Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Lucifer smirked and asked "what would I be apologizing for? For making this place stronger than she could ever make it." His eyes were cold and emotionles. All that was left was hate. "I'm not the pathetic little brother anymore. Do you know what it feels to have everyone look down upon you? Of course not. I'm the little brother. No on expects anything of me. I will become stronger. I won't let you or anyone dethrone me." He disappeared and reappeared behind Lucy. He had a knife to his sons throat. "I will even kill my son if it means I will become stronger." He seemed to be going crazy from the power. He screamed "leave my presence and never come back!!! You too!!" He pushed Lucy toward Demonia. He turned his back to them and said softly "tell Hell that she is exiled from my realm." He walked off.
Hell itself started to shake and Demonia looked very angry. "Lucifer do not forget who's parent made Hell, it was mine, not yours, and if I will it I can sacrifice my soul to destroy Hell. And your not stronger if anything you are weaker, hyped up on a power high."

Lili smiled "You wouldn't know of the place unless I took you there." she giggled

Nova smiled "So before you joined that group were you a noble or peasant?"

Kuro smiled and then laughed a little when she sneezed, he thought it sounded cute.

Leta smiled "Yea, I'm kinda of protective of my little brother so it makes me happy to share a room with him." she went over to his crib where Leo lay sleeping "So I take it you saw it as well? Everyone in Heaven is afraid of my mark, they think it means I am corrupt...but I'm not...."
Lucifer started to chuckle as he turned around to face. "You got to forget the past, deary." He seemed annoyed with her. "What will happen. A shot fired and the sound rang through the area. Lucifer fell to his knees and coughed up blood. He had a wound in his stomach. He fell unconscious.
Demonia looked around, for her being a spirit at the moment she was still able to pick Lucifer up, she took him to his room in the castle and Hell appeared and looked at Lucifer, after a few minutes she had the bullet out and healed the wound, she sent Demonia and Lucy away, she watched over Lucifer waiting for him to wake up, the screams of the villagers had stopped.
Lucifer soon opened his eyes. He looked around. "Damn it. Should have seen the sniper." He growled, his fangs sharpening. He looked at Hell. He seemed like a new man. "What are you doing here?" He was cold toward her. He got up and started to get changed. He flipped his hair and said "I thank you Hell. You've given me this amazing power. You have made me be able to control my darkness." He threw her on the bed and got on top of her. His lips met her. Despite being corrupted and evil, his lips were gentle.
Hell kissed him back "I love you so much but I will never allow someone else to be your queen, Lilith will only ever see power and if she thinks she has an opening to kill you then she will take it.....and I refuse to be your queen if you want to look at me only as an object that will help you increase your power...." she had started to cry. "Where's the Lucifer that I fell in love with? The one that wouldn't ever harm his kids or the girl that he loves...."
"I am sick of pretending to be a nice guy. I fell for a reason." He kissed her cheek before getting up. "I'm a bad guy and if you can't accept that enough to be my Queen then were over." He frowned. "Good bye."
"Even the wicked have a heart for something but your seems to be filled with power.....and I would stay and be your queen but if you are going to replace me with Lilith one day then what's the point.......?" Hell stayed where she was, this was her kingdom too.
He touched her cheek and leaned in to kiss her but forced himself to pull away. He shook his head and muttered "I'm sorry." He turned his back to her. "Guards!" Two soldiers came into the room and he glanced at Hell. He loved her which is why he needed to get rid of her as soon as possible. "Get rid of her." They bowed and dragged Hell away. He sat against the wall in silence.
As the guards went to touch her she quickly vanished and Duanna appeared looking very pale and weak "" she had sweat all over her face from the pain she was in.
Fayde laughed and shook his head, he held up his right hand flexing his warped fingers, his blackened warped flesh coalesed into sharp pointed fingers that were bladed yet flexible. The sharp edges looked shiny and silver like a blade. "It happened to me aswell, though everyone still fears me you're kind enough to possibly be accepted one day." (Think Prototype claws.)

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"Duanna!" He exclaimed. He came over to her and cut his hand quickly. He put the cut to her mouth. "Drink..." He smiled softly, happy that she finally realized she needed him.
Leta shook her head "My marking is different from your, I was born with mine and it only grows as I grow. If you wish I can raise my shirt in the back so you can see it better. No one has ever looked at it because they are afraid that what ever it is it will corrupt them."

Duanna cried as she drank, she was scared but she didn't know what else to do or who else to go to. Once she was done drinking she fell to the ground in tears.
Lucifer held her close yo him, letting her cry into his shoulder. A tear slipped down his cheek. "I'm so sorry." He was shaking as the tears ran down his cheeks. "I'm sorry for everything."
"I just want to go back to the way my life use to be....I'm scared.....I'm so scared.....I'm afraid of losing Michael and my family, if he dies I don't know what will happen to me or my kids and then I killed my mom....." Duanna held onto him.
Leta moved her hair out of the way and then raised her shirt, the marking looked like a tree that covered her entire back "My grandmother Demonia says I was blessed by nature and that I should wear it with pride instead of always trying to cover it up...."
"I'm going to lose everything I worked hard for. I had no choice but to push away Hell and Lucy. I must be a strong ruler. I'm sick of being looked at like a disappointment. I'm the bad guy. People should fear me but how come I feel so lonely?"
Duanna looked at him and wiped her tear away "Why do you think my mother chose love over loneliness? Lucifer....hell might be a place of torture for the villagers but my mom use to say "Hell tortures the noble more than it tortures it lower class, we are made to suffer because we can never gain happiness, its our greatest sacrifice as rulers of this land." she told that to me when I was younger, my mother gave up her anger and hatred that made her a so called strong ruler because everyone else was being pushed away. I hope you don't sacrifice everything that my mom had before you realize that Hell rules itself...I need to return to heaven....I don't want to leave Michael alone for too long..."
Vivian looked at nova then looked away and sighed "I normally dont like talking about my past...but..I was a noble.."

Saya looked at kuro and smiled when he laughed.

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"Come back to me when your hungry. Don't kill my children." He turned his back to her. He was in deep thought. He needed a Queen but he also needed power.
Hell kept an eye on him from a distance, she would never leave his side but if this was the path that he has chosen then she would never sit next to him.

Duanna returned to heaven and looked in on Michael to see how he was doing.

"Sorry I didn't mean to pry it's just you seemed to hold yourself better than any guard I have ever known so that's why I asked." Nova felt bad after asking.

"So now that you have new clothes maybe we could go outside and you could show me what kind of games can be played out there if any." Kuro smiled
Vivian looked at nova and giggled then smiled at him "its ok, I dont mind.."

Saya thought about it, she knew that it would put herself at risk to going outside, because people might see her that are hunting her down, she sighed then smiled "ok...maybe just for a little bit, heehee"

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Lucifer smirked a bit when a servant girl was forced in the room. He circled her like she was prey. He could smell her fear. "Sjes perfect. Start the enchntment to bring back Lilith." He was especially happy that the peasent was also pretty. He would hate to have Lilith be in an ugly girls body.
Hell growled and the servant was suddenly filled with pain "I guess you didn't believe me when I said you will never have another queen." he voice echoed through the room.

Kuro smiled "Don't worry I'll keep you safe from any harm."

Nova sighed and then looked around "Seems like I took us to far into the castle. Oh well, we'll find our way back one way or another."

Demonia appeared in front of Axoret "Hello dear." she smiled

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