Kingdom of AskenShire [Inactive]

"I will not do it," Kelsa growled at him. She looked away from him and looked out a window instead.
The King burst out laughing, having his hands on his stomach. "I guess my persuasive skills can only go so far!" He stopped laughing a looked directly at her, with a serious expression. "Now will you?" The King snapped his fingers and a guard came in holding, Kelsa's mother. She was bruised, and beaten. She had a cloth in her mouth and was tied up. "Now your mom is a great fighter, especially since she comes out of royalty, she was hard to get, but we did." The guard throws her down, and she just sits there breathing heavily. "Now come on, you don't want me to have to get vicious here."
Kelss blinked and turned a sickly pale. "Mother!" she said and quickly got up to go to the woman.
Kelsa's mother began shaking her head. Kelsa watched her. "I was not trained to assasinate people!" she cried. "I would fail!"
"Because... There's something special about you, girl. I- I can't put my finger on it, but my gut tells me you are more than just an average human." The King looked down, and then back at her. "No one else could have survived the arrows, or outrun my guards. You are special."
"Well I'm in no condition to be running doing stuff like that!" Kelsa told him. "Now, please, let my mother go. Leave her out of this."
The King teared up. "Well then I must use your anger as a weapon." He snapped his fingers. A guard came up from behind Kelsa mother, and put a dagger to her throat. Slowly he slid it across her neck, until a giant cut is over the Adams apple. Blood began to trickle down her throat until slowly it stained her shirt, she looked up at Kelsa in weary eyes, eyes of sadness but also trust, then collapsed to the floor.
Kelsa looked back at her mother then ran to her. "Mother? Mother!" she said softly and held the older woman, cradeling her head in her arms. "Mama?" she whimpered. Kelsa began to shake as she stared at the dead woman, going into a sort of denial. She couldn't be dead. She couldn't.
The King looked down at her with cold, dead eyes. His sanity is no longer a part of him, he is just a complete mad man. "Heh, now I sure hope Idar (AksenShire god of Life and Death) takes good care of her in heaven. Do you really want to see that happen to your friends?"
Kelsa wasn't answering him. She was too busy beginning to hyperventillate and shake more violently.
The King sat down. "Get me some tea please, hot, put some extra sugar in it please." The King is enjoying watching her suffer. "Oh and bring some for the girl please." He smiled.
Kelsa suddenly snapped. Without any warning, and as quick as a cheetah, she grabbed a guards's dagger and threw it at the king, aiming straight for his face.
The knife went straight through the King's eye. He gave one last glance at the girl who ended his reign, and collapsed on the table in a pool of blood. The guards quickly got together and attacked swinging at her, repeatedly.
Kelsa weaved past them swiftly and headed down to the dungeon. She unlocked Aramis's and Charles' doors.
Most of the guards were too discombobulated to do anything against the Kelsa. The one's that did chase her had no chance of catching her. When they checked back on the King it was too late, he already is in Hell when they go to him.
Kelsa freed more people that she knew were actually innocent, including her father. She flew into her father's arms and began sobbing into his chest.
Kelsa's father dodged. He was a retired white knight, and had kept most of his skills. Come on, he told his daughter and started running with her out of the dungeon.
The arrows kept bombarding down, but they were able to escape the castle. Sadly, however, the King had no sons, so there is no one to fill the throne. Someone would have to pick up the slack soon.
Kelsa's father took Kelsa into the forest and started asking her questions. When he learned about the fate of the king, he stares at hks daughter in complete shock. Kelsa looked him dead in the eyes, and spoke.

"Long live the king..."
Having at last found a measure of contentment again by resting up at a local tavern, Bree was enjoying a snack and a stroll down the street when she heard the castle bells chime. She heard scattered shouting and panicked outcries among guard and citizen alike. Something was up.

"One'd think the monsters roaming the wilds were the least of our worries," she muttered as she swallowed her last bit of jerky.
Aramis came running behind Kelsa, finally finding the energy to speak. "We should.. We should keep coming. We can come back when there is less commotion"

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