Kingdom of AskenShire [Inactive]

"Do me a favor. I want you to take my necklace, and give it to her." Aramis was beginning to pass out, he wasn't sure what the King and Kelsa were talking about now.
"Ok, then you have to die." The King goes and swings at Kelsa.

"No sorry that won't happen. Die like a filthy animal." The guard said to him.
"You guards... are such assholes. Can't you... fight like a man?" Aramis was tired, but could probably take some low rank loser, especially if Kelsa wasn't gonna go with the king. He felt relieved yet worried.
Kelsa yelped as she bounced off amd fell to the ground. She had dropped her sword and began looking for it frantically.
"Bet you didn't see this coming," Bree's gravelly voice sounded the moment before her fist connected with his face.

With a savage grin she watched as he slumped to the ground, face utterly destroyed by her fist. The fat purse he carried in his belt burst open, and gold, silver and countless jewels spewed forth from it. Greedily, she started collecting them, but they just kept coming. And coming. And coming.

Soon, she found herself knee-deep in gemstones, laughing maniacally as she imagined the rich life she would be living from then on.

...And then she woke up from her dream as her face connected with the dirt road that went through town. "Lousy good for nothing drunks," the innkeep muttered as he shut the door and locked it firmly.

Disoriented and with a throbbing head, Bree spat and swore as she got up on her knees. "Soddin' town... I'll buy it and raze it to the ground when I lob that girl's head off..."

She leaned forward and emptied the contents of her stomach in the street, then rose to her feet. Guess nobody's coming, she thought. Better find some stairs to creep in under...
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Aramis was slowly coming to, seeing the king loom over Kelsa, a dire fight or flight instinct kicked in. I get one shot at this, my magic had better be good enough. Aramis quickly shot his head up and channeled his energies to create a bubble of electricity around him to free himself, followed by an arrow of lightning at the king.
Kelse looked up at the king then closed her eyes, accepting what she thought was her fate. Her breathing quickened.
The arrows electricity didn't do anything to the King, but the arrow flew fast enough to go through his armor and into his left shoulder. He grabbed it and tore it out. He looked at Aramis, with flames in his eyes. His intent to kill quickly grew.
Well, the plan partially worked. He got up, picking his sword up on the way, raising it to the king. "Kelsa, please... run. Now." He felt ready to at least buy her time.
Kelsa stood up and blocked the king again. Her whole body was shaking. If the king didn't kill her, exhaustion would.
Aramis's adrenaline tank was running low, but he could think and couldn't feel his fatigue, he shot another arrow of electricity, never leaving his fighting stance.
The arrow pierced the armor of the King again, and hit him in the right forearm. Again he pulled it out, he's had to do that quite a few times in the past. But the King is starting to get tired, and his wounds are helping him, either. He swings again.
Kelsa fell to the ground and went motionless. She wasn't dead, but her body was pretty much done.
Aramis began shooting arrows of electricity at the sight of this, stepping closer to divert the kings attention. Protect her, or die trying. Aramis's main mission. His only mission. If this didn't work, then he was done. He still can't feel his fatigue, but its only a matter of time.
The King smiled. He started laughing. Some soldiers picked up Kelsa and ran with her. The King held off Aramis. The King was hit by a bunch of arrows, but kept moving. He swung at Aramis.
The King knew he won. More soldiers took Aramis to where they were taking Kesla, The Dungeon. They were both thrown in there, after medical attention. The King knelt down and collapsed. He was covered in arrows, but could survive if treated quickly, which he was, and he is now in the hospital in the castle.
Though Bree was lying underneath a couple stairs, out in the cold, she felt surprisingly warm. And wet. And...

"NO! HELLS NO, DAMMIT!" She kicked the startled dog that had until now been busy peeing on her, sending it scuttling and yipping down the street.

This had turned out to be one of those days...

"I guess sleep is too much of a luxury to ask for, eh?" she asked herself as she took a whiff of her urine-soaked shirt.

"This ain't worth it, not by a long shot." She decided she would wait for daylight, then make her way back. Sleep-deprived and fatigued, not to forget stinking of pee, she waited for dawn.

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