Kingdom of AskenShire [Inactive]

Aramis looked down at Charles. "Ma'am, do you hear all that commotion, we gotta go now!" He grabbed Charles's hand and began taking him off in a random direction.
Charles panicked and looked toward Aramis, putting on his voice of a panicked townswoman he shook free of Aramis' grip, looking panicked "Sir! I can't my old auntie is waiting for me! I have to go!"
Aramis looked him in the eye, "Take me to her then, ma'am. I can't have you running off alone when there is a commotion about." He put on a nice smile.
Kelsa ran into the tavern and began asking around to find out what had happened. Soon somebody came forth and saw that a girl had come in and began yelling something about runes. She had everybody get out of the tavern.
The King and his commanders made it to the tavern, but in all the commotion they didn't see anything out of the ordinary. It just looked like people running, no monsters, no deaths, no fires, nothing. The King thought it was a prank of some sort, and went back to his castle to eat his stew and bread.
FlabberGasted said:
The King and his commanders made it to the tavern, but in all the commotion they didn't see anything out of the ordinary. It just looked like people running, no monsters, no deaths, no fires, nothing. The King thought it was a prank of some sort, and went back to his castle to eat his stew and bread.
like a true king... gotta get that stew and bread
Charles freaked out once more, looking down and blushing, trying his best to act cute, trying to slip his way out of the problem. Unfortunately, Charles luck ran out at this very moment, as soon as Page got out of the tavern, the rune went off, blowing up the tavern in a glorious explosion. A blast of heat hitting everybody around the explosion. Charles feel to the ground, trying to cover his head and body from injuries.
Aramis picked up Charles, and immediately looked through the smoke, hoping to see kelsa. "Kelsa! Are you in there? Are you okay?!... You better hope she is..." Aramis was tempted to move but didn't want to risk a real altercation with this person he knew nothing about. 

ILikeStarWars said:
like a true king... gotta get that stew and bread
No no i like it haha, you're doing awesome.
Charles just stayed there, his hands silently reaching for his parrying dagger, keeping hold of it as he waited, waiting for the best moment to strike at the White Knight holding him.
The blast threw Kelsa pretty far from where the tavern once stood. She went unconscious before she hit the ground. If she had been awake, her ears would be ringing loudly. She also would've noticed that she now had a nasty gash on her head and cuts everywhere. That outfit was officially ruined, but that would be the least of anybody's worries.
"Holy S***!" The King ran out of his castle, with a belly full of stew, after hearing the explosion. He saw the smoke rising. He got on his horse and ran to the tavern. Making it there in record time, and saw a lady sitting there with a white knight, and he went over to help.
Aramis put charles down. "Follow me, do not run away." He displayed his electric abilities by raising a hand crackling with static. "You're going to come with me while i check on her. As soon as she is okay, we are leaving and you're going to tell me everything i want to know. Understand?"
The King saw Aramis. He galloped over and looked at Aramis, and his girl he was in front of. "White Knight, do you know what happened?" He looked around. "Where's your friend?"
Kelsa continued to lay on the ground unconscious. Her head was bleeding. It wasn't super serious or exactly fatal, but it wasn't superficial either.
Charles nodded, he wasn't scared of the Magic of course, Looking at the King Charles gave him the most adorable smile he could muster, he hated being this way but it helped in situations like this, being an innocent bystander was easy when you're a cute girl on the outside.
He looked at charles. "No, your majesty. This young girl was at the tavern and is in shock. I'm helping her. Kelsa is over there" Aramis pointed at her. "I think she needs help, but now that you are here, you can send other knights to get her, while i assist this young lady."
"Very well thanks for the update. Make sure this young lady is safe. I will help your friend." He gallops over to Kelsa, and picks her up. He lays her on his horse, and takes her to the castle. She is placed in a bed, while a few doctors check up on her.
Without a second thought as this had become natural to Charles, he hugged Aramis tightly, like a girl who had just met her hero. "Oh thank you! Thank you!", with a seconds hesitation he kissed Aramis on the cheek, blushing and trying to look as innocent as possible. After all he did look like a young lady.
Aramis blushed slightly, but remembered his complete lack of trust he had. But maybe he was wrong. But he was still going to question Charles. "Walk and talk." He began walking, keeping an eye on Charles. "First, how'd you know to run out of that tavern before everyone else?"
Kelsa had to get stitches om her head and for a few of her cuts. She stayed unconscious the whole time.

(Dinner brb)
He walked with Aramis, swearing to himself slightly, he looked down "I was going to visit the tavern so I could get some food, they tended to give free hand outs, I. . .I saw a man in Black putting a rune on the back of the Tavern. . .", "I saw the rune and went to go warn the towns people about the danger."
That does make sense. Great. I am questioning an innocent young woman, Aramis thought to himself. "How do you know what runes are?"
By this time almost all the smoke has cleared, and all injured people have been taken care of by the White Knights. The King was still in his castle pondering about whether this was a terrorist attack or something else.
Charles bit back his tongue, hesitating every so noticeably, he didn't have a good reason for that, almost nobody outside the privileged few knew what Runes were. "Um. . .er. . ." He blushed once more, trying to play it off.
Maybe not so innocent. "Who are you? Honestly." Aramis wasn't acting as a White Knight. He was acting as a good Samaritan. He was mad because of Kelsa being hurt. At the possibility of other people being hurt.

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