Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"I like ithat plan." He told a guard to send all the servants to the main hall and if any refuse, feel free to beat them for me." He turned on his heel and walked out. Before heading to the main hall, he got a servant to torture. When he got to the main hall, everyone was already gathered. "So I hear Lilith was plotting against me, having attacked my daughter and my wife. You know what happens to people who betrays me? The death penalty. But I'm afraid that none of you understand that high treason is a big thing. There are traitors among you and I need to teach them a lesson." He put the servant in front of him. "This is your fellow servant. He has worked for me for years but I have suspicions that he's plotting against me." He took a knife and cut off one of his fingers without another thought. He smirked when the servant screamed in agony. "You see that pained expression?" He sliced his cheek with the knife. "Dont you dare cry or I will gouge out those eyes of yours." The servants below were crying for him. "Why are you crying for him? This is your fault. Traitors step forward and I'll stop." When no one stepped forward, he stabbed the servants eye and then went back to cutting off his fingers. Finally someone screamed "stop!!! Fine we'll stop. Just please... Stop." Servants started stepping forward. More than half confessed to high treason. "Take them away.' He threw the servant he was mutilating down the stairs and let the guards take him.
Demonia watched but shielded Kana's eyes so she didn't have to see "I wonder what Lilith held over them to make them turn against us...before anymore are tortured I want us to look into their history and family. If she has taken a child or something then I can understand why they would act in such a manner."

Duanna left Leta's room and froze as she saw Lilith smiling at her "Looks like I had to wait for you out here since you set up those wards." she pulled out a knife ready to attack Duanna if she so pleased "Word is that your beloved fell to his sister so you seem to be all alone her in heaven without your precious Michael to come save you." Duanna looked at Lilith and couldn't believe what she had just said about Michael "You lie and just so you know I can protect myself." Lilith laughed "I'm sure you could if you weren't carrying Lucifer's children, oh yes I heard all about it from my sister, what happened to you after you were brought back to life. I must say I am sorry that I missed such a show." Lilith took a step closer to Duanna.
Axoret frowned and a soldier came running in. "King Axoret! King Michael... He's dead. Killed by his sister. The angel realm is in jeapordy. We need to protect it or else Lilith will kill Duanna and take it for herself." Axoret seemed caught off guard.
Demonia sighed "Duanna...." she wondered if she had been told yet "Dear I'm going to go get her...I want you to say here with Kana and don't leave the castle."

Duanna was scared but quickly ran back into the room and picked up Leo who had slept through Leta's screaming, she was getting ready to run even if it meant that she may have to leave Leta behind. Lilith was angry that she didn't get Duanna away from the room but she thought that she might be able to work at the wards again and make them vanish slowly, vines slowly worked their way up in front of the door. Leta was still asleep but she could still sense that something was happening and wanted to do whatever she could to keep her family safe. Clair soon appeared behind Lilith but was struck down by her "To bad for you I knew you would be attacking me soon." Lilith smiled at Clair's body and it soon vanished.
"Alright. Protect Duanna, Leo and Leta. She might be irrational if she finds out about Michael and will do something she will regret later. Make sure she doesnt. Send her my regards." He held Kana close to him.
Demonia smiled and she soon vanished and saw Lilith, she saw that a room was covered in vines, she had to act quick, the pureness around her was starting to enter her and it hurt. She soon appeared in the room with Duanna and saw that Leta was having nightmares again and sighed. Demonia soon cut the vines away from Leta and picked her up, she then grabbed Duanna and they appeared in Azriel inside the palace, Demonia with them in a guest room and once she knew they were safe she appeared in front of Axoret looking weak "They're safe now....Duanna is in shock...." Kana looked worried as he mother sat down "If Viktor was still here we might have been able to snap her out of it to the point of her being able to think again...but we don't even know where he is..." Demonia was trying to concentrate on turning the light energy inside her into dark energy.
Axoret nodded. "Viktor is gone... We will never find him again. He is out of our protection. Its for the best." He stroked Duanna's cheek. "We have to be careful though." He frowned.
Vivian glanced over at nova and nodded her head "ok..."

