Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Lucifer growled and held Duanna close to him. "She's mine... Don't you get it? Hell!!! Get rid of her." His eyes were cold.

Axoret shook his head and replied "she's not herself anymore... She's a new person."
Rei was shocked, Lili just said what she had been thinking, but... Lili was a person! People can change, get better, stronger, and grow older. Only Dolls were trapped, never changing. Rie pulled herself away from the scene and looked at Lili, she looked scared. Rei was shocked but not scared, at least not like that. She put her hand over Lili's fingers, "I'm weak, weaker than everyone... But you're strong, I can see it in your eyes, You could even be daring if you wanted to be."
"We need to get Lilith out of her. I don't plan on leaving anywhere until i know Lilith is gone and out of our queen..." Clair drew out her sword and pointed it at hell before she could grab her.

"I don't care, i still want to talk to her and see if I can help. Also burn mothers body, she can't return if you don't." Nova sighed.

"No, I am only useful when my brother needs me to be...he has always protected me but this...he isn't here to tell me what I need to do....I have never been strong...." Lili always felt like that.
Saya frowned "you dont know what games are..."

Vivian looked at nova when he walked out of the room, when he suddenly ran off into a room, she followed, just in case something happened to her new boss, she kept her hand on the hilt of her sword, just in case she needed to attack.

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"No, my parent are too busy to teach me anything but school work." Kuro sighed

Nova had already ran off to his mother's room as he smelt blood on the air.
Lucifer smirked and unsheathed his sword. "Fine... I'll kill you." He kissed Lilith before throwing her to the ground. He approached her and forced her wings open before ripping one of her wings off. He was enjoying watching her suffer. "Your screams are music to my ears."
Clair smiled "You can see my agony but you will never hear my screams. I suggest you take hell and run." she started to chant a spell in latin that is like poison to a demons ears, Lilith and Hell covered their ears and it was them that screamed in pain.
Lucifer stared at them, true fear on his face. He fell to his knees in pain. He felt his body changing. "Don't hurt my children!" He said in a demonic voice. He slowly transformed into a huge beast. He grunted. "Leave them alone!!" He roared in her face. He would never leave. He hit her to the wall.

Axoret nodded as he picked her up and hurried off. He felt guilty burning her but would do anything for her.
Saya keeps frowning then looks down "I see..."

Vivian watched as nova suddenly ran off into a room, she followed, just in case something happened to her new boss, she kept her hand on the hilt of her sword, just in case she needed to attack.

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"I... I know what that is like. I have spent my whole life following my master and doing what he says, but I've never been able to help him... all he does is save me, I can never do it back. And even when I do something on my own it's never something great or important, I've never helped anyone. At least you got to help your brother... I'm just a useless talking toy."
Clair let out a slight laugh that had a hit of pain "It is only hurting Lilith, as a doctor it goes against what I have learned to hurt me....your kids are safe....when we found Duanna I made a link with your kids so i know if they are in pain or not, i know more about them then you do." she continued with the chant and Duanna laid on the ground "No more.....please....i" Hell fell to the ground, she could feel her soul being ripped out of her.

Nova looked at Vivian "Do you think you would be able to go to hell with me?"

Kuro sighed "I'm sorry..."

Lili looked at Rei "You're not useless to are trying to cheer me up, how is that useless and I am sure you help your master in one way or another or he wouldn't have made you and keep you alive."
Lucifer didn't seem to know what to do. He threw Hell onto his back and then Duanna. He would protect both of them. He ran away from the palace as fast as he coil. When he found a quiet place, he laid them down. "I'm sorry..." he muttered before running off. He released his demon self and couldn't transform back.
Clair was angry, the one thing that she needed to do and she couldn't, she had lost them as she had chased after them and she soon returned to heaven and went to look for Fayde to ask him to help her.

Lucy smiled as he watched it all play out and he followed his father after he had laid Duanna and Hell in a safe place "Well that was quiet the show dear father."
He was laying down. Lucifer looked up to see Lucy. "This is the monster this damn place has created. I didn't know what to do but... Without Lilith, I have nothing. I need her alive."
Rei felt like Lili was the one doing the cheering up... But at least she could be a distraction. "I'm... glad..."Rei whispered looking away. Then she looked up and said, "But I'm not very good at emotions... I probably get that from him though. I remember when I was first made, I about a week in, I broke my leg. By that i mean it was cleanly broken off my body. I was just sorta staring at it and he was sure I was freaking out.... He kept trying to cheer me up, not very well though he was listing off facts or something. But I was more interested in how he was fixing my leg."
Lucy laughed "You see that's what upset me need this person and other people but without me you wouldn't have any of them, I helped mother descend into madness and it was that madness that gave you Duanna in her new body, I lead the heavens to find duanna's new body if they know it or not, and I released Lilith from her prison all to make you happy, it was also me that kept uncle from finding you one way or another and in turn led to Duanna's death causing her to forget everything in her new body making her weak to be attacked. Everything I have done I did to make you happy and strong. All the intense planning that had to be done gave me a headache but goodness did it work so well but i didn't realize that it would do this to you....what a disappointment...."

Lili laughed a little "If I was you a would be the same way, most would bleed when their leg is broken off but when there is not blood or possible pain it makes one wonder how things are done when something is broken on them and how it is fixed."
"It's especially weird because it hurt when it was breaking but after that I felt nothing... but the weirdest part of all was for a few seconds after it broke off I could still move my foot." Rei seemed brighter, she wasn't smiling, but you could see on her face she was happy, "Do you have any weird stories?"
Lucifer jumped him and hit him to the ground. He kept his paw on him. He was slowly losing his humanity the longer he stayed in this body. Then, he thought of his plan. He remembered Hell and his children. He couldn't leave them when hr was done. He slowly transformed back to his human form but his hair lengthened. His black wings were outstretched and he couldn't hide them anymore. He looked stronger now. He walked off. He cut his hand. "I will feed my new Queen. She must be hungry." At this rate, he wouldn't give the twins to his brother. He would raise them. He started laughing. He finally had everything he ever wanted.
"Nothing too weird for a twin." Lili laughed.

Lucy just laughed as he watched his father, there was no fear in his eyes, he followed his father as he walked off.

Duanna was laying there shaking on the ground, she was crying, she looked around not seeing Lucifer at the time she got up and started to run towards the exit of Hell.
Lucifer landed in front of Duann. "Where are you going my Queen? Don't you want your food?" He put his hand to her mouth. Only a few more feedings and she would be his. He gave her a devilish smile.
"Well anymore I am lost to that, he use to be really nice and family oriented but now there's a darkness inside him that wasn't there before and it scares me a little because I feel like I am losing the brother that I knew..." Lili sighed and looked down.

Duanna pushed his hand away "I want to go home! I hate it here! I would rather be dead! I miss Michael...." she started to cry "And I would never become your Queen, that is what Hell is, she is your queen not me! I will never drink from you again.....even if it kills me......"
Lucifer smirked and said "fine... I'll kill you and rip my children out of you. Oh and Michael is probably dead by now." He shrugged uncaring. He grabbed her by the throat. "Your mine!!" He yelled angrily.
"Lili," Rei turned away from her, embarrassed, "am... I a friend? I know we just met but.... I've never had one before... and all I know is that I want to help you any way that I can."
Duanna just laid in his grip "If he's dead then I want to be with him....I thought you had change but i guess not...." she started to cry "Also I banished your bi*** Lilith from my body, Clair's spell took a lot out of her and made her weak, just enough to make her leave my body." Hell had walked after Duanna and heard what Lucifer said about Duanna being his queen.

"You are my first and only friend." Lili smiled at her.

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