Kingdom of AskenShire [Inactive]

Aramis made a small ball of lightning to toss back and forth and rested his sword at his feet. "Well, why'd you become a white knight"
Kelsa's eyes widened a little bit when he made the ball of lightening. That was pretty neat. She looked back at Aramis when he spoke. "I was sort of forced into it actually. My family has a histkry of being knights, and they wanted to continue it. My training started when I was seven," she explained.
Aramis noticed her being impressed and decided to show off. He made the ball into a horse and had it gallop towards her, took him way too long to get that down. "Really? Does your family get involved with politics?" He asked, his smile fading
Kelsa smiled in a more delighted way as the ball turned into a horse. She nodded in response. "Yeah, kind of," she told him. She continued watching the lightening horse in fasination. Her own ability was nowhere near as impressive as his, and least to her that is.
He had the horse jump over a hurdle trying to keep her entertained, while looking into her eyes. "Tell me... Is it true. The corruption I hear so much about? It's all so vague."
Kelsa looked back at Aramis, no lomger paying attention to the horse. "My parents may be involved in politics, but I am not," she told him. "Even if I was, I am not allowed to give away any information."
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend" Aramis made the horse disappear and scratched his head. "I am really sorry." What a great first impression Aramis thought.
"It's alright," Kelsa told him, waving it off. "It's am honest mistake," she added and smiled again. "So, you can control electricity, huh?" she said, purposely changing the subject. There was no need to talk about her family or politics anymore. Those subjects were hee least favorire.
He smiles, still feeling bad. The corruption scares him so he couldn't help himself. He doesn't want to align himself with corruption. "Yeah, I can. It's my specialty. What's your style?" Aramis was glad she wanted to keep talking at least.
"I'm a healer," Kelsa told him, glad he hadn't pushed the subject on the corruption, which she had also been hearing about. "It runs in the family," she said and a little floating ball of light appeared in her hands. She put the light over a rotted part of the tree and the tree was restored in that part.
"Wow that's impressive." Aramis looked at that part of the tree, with a smile, he always respected healers. "I see you use a sword too" he eyed it, admiring its make.
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Not too far off, a hulking woman clad in dirt-covered combat-wear was putting the finishing touches on her latest handiwork.

"Alright little buddy, let's see what these are made of," Bree muttered as she secured a grip on both of the creature's arms, planting a plated boot solidly on its back as she did.

The squirming creature, a misshapen, vaguely man-shaped thing, tried in vain to resist as she started pulling, not stopping before she heard the satisfying pop of its joints leaping out of their sockets. A shrill howl echoed through the woods, creating a stark contrast to the serene surroundings. She stepped off the creature and ran her boot into its head, silencing it forever as its face gave way.

"They're gettin' friskier," Bree muttered as she observed the large gash the abominable thing had made on her forearm. "Barely a league from town..."

She grinned. "I smell work aplenty to come."
Kelsa smiled proudly at the compliment. She closed her hand and the ball of light disappeared. She nodded. "Mm hm. It's required," she said and grabbed her sword. Kelsa set it on her lap then stretched a little bit.
Aramis stood up, clasping his sword. "Did you hear that howl?" He began to listen more, hoping to hear something to point him in the right direction.
Kelsa stood up quickly and looked around. "Come on, let's go check it out!" she said and grabbed her sword before running off towards the howl. She was actually smiling a little.
Aramis took off after her, putting his sword on his back. "Is this another monster attack? Well, at least two white knights are here to stop it" He had a look of determination on his face.
The sound of Bree's off-key humming rang through the woods as she waded back and forth a few paces in a nearby stream to get the worst of the muck off her boots. "Gods, the stench of these critters," she muttered.

Rustling from the underbrush nearby caused her to whirl around with her fists raised.

"Of course," she sneered. "You travel in packs."

The three beasts must have heard their friend's dying shriek and rushed in her direction.

Teeth gnashing and claws eagerly pawing the air, they encircled her.

"Three against one, unfavorable terrain... let's go," she hissed between her teeth.

If they made enough noise, perhaps someone would hear it and rush to her aid.

Or theirs...
Kelsa soon stumbled across a woman and some strange creatures. Finally! Something to fight rather than straw dummies! Of course, this was much more dangerous, so she should not treat it like a game. Without greeting the other person, she began attacking one of the monsters.
Aramis ran into the skirmish right behind her "Kelsa wait!" He knew the danger of running into a battle without assessing the situation, but now there was no time for that. He quickly shot a bolt of electricity at the creature opposite Kelsa. Aramis turned his attention towards Bree.
Bree let out a crazed laugh of relief as she saw the newcomers take her side. Making use of the momentary surprise she stepped forward and landed a fist into the face of the third of the beasts, momentarily stunning it. It came at a price however, as it lashed out and gave her a nasty cut across the brow.
"I know what I'm doing Aramis!" Kelsa told the man in a sort of exasperated tone. She had been doing that kind of stuff for like thirteen years. She quickly looked back at the creatuee she was fighting and slashed at it expertly.
He believed her after seeing that. He drew out his sword. "I'm sorry, just trying to make sure you were covered" He ran towards the beast he had shocked and shoved his sword through its chest, then kicked it to the ground. "Messy..." He once more turned his attention to Bree, readying another bolt of electricity for the beast she had hit
Kelsa quickly did away with the creature she had been fighting by slashing the beast's neck as it lunged towards her. The monster slumped to the ground, rasping and squirming, then slowly went still. Once it was dead, she looked over at the other lady to see if she needed help in any way.
Securing a grip around the beast's neck, Bree hoisted it up, glancing over at Aramis as she did. With a broad grin she turned the kicking and screaming creature towards him, keeping its arms firmly locked behind its back with her other hand.

"Fire 'way!" she yelled.
Well this is new Aramis thought. He shot the bolt at the creature, and put his sword away. Such an interesting fighting style he thought

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