Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Nova had ran off to find his parents.

"I am sure if I told my father that it was to keep you safe he doesn't mind." Kuro smiled.

"Well if I invited him to dinner would you behave?" Diva knew that is would most likely be a no but she thought she would ask anyways.
Fayde sighed as he walked out he only walked about five feet away and sat againstbthe wall. The Hunters took positions for defense. In a few moments he felt Michael's power faint but there. He rushed into her room looking around, "Brother!"

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Michael smiled softly. "I was just about to see you brother." He winced in pain. "Dont be mad at Cinder and protect her from Lucifer. He will be after her. I'm sorry for everything but I now know she's trying to change. She is stable for now. She tried to kill herself but I stopped her. She's unresponsive and basically an empty vessel but she's alive. She blames herself for killing me. Please be with her. She needs her family. I must go. Mom is calling me. Good bye." He walked away and soon disappeared into norhingness.
Duanna felt bad for being upset with Cinder but she couldn't help herself, her wings soon returned to their lighter color. "Fayde once I am complete calm I'll help you with keep Cinder safe, I want me and her to be friends but I was just so upset that I wasn't there when Michael died....I think I was more upset with myself than I was upset with her...also I would still like to be queen of heaven but until I am able to fight to keep it safe I need someone to fight for me....would it be a problem if I asked you to protect it temporarily?"

Hell sighed and looked down "So what's our plan to get rid of my sister or do we have one yet?"
Vivian went to look at nova and saw that he was gone, she looked around to see where he went, she sighed as her eyes glowed green again so she could see where nova was, once she found him, she ran in the direction of where he went.

Saya nodded "ok..thanks"

Zafon got more annoyed "if I see him...I cant guarantee that I wont punch him in the face with my flaming fist.."

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Cinder laid on the bed. She couldn't cry anymore. She was so alone now. She wanted to continue her training with Fayde but couldn't in her current state. Axoret walked in. He comforted her. He acted fatherly but it didn't seem to help. She didn't respond or even attempt to move. She was dead on the insane. It was her fault Michael was dead. She couldn't bring him back. He was gone.

Lucifer shrugged and said "dont have one yet. Shall we fight?" He smirked at her.
Hell smiled "Sounds like fun to me. Teach her that this is a kingdom that won't go down so easily and you don't mess with this family unless you want to get burnt." she giggled.

Nova looked at his mom and dad "I am taking so of the guards to deal with some people." Demonia looked at Nova "We need to have a family meeting as soon as possible so you are to stay in ears range of us."

"Anytime." Kuro smiled as he opened the door to the room in the Inn.

"If we don't allow the kids to fight then what makes you think that you can?" Diva sighed.
"Demonia said we should run away and live with them but even now, I still dont think that's a good idea. If we all hide in one palace then it gives her the opportunity to kill us all easily. She wouldn't even break a sweat." He looked down.
"Unless she set up spells. Demonia learned a lot from me when I was inside her, spells and wards that I used at one time to keep myself safe from her, if Demonia has used those then we're safe but I don't like hiding, as for the kids I wouldn't mind them staying there but they wouldn't like the idea of being somewhere without us." Hell sighed and her wounds soon healed and she started to cough and then passed out, there was blood on her hand.
He picked her up and went to find Lucy and Lili. He wanted to fight but he needed to protect his family. He might have acted like a jerk but that time has passed.
Lucy was in the courtyard meditating and a soldier was trying to sneak up on him.