Saya smiled happily as she followed him "your welcome..we can play more tomorrow"

Zafon sighs "anything if fine..." he was still annoyed

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Fayde roared in anger and slammed Lucifer in the face with the blunt side of his scythe. "THAT IS OUR FAMILY!! Don't you dare try to hurt her. We've already lost mother and now..." his voice choked up he looked at the spike that had killed Michael still covered in blood. He dispelled his weapons and picked Cinder up. "We have to go defend Duanna something is wrong." His voice became strong but empty sounding like he felt. He nodded towards his huntresses and they disappeared reappearing around Duanna. Fayde teleported into his room and set Cinder on his bed, he wrote a quick note and went to his huntresses aid. He appeared his scythe at the ready which greatly perturbed his subordinates. It had been millenia since he used his true weapon beyond the confines of training. " Are you alright Duanna?"

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Demonia sighed "It was only a matter of time before hell's curse caught up to her..." she looked down "I just hope she isn't dying on the inside..."

Duanna had just put Leo in a crib that is in the room "He's...gone.....and then Lilith.....I had to hear it from Lilith....she has to be lying, please tell me that she is lying and Michael isn't gone...." tears had started to run down and they flowed more as she thought about it longer....heaven has no protectors......Lilith will soon claim it....."

Nova found the person going into a secret passage. "Damn would be best if we could tell my dad about this..." he was starting to get a bad feeling "We need to find a way out and soon."

"Alright, sounds like fun" Kuro smiled "Hey if my dad isn't back yet would you feel safer sleep in our room?"

Diva kissed him "You'll forgive him one day." she smiled.
Cinder slowly woke up with no memory but felt more powerful. She saw the note and looked around. She sat up, and grabbed the note, reading it.

Lucifer stood there with them. He wasnt happy but he was there for moral support. He had a headache. He Ws sick of losing people because of Cinder.
Vivian looked around then sighed, suddenly her eyes glowed green and she was able to scan the hallways to find a way out, she grabbed novas hand then pull him down a hallway as she ran down it "this way.."

Saya looked at kuro "if it wouldnt be to much trouble..." she didnt want to be a burden.

Zafon kissed diva "one day...just not today"

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Fayde's note reads: Assisting Duanna, follow when able, we have much to discuss.

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Demonia sighed as she saw Duanna break down Duanna sat on the bed and cried "Michael can't be gone....he just can't....for him to survive everything that he has and then go down so easily I just can't believe it.... someone please tell me that Lilith was lying...." he winds started to have a dark tint to them.

Nova sighed as they returned to the main part of the castle and then he froze and looked around "Something has happened while we were lost...."
Fayde's note reads: Assisting Duanna, follow when able, we have much to discuss.

Fayde put a hand on Duanna's shoulder. "He is dead, but as the second oldest I am legible to claim it. I won't let Lillith take it. I will fight her myself if need be and she definitely doesn't want that. The huntresses smiled. Fayde looked at Lucifer. "Sorry for slamming you with my scythe, but we didn't and still don't need conflict within the family. All Cinder wants is to be accepted and pushong her away in the first place is what led to this, forgive her if not for her sake then mine."

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"I want to meet with Cinder....I was told by Lilith that his sister killed him...." Duanna wanted revenge but she was in to much shock to not think like she normally would. Demonia sighed "Dear you need rest first....then you can meet with them." Demonia looked at Lucifer and point to the hallway meaning she wanted to speak with him alone.
Lucifer followed her into the hallway. He was acting cold toward his family. He was annoyed and wanted to be alone. He blamed himself for Michael's death. If he had killed Cinder when he had the chance, Michael still would be alive.

