Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Rei hid her face behind her hair, She felt guilty for being jealous... but she still was. They had a sibling relationship, something Rei could never have.
Aeron caught her easily. "See. That wasn't so hard." He helped her climb down the tree and then hid until there were no servants around. "Now," he whispered. He held her hand as he scurried toward the front gate but when he saw a servant, he pushed Delaney into the shadows. He stayed low but not necessarily hid.

Axoret was walking to his office, whistling but suddenly stopped when he saw Nova. "What are you doing young man! And with a soldier as well!"
Vivian blushed and tilted her head to the side, she knew that this was forbidden to do but she really liked nova, as he kissed her neck she decided to say how she felt "n...nova..I.." suddenly she heard axoret then quickly backed away from nova, she looked down and blushed more.

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Delaney smiled and giggled "You've done this a lot haven't you?"

Nova looked up and smiled at his dad "Making out with her." he was being cocky and then he grabbed Vivian in his arms bridal style "And I think we'll be going else where now."

Lili held her close "I guess we can go home."
Vivian's face went completely red when nova picked her up, she looked at nova then looked at Axoret.

(Wont be able to post for a bit, got to get back to work...)

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"Oh yeah." When the soldier was gone, he slipped out of the gate. "Lets go clubbing then. I'm sure this place has some good clubs we can go to." He smirked as he walked through the town, holding her hand. When he saw a club, he said "see." He walked in, paying the bouncer. There were flashing lights and dancing angels everywhere. They were drinking as well. He grinned and held her close. He whispered "stay with me and you'll learn what being a commoner is like." He went to the bar and said "get me the strongest drink you have." The bartender smirked and slid two shot glasses over to them.

Viktor went to see Delaney but when he didn't see her, he ran to Duannas office. He threw open the doors. "Duanna! Delaney is missing!" He was panting.

Axoret seemed stunned. "She's not royalty! She is your bodyguard. Would you really pick her over me?" He looked at him seriously. He was worried.
Nova sighed "Dad my loyalties will always be with you but I know something about Vivi that you don't so would you just trust me? Have I ever done something that has hurt the kingdom?"

Duanna sat up in her bed and held her head "Is Aeron here or is he gone as well? If so make survey Lucifer's castle and if they're not there then they're fine."

Delaney looked at the drink "All I have ever had is wine and should we really be drinking this stuff? We're not of age." she was loud enough for him to hear but no one else.

Lili stood up and then leaned against a tree as she felt light headed.
Axoret hesitated but then said "no..." He sighed. "Just be careful alright?"

Viktor shook his head. "Aeron is nowhere to be found. I'll send some soldiers at Lucifers place." He bowed and then walked out.

"Doesn't matter. These guys dont check." He drank it like a pro. A guy came over and said "hey. I haven't seen you around here." Aeron whispered to her "careful not to let anyone know that your princess. Act like a commoner." When a girl came over to him, he immediately start to flirt with her and she giggled.
Nova smiled "Of course, I always am. Also I saw mom checking on Killian, sounded like he was coughing up a lung when she opened the door" he walked off with Vivian in his arms.

"I don't want soldiers sent, I want you to go see. See this extra bit of work as punishment for getting help from someone that tried to kill me once." Duanna was still not to happy with him.

Delaney looked at the guy "Yea I'm my parents one and only little angel so they try to shut me up like a bird." she wasn't really to sure how to act like a commoner, all of a sudden she heard a familiar voice and looked over to see who is was and she tapped on Aeron's shoulder "Brother Leta is here."
Axoret ran to go find Killian.

Viktor groaned and said "ay yay captain." He walked off.

Aeron was already making out with the girl but when he heard Leta he said "shit." He turned to look at her and drank another shot. "Are you here to bring us back home?" He smiled.
"Lili are you alright?" Rei asked worried.

Shadow man was standing in the corner of Duanna's room "hey, you forgot about something... well... sort of..."
Demonia was helping Killian drink some water and made sure he was comfortable in bed. She was always worried about him when he isn't well.

Duanna laid back down, her head was swimming and she couldn't get the dizzy spells to go away.

Leta looked at them and smiled "Hey what are you two doing here, nice club right?" she grabbed a megaphone from behind the bar and smiled "From me and my siblings standing next to me," points to the two of them "All of the next rounds are on us!" Delaney shook her head "So much for keeping who we were a secret....." Leta announced one more thing "And if anyone so much as tried to harm them you'll be answering to me! Boss of the bar!" she looked at the bartender "Hey I'm sure my mom or Viktor will be looking for them soon so give them enough drinks to let them have a good time but cut them off at a point so that they use the back door to run if they need too, also make sure no one drugs their drinks." she looked bat at Aeron and Delaney "So turning my little sister into a rule breaker I see." Leta smiled.

