Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

He screamed "Stop it!!" Out of anger, he ripped out the girl's heart. He let her drop. He punched a hole in the wall. His hatred for Hell was growing stronger by the minute. He started searching for her.
"I'll stop it when you can admit that you need me. Lucifer I love you and that's why I refuse to see anyone but me next to you. I know Lilith and she will want nothing more than for you to die so that she can have the throne...why can't you see that?" Hell's voice continued to echo around him.
Saya smiled more "ok..and I'll do what I can to protect you too"

Vivian looked around then giggled "I we are lost"

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"At least she'll give me what I want!!" He looked around him. "Leave me alone!" He screamed. He didn't want her to interrupt him anymore but at the same time, he wanted her to stay with him. He rejected that side of him.
"Lilith will never give you want, she lives to please herself! No one else! And I will never leave you like you did me, the kids told me it was out of protection but you didn't protect me at all, back then when you left I would have rather died then be lonely all those years that I had to suffer...." he voice cracked as she spoke to him meaning she was crying "I would give you everything you ever wanted if only you would love me again. No one can give to you what I can give to you!"

Kuro smiled "A lady should never have to lift her finger to protect a man." he bowed and laughed at what he just said, he was trying to be silly.

"I wouldn't say lost but my mom did lay a spell on the section of the castle that the paths constantly change." Nova smiled.
"Show yourself to me!!" He screamed. Guards looked at him strangely. It was obvious that they were thinking he was going crazy. He sat by the wall and starting laughing hysterically. His mental health was slowly declining by the minute.

Michael was back to walking around but wasn't aloud to go far from his bed. He was still weak but was getting better by the day.
"Tell me that you need me and I will, tell me that you want me to never leave your side and I won't but I will not stand next to a king that has gone mad with power." Hell sighed, it hurt her to see him like this.

Duanna hugged Michael "Did you rest well dear? Sorry that you woke up and I wasn't there." she smiled at him.

Demonia placed a hand on Axoret's shoulder "I thought I would pay you a visit even if it is for a brief moment."
"Mad? No I am not mad? Your the one who's mad." He was stifling a laugh before he stood up. "I need a strong Queen to rule over Hell with me. I don't care if its you or Lilith or some strange women I found off the street. I need a women who won't be afraid of the true me. I need a women who won't say no to me and will bow to me. If you can't do that, then I'll find someone who can."

Michael grinned at her and said "its really fine. Soon, they'll let me leave the room. Wheres brother?" He looked around curiously but then shrugged.

Ooc: I'm watching Robin Hood and now all I can imagine is Lucifer with a British accent.
Saya smiled and giggled "wow, what a gentleman.."

Vivian smirked "I see..that whats this castle more interesting, more ways to explore"

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"I do accept the real you but I will never bow to you just as you would never bow to anyone else, that is what you should look for is a queen who will bow to no one, if they can bow to you then they will bow to other."

"Your brother has lost himself, he has fallen so far into darkness I don't know if he can be saved from how far he has fallen..." Duanna sighed and looked down.
"Would you accept that I'm dying?" He turned his back to her and explained "I was able to suppress my death until the twins are born but my heart is so black and cold. I don't have long. I will be asleep for a thousand years and come back to take the throne. That's why I need a Queen strong enough to rule. So she can rule in my place. Now good day." He walked off.

"He's dying... He may be a fallen but he's still an angel. He can't hold that much darkness. If he seems mad, that's because he is. Darkness gives fallens power but it also drives them into madness and will make them do things they'll regret later." Michael leaned against the wall. He didn't seem worried. "I've heard that there are soldiers looking for Lilith and that she's more active than usual. Keep the two separate."
Hell sighed and appeared before him "Here I am, this is what you wanted but just so you know I am the strongest queen you will ever find. Anyone who bows to you will bow to others, I won't bow to you meaning I would have no other master, you should see that as reason enough to let me be queen but kill me if it makes you happy and if you think it will farther your plans." She looked down "And to answer you question...I don't like the idea of you dying but I would have to accept it if there is no way to stop it...." a few tears ran down her face as she thought about him dying.

