous statement, she doubt it would have changed his mind but there was that bit of fear that is might.

Lili soon found a small guest room and she looked down at Rei "You and I will stay in here."
He smiled. He thought it best not to ask questions. It was better that way. He smiled and said "its been a while since I've fed her. Come on. Shall we go see her? I will protect you from the soldiers. I would prefer to get there without a fight."
Vivian did know where nova was going but she still followed him.

Saya smiled and nodded.

Zafon nodded "ok.." he then left to the bathroom to take a shower.

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"I just realized they may not let her leave the castle....I tried to enter into the palace earlier and it shot me back....hurt more than my sister's spells ever have." Lilith looked annoyed.
Lucifer growled and paced trying to think of what to do. He needed to get to Duanna but their probably highly guarding her after Michael died. "I might be able to get to her. They haven't found out about my betrayal yet and I'm planning on keeping it that way." He kissed her lightly. "I promise I won't be long... My love." He disappeared in shadows.
Nova smiled at her "this is my room so for the current time you are free to wonder on your own as long as you don't go into the older part of the castle." he laughed a little.

Kuro laid down on his bed and soon drifted off to sleep.

Diva went back to working on dinner and keeping to kids at bay until food was ready.

Lilith smiled and waited.

Duanna was sleeping and resting well after feeding Leo and checking on Leta.
Lucifer appeared in Duanna's room and smiled. "Wake up! Its time to feed. I won't be able to feed you as often. Dont come find me for feedings though. I'll come to you." He slit his hand and put it by her mouth.
Duanna did as she was told, she was slightly numb from the fact that Michael was gone, he was her other half but no more. She pulled away when she was done and turn over in her bed facing away from him, it seemed that with Michael's death her need to constantly feed from Lucifer had died as well and she was no longer addicted to his blood as she once was. "Thank you....please leave now."

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