Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Fayde sighed, "It's alright, I just don't want Michael getting his panties into a knot." He walked alongside her a while before geting out into the area they sparred before. He looked down at her concern all over his face, be relaxed, let down your walls. Most importantly keep your concious self in combat, otherwise, there may be no return. "Alrighty, now let's do this, don't slip into your animalistic state, fight it, then fight me. "
Cinder closed her eyes and tried to keep her animal instincts in check. She slowly opened her eyes. She kept her walls up as she started to fight. She wasn't as animalistic as before but she refused to let him in. She couldn't let him see the darker side of her. In the end, he was no different than Michael or Lucifer. They were still raised by mom.
Hell looked down and leaned against the wall to cry, she was scared of how Lucifer had acted towards her. Lilith appeared in front of her and tried to calm her down and Hell drew her sword out on Lilith, trying to attack her.

"Well that could be what the bare closet was suppose to be....another one is out in the hallway." Lili was a little scared to go into the hallway.

Nova followed and smiled "Maybe when we get out of here I can show you the shadow woods."

Kuro kicked it back and smiled "This is fun."

Diva kissed him "So are you still upset with UH?"
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"I'll go get it" Rei said and teleported into the hallway. "Closet... Closet... She looked at the doors around her.

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Fayde saw that Cinder was at least trying but she still seemed hesitant, he sighed sadly wanting her to be more comfortable around him. "Your move."

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"Your no different than Michael and Lucifer. I will prove myself." She looked up and screamed "I won't lose to anyone, ya hear me? I will fight for my place in the angel realm and make you, mom, finally proud of me!!!" She panted. She concentrated and the wind started to pick up. The wind slashed Fayde across the face. She still didn't have full control over her powers and it was taking a lot out of her to use all of her power. She moved her hands up and a fire wall surrounded both of them. "This is a fight between only us. No interuptions from your annoying w****s." She slipped on her gloves, her eyes glowing blood red. This was taking a lot out of her but she didn't care. She wouldn't lose to angels anymore. She was fallen and it was time she acted like one.
Vivian looked back at nova as they walked, she smiled "sure...sounds like fun"

Saya smiled and kicked it back to kuro and giggled "yep.."

Zafon kisses her back, he smiled at her as she spoke but as soon as she said UH, his face went from happy to annoyed "what do you think.." he says and lets her go.

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One of the doors said maids closet.

Leta had fallen asleep but had also fallen into fits of nightmares, she had screamed several times but she wasn't ever able to wake up.

Nova smiled and then thought he saw someone so he drew out his sword.

Kuro played kick with her for a while but then noticed how late it was getting "We should return to the Inn."

Diva sighed "Dear you can't remain angry with him..."
Vivian stopped then looked forward, she heard movement but didnt see anything, she out her hand on the hilt of her sword and kept her guard up.

Saya stopped the ball then looked up at the sky to see it getting late, she looked at kuro and smiled "I guess your right, lets head back" she picked up the ball.

Zafon looked more annoyed "and why is that..."

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Rei jumped up twisted the handle, she pushed against the wall and held on as it swung open. They should really get a key for this closet. She looked in and saw a mop bucket in the middle if the room... Good thing she didn't just teleport in here... She jumped down from the handle and grabbed hold of the first broom she could find. Rei concentrated and teleported back to the room with the broom.

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Lili looked at her and smiled "I was starting to get worried that maybe my mom had found you...."

Nova looked at her "If there's more than one person don't worry about trying to protect me, just worry about getting rid of the people."

Kuro smiled at her and led the way to the Inn "Thanks for playing with me and teaching me a game."

"He did his job and never once mentioned anything about being in love with shouldn't be angry with him about that." Diva kissed him on the cheek "So what would you like for dinner?"
Fayde winced both at Cinder's words and the cut. He saw the determination on her face and reacted in kind. He was upset by the fact that she lumped him in with their brothers. "I am NOTHING like them! Dont you dare say that again." He held open his right palm and purple lightning crackled then formed a sphere in his hand. He gripped it and it extended into a staff two sythe blades popped out the raised end symmetrically. His eyes became electric purple the color making his eyes seem to glow. "I am Vramiel angel of desolation and destruction." He whipped his scythe downwards and the geound below it burst into purple flames. He charged forwards both hands on his weapon poised to strike at any angle.

