Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Fayde stepped over the body his eyes and demeanor returning to the way they usually were. "Dammit." He cradled her head in his right arm and used his left to put three fingers on her shaking forehead. He began speaking healing words of power, that should speed up the healing process.

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When she stabilized, she looked at him with her bright, sparkling eyes. She smiled and said "what are you doing, big brother?" She giggled a little. Being part human would eventually kill her but she ignored the facts. "I love you so much." She giggled a bit more before she started to cry. She was upset about a lot of things: that her mom died, that she killed her boyfriend, that she was homeless for centuries, what her mom told her before she fell... She was giving up. She couldn't keep living like this.
Duanna returned to Heaven and went to check on the kids. She had to redo some of the wards that seemed to already be fading away. She wondered how long her powers would last against Lilith.

"I thought so, if she pulls through or not will be up to her and if she can survive though the night I take it?" Kit looked down as he asked.

"I'm sure my father will keep us safe if we go there." Lili smiled and then shuddered as she felt another cold wind blow by.
Fayde picked Cinder up and carried her back to his room. Propping her on his shoulder so that she was crying into it. He set her down on hhis bed and sat on the edge. "You need to train."

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"Yeah. What's her name?" He asked as he tended to her wounds. She was beautiful but he had to stay faithful to his beloved Demonia. He smiled.

"What? Train? How can I train when I can't access my powers?" She looked at him, wiping her tears. She clenched onto his shirt. She was glad he trusted her and even protected her from her old life.
Rei lifted her arms like a child to Lili, "If that is your decision then you will have to take me there, didn't you say your father wasn't at the castle?" Besides Rei actually liked being carried... She wondered if she was around Lili for too long she would become even more child-like, as if being this tiny wasn't bad enough. "We can stay and face whatever is coming if you choose," Rei decided to add, "I am tougher than I look."
"Sir it's Lilith Draco, Lady Demonia's daughter. Though the woman that attacked her mentioned that they had the same name...if you wish I could sketch down what she looked like. She said she would be making a visit here after going to heaven and hell..." Kit was worried.

"The person that is coming for us is the first lady to have ever walked the earth....her name is Lilith....she would hurt me to try and hurt my father..." Lili looked down.
"You think I could control all my powers before, or even access them? When you get a good nights sleep I'll begin training you, for nor rest. I'll stay here in case of any other nasty surprises." He sat down in the chair he was in before. His hand resting on the bed he sat closer just in case.

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"Yes please. I'd like to send soldiers after her." He smirked. "Been a while since I've seen Lilith. Almost forgot what she looked like Lets just make sure she doesn't try to kill me."

Cinder's hand rested on his and stroked it with her thumb. She soon fell asleep. He was all she had left. She didn't want him to ever leave her side.
Kit soon made the sketch and handed it to Axoret "I am going to go take Lilith to her room then get myself cleaned up."

(well I am going to bed for the night so I'll message more when I wake up)
Fayde smiled as she finally went to sleep peacefully, he closed his hand around hers and relaxed, it was getting dark oit now and his huntresses were sure to be coming in, to avoid drama he summon a aegis guard to take the remainders of the ex's body and get rid of it without the huntresses seeing. The guard hurried away during as he requested, leaving Fayde alone holding Cinder's hand.

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"Thank you. You are dismissed." He sat at his desk to continue his work.

The next morning, she woke up. She felt refreshed. She saw Fayde and then hugged him tightly at the sight of him. She finally had a dream that didn't end up in a nightmare. "They've stopped thanks to you." When she pulled away, she started to kiss him. She didn't seem to care that they were half siblings. Being part human, she still had an attraction to angel kind. Luckily, she kept the beauty of an angel.
It took Fayde a few seconds to process everything, from her words to then sensation of her kissing him. He pulled away shocked, but not just at the fact she kissed him but at the fact he had enjoyed it, even a little. "You...that...what?" Pullig an all-nighter to keep an eye on her had slowed him down but kissing her had him completely frazzeled which rarely ever happened. He watched her face reminding himself of her beauty, Fayde leaned forward, returning the kiss on impulse. Before stopping, "We don't have time for this, we must train." He stood and walked away bis movements rigid but still fluid.

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"Why hello there little fairy..." A deep voice came from behind Annika, "What might you be doing around these parts?"
Annika spun around, eyes instantly wide with fear. I knew it, she thought glumly. The elf made no response, instead merely staring towards the source of the sudden voice.
But there was nothing there. Not a single person just trees and shadow. "You seem troubled little one," the deep voice spoke again, "What bothers you?"
"You." Annika replied bluntly after a moment, nervously turning in circles as she searched for the source of the strange voice. Luckily her kitten was currently asleep in her satchel so she wouldn't be a target or in the way. Annika pulled out a dagger as she turned in circles, carefully scanning the area. Apparently she thought he would suddenly pop out and try attacking her.
The voice chuckled, "You remind me of a friend of mine, Same bluntness..." Then he sighed, "really you don't need that. I'm not going to hurt you." And something came out of the shadows like a whip and flicked the dagger out of her hand. It landed on the ground with a thump. "I don't even like weapons..."
"Show yourself." Annika protested with a cross huff. Her spinning had slowed greatly, to where she was barely even moving her feet, more of just her head. She saw a flash of something coming at her and flinched, actually jumping back. Her eyes widened for a splint second in the same fear as before. "Hey!" She exclaimed, casting a glare in the direction of the... thing that had hit the blade out of her hands. Cautiously she bent down to pick it back up and tighten her grip on it, but instead of aiming it at nothing again, she placed it at her side with the point lowered.
"Thank you. I would rather not show myself to a temperamental elf when she wants to put a whole in me," the voice said only this time it seemed to come from the shadows under this big tree. Sitting there was a man with a hat pulled over his eyes. He had a smirk on his face.
Annika turned around to the voice, finally spotting the voice's source. "And yet you just revealed yourself to that elf. What are you? Some kind of shadow-demon?" She asked, somewhat sarcastically. She didn't approach or flee.
Vivian looked at nova and smiled " the way, why are you being so nice.."

Saya smiled and took the ball.

The three kids pouted then ran off to go play, zafon was still asleep.

Uh finally got to zafons house and looked down as he stood at the door, he knew zafon would most likely try and kill him but he didnt care, he knocked on the door.

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"ha!" The man laughed, "Got me right on the nose deary, one of the very first in fact. Got a couple of older sisters... They are the real demons..." He shuddered, "But I suppose now is a good time as any for introductions." The man stood took off his hat and bowed for the elf. "Shadow Man," He said then looked up at her with white glowing pits where his eyes should be, "at your service mademoiselle."
"I'm Annika." She replied, trying to avoid looking at the white pits on his face. Suddenly a high-pitched yet obviously drowsy mewl was heard from the elf's side. Annika had put her dagger away and laid a hand on the satchel uncertainly.
The man stood up strait and put the hat back on the glow from his eyes lessened and the shadow over them made them seem relatively normal... If you didn't look too close. He looked at the satchel and raised an eyebrow "Oh yes because covering the satchel that just made a noise is just the best way to avoid suspicion..."

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