Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Fayde looked at his little sister, meeting her eyes from her location. "Child even with your new toy you have no chance of killing me. You're welcome to try though." He looked at Lucifer an eyebrow raised. "You enjoying those men holding you? C'mon they're only human" he summoned his sword his bow and arrows disappearing, two quick slashes and the men were lying one the floor, one dead the other dying. "Cinder, you're only making this worse for yourself." He didn't move but his body was ready to snap into action, he was fast enough to deflect bullets even with a sword as long as his, using angles to get the blade where it needed to be in order to defend himself. (His primary sword:)
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"She's on that roof." Cinder smirked and appeared behind Fayde. She was so much shorter than both of them. "Hey big bro~" A couple of soldiers came from behind her. They wore all black. "Ive made some powerful friends since the last time I saw you. I hear mom died. Good riddence. I hated that-" She was slapped hard by Lucifer and Michael smirked. "Hey sis... When was the last time you used your powers. You shouldn't have come back to us. Your weaker than us." She growled but knew he was right. "I'm stronger mentally." Lucifer laughed coldly and said "and what is that going to do for you in a battle against any of us?"
Fayde was shocked he looked at Micheal and Lucifer wondering why they didn't tell him. "Moms...dead? and you didn't tell me." his voice went from shock to rage and his grip tightened on his sword, he looked back at Cinder his eyes turning black . "And you have the nerve to talk trash about her!" He raised his sword and swung so hard the blade disappeared only to reappear at the end of his swing. Fayde had swung over her head his blade cutting of the heads of the men behind her. "Leave now before I take your head, you insolent little girl!!" his voice dripped with rage.
"Oh... Looks who's throwing a temper tantrum. I'm only leaving cause I told my boyfriend I wouldn't be gone long." She left with her men. Michael looked down as he slid down the wall. "Mom died in the last war between angels and demons." He was still upset over it. Lucifer didn't say a word.
Fayde gritted his teeth at his youger sister's final comment, but lost all his anger after she left. Sticking his sword into the ground he sat down facing the other two leaning against the flat of the blade. "So that was the shift in power I felt. I should've been there, I could've helped I should've helped instead of leaving the fighting to you all...... How did she die?" Fayde looked at Michael knowing it was an odd and somewhat morbid question but he had to know.
Lucifer finally spoke up saying "I killed her." Michael was stunned by his response. "Lucy, no you didn't." It was obvious he didnt seem too sure. Lucifer smirked and replied "I might as well have. I didn't even care. A part of me was glad she was dead." It was definitely a sore subject. Michael stood up and said "I'm sorry. I have to leave." He didn't want to remember her dying in his arms. If he did, he was afraid he would start crying again. Lucifer quickly stood up and said "wait!!" But Michael was already gone. Lucifer grabbed his chest, pained. "Damn it... I'm running out of time."
Michael sat in his office refusing to let Duanna in. His soldiers let him be alone. He cried a little over his mother's death. He hated feeling like this but he missed her so much. He wished she wasn't killed.

Lucifer let Hell lead him home. He didn't speak. Seeing Cinder for the first time in centuries was a weird feeling. She was weak and he could see that but he was afraid of what might happen if he ticked her off.
Duanna waited in a chair close by his office, she had eventually fallen asleep in the chair waiting for him to come out.

"Do you want to go to the throne room or our bedroom?" Hell started to worry about the future of their kingdom.
Michael finally walked out of his office and smiled at the sight of her. "Hey sweetheart." He kissed her deeply. "I'm sorry. I just needed to be alone."

Lucifer said "to the throne room. We have other things to deal with then my sister." He kissed her cheek and walked ahead.
Duanna woke up and smiled at him "It's okay, I just wanted to be here when you came out."

