Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Duanna glared "I have never made her hide who she the men I hate arranged marriages but the council won't let me over rule them....they think the can find the right guy to tame her. I told them they were fools and I am sorry, since you will be seeing your father I can't allow you to take Delaney with you. I fear that your father might use her for his own reasons and that is why we made sure to keep her away from him." she was hurt that she always having to keep her away from Lucifer "I wish she could see her father but you must understand that it is a mother's worry and not a need to control her. Trying to control a child only makes them rebel which is what I fear most with these marriages." there is really worry in her voice.

Lili gave her a hug "Thank you, if not for you I might have ended up as my mother...."

Demonia sighed "Nova you need to go start you training for the day so go do that now and no more fooling around"

Diva smiled "You always love my food and it's always good." she giggled.
Vivian kept looking down, her heart was racing, she couldnt come herself down enough to stop blushing.

Zafon chuckled and kissed her on the lips again then looked over at his son "thats enough for now!...come and eat.." zafons son stopped and looked over at zafon and diva, he sighed then walked over.

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Aeron said "I guess I'm a lost cause." He left the room and slammed the door shut. Viktor looked at her and said "he is powerful but he's still a child. He won't give up until he has Delaney. Is it wise to trust him?"

Aeron walked outside and felt his breath quicken. He was having a panic attack. He fell to his knees but when he heard a girl ask "are you alright?" He looked up and smiled at the maid.

Next thing he knew, he was making out with the maid. He carried her into the palace and slammed her against the wall. He purred, happily. They were ripping off each others clothes. Just another one night stand girl."
Rei pushed away the flowers that leaned against her face. "As if I would have let that happen, you're too important to me." She said after she wasn't in danger of inhaling the petals.

Shadow man shook his head at Aeron Really? Again? that won't solve all your problems... and went off to see how the sister was handling things. sometimes he just wished he could intervene... but that was breaking his own rule...
Delaney was in her room and looked down, she had just finished drinking from her maid, she wondered if her brother had to drink blood but she doubted it.

Duanna sighed "I wish our first meeting could have been better...." she sighed "I think I'm done with work for today....I'm too upset to even think right now...." she wasn't sure how to answer Viktor.

Nova sighed and walked off for training.

Diva smiled "so what do we want for dinner?"

"Thank you so much." she cried because even after so long she still couldn't get over how happy Rei made her.
Vivian looked up when she heard nova sigh, she then watched as he walked off, she then looked at demonia and bowed her head "please excuse me..."

Zafon set down on a large rock and began to eat his lunch "how about teriyaki chicken with rice.."

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After having sex with the maid, he walked out. She was asleep and he was able to sneak out. "Just another one night stand." He slipped on his shirt and ignored the pain in his back. He had a cigarette in his mouth. "How foolish." He left the palace without another word.

When he got home, he laid on the couch. "Hey dad. I met my sister and mother today..." Lucifer paused but then handed him a cup of tea. Aeron continued "Duanna told me to give you this." He handed him the letter. Lucifer read it and then crumpled it up, the tears stinging his eyes.

Viktor sighed and said "I can help you relax..." He leaned down and then kissed her cheek. "I told you I couldn't control myself around you." He kissed her lips this time but was panting as held back.
"Crying again?" Rei reached up and put her hand on Lili's nose, "got your nose..." she said with no emotion... More of her weird humor...

Shadow Man settled among the shadows under her bed, He liked hiding here but he often wondered if it was his fault people were scared this spot... as if they could sense him there... but that was preposterous!
"Dearest Lucifer, my love, holder of my heart

I can't think of all the times I have wrote this letter and I fear this time I will have gone through with it. I can feel my sanity slipping and my anger growing. I can't bear to put our kids through pain again so I will do so with one final act that will end my life. I just want you to know that I love you and always will, I would die for you and without you. I wish I could have seen you one last time. In my last wishes Lucy will take the throne. Also I remember my real name, my real name is Luna.

