Kingdom of AskenShire [Inactive]

Kelsa was not waking up. Hen r body needed time to regain its energy if it could. She often coughed in her sleep. All in all, Kelsa looked terrible. She looked nothing like the refined White Knight she had been just the other day.
Aramis eventually woke up, surprisingly calm. At least he thought it was, really, he was too beaten to move. The first thought that crossed his mind: Kelsa, where are you? He tried to speak, but his throat was dry.
Kelsa stayed in an extremely deep sleep. The only movement from her was her chest rising and falling as she breathed and the movement as she coughed.
The doctors are frantically trying to keep Kelsa alive, as by the King's orders. Without her the King will know less about The Black Knights, and he needs to know about them.

Hey, I have to go this will be my last post until tomorrow. So goodbye, and have a goodnight.
At the crack of dawn, a sweaty, stinking Bree made it back to town at last. The sun's glare made her wince, and though she was relieved to gaze upon the towers of the castle again, the bitterness of her failure was hard to swallow. That little runt, running about in the woods like some damned, elusive nymph...
Kelsa stayed alive, but just barely. She had deep cuts and a few stabs that weren't fatally deep, but enough to make it harder for her to keep going. Her eyes still wouldn't open. They would stay closed until the next day.

(Yeah, me too. Good night!)
The King is in a very, very tough spot. He wants to go torment the captives in the dungeon, but his wounds just won't let him. So, for the time being, he has guards patrolling the dungeon. Walking back and forth in front of it.

(Ok, I'll be back later. I don't know when I'll be able to post again, but at the latest after I get home from school. Have a good day, everybody.)
Kelsa woke up and groaned a little bit in pain. She opened her eyes and sighed when she saw where she was. Just great.
Sitting in his chains, wondering what he possibly could do, Aramis was not patient, and he was hungry. How could he not be kicking the walls, in a demanding fashion.
The guards come over to the cell where Aramis and Kelsa are locked up. Through the grate they throw them each a piece of bread, and place down a cup of water for each of them.
The doctor that had stayed with Kelsa to make sure she didn't die gave her the food. She ate it gratefully.
"I can't even get up..." Kelsa mumbled and then coughed a little bit. She shivered in the cold dungeon.
The guard sighed, scratched the back of his head, and looked down. "Well, I'll go ask him what to do then." He walked off.
Kelsa mumbled to herself and curled up. She continued to shiver and nibble on the last of the bread.
Kelsa sighed. "Well, can you please help me stand and get to him?" She asked as she stood up.
"Thank you," Kelsa said politely. She began heading to the king with them, putting on a stoic expression.
The led her to a room with a giant round table. At the very end at the head of the table, sitting in the chair, was the King. He was wounded and didn't look so well. He had bandages everywhere from all the arrows that struck him. They guards sat her down.
Kelsa sat down and watched the king. She didn't say anything to him, she just stared him down.
The King cleared his throat and began to speak, "Let's get down to business here. Uh, your friend Charles, we captured him and he's been locked away like the rest of you. Now I'll let him go, if you do one thing for me. I want you to assassinate the Black Knights commander."
Kelsa crossed her arms. "I will not do that. I already told you, I will not fight for you anymore," she told him. "Plus, I was never trained in anything like that."
"Come on, it's just a small price to pay for his freedom. Yo-You know what," The King smiled, "I'll let you all go if you do this one small task for me!"

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