Hell smiled and followed him "Is there anything else you need me to do dearest?"
As his siblings and their significant others disappeared, Fayde sighed being left alone. It was always like this, his brothers held power and responsibility, while he just waited to be needed. He looked around at the dead bodies and his mind superimposed the bodies of demons over them. he stood up abruptly, ripped his sword from the ground and walked out of the warehouse leaving the bodies there to rot. He teleported to the gates of his palace and walked through them the Huntresses who were practicing their skills at a very large range on the premisis walked over to him hurriedly. "I'm fine just....visiting with family." He said not even looking at them, he waved his hand dismissing them back to their tasks. While he spread his wings and flew up to his balcony. He landed Silently and walked in turning back into his human form and plopping down on his bed.
"I feel a lot better now. Thank you. I hope Fayde is alright. I mean we did spring it up on him... That moms dead I mean." He looked down a little.

"Not at this moment, my love." He smiled a little as h sat on his throne. "Fayde... We should have told him. He was close with mom so springing that up at him must not have been fun."

"We've always been left out in everything haven't we bro?" Cinder appeared in his room. "Get your huntresses and I will get my men to kill them all. She sat on his bed. "Can I tell you something? You can't tell Lucy or Mikey though." She seemed more comfortable with him than she did with the others. She didn't seem armed either. She was just wearing a t shirt and a pair of jeans.
Leta cared for her brother the best she could but all he was doing was crying, he wouldn't eat and she already changed his diaper. She was confused on what to do next.

Duanna smiled "He seems strong so i am sure," she heard Leo crying "You should go get some rest maybe, I'm going to go check on the kids."

Hell smiled and sat next to "It's not like you knew where he was to tell him, I'm mean if we did know then I would have sent out a letter to him."
"I know... Remember when I I obsessed over the human realm before I fell? I can't go into Hell. That's where I would have gone but whenever I tried, my skin burned." She unbandaged her arm and then showed him a badly burned arm. "This was when I attempted to go there. You act like I'm a bad person for being here with humans. When I came here, I had no power and was weak. I almost died from weakness. I miss you and Lucy and Mikey. I remembered all the good times we had together but my hate lingers." She straddled him. "I've dreamed of the day I finally got to kill you guys but at the same time, your still my brothers. You can hate me all you want but would you really kill me? Go on do it... I dare you." She smirked.

Lucifer smiled and started speaking with soldiers to make sure nothing was going wrong. He had servants feed the villagers.

"True but I still feel bad. I hope he's Ok." He smiled softly.
Duanna kissed Michael on the cheek and then left to check on the kids.

Hell looked at Lucifer "I think I am going to go find the kids." she smiled "I worried about them being alone."
Fayde's anger flashed and in a heart beat he spun flipping on top of her a dagger to her cheek and a hand wrapped around her neck. "Tell me, after killing thousand of fallen angels, hundreds of humans, and countless demons. What makes you think you're so special that I won't flay you right here, right now." He stared into his sister's eyes to see any sign of fear or worry.
Lucifer nodded and let her go.

Cinder wasn't afraid. She smirked and said coldly "have you ever wondered why mother hated me? Why she was so happy to get rid of me? I'm not her daughter. I'm barely your sister. Dad cheated on her with a human girl." Her eyes flashed with anger. "Why do you think I came to you! I came to you so maybe you could understand but I guess I was wrong. Your just like Lucy and Mikey and the rest of the family." A tear slipped down her cheek. "Would you really kill your baby sister?"
When Duanna got to the kids room she quickly set up seals and looked around worried. She could feel something was trying to hurt the kids. Leo soon calmed down once the seals and wards were setup.

Hell soon found Lucy and led him back to the castle.
Fayde, sighed and got off of her, dropping his dagger and releasing her throat only to pull her into a hug. "I do care, you're just so ...damn annoying."
Cinder was caught off guard when he hugged her but quickly relaxed. "I love you so much. Thank you for understanding." She wrapped her arms around his neck and muzzled her face into his neck. "Please don't leave me, big brother."
"I set up spells around their room so they are say for now but....." she looked worried and then hugged him, scared "How did she get into heaven? Leo was so scared, he was able to sense her but she ran when I entered the room."

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