Kingdom of AskenShire [Inactive]

"We should probably go give the report first," Kelss told him. She had a decent relationship with her parents, but didn't feel like visiting them.
"Eh? You children prattle away all y'like," Bree replied, somewhat off-handedly, not seeming bothered. "And I agree. Knights'll have a word or two 'bout this, the sooner the better. Besides, they might be willin' to put some coppers in my purse for this whole ordeal. You'll get yer honor, I'll get my coin. Come along." She waved both of them with her as she made her way down between the houses.
Kelsa's hands clenched into fists as Bree called them "children". "I'm twenty..." she mumbled and followed the taller woman. She let her hair down instead and looked around.
"You two raise excellent points." Good thing he already ate. Aramis began following Bree, somewhat disappointed. Pretty used to informing his father about reports before he makes, but no big deal. Passing by the people, he was sure to still smile and greet. Reputation, reputation, rep.u.tation.
Kelsa calmed herself down and held her hands behind her back, which was straight. She strived to look professional even with the blood on her clothes. Most female knights were looked down upon for being "little girls". That was not acceptable to her.
ILikeStarWars said:
"You two raise excellent points." Good thing he already ate. Aramis began following Bree, somewhat disappointed. Pretty used to informing his father about reports before he makes, but no big deal. Passing by the people, he was sure to still smile and greet. Reputation, reputation, rep.u.tation.
I guess that'll work, though that sucks cause i really like your character and how you play her. 
"Well, here we are. The castle." Aramis looked up the castle, and suddenly felt angry. He didn't want to give this report. "You go ahead, I'll be right behind you" Corruption. He heard that word a lot. Refused to believe it sometimes. 

ILikeStarWars said:
I guess that'll work, though that sucks cause i really like your character and how you play her. 
"Well, here we are. The castle." Aramis looked up the castle, and suddenly felt angry. He didn't want to give this report. "You go ahead, I'll be right behind you" Corruption. He heard that word a lot. Refused to believe it sometimes.
I'm for it
Kelsa frowned a little bit when he told her to go ahead. He didn't seriously think that she was going to give the report alone, right? "Why?" she asked him, putting her hands on her hips.
He found it hard to look her in the eyes and lie to her, so he just lowered his eyes. "You're from a royal family. I'm a fisherman's son who became a knight. Your word will hold more than mine, so you should go ahead. I will be right behind you though."
"First off, my family isn't royal," Kelsa told him. "Secondly, you're a White Knight too. What you say is just as important as what I say," she said. "Also, you're a man. People don't take girls as seriously," she added, the words tasting bitter on her tongue. She hated admitting that.
Aramis could slap himself. He sucked at lying. Not his strong suit. "Okay. Let's go. Lead the way." Digging a deep hole. Very deep. Maybe that'll work.
Just then 3 White horses came from the tress, left of where they were standing. In the front was King Frank III, followed by two of his highest commanders.

"What are you guys doing here?"
Crap. Aramis immediately put his hands behind his back, standing feet shoulder length apart. "My Lord..." Should I say more? Aramis thought.
Kelsa rolled her eyes at Aramis then looked towards the King. "Hello, your majesty," shs said and bowed. "We are here to give a report on the beasts that have been coming up lately. We encountered three in the forest rather close to the village," she told the King.
King Frank III glared at Aramis, "Thank you M'Lady. Now this is how a true White Knight should act. Now, can you please tell me what happened?"
"Your majesty, I can add nothing to this report that they can not add, I request a pardon from this to make rounds around the town and ensure no rumors go 'round about any howls that might have been heard during the encounter." Aramis said, looking his king in the eyes, hoping for the pardon.
Charles walked through the town, looking left and right at the area that was around him. He strode with confidence, after all he was sent here with a mission in mind.

As always he greeted the townsfolk, the first part of blending in was pretending to be one of the locals after all. He allowed himself a short smile and hummed a tune, he certainly didn't hold any animosity to the townsfolk. No, it was the government and their secrets which he despised. Secrets always hurt people more than they helped. Charles glanced down at the package that had been arranged for him, all he had to do was inscribe the rune and plant it.

Smiling like he always does Charles strode to a building near the town square, humming a short little tune to himself as he did, he despised magic and runes, but if they stopped the secrets, Charles would use them.
Kelsa internally winced at the compliment from the King. She had not meant to make Aramis look bad. She glanced at Aramis with an apologetic look then sighed as he asked for a pardon. She then looked at the King again and being going through what had happened, including how Bree had amazingly fought the beasts.
"Pardon granted." He said looking Aramis in the eye. "Other than you too, was there anyone else that fought I need to know about? If not, I'll be making my way into the castle for some nice stew and bread." The King licked his lips at this thought.
"No, your majesty. Just Aramis, who also did great, Bree, and I," Kelsa said, adding the thing about Aramis to make up for making him look bad. It was true though.
"Thank you, Your majesty" Aramis walked away from them, looking at bree and Kelsa quickly. When he was out of site he immediately dropped his head. For once, being a white knight was not what he wanted. Making the rounds now meant going to the tavern, and hoping to hear more about the corruption and secrets. Maybe, find out where Kelsa lived so he could apologize. Never explain how he feels about the White Knights and the king. Where respect once was, mistrust was. He stood in the middle of the town, for once not greeting, instead, looking at the people, listening, and scanning for the tavern.
Charles finally finished the rune inscribed, setting it up to go off the moment he left the area of the Rune. Taking a deep breath Charles ran into the building he set the run on. Running in with a panic he yelled into the tavern, looking frantic and panic "Run! There's a rune that's been planted! You're all in danger!", of course most people don't know what a rune is, but hearing that you're in danger usually gets people moving.

Charles began to run from the scene, pulling the hood on his cloak up, looking around at the people running from the tavern and the town square.
Charles was frantic. He kept trying to blend into the crowd whenever possible, it would be just his luck to run into a White Knight at this time, at which point, fate just so decided to have Charles run into Aramis, bumbling into him like a fool.
"She's right here," Kelsa said, piinting to the woman. She then heard commotion from the tavern and looked towards it curiously.
"I'm sorry you just blended in with the background so we-" He heard the commotion had the tavern in town and turned to it. "What is that, let's go!" The three white horses sped into the distance straight into the town, and into the commotion.

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