Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Rei disappeared from Lili's arms and appeared right next to her. Then looked up at her waiting to see what she would say.

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Fayde just looked at the girl his luminescent eyes shone with a cold light. "What do you want.." he was in a foul mood, and tried to be civil though not very hard.

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"that"s really cool!" Lili smiled at her.

"Maybe one day when I know that it's safe then we'll visit hell." Nova smiled at her.

Kuro went into the bathroom and ran the water "I thought you may feel safer taking a bath close to some you trust in case something happened and they could act quickly if need be."

"I was just saying hi...did the council make you mad? They always make me angry...anyways it seems that you would like to be left alone instead of bothered so I will return to my room, sorry for disturbing you." Leta turned away and there was something dark and almost tattoo like that spread out on her neck and into her hair line.
"Good. I wish Lili could be here with us." He kissed his cheek. "Promise never to leave my side. Your all I have." He kissed his cheek.

"Mad? Of course not!" He chuckled as he held her close.
Vivian suddenly blushed slightly then quickly shook it off and smiled at nova "ok, that would be cool.."

Saya followed kuro and smiled "thank you kuro.."

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"I am only loyal to you father..." a few tear ran down his face as he thought of killing his mom.

Duanna smiled as he held her. "I missed always feels like years when I'm away from you."

Nova smiled "I might have to go there in the next few days anyways. My mom will be coming back and I need to make sure Lucifer doesn't hurt her."

"You're welcome. I'll have a servant go out and buy you something to wear while you wash up." Kuro smiled.
"Good my son. You are growing stronger by the day." He smirked as he pat him before pulling away. "Go... Protect our people." He walked off.
Vivian smiled more "ok..then if you want I can go with you..."

Saya nodded then suddenly hugged kuro "thank you for everything kuro...your so nice"

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Lucy left the room and went in search of his mother, he soon dropped to his knees and started crying. Demonia appeared before him smiling "Why are you so upset, you have your father the way you wanted him so why be so upset about it?" Lucy looked at her "I didn't know dad would want mom dead....I just wanted hell to be a stronger place...."

Nova smiled "If you promise to look out more for yourself than me. You are no use to us if you are dead."

"you're welcome and same to you, no one has ever listened to me for so long." Kuro smiled and hugged her back.
Lucifer clenched his fists. He loved Hell more than anyone he's ever met but she was a threat to his realm and needed to be eliminated. He was scared of what he had become but knew it was for the best. This was for Hell.

Michael kissed her deeply before collapsing back on his bed. "My everything hurts. Why?" He grunted.
Demonia while speaking to Lucy made another ghost form of herself appear in front of Lucifer "My my my, you sure have fallen a long way. What seems to be bothering you old friend?"

Duanna worried a little "then just rest...I won't be leaving anytime soon or ever again." she started to ignore the pain in her stomach and she couldn't give him an answer as to why it hurt.
Vivian sighed then smiled "if that is what you wish then I shall do so.."

Saya pulled away and looked at him while smiling, she then walked over to the tub to feel the water.

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"This is for the good of Hell. Even if it means... Even if it means killing the only women I will ever love. She has betrayed me so therefore her head is mine." He looked away.

He smiled a little and closed his eyes. He quickly fell asleep.
"Lucifer i just watched you and if anything you betrayed her first by saying she would be punished for not bowing down to you, she is only hurting you the best way she knows how since she feels as if she has lost you. I am sure she is somewhere in this castle waiting for the one moment that you are more of your old self, another half of me is currently talking to your son who only wanted to help with your goals and help make you the strongest leader Hell has ever known while still being someone that loves his family." she sighed.

Duanna left the room and leaned against a wall trying to ignore the pain that was bringing tear to her eyes.

Nova smiled "Thank you."

Kuro sent a servant out and then sat on the bed waiting for Saya be done and the servant to bring new clothes.
Vivian smirked "no problem..its my job now.."

Saya took a long bath and after a while, she finally go out, she wrapped a towel around herself.

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Fayde reached out, gently yet firmly holding her arm. "Dont go, stay with me." He seemed off and he knew that, he just didn't want to actually fade whether from people's memories or from time he wanted...needed someone to convince him this was real.

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Leta smiled at him "Would you like to meet Leo? He's my little brother, just a day old but he's already strong enough to hold his head up."

Kuro had placed her new dress just right inside the bathroom next to the door.

Nova smiled "So would you like a tour of the castle?"
Saya looked over and saw the clothes, she smiled then got dressed, her hair was still a little wet when she came out of the bathroom, she looked over at kuro and smiled "I feel a lot better.."

Vivian nodded her head to nova "sure...if you dont mind"

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Lucifer hit her across the face hard and said coldly "leave..." He turned his back to her. "This is the man I am. This is my true self. You may not believe it but when I first fell, this was who I was." He ran a hand through his hair.
Demonia laughed as his hand passed right through her "I'm a spirit in case you didn't know. Also your people with continue to suffer untill you show Hell that what you did was wrong."

Leta led the way to her and Leo's room "Me and brother share a room." she smiled

Kuro smiled "That's good to hear."

Nova smiled and took her hand leading her down one of the many hallways.
Fayde had noticed the black mark on the little girl and was alarmed he followed her smiling but ran through the possibilities it looked like a mark of corruption, something was happening to heaven something... wrong. Fayde stayed with the girl just in case. "So you and your brother have learned to share, good." Fayde knelt down with a smile on his face.

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Vivian blushed a little when nova took her hand and led her down the hallway, she quickly shook it off then looked around the castle as they walked.

Saya smiled "thanks you for the clothes" she suddenly sneezed.

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Rei turned away from Lili embarrassed. "I can take people and things with me too, is there anywhere you would like to go? I can bring you there."

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