Kingdom of AskenShire [Inactive]

A muscular man with a scarred arrived at a cottage like house in the woods. His face, worried, looked at the young girl whom was in the cottage

"What happened father? You look tired and worried" the girl said to the man.

"Anna.. Anna.." The man said placing his hand on his daughter

"What is it father.." Anna respond touching her fathers hand

"You must become a White Knight. The King has been murdered and I know you are ready. Please darling.. This country will turn into charcoals, you must help save it" the man pleaded to his daughter. She let go of his hand and looked out the window, "If no one is on the throne who would appoint me?" Anna proved a point but her father was done with her selfishness. She all was said no, but this time he was going to make her. He raised his sword to her face, "You will join. Or I will end you hear. No one would know because you've always stayed deep in the woods to train. I will come back later, make your decision by than" the man said firmly and left the cottage.

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Kelsa looked at Aramis and nodded. She was beginning to shake again, becoming scared about the consequences that came from killing the king.
Charles sat on the cottage, listening to the conversation between the Girl and her Father, waiting for the Father to leave, Charles had much to do after the King had died, however that didn't stop him from keeping tabs on possible new recruits. Jumping down from the cottage roof after seeing the father leave he knocked on the door, waiting patently, he didn't expect any resistance, he was a stranger but it wasn't like he had any malicious intent. "Hello! I'm lost! Can you please help me!", Charles called into the cottage.
Anna was suspicious already, who comes this deep into the woods? She grabbed her sword and opened the door slowly, peeking her head from the crack.

"You are.. Lost?" She said to the young boy who also looked like a girl.

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Charles smiled and nodded his head "Yes, I'm lost, I'm Charles, Charles Harkens." He gave her a smile, "I'm not very good with directions you see. . ." He bowed to her "If it's alright may I come inside, I'm not welcome inside the towns." He might as well drop the hints now.
Anna creaked the door open wider, "Come in and tell me. Why aren't you welcomed in the town?" She asked out of plain curiosity. "If you don't mind me asking.." She said right afterward. Her held her sword close and sheathed, ready for an attack.

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Charles nodded his gratitude towards the girl, "Well first of all, how do you feel about the Late King and his White Knights? I need to know this and afterwards I can tell you the truth." He smiles at her, taking his weapons off and putting them on the table well away from him, thinking to himself that he might as well gain her trust and not have any weapons on.
"Well I never knew much about the Late King since I've been here training for as long as I can, although I'm not a brainwashed idiot like everyone in this country who thinks the man is perfect. I know he's done terrible things to 'maintain peace' which I don't agree with. As for white knights, I think they are pesky beings who think highly of themselves because they wear a white uniform and carry a sword. Anyone can do that. Most of them suck at fighting, others are okay... Why are you asking me this? Aren't you supposed to be a lost little boy?" She crossed her arms and tilted her head slightly.

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Kelsa started followed her father away from the kingdom. Her outfit had blood on it. Her mother's blood. She tried to not think about that too much.
"Well yes, but there's a second reason tall of this, How would you like to make a change in the world?" He ask this calmly, smiling at her all the while, not even bothering to hide the fact that he was lying about himself "You see, an Organization by the name of The Black Knights, would like to use your services, if you're willing to offer them at least."
"Change in the world? What is that supposed to mean? Are we going to 'feed the poor' or 'help orphans find homes?' Sorry. I don't do that. I fight." She smirked, arms still crossed.

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Kelsa soon just sat down without saying anything. Her father sat next to her and hugged his daughter close. Kelsa didn't really respond. She was deep in her mind.
Kelsa's father shook his head. "Let's go find some watee though," he said and stood up. He picked up Kelsa since she was refusing to respond to anything.
Aramis nodded, trying to walk straight, but his vision was blacking in and out more. I got this, I can do this. Aramis breathed in and began walking straight again.
"Do you need me to carry you too, boy?" Kelsa's father asked in a grumbly tone. He looked at him. Kelsa had her eyes closed.
Aramis couldn't help but make a slight annoyed face. "I got it" he said. 
Aramis couldn't help but make a slight annoyed face. "I got it" he said.
Bree's face whitened as she heard the news. "The king, dead? Then who's going to pay me, huh?!"

"I don't know," the guard replied meekly as he shrank away from her outraged stare.

Bree shook an almost empty purse in the man's face.

"This is all I've got left, y'hear? Barely 'nuff for a roof over my head for one night! Someone better

renew my contract amidst all this, or I'll do a little roughhousing of my own downtown!"

She spat in front of the guardsman and jerked a thumb towards her favorite tavern down the street.

"I'll be in there, drinkin'. And the more I drink, the less friendly I get."
He grumbled and looked forwards again. They soon came to a clean stream and he set Kelsa down under a tree. Kelsa sat there, still silent.
"Why no, Our organization plans to uncover the secrets the King has held for so long. Of course there will be fighting." He smiles at the girl.
"That sounds... Interesting.." Anna admitted, "alright.. I'll join.. Should I join the white knights so I can snoop around the castle?" She asked with a devilish smirk on her face

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Kelss crawled to the stream and started drinking water from her cupped hands. She looked around as she did, looking jumpy.
Charles shrugged simply "If you feel like risking your neck like that then so be it, We don't have many members so you're free to do what you will." Charles stood up and took his weapons, "Welcome to the Black Knights." Chalres smiled at her, bowing his head, trying to not be impolite.
Anna smirked. "Snooping sounds fun, death isn't an option. I can take care of myself if I'm in danger. Thank you" she waved to him as he left the cottage, closing the door behind him. "Black knight huh, now what will my father think if he found out" she said with a smirk setting her sword on the table

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