Kingdom of AskenShire [Inactive]

As she released the smoldering remains of the creature, she felt the fatigue of combat catch up with her. She put her hands on her knees and heaved for breath for a couple moments before regarding her rescuers. With a stiff nod of appreciation she spoke:

"Thanks, you two. Came in the nick of time y'did."
Kelsa watched curiously and amazed. How did that woman hold omto that creature so well? She looked at Aramis and smiled as she watched him shoot at the creature then looked back at the woman. "No problem," she said, not yet relaxing. She was still in fighting position.
Aramis smiled at Kelsa and walked over to Bree, maintaining his posture. "I am Aramis of the White Knights. Are you okay ma'am?" It's hard to sound concerned when you're too busy being impressed.
Kelsa followed Aramis over to the woman. Her muscles relaxed as she walked. As she came up to the woman, she noticed how tall she actually was. Kelsa had to tilt her head back a bit to be able to see the woman's face.
She laughed, a coarse, unpleasant sound. "Ma'am..." she said as she shook her head. "I'm fine, couple new scratches for my collection's all."

She straightened her posture and stretched, her spine making a cracking sound as she did. "I'm Bree, mercenary. Currently beatin' beasties for yer order."
Kelsa held back her wince as she woman laughed. Usually, laughs were decently pleasant. Not this lady's laugh though. Even so, Kelsa kept a polite smile and tone as she opened her mouth to speak. "My name is Kelsa Page," she told Bree.
"Oh you're the mercenary I heard about. It's a pleasure to meet you and see you can hold your own" Aramis turned to see Kelsa tilting her head up. He let out a small laugh. Odd.
She nodded at Kelsa as she introduced herself before her attention snapped to the boy again.

"People've been talkin'? Let me assure you the rumors circulatin' me're grossly exaggerated," Bree replied as she frowned at her bleeding gash. She plucked a leaf from a nearby bush and spat in it, rubbing it against the wound's surface.
Kelsa watched Bree and took a step closer. "Here, allow me," she said and the ball of light returned to her hand. She put her hand over the gash and it began to heal. Omce the gash was gone Kelsa stepped back and smiled at Bree.
Bree stared at the clean spot where there once had been a deep wound. "Useful," she said quietly, mostly to herself. "Thanks again, lil' one."
As he watched her with the leaf, "Well it was nothing bad ma'am" He continued to watch Kelsa heal her, thinking to himself that she is just getting more and more impressive. "Bree, why were those monsters attacking you?"
Kelsa couldn't help but frown at being called "lil' one". She was twenty years old. She wasn't "lil'". "Please, call me Kelsa," she said as politely as she could. But, she did sound a little bit irritated.
Aramis again couldn't help but smile at Kelsa, he could tell she was kinda irritated, and he thought it was cute. But he had to focus on Bree, see if there was something she needed help with, pertaining to the monsters
Bree's grin grew as she noticed the edge in Kelsa's voice. However, she gave a deep nod and let the matter be.

"I s'ppose because of my irresistable musk," Bree replied before snorting deeply, spitting across the small stream.

"Never seen'em venture this close to town before. They're gettin' bold. As to why, I'm in the dark, admittedly. Didn't expect any trouble out here."
"Oh I think I understand. Well, Bree would you like an escort back to town?" Aramis asked not just to give her a hand, but also because he felt he should report monsters being so close to the town.
Kelsa relaxed once Bree nodded. Good. She listened as she sheathed her sword. The ball of light had disappeared from her hands as she did and she continued to watch the two.
"Sure. Was headin' back in any case." Bree rolled her shoulders and gave the grotesque scene around them a final glance, then nodded. "I reckon the higher-upper knights'll be pretty interested in this here event, eh?"
"Yes, they will. We will leave them as is, and have them send someone over to clean up" He turns to Kelsa, "Will you join us?"
Kelsa nodded in agreement then looked at Aramis. "Of course," she said and went up to him. She looked up at him and smiled softly before beginning to walk back to the village.
Aramis smiled back at her and blushed slightly, following in suit. 

[QUOTE="pastel stitchings]Kelsa nodded in agreement then looked at Aramis. "Of course," she said and went up to him. She looked up at him and smiled softly before beginning to walk back to the village.

That's cool, ill be on when you get back
Kelsa noticed she had some blood on herself. The creature's blood. She would have to wash that off later. Kelsa mentally shrugged and continued to walk, huming softly to herself.
Aramis continued walking with the two, thinking to himself. So much for a nice quiet day in the forest. Oh well. Not excited to give the report. "Another tune from your mom?"
Bree remained silent for most of the trip, letting the two younger members of the group chatter away while she kept an eye out for more unpleasantness ahead. Seems peaceful enough, she thought to herself.

Yet she remained on edge. The brightest of days turns into the bleakest of nights, such was her experience.
Kelsa looked at Aramis and shook her head. "Nah. Just a tune I picked up from someplace. I don't remember where," she said with a shrug. They were soon out of the forest and at the edge of the village.
"Sorry, Bree, I feel like we were ignoring you. Was not my intention." Aramis stood in front of the village. "Do either of you want to do anything before we go give the report? See your family real quick?" Aramis wanted to see his family, but wanted to check how Kelsa and Bree were feeling.

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