Love Hell/Luna"

Duanna sighed "Viktor that might be but I am loyal only to Michael and I want Heaven to know that my heart belongs to no one else."

Diva smiled "Sounds good." she looked at her son "What do you say?'

Lili giggled "Just the usual tears of joy."
Rei nodded and took back her hand, she had come to like the flower field, she now knew the names of all the flowers here and that was a plus in her book. "Will... Will you ever get bored of me?" She asked nervously...
"Now I'm off to get my reward money. Maybe I'll see sis again." He walked off.

Viktor smirked and said "I know how you feel about me and I'm not a man to let my women go from me so easily." He pulled away and said "however, I'm not one to force someone to love me. I should leave." He left without another word. He passed Aeron who said "aw did your love break up with you?" Viktor growled. He walked into the office. "Wheres my money?"
"Never, you are my greatest friend."

Delaney looked around "Is someone in my room?" she sensed someone or something.

Duanna sighed "Do you know any other attitude besides demand? Seems your father didn't teach you manners." she sighed and then pointed to a couch "Please sit. I want to know what your father has told you about me and your sister."
Vivian ran off to go after nova "nova..wait up!.." she caught up to him and grabbed his hand.

Zafon smiled and looked at his son, his son just nodded in agreement as he ate.

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"No..." Shadow man said from under the bed Wait. Did I just say that out loud?

Rei did one of her quick smiles. How does she keep doing that? She wondered. "Okay... I just wanted to make sure you wouldn't leave me..."
Aeron smiled but hesitated. He sat beside her and said "my father... He has taught me to hate my sister and he told me you abandoned me when I was a child because I was weak. He told me that he was the only one who loved me and would be the only one who would protect me. He told me that I needed to hide that I was nephilim because people would try to steal me for my powers. If I stayed with him, I would be able to find true happiness. I haven't found it yet... I mean I just slept with one of your maids. I love my father despite how much he's manipulated me. He's the only person who's ever gave a damn about me. I've been treated like shit but everyone. The girls I've slept with only wanted me for my body. I've been abandoned, left on the streets close to death and yet my sister has been the only person that has kept me moving. I've felt her powerful emotions and have fed on them. I've tried to keep her happy but its hard when I dont even know her. She's had everything spoon fed to her. I've had to work to gain peoples respect. Even now, I'm a stranger to my family. You dont know what its like to truly suffer until your lying on the cold hard streets starving while people throw rocks at you and your father is to busy finding the next w**** to bang. Look, I dont care for having a father son relationship with you. I just want my sister and I'll never come back again. You won't have to see my face again."
Duanna walked over to him and hugged him and started to cry "I would have never left you and I would have never thought you were weak." she let him go and looked in his eyes "Seventeen years ago a war happened and I was to weak to fight in it because I was carrying you and your sister at the time, I suddenly went into labor even though I had only carried you both for a week maybe less, I was terrified about having a miscarriage but your father and Hell soon appeared...I had to drink from your father just to stay alive, for an angel can you imagine how awful it is to drink blood? Anyways before I could even hold you your father did and once I saw the way he looked at you I knew I would never get to see you grow and then he vanished with you. I was so upset but I needed to care for your sister, the reason your father took you is because he thought you were the one born with the dark energy." She then started from the time she woke up in her new body to the point before the war, telling him what his father had planned for Delaney and by the end of it she was crying more. "I'm sorry....I wish I could have seen you grow up..."

The maid heard the voice and screamed and Delaney ran behind her, it was a warning system that they had set up and Duanna looked up quickly "Something seems to have happened in your sisters room." she looked deeply worried and quickly ran towards the room summoning a sword to her hands tears were streaming down her face still.

"Only death could tear our friendship apart." Lili smiled.

Nova smiled and turned to look at her "Did you need something?"

