Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Annika shrugged, slowly lifting the top flap of the satchel and lifting a small, fluffy, and quite adorable kitten out and placing it on her shoulder. "I'd tell you her name, but most people laugh at it..." Annika murmured. When she had first named the ca, her best friend had laughed, calling it a stupid name. Another reason why the elf was all alone now.
He smiled at the sight of the cat, it was good to know he wasn't the only one to keep companions. The Shadow Man crossed hid arms though "Can it really be any stupider than Shadow Man? I'm calling myself exactly what I am. The only other time I've named something it was Rei Al... Because the first word she ever said was real... So I think I have bad names covered."
"It's Ester Lee. That's my cat's name." Annika replied with an uncertain hint to her tone. She expected some sort of smirk or chuckle at that. She found the name adorable however, especially for such a cat.
"Ester Lee? ... Well it's better than Rei Al. I do have to admit it sounds like an old lady but I believe all cats have old souls anyway so... It fits." Shadow Man knew how to read people, it was one of the skills he gleaned by watching them all these years. He could tell the cats name was a sensitive subject, so he wasn't going to tease her too badly. "May I pet her?" he asked reaching out a hand, "I've always liked Companions... Whatever form they come in..."
"Sure." Annika replied, gently picking up the kitten and holding it so it was easier to touch and pet. (( So short, srreh ))
"Now I must ask your companion," He held his hand out for the cat. He did it straight faced and with a flourish. If Rei was here she would say he was being "over dramatic".
The kitten twitched an ear, giving Shadow Man a blank, bored look. Then she would carefully sniff at the tips of his fingers. A few moments passed and she returned the same gaze back up to his face. Annika didn't speak, watching Ester Lee's dull actions.
"Excellent!" He exclaimed then proceeded to scratch the cat behind her ear. He laughed, "You really are an old soul Ester Lee." He then pet her along her length before turning his attention back at Annika, "Now that we all have been introduced. Would you mind telling me what you are doing nervously travelling around the middle of nowhere, although that depends on your definition of nowhere... or is it my definition?"
(I'm waiting for another post in a different rp, then i gtg) Annika paused, trying to think of a good reason, oh yea, there were lots. "I dislike the town. Is that a good enough answer?"
"What is there to dislike about the town?" He sounded somewhat offended, "The hustle and bustle of all the people, always rushing about with a different crisis on all of their minds, and there is always some good gossip going around about the latest drama..." He seemed to fade out for a moment thinking about the town. His life was devoted to finding out the inner-workings of what made a person tick. He was so devoted he had even made his own person once, and he cherished her greatly.
Duanna checked in on Michael, she looked tired and weak even though she had just fed, she smiled at Michael "How are you feeling dear?"

Kit took Lilith to her room and then tended to his own wounds.

Lilith wondered around with an army of demons behind her, they were taking out any village that they came across and Lilith would smile every time she would cut down a villager.

"I'm gonna be honest with you, you're kinda cute, possibly the first girl that I have met that I didn't see as a toy." Nova laughed.

"So what are we gonna play?" Kuro smiled.

Diva answered the door and stepped outside when she saw who it was "Do you really think it's a good idea to be visiting here?"

