Kingdom of AskenShire [Inactive]

The King knew where the girl was going. She was going to the next town because that would be the safest place to go, right? They can't survive in the woods, and can't come back so why not the next town? Well, the King has already sent soldiers over there to ambush them when they get there.
"Gimme some grub," Bree growled at the innkeep as she slumped down by a suitable table. It was a small, sleepy town, perhaps even cozy to some, but to Bree it was just another backwater hamlet. At least it left pote.ntial refugees with few places to seek shelter.

She grinned. The poor sod would be hungry, tired and vulnerable. She would get the jump on her without any trouble at all... provided she headed there. For all Bree knew she could be leagues away.

Leaning back in her chair she was about to relax for a bit, when her she glimpsed familiar looking uniforms outside, through the window.

"So they've made it here as well," Bree mused as she stared at the passing guards. They were acting strange, moving about like they didn't want to draw too much attention to themselves. Competition...
"I don't think we should go to a town," Kelsa said. "It's way too predictable," she continued. "We'll certainly be captured."
The lightning horse disappeared. "Are you sure? Where else could we go?" Aramis was thinking for answers, but his mind kept going to, keep her safe, you owe her mom.
"I am positive," Kelsa told him. "We stay in the forest tonight. One night of no food won't hurt," she said.
I hate being hungry. "You're right. Let's go back and find somewhere for you to sleep." He turned and began walking with her.
Kelsa nodded and followed him away from the town. She tried to not think of food as they walked. Maybe they could find something to eat in the forest. She knew some edible berries that grew locally.
"I think we've gone far enough. I don't want to chance running into monsters. Or worse." Aramis leaned against a tree, holding his necklace, slowly sliding down the tree. "Plus, we've been walking a while. Taking a seat will be good for us."
Kelsa sighed im relief then sat down. She closed her eyes as she leaned against a tree, looking exhausted and kind of in pain. Her eyes opened at the yelling.
Kelsa got up anways and drew out her sword. They would catch her if she didn't try to defend herself.
The group finds you guys. "There's the girl!" The five soldiers take out their swords and attack the girl from the front.
"Just be quiet," Kelsa told him. She wasn't going to run off. She didn't even know if her legs would allow her to run anymore. "Too late anyways," she added then began attacking the guards.
Aramis quickly shoots a bolt of lightning at the soldier closest to her. "Back away from her now, or I will kill all of you" Aramis issued his warning. He was used to warning monsters and fugitives, but never had to act on it before. But he was ready to.
Aramis assumed his stance, he would ready another bolt, but he was tired. "You will regret that. You can go now, claim you never found us. And nobody will get hurt. We were trained as White Knights. Just. Walk. Away." Aramis was ready to fight, but was hoping to avoid this fight.
Kelsa stopped attacking and looked at Aramis,then back at the guards. She was ready to kill them any second, even though she actually knew the names of two of them.
"Ok I warned ya." Just then he snapped his fingers, and out came the King on a majestic white stead. He got off and unsheathed his extremely long sword. He had his "Special" armor on, and was ready to fight.
Kelsa backed up when she saw the king. Maybe running wasn't such a bad idea after all. She looked over at Aramis, looking scared.
"Now please, Kelsa just come with me and your friends will be spared. However, if you choose to disobey I will slay you here and now."
Aramis looked at her. "Run" he yelled, as he shot a bolt of electricity at the kings sword hand and put his sword in a defensive position over himself. He prayed she would run.
Emptying her latest flagon of ale, Bree let out an inebriated belch. "Ruddin' soddin' wretch, runnin' off like that..."

Her blurred vision went back to the window. "Ruddin' soldiers, plannin' to take off with my money..."

She noticed a patron inside the tavern staring at her as she went on.

"Are yer eyes stuck, boy?" she asked, a dangerous edge to her tone.

She was satisfied when the man energically shook his head, and rested her head on her elbows.

"Just... gonna rest my eyes... lil'... zz..."

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