Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Lucifer growled angrily and appeared in front of Hell before slamming her to the wall. "Why?" He demanded. "Why is she doing it?"
"But I want to help. I really want to help... You... In any way I can." Rei was looking at her shoes.

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Fayde caught the knife and brought his hand down adjusting his grip, as soon as there was a knife to his throat there was a knife at her sternum. "Try again." He sent sent a pulse of power out of himself and knocked Cinder back grabbing her knife as she was knocked back..

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Cinder smirked and got on all fours. She started to sniff. She seemed to be remembering her training. She slipped on her gloves and turned, punching through a tree. While he was busy dealing with the falling tree, she was gone. She hid in a tree. She was so animalistic. It was a question what kind of gang she was apart of.
Fayde slapped the tree away an irrtated look on his face he, held up an open palm and gathered his signature purple energy, before holding his hand out and discharging a large beam that cut through the trees. As he fired he swung his arm sideways moving true break as a blade. All the trees in a twenty foot radius granted to the ground. " Try again."

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She came from above, spin kicking him. She started to punch him. She was laughing. It seemed that she loved to fight despite how her powers came out whenever she was in danger.
Hell looked scared "Who are you talking about?"

"Does it make you happy when you clean?" Lili didn't want her friend to do something that she wouldn't enjoy.
"Dear please're hurting me...just let me go and I'll tell you whatever it is." Hell was becoming scared of Lucifer, she was deeply scared of him.
Rei thought about that for a moment, "I don't know..." She answered honestly, "Learning is what makes me happy but... cleaning and working have always allowed me to learn so I never hated it or thought of it as a chore. It was a means to an end. but i don't know if I like it exactly..."
Lucifer through her to the floor and stood there, staring down at her. "Well? I don't have all day. Speak!!!" His gaze was haunting as they traveled down her body.
"Lilith is my sister....all I know is that she fell in love with the wrong guy who promised her the world and since then she has thought that heaven eart and hell belongs to her, she has been hiding all these years to build up her army...that's all I know..." Hell tried to stand up but stopped when she felt pain in her leg. "It could also be that the guy promised her you and your brother would serve her one day..."

"Maybe you could show me how to clean a room" lili looked down for asking such a thing.
Lucifer started to laugh distantly. "How pathetic... I won't give my throne to her." He walked off to think. He left her alone, not bothering with her.
Rei's eyes widened, "we can do it together?" She had mixed feelings over this first she was excited but then nervous because Lili was a princess, but... "Ok, do you know where the broom closet is?"

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Fayde sighed, his body seemingly on auto pilot, as he dodged attacks. The kick had some force to it, but her punches were dull, he simply concentrated his aura into physical, plates that appeared wherever he blocked. He suddenly spun swiping her legs from under her and punching down, his fist encased in a purple aura, that seemed to act as armor. "You're fighting like a beast, Beasts are mindless and have no skill, use your senses, concentrate. Try again!" his fist connected with her stomach and as he slammed her down the earth gave in, forming a crater around the two. multiple rings of earth flew up, and chunks of rock layered the depression around them. Fayde stood and turned, walking out of the crater calmly. "Dismissed." he spat the word out in disgust, not at his sister, but at how far she seemed to have fallen. He was worried that she would never be herself again.
Cinder laid there, sore and bruised. She was frightened that she would be stuck as a human forever. She was afraid that she would never fully control her powers ever again. When she got up, she ran to her room slamming the door as she did so. "It was a mistake to have come here." Tears slipped down her cheeks. "Damn it. I shouldn't have been so hopeful." She slipped in her bed and whispered "one more night... One more night of feeling like a princess." At that, she cried herself to sleep. The next morning, she refused to get up for training. Whenever a servant would try to wake her up she would bite and scratch at them.
Eventually, after multiple repots of servants being assaulted by his sister Fayde went to her room himself. He opened the and went to her bedside and kneeled so his face was level with hers. "Cinder, what do you need me to do to convince you I'm trying to help." His tone was soft, he was fiercly protective of her, willing to fight even Michael and Lucifer to keep her safe, and he had when they were kids too. he placed a gentle hand on her cheek, noticing her eyes were still a little red obviously from crying.
"Will I... Will I be able to be normal or am I a lost cause? I want to be a fallen again but my wings... I don't have them anymore." She curled up, tears slipping down her cheeks once again. She hated feeling like this in front of him. "Big brother... I don't want to be alone again. Don't leave me to that b**** again." It was obvious she was talking about their mother. She clenched the sheets angrily. "She hated me the moment I was born. I bet she was happy when I fell and even happier when my wings were stripped and I was made human."
Fayde stood up, and sighed, "Mom's dead, now let's go we have to practice. Fun fact, they don't take your wings they seal them away hoping you will never be strong enough to break the seal and Regain them. Now c'mon we're gonna get your wings back." he stepped out into the hall then turned towards her waiting.
"But..." She sighed and slipped off her clothes to get into better clothes that she could fight in. She followed him slowly, not speaking to him. Cinder finally looked up at him, blushing but quickly scurried up ahead so she could walk beside him. "Thank you," she muttered.
Fayde looked annoyed as she started to say "But", then blushed and looked away when, she slipped off her clothes. Needless to say he regained his composure, by the time she caught up to him, smiling and nodding as she said thank you. "No problem, just try not to harm my servants next time you're upset, ok?"
"No promises. They were annoying." She looked at him and then wrapped her arms around his neck before kissing him. She pushed him against the wall. She knew their relationship would go nowhere but until she found a real man, she would stay by his side.
Fayde, was surprised by Cinder as she kissed him again. She was short and light so he grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up planting her firmly against the wall. "Save it for a more appropriate time." in his mind he had meant to se never at the end of that, but he didn't somewhat enjoying her surprise kisses.
"Sorry... I couldn't help myself. Your so gorgeous but also the only person who's been kind to me in a long time. I like you..." She smiled but felt her power rumbling inside her again. It seems to be trying to break the cage but she, herself, wasn't strong enough making it difficult. She swallowed it and the power died down. She didn't want to hurt him like she's hurt all those people. "Come on." She pulled away and it seemed like she was putting up her walls again. She was afraid of herself and was afraid that if she tore down her walls, shed hurt everyone she cared about.
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