Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"I won't. As long as you promise to behave you have a place here in my castle." He held Cinder, " Just quit all this sibling rivalry nonsense we are family, after losing mom I'm done losing those I care for." He pulled away . "Okay?"

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Cinder blushed but then looked down, ashamed. "But Lucy and Mikey are infuriating but if you say so." She laid on the bed and in a matter of seconds, was asleep. It seemed as though she hasn't slept in a real bed in a long time. She was weak and might be getting sick after everything that has happened.

Michael smirked and said "Lilith... We have to get rid of her as soon as possible or else Lucofer might get his hands on her and that would be bad."
Vivian was seated on a tree's limb staring down at the forest, and letting her gaze drift she could see the town of Azriel. Perhaps she'd visit later. The fairy suddenly stood up and began to pace along the tree, just thinking. She was awfully bored right now, and being bored wasn't any fun. She had to think of something to do. Perhaps visiting Azriel was all she could find fun in.
"I gave the kids an amulet, she won't be able to touch the kids as long as they wear it. We need to find some way to convince your brother to stay away from her." Duanna was worried.
"That's good... I've never really conversed with anyone aside from my master before... I know his quirks and mannerisms but... The general populace.... All they ever expected of me was to work so... Thank you for becoming my friend and allowing me to speak. I've never learned so many interesting things before about socializing." Rei said Not looking at Lili again. She seemed to do that when she was saying something embarrassing.
"And thank you for being mine, besides my brother I have no one else." Lili smiled and then shivered, a row of flowered had suddenly died right behind her.

Demonia watched Axoret from the shadows, hating that three days seemed to be taking so long to pass.

Kit soon returned with Lilith Draco in his arms, she was covered in blood and he was worried. "My King! Are you home!?" kit was also covered in blood.
"What was that?" Rei asked when she saw her friend shiver. Rei saw the dead flowers out of the corner of her eye and wondered what could cause that to happen so fast but she didn't want to worry her friend, this was Lili's favorite place after all.
"I think you should go....find somewhere safe if you can, maybe return to the castle.....whatever was in that wind was not friendly and it's heading this way....." Lili was scared but she wanted her new friend far away so that she didn't get hurt from whatever was heading their way. 
Nova looked around hoping to find something that would help them find there way back. "you know last time this happened a riot had just broke up and the villagers thought it would be fun to try and get a surprise attack on my parents, they snuck through one of the windows in this area, very few made it out. Spell is suppose to do no harm to anyone that had no bad thoughts to the royal family but since I still worry about my mom getting hurt by the king I guess it's why we haven't found our way out yet." he laughed

Kuro lead the way to the shop where they could buy a ball.
Michael shook his head and said "no can do. Unless Lucifer figures out how to control his darkness and doesn't die out, he will continue to go after Lilith until she finally kills him. We can't do anything about it. That's how he is. Once he puts his mind to something, he will do whatever he can to get it."
She sat down next to him and looked down "I try not to look it but I am scared....I'm scared that if Lilith has her way then so much that we have tried to keep in order will fall and crumble...."
"Don't worry. We'll protect all three realms." He kissed her lightly before standing up and saying "why don't we go pay her a visit?" He smirked a bit at her.
Duanna seemed confused "Pay who a visit? Lilith, do you even know where she lives? My mom has been trying to find her since we first found out that she is real."
"How hard can it be?" He asked. he waved his hand dismissively. He whispered some words to a servant. He watched them scurry off, frightened. He started walking off but fainted without any warning. He felt weaker than usual. He was panting a little. Servants hurried over to him and said "he has a fever! Get him to the infirmary immediately."
When they got him to the infirmary and laid him on the bed, he coughed. "Are you alright?" Asked a servant. He smiled a bit and replied "I'm fine. You shouldn't worry about me so much. Cinder... send someone to her. Something is different about her."
"I don't want to leave you... and I can handle it. I'm stronger than I look." Rei just made this friend she wasn't going to leave her side that easily
Duanna was willing to go find his sister but she didn't even know where to look "Dear if you know where she is I could go find her, not sure what i should do once I find her but I would do anything for you if it would help."

"yes but this could be someone very dangerous....I just don't want to see a new friend of mine hurt..." Lili looked down
Michael tried sensing her but it seemed that where she was surprised him immensely. "She's at... Fayde's. I can see her sleeping in his room. "Somethings wrong. Go slap some sense into him if you have to. We can't ally ourselves with one of our many enemies."
Rei looked confidently at Lili, "People tend to underestimate me, and that usually works to my advantage. So don't worry. I'm going to stay by your side, especially if it's dangerous. I want to help you any way I can." Rei thought for a moment then she added, "besides I don't think they can hurt me."
Duanna nodded and kissed him "You need rest so please just leave everything to me, tell me what needs to be done and I will make sure that it happens. I want you to rest until your fever is gone away completely" she smiled and walked away.

Lili smiled slightly. "What if this person can take control on ones body, would you risk staying around even then?"
Fayde smiled, he was glad to have solved this without killing her. He stood and adjusted the sheets so that she was tucked in and warm. " What sort of family isn't annoying." He kissed her forehead and stepped out to his balcony enjoying the view and breeze sent a mental summons to his Huntresses and stepped back inside recommending himself as they entered in their various methods. " My sister will be staying with us until further notice, any harmful action against Cinder without orders from me will be dealt with harshly. You are dismissed continue your training." He sat down in a chair next to his bed, his senses telling him it would be a wise choice.

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Duanna soon appeared in front of Fayde and she smiled at him "Hello, nice to see you again." she looked at Cinder and sighed "Michael sent me here..."
Fayde's expression brightened, then soured. "He knows then. What is his reqeust then?" Fayde had been sitting with his legs crossed and with his chin resting on his fist. He kept this position a cocky look on his face.

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"He wants you to not ally yourself with your sister..." Duanna sighed "I don't see why they can't just all get what if she sided with humans, I don't see a problem with that....sorry that I had to meet you with such a request."
"It's not your fault. My sister may have fallen, and may have decided to live with humans, but she is a part of our family and I will treat her as such, tell Michael that when he is well again we need to have a chat face to face. I don't think he inderstands that I'm serious." Fayde's expresion didn't change just his tone, he kept eye contact with Duanna waiting for any objections.

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