Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"I'm sorry," replied one of the soldiers. "I'm too terrified of Aeron to release Lucifer. His orders were to bring him to you, Duanna. He's yours." Lucifer was upset that hr was human. He pleaded "kill me... Please!" Aeron walked in with a cold gaze. "Why isn't he in prison yet. You incompetent fools!" He stabbed one through the heart and started laughing hysterically. His dark side was out and there was no stopping him. Lucifer stepped back, fear in his eyes. He jumped onto the desk and stared at Duanna. He was on all fours and his eyes were narrow. Cat ears and a tail appeared and he smirked. "Hello mother. You know, Aeron was a naughty boy and locked me up inside him. He's rejected my power. Do you know what we do to naughty boys, mommy? We punish them! Time to play my game... You have 24 hours to find and kill me and every minute, I'll kill another servant. If you dont find me in that 24 hours, I'll kill Delaney first and then the rest of the family. And then you. Love you mom." He disappeared in darkness. Lucifer relaxed and sai "shit. You know how cat like Aeron is? Well his dark side is a cat. A cat that likes to play games." A scream eminated through the hall.
Uh smirked "ok..then lets train.." vivian sighed in annoyance that nova had to still train, she wanted to spend more time with him.

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Duanna pulled out a knife and pointed it to his neck "You are going to help us get back our son!" Her eye were completely black for being the queen of heaven. She had a demonic side that she hardly let out. "Are you going to help us or not!?" Luna stepped forward to try to help Lucifer and Duanna glared at her "Luna you stay out of this and stay back!" even though her eyes were black she wan not falling.

Nova got into a defensive position and ready to attack.
"You just called him our son. That's cute." He stood up and went for the door. "Fine. Get Delaney. Were going to hunt for him. She's bait." He heard another scream. "Go quickly. Time is wasting."
Uh stood there as if waiting for nova to make the first move "keep you eyes open cause I'm teaching hand to hand combat first.." he smirked then in one swift movement, he was in front of nova, he then went down and done a spin kick to knock nova off his feet.

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Duanna quickly went and got Delaney.

Luna looked at Lucifer "Why does it hurt to see you?"

Nova jumped up and brought both hands down on UH's head, Nova always trained till someone is knocked out.
Lucifer said softly "maybe this will get you to remember." He leaned in to kiss her but right before their lips touched, he pulled away. "I'm sorry. We have to deal with the psychotic demon." He wlked out and when he saw Delaney, he nodded at the soldiers. They grabbed Duanna so she wouldn't stop him. He started to beat her. When he was one, he tied her to a chair. "Stay here." He smirked. "Not that you can do anything anyways." He kissed her forehead and said "just think of this as father daughter time. The thing is, despite my training, he still loves you. He wouldn't lay a hand on you. Not even his demo self." He stabbed her through the arm and let her scream. Suddenly, Aeron appeared behind him and ripped out his heart without thinking. He watched Lucofer fall. "Aaaw poor daddy." He started walking toward Delaney and put a knife to her throat. He was about to stab her when he screamed in pain and fell on his knees. "Damn it Aeron!" When he looked up, Aeron was back but his face was in terror. He was so afraid of what he did.
Delaney vanished and Duanna started to pant "Fu** that hurt...." she started to get sick. "That one hurt so much...." there was blood in it when she got sick. "Glad I really didn't bring your sister...."
aeron looked at her and said "I killed dad. What did I do?" He crawled to the wall and took out a knife. Viktor appeared and blew a kiss at him, forcing him to fall asleep. "Damn it. What did I miss. Lucifer... What happened?" He checked Lucifers pulse and realized he was dead. "Duanna..."
Vivian smirked as she watched the fight. Uh smirked then grabbed nova's wrist while his hand was on his head, he then throw him acrossed the training grounds.

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Luna walked over to him and placed her hand on him "He can be healed but would it be worth it? Do we want him back?" Duanna smiled "You showed up just in time....." she looked weak from the over use of her powers.

Nova landed on his feet "I thank my speed to my first teacher." he smiled and appeared behind UH and aimed to kick him in his side (under the ribs)
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Viktor ran over to her and supported her. "Tell me everything later. Luna... Bring him back so we can ask him questions later. Make sure to bring him to the prison." Viktor kissed Duanna trying to give her his strength.
Uh quickly blocked nova's kick then went to punch him in the gut, but paused inches away then went down and spin kicked nova's feet out from under him

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Luna revived Lucifer and watched over him closely, tears had started to run down her face and she touched the tears and looked at them confused.

Duanna looked at Viktor "I've used so much energy body hurts so much."

Demonia soon came back to Killian's room covered in blood. "Finished the job." she smiled

Nova hunched over "Damn....that one hurt...."
Vivian quickly stood up in worry of nova being hurt but she stood where she was. Uh stood up straight and popped his nuckles then looked at nova "dont tell me your finished already..."