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Michael and Lucifer met in secret in the human realm to discuss Fayde and Cinder. Michael laid on a bed while they spoke. Lucifer said "if Fayde doesn't listen... We might have to kill them both. Will you be OK with that?" Michael was silent but after pondering it, he replied "we will watch how their doing and if we find out about treachery, we kill them. Cinder might be changing and Fayde might be her only hope of changing. I dont approve of their relationship though. Its disgusting really. I saw them kissing." Lucifer didn't seem surprised. "I heard an interesting thing before dad fell and disappeared off the face of the earth. They were arguing about how he cheated on mom with a human girl. The human apparently gave birth to Cinder and gave the baby to the angels because she knew the baby would be safer here. Mom took the baby in. She didn't immediately know the baby was dad's but when she found out, she wanted nothing more than to get rid of her. She's barely even our sister. She would be our half sister if she was more angel than human but she's not. She's more human than anything else." Michael seemed surprised that mom kept this from him.
Duanna watched over Leta in worry, she could not get her to wake from her nightmare and plants were starting to grow around Leta as if trying to protect her.

Demonia walked out of Hell looking a few years younger almost to the point of looking like a teenager, she made her way home, she was happy that she hadn't ran into Lucifer on her way out. She walked into the castle and sent a maid to tell Axoret she was back and waiting in the library.

The maid ran and knocked on Axoret office door.
A sword appeared in her hands and she got into a ready position. She narrowed her eyes at him and seemed to be focusing on his movements. She started to attack with incredible speed. She was as fast as the wind. She wouldnt lose to him anymore. "Im sick of being known as your useless human sister!" Something seemed to have set her off. "Im sick of everyone patronizing me!" She got faster and the wind picked up the angrier she gotm "Ive spent my entire life trying to prove myself and be loved by my family but all I was was looked down upon and treated like shit!" At this rate, she might accidentally kill him.

Axoret smiled and decided to go greet her. He knew something bad was going to happen pretty soon. "Hey sweetheart." Hw kissed her cheek. "Your daughter Lilith is here. She was badly wounded but Kit is with her. I dont know if their still here but you can go check."
Demonia smiled as soon as she saw him and kissed him back "Yes I know, I watched as you bandaged her up. It was unbearable not being able to help you or her and there are things that we need to get into order before I check on anyone. I see and hear more when I am dead and the whispers that I heard were not of good news."
"Tea sounds nice, goodness when you're dead and a ghost you long for food and drink." Demonia smiled. "I had already sent a maid to get me tea and some snacks." she sat down "Hell's sister Lilith is back and for blood and war." she looked up and a cart was brought in with the refreshments "It use to be that a demon would possess people saying they were Lilith but the whispers told me otherwise and that it was her this time." Demonia had the maid pour her tea and then Demonia mixed the sugar in herself.
Axoret smiled and sipped his tea. The maids already knew what he liked so he didn't have to do anything. When he glanced up to see the maid lingering around he said "it can be better but your getting better. You are dismissed." She scurried away. "Lilith... Well, there's nothing we can do about that, right? I'm surprised that Lucifer and Michael aren't lingering around hoping to get a treat like the puppies they are. How is Fayde doing?"
Demonia giggled at them being called puppies "Well I didn't keep an eye on them, I was too busy making sure that Lilith wouldn't be able to enter our home again, Duanna may have to come stay here along with her kids. Lilith might try to hurt them to make Michael upset, as I was leaving Hell I heard Lilith and Hell talking, Lilith was discussing how she wants the thrones of all three realms, just as much as she is the enemy of Michael and Lucifer she is also our enemy..." Demonia smelt her tea and looked displeased "As I said she is our enemy as well..." she sat her tea down "Lilith will have to try better if she thinks I will fall to poison so easily..." she was now annoyed but could tell that she was the target since Axoret's tea was fine. "She must have had someone put poison in my cup...she can't get in so she has to have someone do her dirty work."
Fayde parried the strikes, deftly swing his scythe to counter and even launch his own attacks, she was difficult to fight but her anger made it easier to fight her though the wind did not. Fayde used his basic trick of sidestepping then striking swinging the blades low at her ankles, a good move to either catch your opponent of guard or create space if you didn't. By now all of Fayde's huntresses had gathered at the edge of the field watching, they all felt the enormous power radiating off them, Celeste the meeker of Fayde's two angelic huntresses let out terrified squeeks everytime their weapons clashed. The others watcher concern on evem Armelia's face. Vraiyei did what she could and sentba mental image to Michael. Sage smacked her upside the head her eyes filled with disapproval of her action. Their attention returned to the "training session."