"Hell is trying to do that herself, from what I know she is wanting Lilith dead and she has already sent out the word for her head." Duanna looked down. "I wish I could save your brother like I had done with others in the past..."

"Daddy taught me to always be polite in front of a lady." Kuro opened the door for Saya.

Nova laughed "so are you getting hungry?"
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Vivian smiled and shook her head "no..I'm fine" suddenly her stomach growled a little, she blushed a bright red then looked away.

Saya smiled then walked out of the room and waited for kuro.

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Fayde knelt, "It does appear to be a nature blessing, have you given it a try already?" He almost forgot he was speaking to a child she seemed more mature and quite level-headed compared to other children. It reminded him of him and his brothers, and their mother. He wanted to see his mother and unaware of her death decided to ask Michael where she was later.

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"Hell... I love you so much." He kissed her deeply. "I'm sorry for everything." His hand clenched against her throat and he pulled away. "No! This isn't right!" He turned his back to her and punched the wall in anger. He ran a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry. I have to go. Meet me in the throne room later today." His hand was on his chest as he clumsily walked away. He let his body slowly shift into a demonic beast as he ran off. He was running out of time.

"He needs to die in order to regain his composure. If he doesn't die, he will go mad from the darkness that has clouded his mind." He ran a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry Duanna." He kissed her deeply. "You shouldn't have to worry about these things."
Nova pulled some food from a bag he had on him and handed her some wrapped up chicken "Here you go." he smiled.

Kuro locked the door and led the way out "Thanks for being nice to me."

Leta pulled her shirt down after showing him the mark. "When I use to live in Azriel its all I did is play with the plants, remember you saw it too, when those demons came after us in the woods, I made the trees attack them."

Hell smiled as he kissed her and then worried as he ran off. she had nothing better to do so she waited in the throne room for him to return.

Duanna kissed him back. "I always worry about things I shouldn't, it just who I am." she laughed a little.
"Then take me there...?" Rei asked shyly, "unless there is somewhere else I can bring you?"

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Vivian looked at the food then took it, she smiled as she looked at nova "thanks.."

Saya smiled at kuro "your welcome"

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Lucifer soon came to the throne room and was followed by two fully armored soldiers. He ran a hand through his hair and whispered something to them. They bowed to him and he smiled softly. He approached her and slammed her into the wall. He had a smirk on his face. "Oh how I miss you so much but I can't be with you until you become obedient."
Fayde realized how silly his question was, "Ah yes the trees and demons. Then it must be a nature blessing, the mark may be just a symbol of your power."

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"My grandmother told me that I was born from the earth...that's why my real parents have never tried to find me but mom and dad is perfect for me." Leta smiled.

Lili picked her up and they appeared in a field of wild flowers. "This is my favorite spot."

"So teach me some kids games that you know if any." Kuro smiled.

"No problem, I grabbed some food in case this happened." Nova laughed

"Dear I am already obedient to you but I will not bow, understand that or find a weaker queen." Hell sighed and looked down. "I wish you would understand that I don't bow because of how strong I am and how loyal I am to you....but do what you must."
Rei's eyes widened, she knew that teleporting was a basic magic skill but she had hoped to surprise her new friend.... Even if a doll having powers was rare in the first place. She still found the flowers to be beautiful and the first thought that popped into her head was what kinds of flowers there were, but she already recognized many of them so she wondered in the question was useless... "It's wonderful," Rei said politely. She wasn't usually polite so it felt strange, So she asked, "why is it your favorite though?" Questions felt better. Rei had never talked to someone this much aside from her master so she still wondered if she was doing anything wrong.
"I don't wish you to bow just to be... Obedient and loyal." He started to kiss her neck playfully. "I love you so much but... Love makes you weak which is why I'm hesitent about making you my Queen."
"I am but only for you." she smiled "But if you ever requested me to harm our kids I never would..." she sighed.

Lili smiled "Its relaxing here, I can forget about all my troubles and worries."
Rei looked at all the flowers, she could see how Lili would be at ease, but Rei liked another place. "I like libraries... When I'm there I don't have to think about myself I only have to focus on the information..." Rei thought for a second then added quietly, "Unless that's weird then maybe I like this place better."

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