"He still won't speak I see." she sighed "Well I will go prepare dinner then."
Aeron followed his mother, u sheathing his sword as well. "Delaney!!!" His eyes were blood red as his demon side that has stayed dormant for 17 years was coming out. His fangs were sharpening and he felt stronger than ever.
"Oh dear, that's not good... aaand I should stop talking now...." shadow man muttered to himself but he had retreated to shadows in the corner. he figured that would be less creepy than under the bed.

"Let's do a pinkey swear. Those are binding." She said it so seriously. Rei's maser told her those were like blood oaths...
Delaney smiled when she saw him "I felt like someone was in my room so I asked if someone was there and the idiot answered from under my bed so my maid set off the alarm and it was just a reaction to stay behind like I use to do when I was a kid...." Duanna glared and quickly looked under the bed with her sword drawn out and ready to stab. "No one is there now." Delaney looked annoyed "Well i can still sense them so they are still here..."

Lili nodded and pinky sweared with her. "I Lili of Hell solemnly pinky swear that we will be friends forever til death takes my soul." she smiled.
"I'm not an Idiot! and I'm talking again..."He exclaimed then muttered He really has to stop breaking that rule...

"I Rei so swear with my whole heart and soul," this was how her master taught her... "that we will be friends until the day my body separates from my soul."
Aeron approached her but when he heard someone say "hey!" He stopped. He turned to see Lucifer. "What did I tell you about your sister? She's a witch like her mother!" He quickly went over to his father and said "dad, Delaney isn't like that. I need her, dad. You dont understand. She's not like what you said. My power grows when I'm around her. Dad... Please." Lucifer studied Dunna but then shook his head. "I'm doing this because I love you. I dont want to lose you." He held Aeron close to him which made him growl and push him away. He yelled "dad! You dont understand!" The earth started to shake and pillars started to crumble. "You have forced me to bide by your rules my entire life but its time I made decisions of my own!!" Lucifer stepped back and said "Aeron, calm down." Aeron's eyes were glowing blood red. "You have manipulated me for the last time, father." Lucifer obviously was well aware of Aerons temper and fear was all over his face. "Please..."
Delaney walked over to him and put her hand in his to try and get him to calm down. "Brother please calm down...not for him but for me?" Duanna glared at Lucifer "I'm the witch!? What man raped me and then took our son when we had a deal that I would get to raise him and then at the right age you would train him and not just him but his sister too! And thanks to you leaving Luna is gone and your first born hate you with a passion! You might be an angel now but you have no heart still to this day!"
Aeron fell to one knee, slowly calming down. He looked at Delaney and held her close to him. Lucifer looked at her coldly and said "they both turned out... Well I wouldn't say good. I mean our son constantly brings women home and well... Hate to say this but his temper has killed ten women when he was eight. I came to the apartment and they were all dead and he was standing there with a smirk on his face. He is my son though and I love him. He may hve his faults but... He is not yours. He's mine." Aeron looked at him and said "dad, I've told you a million times that when I graduate high school, I'm leaving the palace and... I'm hoping to bring Delaney along with me. However... I think its best to stay with mom for a little bit. Delaney is the only girl that can keep my anger in control. I'm sorry, father." Lucifer clenched his fist and went to hit Delaney for stealing his son away but Aeron moved in front of her and hissed at his father. He stood up. "Lay a finger on her and I will rip your eyes out. Got it, dad?" Lucifer knew he couldn't do anything so he said "do what you want..." He left. Aeron smiled and said "now your not going to throw this homeless boy on the streets now are you... Mom?"
Duanna smiled and hugged him "I would never do that to my son. Stay here for as long as you need. I will call Leta home and we'll have a big family dinner but before then lets get rid of the person that snuck into Delaney's room."

Lili smiled and giggled "Lets go see my mom."
"Thank you and that leads to my other question... I still need to finish senior year of high school and was hoping for a nonhuman one." He smiled softly. A maid walked by him and he checked out her ass as she walked by. "Oh yeah. I'm going to love it here."

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