Lili picked up Rei and soon appeared in Hell "So this is where I Hell...."
"Y-Yes I'm sorry." She stood up and walked out of the room. A lot has happened so it was weird feeling like this. She was blushing hard. She didn't know what to do about everything so she just smiled.. She stayed close to her big brother. She hoped Mikey and Lucy could somehow forgive her like Fayde had done but she doubted it would happen. 
"Better. Is Fayde leaving her on the streets where she belongs?" It was obvious he was talking about Cinder. He smiled a little, hoping for good news.
"No I don't think so....dear I understand that she is trying to kill you and your brothers but is this sibling fighting necessary? I guess I just don't understand why the fighting is needed...." she sat down in chair next to his bed "Isn't there a way peace can be made?"
"She tried to kill both Lucifer and me!?" He frowned. It was obvious he didn't approve. "I'm going to pay Fayde a little visit." He smiled as he disappeared and appeared in time time to see Fayde and Cinder kissing. His eyes widened. Still hidden, he followed them. When they were in the hall, he said "hey! What the hell are you two thinking? Your full siblings." He didn't seem to know about the fact that Cinder wasn't really related to them. She shared some of their blood but not all of it.
"Dear please...I told you I wanted you to rest until your fever was gone, please dear if a fight happens you are not at your best and you could get hurt." Duanna looked around and back at Michael "Dear can we please go home....?" she looked and sounded scared.
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"I don't like talking to people... I've never really been social I guess.." Annika replied with a meek shrug.
Fayde was thoroughly overwhelmed as Michael appeared his fighting instincts caused him to spin around sword in hand and level it at his chest. He looked exhausted, truth is the whole night he had been worrying about their future as a family. He didn't want to be hostile towards his siblings but frankly he was really annoyed, he felt thet had violated his space, teleporting directly into the room, without warning. His voice was firm as he gave his signature glare to his brother, "You're trespassing, leave now and don't return until called. Neither of us are at our best if our conversation does end in violence it would be best if we were both at full strength." He turned andbwalked awaygrabbing Cinder's hand and bringing her along they still had training to get to.

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Michael growled angrily and was going to attack him but was stopped by Lucifer. "I thought I sensed a large amount of power here." Lucifer touched Michael skin but quickly pulled away. "Your burning up, brother. You must go with Duanna." Cinder smirked at her brothers while she was taken away by Fayde. "Thank you so much, Fayde. I knew you would understand." She kissed his cheek as they walked outside into the training area. She looked around at the huntresses. She hid behind Fayde, not trusting them. She growled angrily, her animal instincts kicking in. She was forced to fight for survival when she was in a gang so she had more animal instincts than human instincts. Probably why she didn't mind having a relationship with her own brother.
Rei's eyes widened, "We can go to hell?... And you live here?" she was amazed to say the least. She didn't doubt that she was in hell, hell was a myth in other countries but her master's existence was sometimes perceived to be only legend. Not only that but he was a demon so she often wondered if he came from hell.

Shadow Man looked at her, he was brought back to the present, he shrugged as well, "everyone is entitled to their own perspective, you wouldn't be the first being to dislike socializing. In fact i use to be horrible at it, which is what prompted my many travels! and oh they were exciting..."
Vivian blushed slightly then laughed "I see...well your not that bad looking yourself.." she smiled

Saya looked at kuro and smiled "its called kick ball"

Uh looked at diva then looked down "sorry...I came to apologize to zafon..honestly....I have know where else to go..I dont want to burden demonia anymore then I already have anyway..." he clothes wear worn down from sleeping outside for a while.

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Fayde huffed ignoring Lucifer's presence, he stepped aside as Cinder tried to hide behind him Armelia snorted, seeing her as weak and unworthy, Fayde picked up on this and seeing as his sister was showing similar animalistic traits. He matched the two, "Armelia step forward." the white haired vampire stepped forward her wolf animi appeared from the shadows. "Stand down." The two wolves melted back into shadow and Armelia stood with her bow arrows and daggers. Fayde turned to Cinder. "This will be your opponent, while I can't sy she's the strongest since they all have great strength, she is definitely the most physical." Armelia walked over to a circular area and stood in the middle, arms crossed. " You're up sis."

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Cinder approached her and looked at her innocently before she elbowed her opponent in the neck with lightning speed. She started to attack, her moves swift and accurate. She wasn't aiming to kill her opponent but cause severe pain to her. It was apparent that since the day she has fallen, she has trained constantly to fight. She could fight just not summon her power at will.
Armelia was caught off guard by the strike to the neck but after a few blows recomposed herself, she began blocking attacks using her strength. She sidestepped a particularly heavy blow before striking with intense force she used open palms to cause pain and leave bruises but to avoid heavy damage. She slammed Cinder in the abdomen then in her side, she then finished with a kick to the abdomen lifting her off her feet and sending her flying about tem feet. "Nice start but you have no bite."

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