Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"As you wish." He disappeared and reappeared by Lilith's side. "No sign of Hell." He smirked as he laid on the couch. He ran a hand through his hair and said "she's empty without Michael..."
"And my sister must be the same without you." Lilith laughed "Anyways I think we need to start working on our plan of attack. I might currently rule Heaven but people with eventually start to attack and I need to have a plan when that happens."
He touched her cheek. "The angel army and the demon army are to our disposal." He smirked and sai "plus the rebels can help us. I'm going to go take a shower. Your free to join me." He winked before walking off.
Lilith stayed where she was and then left the house to find food. She had no fear and felt more powerful than ever.

Hell was collecting servants that were loyal to her but she soon fell to her knees and she felt a knot in her chest and it became hard to breath, little did Lucifer of Hell know that the contents in the bottle to cure the poison was only a temporary solution.
Vivian nodded her head then bowed "yes sir.." she didnt really know the hole castle yet so she didnt plan to go far.

Saya watched and smiled, she set on the floor next to him bed and leaned against it, she then fell asleep.

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Kuro had woke in the middle of the night and moved her to his bed, he had felt bad that she didn't wake him to ask where she would sleep, he sighed at he lack of manner to not offer his own bed. He cover her up and then sat on his father's bed wondering where his parents were.
Lucifer finished taking a shower and walked out wearing only a towel. He was walking to his bedroom when someone cut him across the back. He fell forward but quickly stood up. He saw a human knight standing there. Lucifer looked around and when he saw his sword, he rolled toward it to grab it. The knight smirked and said "in order to protect Axoret and Azriel as a whole, I will kill any traitors." Lucifer smirked and said "so their hiring humans now?" He asked as he slipped on some clothes. While he was distracted, the knight kicked him out the window and landed on top of him. Lucifer grabbed his arms, burning him. The knight screamed in agony and Lucifer started to run but was hit in the leg by an arrow. "Damn it." He ripped the arrow out of his leg and faced his opponent. He was panting. This human was different. He was stronger than any human he's ever faced. He ran at him and started clashing swords with this human. He was sweating and had to go all out in order to have any chance of killing him. He was cut a few times but he also landed some hits as well.
Hell fell to the ground and for the first time since since she has ever known the heat from the fires and lava of the kingdom was getting to her and choking her.

Lilith appeared behind the human with a knife to his neck "You are a fool to attack Lucifer." she was not too happy.
The human growled and said "with God as my witness, I will kill any traitors that befall my kingdom." Lucifer put a hand up and looked around. He limped over to him and lifted his chin. "Throw him in the basement and chain him up. He will be our prisoner until I know what to do with him. Just one question... What did you attack me with exactly? My body is rejecting healing the wounds." The knight smirked and looked at Lucifer coldly. He spit in his face and Lucifer seemed disgusted. The human said "it was a devil hunting blade and arrow. It poisons your blood and lets you die a slow and painful death. You stupid demon... I'm the only one who has the antidote and only I know where it is." He grabbed one of the knights arrows and stabbed him in the leg. "Take him away. I need to be alone." He walked away. He coughed a little. He limped to the stream and sat there.

Michael appeared in front of Hell. "I can't stand seeing you suffer like that anymore. I might know someone that can cure you. You must summon him so here's a spell." He handed her a spell. "Hes an angel but not the nicest around."
Lilith soon had the knight in the basement and smiled "I must say you have only helped to farther my plans."

Hell could barely lift her head the heat had become overwhelming to her, Lucy soon found her and looked worried he ran over to her and then noticed Michael was standing before her, all Lucy could do was freeze as he saw his uncle standing there.
"Lucy... Are you strong enough to summon powerful angels and not die? I dont think Hell is strong enough to summon the angel to cure her of her poison. You must do it quickly or else it will be too late." He walked away, turning into mist.

The knight stayed silent as he meditated. He heard her every word but was not willing to fool around with her. She was just another foolish girl. He could break out with ease but he chose not to.
Lucy took the spell and looked it over, he noticed how weak his mother was and appeared with her outside of Hell. He was worried and wondered where his father was, he wanted him there but knew he needed to care for his mother first. Lucy followed the instruction carefully but quickly and hoped that it would work.
Lucifer grabbed his chest, pained. He coughed up blood. He laid there and when he passed out, he fell into the water. He was rescued by a beautiful mermaid who started to sing in hope to wake him up. When he woke up, he saw her the blond mermai. She was so beautiful but sadly, she dived into the water swimming away from him.
Lucy kept an eye on his mom waiting to know if he had done the spell right. He tried to make sure that his mother comfortable. He hoped help would be coming soon, he didn't know how much longer his mother would last. He started to worry that maybe he didn't have enough energy to summon help.