Duanna sighed "I know but I can't even stand....I meant to go get her and then everything went to Hell in a matter of minutes...."

"Yea, I'm fine...I just thought I saw Duanna call someone Luna...." Lucy picked his sister up and started to walk home "You need rest after throwing that energy at me like you did, if you practiced with that you could probably use it on command and I wouldn't worry about sending guards out with you."
Axoret smiled a little when he walked in. "How is Killian?" He asked.

Aeron smirked and said "hell yeah. Why wouldn't I?" He got up and smiled. He grabbed Leta's hand and said "come dance with me. We'll be right back, Delaney. Stay here." He kissed her forehead.
Rei held on to Lucy's shirt after Lili was picked up so she wouldn't fall off. "You would let her go out...? Without guards...? and not yell at her.?"

"I can see that..." He walked over to her, "they should be fine now though, but you should pay them a visit later when you're better, so

Lili still knows you care..." He waved a hand over Duanna, "Your boy did a good job, I can't trace any darkness left in you..."
Vivian blushed more after axoret gave them an ok, it surprised her, she thought that he would start yelling at nova for hitting on his body guard, she looked at nova as he walked away with her "t..that was a surprise.."

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"His fever has gone down...he's still saying sorry as he always does when he's sick." Demonia sighed and Killian looked up "Well I am, you and dad could do more if I wasn't sick all the time..." Demonia shook her head "Dear it's not your fault...just rest." she moved some hair behind his ear and kissed his cheek.

Leta smiled and pulled him to the dance floor and started dancing "So how you enjoying my club? Good thing you found this place because every other owner knows our sisters face and would have called it in."

Lucy sighed "Yes without guards or yelling." he looked a little annoyed but also realized that if he held on too tight he might lose his sister.

"I will try." Duanna smiled "I felt bad for not being able to help Lili but I had so much going on and Heaven currently takes first priority...."

"Ehh, my father can me a reasonable man you just have to know the best way to speak with him when it comes to anything he disagrees with." Nova walked onto the training grounds thinking they would be alone.
Axoret sighed with relief. "Did you know about Nova and the guard girl? I just caught them making out." He frowned.

Aeron smiled and said "I love it. I was glad I found it. I was just getting bored." He touched her cheek gently and said "you know your the first girl I've actually spoken with." He grinned.
"Yes and I told him to go train, I swear he is hitting a late rebellious stage." Demonia sighed and helped Killian sit up and he started to cough and she looked worried and she helped him to lay back down "Only thing that seems to be getting worse is that cough...."

"Let me guess the first that hasn't lusted after your body?" Leta smiled.
"Maybe we should call a doctor. There could be something seriously wrong." He frowned, stroking Killians cheek.

"Definitely. A girl hits on me so I have sex with them no problem. Then I feed on their emotions so we all get something out of it." He rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Anyways, tell me about our family."
"That should be somewhere quiet and less noise." she pointed to a door and then a room above it "Let's get Delaney first, I don't trust her to be left alone for to long with these people that say they serve the royal family." Leta smiled.

Killian shook his head "I'm fine...I don't need a doctor..."
"Can I have wine in the private rooms. Wine taste so much better than actual liquor." He chuckled as he went to the bar to get Delaney.

"Uh huh. That's what they all say. I'm getting a doctor." He walked off.
Delaney was trying to get a guy to go away and he just kept bothering her. "It won't be pretty if my brother or sister sees." she didn't want to fight them since she knows it would turn them into a fallen, Leta had vines wrap around the guy and throw him across the room "Lets go get some wine shall we?" Delaney giggled.

Killian sighed in defeat, he knew what was wrong (poison in his food) and he knew his parents would be angry if they found out. A maid soon brought in broth for his lunch.
"I like my new sister. Lucky for you, violence turns me on." He chuckled as he put his arms around both of them. "Two bottles of wine and three wine glasses." The bartender got what he asked but then said "careful. Being royal in here can be dangerous." Aeron smirked and replied "lucky for you I'm not a pedigree and I enjoy breaking the rules and getting dirty." He grabbed the bottles and the glasses. "come on girls."
Rei nodded, she was pleased with his answer and held on to enjoy the ride in someone else's arms.

"That is fine my lady, ones country always comes first when you are a ruler," He smiled at her, "I have watched many rulers in my time so I know the struggles."

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