Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Lucifer looked at her coldly and grabbed her wrist tightly. "Good because lay a finger on our daughter I will cut your pretty little hands off and enjoy your screams." He released her and walked off.
"Well I wouldn't doubt your grandmother, she is very wise." He smiled using his less dangerous hand to pat her head gently.

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Hell glared at him "So what it's okay for you to order our son to kill me and you get upset because he says no but its wrong for me to think that you would make the same request for me to kill our kids." she sighed not caring if he heard her or not.

"Everyone has a place they like to be, mine is here, yours is in a library, nothing wrong with that." Lili smiled.

Leta smiled and giggled "She tried her best to keep me happy since mom and dad had never visited me." she looked at Leo as he started to get fussy "Looks like someone woke up."
"He is obedient to me because I know how to get into his head. I don't abuse him. He can leave my side at any time but he is so determined to make me happy that he refuses to leave. You nearly killed our daughter!!" He glared at her. He sat on his throne. One of the servants came to him, bowing. "We have found the sniper that attacked you, my lord." Lucifer smirked and asked "who is it?" The servant was quiet and he yelled "tell me!!!" The servant got scared and quickly said "its your sister. Remember her? She fell from heaven but instead of living here, she chose a human life. Unlike you, your mom forgot about her existence. She made sure no one would speak of her or remember her. She is now out for blood and wnts to kill you to gain the throne in Hell, and Michael and Fayde to gain the throne in heaven. By the way, did I mention she hates all three of you with a blinding passion. That's what we got from her until she got free from us and left." Lucifer seemed annoyed, obviously remembering his annoying sister. He hated her because of her love for humans. He never understood it and thought it was pointless.
Hell looked down as she thought about the times she nearly killed Lili "That was back before you came home....I wasn't myself and it was my madness of love for you....should I leave you alone to hunt for your sister?" she wanted Lucifer happy as well but she felt all she had been doing was making him angry lately.
He was silent but then he said "no. Go get Fayde and Michael and tell them to meet me at the human realm. He handed her an address of an old abandoned warehouse. "Tell them that is where were meeting. Do this for me..." His voice was soft and not angry.
Hell kissed him on the cheek "Anything to help you and make you happy. Looks like I get to give your brother a big scare by paying a visit to his kingdom." she gave him a big smiled.
"Thank you. You are dismissed." He looked into the distance as he was in deep thought about what was going to happen. He decided to get up and head to the human realm.
Hell suddenly appeared behind Duanna "Having a nice visit with your love?" Duanna jumped and looked at Hell "You shouldn't be able to come here...." Hell smiled "Did you think I would tell you everything I can do?" She looks at Michael "Your brother wants to meet with you and Fayde on Earth." she took a good look at Michael "Can you make the trip or do I need to just take Fayde with me?"
"I'll be fine. As long as my beloved servants come with me, I Should be fine." He grinned. "Go get Fayde." He disappeared with about seven of the servants.
Hell smiled as she went to find Fayde. Duanna stayed close to Michael, she didn't want to leave his side, she stayed calm next to him, Lucifer's blood was no longer fighting to take control of her.
Michael appeared in the warehouse where Lucifer stood adjacent from him. The two waited in silence for their third brother to show up.
Fayde smiled and laughed remembering his kind mother, "Yeah sounds like her." He lokked at Leo as he started waking up. Fayde stood unaware of what he should do. "Tend to your brother, young one."

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Saya thinks for a moment "well...there was this one game a lead of in a village that I pasted by, but we would need some others to play too...the kids called the game sticks, one person counts while the others hide, the kids would use sticks and hit them against something to let the person counting know if they are ready, one hit means ready and two hits means not ready"

Vivian giggled and smiled "I see.." she began to eat.

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Leta took care of Leo and calmed him down, Hell walked into the room "Hey fayde, your brother's need you down on earth."

"Oh...I don't know if kids will play with us..." Kuro looked down "I'm kinda the town freak since I can't speak with my mouth."

"So shall we continue to walk around or go out a window?" Nova laughed
"Are you sure it's not strange?" Rei asked nervously, what was wrong with her? She never acted this way... Nervous, afraid, maybe she was getting too close to someone... but, it was an experience Rei desperately wanted.
Saya frowned "oh..I see" she smiled "oh well..." she thought for a moment "do you guys have balls or is anyone selling them" she looked around for anyone selling anything round that could be kick.

Vivian smiled then looked around "I want to keep walking..if thats ok with you"

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Fayde turned to Hell and nodded, he disappeared in a flash of light and appeared between Lucifer and Michael, kinda in his natural spot, not light nor dark. "What's the issue?"

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"Remember our sister? Well she wants to kill all three of us out of vengeance. Last time I fought her in a battle, she was weak but now she's gun crazy considering she shot me. It still kinda hurts. I don't know. I haven't scene her in a really long time but that's why I heard."
"Great sis is back, I shoulda stayed out of this." He let out and exasperated sigh. "Well, whats the plan to fight her. If she's using ranged weapons, I've been playing that game longer than she has, has she issued a challenge to us or is it a straight up fight?"

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"Straight up fighting us. She wasn't even brave enough to show her face to me." Michael smirked and said "she's foolish for taking the humans side. She can't accept the power we've been giving."
Duanna stayed next to Michael and looked worried but she didn't see a problem with siding with humans. Hell soon appeared next to Lucifer waiting to be told what she needs to do next.

"If someone finds comfort in knowledge then why should we judge them." Lili smiled.

Nova led the way "Lets hope my mom also set up food stations made by the dead." he laughed

"There's a shop not to far from you." Kuro smiled.
" Lets get this over with, the idea of fighting her is detestable." Fayde summoned his bow and quiver. "So what now? We wait?"

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"You don't have to wait anymore." A gunshot was heard echoing through the warehouse and Michael collapsed. "The next one is for you, Fayde." Michael's servants were searching the warehouse for Cinder. Michael was grabbing his shoulder and because he was weak, his body couldn't heal from it. It was apparent that that was her point. Lucifer screamed "find her and kill her!" He was grabbed by two men dressed in black. "I don't advice that. I have hundreds of men stationed throughout this warehouse." Lucifer clenched his fist and said to Fayde "she's bluffing." She laughed and said "try me. Surrender and I might not be forced to kill you, big bro Fayde and little bro Lucy."
Vivian smiled "ok.." she followed nova and looked around as they walked.

Saya looked at kuro and smiled "lead the way"

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