Lilith kept an eye on the knight and sighed "You don't talk much..."
A beautiful angel women appeared. "The name is Amarisa. Why did you call?" Her eyes narrowed as she watched the young child and his dying mother.

His eyes opened and he smirked. "There's no need to speak, is there?"
"My name is Lucifer jr but everyone calls my Lucy and I need you to help my mom if you can....I know that she isn't the greatest person but she isn't the worse aunt Lilith, I think she poisoned my mom....can you please help us, can you make my mom better?" Lucy was willing to give anything as payment to have Hell healed.

"No but most scream and curse, wishing to be release. Most fear their fate when they are near me." Lilith like their attitude.
Amarisa chuckled and said "I know who you are. Your Michael's nephew. I can heal her. Its not a strong poison. The poison Lucifers poison with, now that's a strong one." She approached Hell and rested her hand on her forehead. She started to drain the poison from Hrll.

"Why would I fear you. I know you won't kill me. Well right away that is. I'm too valuable to you. If you want to kill me, you would have done it already. Plus, I dont fear death." He stood up and leaned against the bars. "I died long ago. Your an ant compared to what I've seen." He went back to sitting down and started meditating again.
Lucy watched and sighed with relief when the poison was gone "Thank you, it just felt like my mother was becoming mortal is all and that kind of scared me...wait did you say my dad was poisoned? He should have been with mom...i swear if he left her again he deserves that poison..." Lucy looked down.

Lilith laughed and then placed a tray with food on it inside his cell.
"A human poisoned him. Not even I can heal him. It was a poison made specifically to kill demons. He's dying..." She turned her back to them and said "Lucifer... Michael's worried about him but whenever he tries to contact him, Lucifer blocks him out." 
The knight looked down and started to eat. He hadn't eaten in so long and was starving
"Dad has been dying for a while if you ask me...." Lucy sighed "Has he gone off with Lilith? If not then I need to go look for him once my mom is safe in Azriel."

"I take you are good at sniffing out poisons or you are immune to them? Most people won't touch the food I give them because they think I put something in their food." Lilith watched as he ate.
Saya kept sleeping as kuro moved her, after a while it seemed like she began to have nightmares " stop..I dont want to go back in the cage..." she spoke in her sleep.

Vivian looked around the sighed as she decided to stay where she was, seeing as she didnt know her way around fully, she leaned against the wall outside of nova's room then slide down it to set down, she unhooked her sword from her hip and began to clean it.

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"He's with Lilith but its to protect you guys. He doesn't mean any harm. If he did, the angel council will be after his head for betraying them." She smirked.

He looked up and said "I told you, if you wanted to kill me you would have done it already. You dont need poison to kill me. You can easily kill me with your bare hands if you wanted to. I'm a simple human." He shrugged as he finished the meal. He slid it back to her.
Hell sat up and sighed "I don't think the old deal would work again to save your father unfortunately..." Lucy seemed confused "What are you talking about?" Hell looked at Lucy "I was in love with your father long before he ever knew I was even alive, the day he fell and started causing problem was the day that the council of the realms and Heaven discussed what to do with him...once I found out he was going to be sealed away inside the ground I quickly stepped up and begged them to let me serve out his punishment and over look the things he had done, it took days of convincing but both parties finally agreed to it.....I had just been released from my shell but I was so willing to go back to it for a guy that I was madly in love with even though he didn't know me or ever met me....I would gladly take any amount of poison so save your father's life just as I would gladly return to my tomb in Hell to keep your father out of it."

"Yes but in people who have fear and can think like that a little bit still have an if in the back of their mind." Lilith laughed.

Kuro gently shook Saya trying to wake her up.
Amarisa asked "do you still love him? Even after all he's done to you and your children?"

"I'm not afraid of you." He stood up and asked "do you know who I am?" He cocked his head to the side but was distracted by Lucifer stumbling in. "P-Please... I need t-the antidote." The knight shook his head and said "no can do. Hurts doesn't it? That's the pain of every person you tortured and murdered. I have God on my side. You only have darkness." Lucifer fell to his knees and started to throw up blood. "Sadly, this is only the beginning. This pain will continue for at least a month. Depends on your willpower. I've known demons to suffer for a year before they turned up dead."
Saya quickly wake up and set up, she looked around then looked at kuro, she smiled at him then suddenly started to cry.

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