Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Cinder laid on the ground groaning but then screamed as she felt her powers rumbling. A slice in the earth appeared next to where her opponent stood. Another strike happened on the other side of her. Before the third one finally was able to kill her, it stopped. Cinder was biting her arm which seemed to have stopped her powers. She laid there panting.
Duanna started to cry, her hands were shaking. A laughter started to echo around Lucifer, Michael, and Duanna.

"Well I am the princess of hell, my father is Lucifer and my mother is someone that is known as the physical form of hell." Lili was walking towards the castle.

"well thanks." Nova laughed "My mom might come looking for us once she returns if we are still stuck here in three days and if we are we need to watch what we eat and drink."

"How is that played, do you just kick it to one another?" Kuro wasn't really sure how it was played.

Diva sighed "We have a guest house out back, I will talk to Zafon and see if I can calm him down, I will come for you when it's safe to meet with him."
"You're a princess..." Rei was a little more than in awe. She was friends with a princess, not only that but this girl had treated her like an equal when she was just a small doll... Rei was now more determined than ever to protect her new friend. "Someone is the physical representation of hell? How odd..." Rei was talking to hide her nervousness she was in hell with it's princess, it was more than a little intimidating.
"Well it seems at one time hell didn't exist, my mother is older than hell but when she first walked the earth she did many bad things, people that she calls the elders punished her by making her a prisoner inside the earth, several hundred years later Hell was created and the creator of that world found my mother and felt the energy she had but my mother was just a fossilized person at that time and she was given the name Hell, so many years had passed and my mother forgot her real name so she took on the name she heard so many times. Then seven years ago my mom met my dad and the elders gave her another chance allowing her to have her own body again." Lili walked into the castle and when she saw her mom she ran in the other direction and into her room which was very plain almost dirty for a princess, Lili locked the door so that her mother couldn't get in.
Fayde had watched the fight all the way up to his Cider's outburst. He stepped up, Armelia went to tbe sidelines as he stared at his sister. "Again." He didn't look it naturally but he was always radiating power. "C'mon, stand we don't have all day."

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Vivian looked around "right.." she suddenly saw a random dark hallway on the right of them, she stopped walking then looked at nova with a smirk "lets go that way.." she pointed down the dark creepy hallway.

Saya giggled and smiled "pretty much.."

Uh looked at diva then bowed his head to her "thank you diva..."

Zafon stirred in his sleep then suddenly woke up, he set him and stretched then yawned "that was a nice nap.." he looked around for diva.

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"Oh, I see. I used to have a couple of friends... Eh, that was terrible to be honest." She shrugged meekly, almost shuddering at the memory. Not all of it had been terrible, but a lot had.
Michael and Lucifer looked around trying to find the source.

Cinder slowly got up. "Just give me a moment, Okay? When my body decides to force my power out, it hurts like hell." She looked around and got into a fighting position.
Fayde stayed in his position and watched Cinder, annoyed at how weak she let herself become. "You have to get comtrol of that power before you hurt someone you care about."

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"I've spent centuries with humans living like a human would. Give me a break if I don't immediately know how to control my power!" She snapped at him. She didn't seem frustrated with him. It was more like herself. "Training me is like training a child. Your starting from the beginning." She pushed him angrily.
Fayde kept his patience. "That's where we all had to start, thats you'll start. Now let's go." He stepped up again. " You first."

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Lilith appeared and looked at Duanna "Quit crying you little baby!"

Nova laughed "You like the creepy places don't you."

Kuro led her to an empty field "With this be a good place to play?"

"You're welcome" Diva walked back inside and smiled when she saw zafon awake "Hello sleepy head."
"I suggest you calm yourself Michael or I mess with Duanna's mind even more than what I already have." Lilith smiled. "When I left her body after possessing her I left a little bit of me inside her, she's my plaything now, meaning you don't do what I say and she just might go crazy." Lilith laughed and then looked at Lucifer. "So how is the misses dear Lucifer? Hell just might be my next target."
Vivian smiled "so what if I that a problem.."

Saya followed kuro, she looked around at field then nodded "its perfect.."

Zafon looked over at diva and smiled then walked over to her "hey babe...why were you out side" he put his arm around her waist then pulled her close to him.

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Rei only caught a glimpse of Hell before the door was closed, "Was that her?" she asked, "are you in a fight with her?" her questions were on overdrive, she was trying to ignore the urge to clean the room, years of cleaning up after your master will make you a bit of a neat freak. especially when he "forgets things", by that she means leaves behind for someone even when they aren't suppose to get involved... his rule by the way.

"Yes... Living creatures can be terrible... Even the non-living ones can be mean!" He chuckled, "Of course I have tried to keep that side hidden from my other companion in the past... She is a doll you see so she really doesn't understand living creatures all that well, but she is just so clever!" He sounded like a gushing father talking about his child. "But your experiences sound mighty interesting! probably not as good as mine," he teased, "but interesting all the same..."
Lucifer clenched his teeth. He smirked and ran a hand through his hair. "Why don't we go somewhere more private." He looked at her with lustful eyes in hopes to distract her.

Cinder chuckled and with incredible speed threw a knife at him to distract him and then with incredible speed was behind him with a knife to his throat. She was a lot shorter than him so she was on her tippie toes. "Your move..."
Nova smiled "Not at all, might be a few leftover from the last riot."

Kuro smiled "Thank you."

"I thought one of the kids was trying to sneak out from their window, instead they were just opening it to get some fresh air." Diva smiled.

"And what would your wife say to that?" Lilith smiled at him.

"Mom isn't the nicest person if dad isn't around, it wasn't until recently that he came into the picture but before then mom would beat me and my brother....she would say that it was our fault that he left, brother always tried to protect me the best he could." Lili looked down "And I'm sorry that you had to see my room in such a poor would make me clean other places and maids weren't allowed to clean my room...."
Vivian smirks "cool" she giggled then began to walk down the dark creepy hallway.

Saya smiled more "no problem" she then set the ball on the ground then kicked it over to kuro.

Zafon smirked "I see..." he leaned down and kissed her.

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"I don't care. I've spent most of my life with a man... I've seen worse." Rei made a face at the thought. "And I can help," Rei leaped from her hands, "I'm pretty good at cleaning, I have even been employed in other castles in other countries... Well I wouldn't exactly say employed... More like snuck my way in and just started working before anyone remembered I didn't work there..."
He growled, angrily and then grabbed her roughly before disappearing. He would protect his family no matter what. He reappeared in a field and asked "I would have given you everything yet I believe Hell more than I would ever believe some girl I met off the streets. What do you want.
He hit her across the face. "Your no different from my sister. You should totally meet so you can talk with one another about how to kill one of the most powerful families alive."

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