Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Amarisa growled and said "she stole my man. I'm just making sure, she doesn't go after him again when he reincarnated." Michael appeared behind her and said "I'm disappointed in you. I thought you were over this." She spun around and stepped back, fear all over her face. "You hurt my friends and famiy because of your stupid jealousy that happened years ago. You burned down my home out of vengeance?" He shook his head and disappeared. He was furious but the scariest part was that he sounded calm.

Luxifer nodded. "Lets go!" He disappeared with her and reappeared beside Duanna. "We have to do this ourselves... Ready to deliver a baby, Hell." He rolled up his sleeves."
Demonia looked at Michael "If you have here under control I am going to check on Duanna."

"I might have only been a voice in Demonia's head but I helped her with Nova so it won't be the first time. I will instruct her on what to do you just try to keep her calm and give her a hand if she needs one to squeeze, maybe some of your blood too if you think that might help her." Hell smiled at him and then Duanna who was trying her best to not scream. She was scared that they would be found if she screamed again.
Michael nodded slowly. Being I'm between worlds was costing a lot out of him but since he died, everything has turned to shit. He had to protect his family.

He slit his hand and gave her the blood. With his other hand, he held her hand. "Drink as much as you need. Think of the children." He looked at her with steady eyes. "I promise, nothing will come of the children. I will protect them."
Demonia was given a vision from hell and sighed "Nevermind, Lucifer and Hell is with her so she is safe, I thought she was alone. Now then what do we do with your jealous ex, I haven't felt this strong in a while and there's a lot of darkness inside me still, I'm sure I could cause her a lot of pain."

Duanna did everything she was told and within a few hours the kids were born and hell cleaned them off. "Well they are both very healthy, the girl is quiet but she is fine, as for her brother very fussy." she smiled and Duanna relaxed to gain her strength back.
Michael raised a hand and said "no. She is the head of the council. If you attack her, you will wage war on the angels and I'd prefer to keep what little home I have left." He sighed.

Lucifer was holding the boy and he said "I can't...." He was playing with the boy and smiling. He was actually a pretty good father. He held the boy close to him and tears ran down his cheeks. He missed so much when he left Hell. He missed his childrens birth and missed them growing up. He knew what he must do. He stood up and said "I'm sorry. I must do what I have to." He disappeared in darkness with his son. He needed this child. He wouldn't be a sad excuse of a father anymore. He would train but also care for his son. He left Azriel and went as far awy from everything as he could. He might have been leaving everything he knew but he knew he would make a new life for himself and his son.
Demonia sighed "Alright....then again aren't we already at war? Just saying...I just want to lay into her since she was going to put Duanna to death for no good reason."

Duanna started to cry, she didn't even get to hold him.
Michael smiled and said "I've wanted to kill her since I called off our wedding and she claimed vengeance on Duanna. She's so afraid of falling though, she wouldn't have actually done it." He looked up and he growled. "This isn't good. Duanna gave birth but Lucifer took one of the children. I can't tell which. Probbly the demonic one. Knowing Lucifer, he plans on training him."
Demonia nodded "Hell was letting me watch, I should have gone instead of staying here...damnit....Duanna is upset now...she didn't even get to hold the boy but I think Hell did something, she seems to be smiling a lot. If you want I can take you where I sent Duanna."

Hell held the girl and smiled "We tricked him, yes we did." Hell smiled and handed Duanna her daughter "Lucifer has the angel instead of the devil."
He let her take him to where they sent Duanna and he smiled. "Lucifer might have the angel but are you sure he won't corrupt him."
Hell smiled "Even if he does the child won't be as strong as this one. He might even try to come back at some point to take this one and switch them." she sighed. Duanna smiled at Michael, she was happy to see him and then she quickly looked away as she thought of the angel that hit her.
"I'm sorry about Amarisa. I was supposed to marry her but I called off our wedding after seeing you for the first time when I was apart of the council and it was time for your initiation into the angel council. She's hated you since but hasn't killed you yet because she doesn't want to lose her place and fall." He grabbed his chest and he started to fade in and out. "This place is weakening me so I must go but I will come back. Good bye." He disappeared
Zafon smiled and nodded "ok...I'll go get them" he left the kitchen to go get the kids "kids..its dinner time"

Saya kept sleeping and this time she looked more peaceful.

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Axoret was bandaged and sleeping, thanks to Cinder. She looked up at Demonia. "The king is alright. How is Duanna? I heard she gave birth finally. Lucifer came to see me with the boy. I tried to get him to give the child back but he wouldn't listen. He told me the babies name is Aeron. Such a disgusting name." She clenched Axorets shirt in anger
Demonia smiled "Duanna is fine, she has the child with demonic energy and Lucifer has the child with angelic energy." she smiled and looked at Axoret "Thank you for thanking care of him while I was doing other things."

The kids ran into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

Kuro watched over her as she slept.
Zafon smirked as he watched the kids run to the kitchen and sit down at the table, he sighed then grabbed his bath towel and dried his hair the rest of the way as he walked into the kitchen, he layed his towel on the back of his chair then set down at the table.

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Cinder looked at her and said "he still kidnapped a child whoms powers are unknown to all of us. The child could die without proper care! If anything happens to my nephew..." She was furious with Lucifer but was fighting against her anger.
Demonia sighed "I am sure that Hell knows that Lucifer will take good care of the child since she isn't too worried though I am worried what will happen to Hell, last time he left her mind and sanity left her too."

Diva smiled "Now no fighting this time."
"Right... I hope he actually comes see her every now and again so she doesn't lose her mind." Axoret started to wake up and Cinder got up. "I should go. My training with Fayde hasn't ended and I'm not needed here anymore. Please... Keep an eye out for Lucy. He may have the angelic one but he will learn to make use of him. He's Lucifer after all." She disappeared and reappeared at Fayde's castle. She walked into her room and fell onto her bed.
Zafon looked at diva then the kids, he smiled.

Uh was waiting patiently for diva to give him the ok to come out.

After vivian had help beat up some angels with nova, she sighed and lean against the wall, she looked over at nova and smiled sightly "well...that was fun"

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"Hey sleepy head, how you feeling?" Demonia smiled at Axoret.

"Dear I am going to bring someone new to dinner and when I said no fighting that means you too."

"I would agree," he returned to his human form "this is the best fun I have ever had."
Vivian giggled "yea..." she looked down then looked back at nova "so...what now"

Zafon looked at diva with a confused look, his eyes then narrowed as he thought about it "who..."

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"We try to clean up this mess." Nova laughed a little.

Diva went outside and brought UH in for dinner.

"I was so worried that I might lose you....I had Cinder get you away as fast as she could." Demonia hugged him carefully.

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