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Anger flashed across his face but then smiled softly. He whistled and the maid that gave them the teas came bck. "Who made the tea?" He asked curiously. She swallowed hard and as soon as he noticed her hesitation, he got up. "Dont worry deary. This will be painless." She stepped back, pressing her back against the wall. "I begged her not to kill you right away and begged her to at least make you suffer. I'm so sorry. She cornered me." Axoret lifted her chin and said "I know. Can you tell me where the rat is so we can exterminate her?" The servant shook and said "I promise that she didn't let me know where she was. She was very cautious." Axoret nodded and took the cup of tea. He said soothingly "drink." When she didn't make a move toward it, he forcibly yelled "drink!" She was frightened and took the cup. She started to drink. "It tastes... Horrible." Axoret paced and said "drink every last drop as punishment for high treason." When she was done, he watched her fall to her knees and start coughing. "It hurts so much." He took his cup and poured the tea over her head and watched her scream. "It was too hot." His old self was coming out. He watched her cough up blood. He waited until she stopped writhing on the floor and went limp. "Take her away." Guards dragged her away. He smirked at Demonia and asked "you ready to exterminate the rat? Lets check the sewers first."
Demonia smiled but felt sorry for the maid "That was a little harsh don't you think?" she sighed and then stood up "Lilith will just send another rat. I think we should just start with the staff. After seeing so many rats of Lilith you start to tell who serves her and who doesn't." She looked worried when she heard Kana scream "They better not have hurt my little girl...." her worry soon changed to anger as she quickly walked to Kana's room and saw blood seeping out from under the door.
Every hit didn't seem to do anything to her. She didn't seem in pain at all. She seemed to have turned off her pain receptors. She did a bacflip away from him and and started to summon more elements to her aid. Ice spikes came up from the ground. "You want me to let you in? You want me to trust you?" Darkness filled her body and black wings grew from her back. It would have been painful but she didn't even feel it. She smirked. "It seems they have approved me as a worthy angel." She was losing control of her light side. The darkness was taking over. Michael and Lucifer got in between them. "That's enough!" Exclaimed Michael. An ice spike hit him through the chest and he screamed. It has impaled him. He struggled before falling limp and disappearing in light. At the sound of his scream, she looked at her hand and she stepped back. Fear was all over her face. She screamed and finally fell unconscious. Lucifer caught her. "Damn it, Cinder. I shouldn't have listened to Michael and let you live." He placed the point of a knife on her chest and was ready to end her life once and for all.

Axoret ran out of the room and ran toward the scream. He would not let anyone hurt his family. He didn't care how harsh he was. The next one, he's killing in front of all his servants and will be happy to make him suffer.
Kana looked at her them as they entered and she ran to their side, she was crying but there a dead servant laying on the ground. "They tried to kill me....i didn't know what to do so I just grabbed my sword and stared to swing...." it was obvious that her kinder side was out, Demonia picked her up and sighed with relief. "Well a dead servant is better than you being hurt." Demonia looked at Axoret "They might be dead but I say we call the servants to the main hall and show them what will happen if any of them continue to follow Lilith."

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