Cinder appeared in the room and looked down. "You wanted to speak with me, Fayde? Can I just ask what happened last night. I have a feeling I did something bad but I can't remember what I did. I dont remember anything about training. I just know that somehow, all my powers are back.
Demonia sighed and walked out of the room even though she could hardly stand "I want you to move Hell and your kids here. Lilith will try to attack them and use them to get to you even though I doubt it would work but still I knew you when you cared and you don't want Hell, Lucy, or Lili to be hurt. Also I was wanting to know if there is a way to bring Michael back or is he gone for good?"

Duanna glared at Cinder and threw a book at her and Kana grabbed the book before it could hit Cinder and sighed "Please don't hold it against her, my sister is currently upset since she lost Michael."
Lucifer tried to argue with her but it didn't matter. He knew it was the right thing. "Fine." Before he could disappear she asked the question. "Only humans can die for good," was all he said before disappearing.

"What? What happened to Michael?" Cinder looked around. She never wished to hurt any of her brothers. She knew somehow it was her fault but wanted to hear what they had to say.
Hell was pinned to a wall with two dagger in her shoulders and two in her hands. She didn't scream, not even for help.

Demonia walked back into the room and decided that she would soon start on finding a way to bring Michael back.

Duanna cried as she looked at Cinder "Lilith told me that you killed him...though I don't know how.....Michael was my world and now he's gone...." Demonia looked at Cinder "If she says something that would normally upset you please over look it....Michael is and was her first love so she is very upset about his passing."
"Cinder, you may want to sit also swear you wont poof we need to talk this out. While training you snapped, one of my Huntresses called on Micheael Michael and Lucifer, came and an ice spike went through Michael's chest." Fayde shook his head "I shouldn't have pushed you so hard, I just feared you wouldn't be able to defend yourself, I knew Michael and Lucifer didn't trust us and knew they may attack, so I wante you strong in case I fell... but we weren't that lucky." He turned to Duanna "Her magic may have killed Michael but it was my weakness that caused it. Forgive her please, it wasn't her fault.

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Duanna looked down "Just leave me alone.....everyone leave my room.....I just want to be alone......" Nova soon walked into the room out of breath "About time I from you two...." Talking about Axoret and Demonia "I found rebels in the old part of the castle....they have been using a secret passage to get in and out of the castle....." Demonia sighed "I will go deal with them, Nova try to calm your sister two use to be very close so you may be the only hope we have left to pull her back into reality."
Lucifer appeared in front of Hell. "Oh my God." He worked on getting her free. He assumed it was Lilith that did this.

Cinder covered her mouth and fell to her knees. Tears ran down her cheeks. "I never meant to hurt him. He was my big brother. I loved him. I never meant to hurt anyone. Please..." Her wings opened and she disappeared from distress.

When she reappeared, she appeared at her old cabin. She used to live here when she was a gang member. She opened her arms and the flames started to burn the cabin. She sat there waiting for the fire to burn her but it never did. Water put out the fire. Michael held her from behind and let her collapse in his arms. He was only a spirit but it was better than nothing. "I forgive you. I know you never meant it. Please dont hurt yourself. Your my little sister and all I've got. I'm sorry for the way I treated you." He carried her back to everyone and he said "she's locked away her emotion and isn't responsive but she's alive." He leaned next to Duanna and kissed her lightly. "I'm sorry for leaving so suddenly but dont hate my sister. She means well." He grabbed his chest. "It seems I can't be here much longer. Mom is calling."
Hell didn't even wince as he pulled out the daggers, she didn't want him to see her pain "She wanted me to tell her where Lili was but once she knew I wouldn't say she left....she said she had other fish to fry."

"I just couldn't believe that you're really gone....and I don't hate cinder....I'm just upset...." Duanna nodded when he said that he had to leave, it made her slightly happy that she was able to see him.
Vivian's went back to normal when they reached the main part of the castle, she stubbled slightly from the lose of energy that she used, she quickly caught herself and shook it off then looked around.

Saya looked at kuro "if it wouldnt be to much trouble..." she didnt want to be a burden.

Zafon kissed diva "one day...just not today"

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