Lili was in her room but what she didn't know is that on the outside of her room symbols and spells were glowing bright red.
Lucifer found Lucy first and shot an arrow in the head of the soldier. He ran to Lucy and held him close. "We have to get to your sister. Lets go!" He ran off, killing soldiers in his ey. He didn't care if they were his or Liliths.
Lucy sighed and he stood up "Thanks for killing my training partner." Lucy didn't ask what was going on but he just followed and then noticed his mom was passed out "Is mom okay?" Lili was cleaning her room with Rei not even knowing the dangers that had happened, her door is locked.
Rei was enjoying teaching Lili how to clean, She had teleported a few times from the closet and back. She hadn't even realized what was going on in the hallway.
Lucifer got to Lili's room and noticed it was lock. He pounded on the door. "Lili!!! Open the door!! Lili!" He finally just kicked it open. He ran over to her and hugged her tightly. "We have to go." He picked up Hell and said "Lilith is here... We need to leave. You can bring you friend but will discuss her being here later."
Lili picked up Rei and nodded, she knew that it was no time for if, ans, or buts. She knew that she might be in trouble for bringing someone into Hell. "Where are we going?" she stayed close to him and Lilith smiled as she appeared on the outside of the room and tried to enter but was shot back and against the wall "Seems like my sister put up spells to protect your darling daughter." her voice sounded almost serpent like, Lili quickly hid behind her father.
Rei kept quiet. She wasn't suppose to be here? She hoped Lili hadn't gotten in trouble because of her... she gripped Lili's shirt when Lilith appeared and was blasted into the wall. When Lilith spoke Rei was glad to be in Lili's arms, it kept her grounded, or she would have run into the shadows by now.
Lucifer laid Hell on the bed and kissed her forehead. He looked at Lilith with terrifying eyes. "You will lean not to mess with me or my family, Lilith." He looked at Lucy and smiled softly. He kneeled down so he was eye level and said "bring your sister and her friend to Axoret's palace. Can you do that. If we don't meet you there, you listen to uncle Fayde, Auntie Duanna and Demonia. I love you and your sister so much. Please remember that. Now go." He kissed Lucy's forehead." He stood up and yelled "go!"
"I will return for mom once I know Lili is safe." Lucy held onto Lili protectively and flew out of the room and towards Axoret's palace. The longer that they stayed the more of a distraction that they could be on their father. Lilith started to run after the kids forgetting that Lucifer was the one she should worry about.

Lili held onto Rei as if she was trying to get out of a bad dream and that Rei was the only key back to reality.
Lucifer cut her across the back. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. I could have given you the throne if you hadn't shown your true intentions. Here's your chance to kill m but you must understand this, if you kill me you will have the angel army, the human army, and my army after your head. Your a smart girl. I know you wouldn't risk that. You prefer staying in the shadows. Michael is dead... I'm surprised your not already in the angel realm claiming yourself as Queen. Make your choice now. Kill me and take my place as Quren but risk a war breaking out or leave my kingdom and never return."
Lilith turned to face him, her wound quickly healing "Who's to say I haven't already made myself queen of Heaven? I want all three thrones silly little boy. Also just wondering how is my sister doing with that poison coursing through her? You know I have the antidote, I'll give it to you if you give something to me." she smiled
Lucifer clenched his fist and said "I'm not willingly giving you the throne. I will just have to take it off your corpse!" He growled, eyes blood red, wings open. He was ready to fight even if it cost him his life.
Vivian got to where nova was then her eyes went back to normal, she panted softly from the lose of more energy that she used but she forced heraelf to hide her lose energy, she looked at nova "how am I supposed to guard someone who keeps running off.." she smiled slightly.

Saya walked into the room.

Zafon sighs in annoyance " just dont get it.....he was supposed to watch over her..protect her...not fall in love with her.....if I would have known he was starting to gain feeling for her..I would have picked someone else for the job"

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"Too bad....and I might have let you rule as my king of all three lands, that is what you wanted right?" Lilith smiled.

Lucy and Lili soon arrived at Azriel and landed inside the palace "We should be safe for now....we are going to go find the king and queen and then I am going back for mom..."

Nova smiled at her "I guess with someone like me you need to be on your toes at all times" he laughed a little.

Kuro got dressed for bed and looked around "I hope my mom and dad will be home tomorrow...I am worried about them...."

"And you don't seem to get that he never acted out on it until recently. I think he did well for someone who watched after her for as long as he did." Diva smiled.
Lucifer hesitated. All the power he could have laid right before his feet. He bit his bottom lip and then walked over to her. He kissed Lilith gently and said "fine... I accept. I'm tired of acting good anyways. Hand me the antidote or Ill take back my word."

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