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Lucifer slowly opened his eyes and smiled. He pulled her in, locking lips with her. "I'm so sorry I left you, Hell. Please... Forgive me. That's all I want. That's all I ever wanted."

Viktor smiled softly. "I won't let you die on me." He kissed her deeply. "I'm in love with you. I would die for you." He kissed her again. "Stay with me." Aeron crawled over and said "mom..." He started to give her some of his strength along with Viktor. The two tried to give as much strength to her as possible."

Axoret smirked and said "damn. I love you so much."
Duanna pushed them away "I'll be fine, I'm just feeling a little sick is all." she smiled "I did good on keeping our princess safe." she laughed a little "Most energy I have used in a long time."

Luna pulled away "My name is Luna from what I have been told, not Hell. Goodness why would I be named after such a horrid place?"

Demonia smiled "I love you too."

Nova sighed "No I'm just getting started. I haven't even used my demon blood yet?"
Aeron smiled and said "I'm so sorry I lost control. My father... I couldn't stand seeing him go after you or Delaney. When he comes out though, its like I'm another person. He's more sadistic and arrogant than I am which is saying a lot. He's become a different person because of how much I lock him,away. He looks away. "I'm sorry. I should get some sleep though. I have school in the morning..."

Lucifer released her and said "you really don't remember anything." Aeron looked over and said coldly "Luna, your dads ex wife who killed herself after he kidnapped me! Oh my God. Its aggravating how little you know." He ran upstairs.
Uh glanced over at vivian who was glaring at him for hurting nova, he smirked then looked at nova "it doesnt look like your girlfriend likes me training you..." he chuckles "if you want, I'll give you 30 minutes to talk to her...I need to go ask your mother something anyway" uh didnt really care what they did together, even though he knew that axoret didnt really allow relationships between royalty and bodyguards.

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Luna looked at Lucifer and quickly distanced herself and look horrified has her memories came back "I need to go see Lili and Lucy. I can't believe I left them behind....I killed myself...." she glared at Lucifer "And after everything I did for you! I get left twice! I should have just stuck to the shadows!" she started to cry. Before Aeron left the room Duanna asked him to check on Delaney.

Nova looked at Vivian "Come here."

Demonia was cleaning the blood off herself and sighed.
Vivian jumped slightly in surprice and quickly looked at nova, she then walked over to nova "y..yes...." uh backed up a little and watched for a moment.

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Lucifer growled and said "I left for the best. But, you little b****! I know hat you did. You switched the essence of the kids. That's one thing I can't forgive you for that." He stood up. "Even so... I thought about you everyday and Aeron knows more about you then his real mom."

Aeron gave her a thumbs up to let her know he heard her. He walked in Delaney's room and sat on the bed. "I need help..."

Axoret looked at her and wrapped his arms around her. "What's wrong hun? The doctors doing the best he can."
"De.....Vivi we have gone over this, during training you cannot interfere, alright?" Nova kissed her on the cheek.

"No you didn't leave for the best, you left for you! You have no idea what I gave up for you so long, what the elders and Heaven was planning for you and I stopped it so you could live! I returned to the fossilized prison so that you could live! Do you realize back then I would have given up my soul to save you but you didn't even hear my cries....all the times I called for you......even as I killed myself I prayed to see you face one more time.....instead I saw the look of horror on Lucy and Lili's....." she held her hand out and the energy she used to bring Lucifer back started to squeeze his heart "You made me feel pain and misery and I wish to give you the same thing in return!" she was crying and then with the same energy that was crushing his heart she made it seep and force every bit of pain into that she felt from the first time she saw him, back when she was still and elder.

Delaney came out of her safe room and walked over to him "Are you okay?"

Demonia sighed "I know, I just hate that those servants constantly go after him just because he's weak....." she punched the mirror in the bathroom "This is all my fault damn it!"
Lucifer was so shocked from the pain that he couldn't make a sound. "I love you. I've loved for so long. I regret everything I've done but the things I dont regret is meeting you. I remember the days we would cuddle in our bed with no worries. We didn't have children at the time. We didn't have to fight any stupid wars. But your so to blame. You let me rape Duanna and impregnate her thinking I wouldn't go power hungry!!" Tears ran down his cheeks. "I made my son suffer because I'm a selfish man. And now look at me. I'm a simple human, the very vermin I hate. I guess this is karma biting me in the ass." He went limp. He was still breathing but just barely.

Aeron smiled and said "please... Help me control myself. I can't lose control again like that. Your the only one who can help."

Axoret grabbed her now bleeding hand and covered the wound with toilet paper. "No its not. Nothing is your fault."

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