Kingdom of AskenShire [Inactive]

The King sent some White Knights to scour the area, looking for clues, and what not. Luckily what they found was some remnants of a rune. The one that caused the explosion. The King doesn't know much about magic, but he had some magic experts tell him that these runes are capable of that explosion. So the King decided, that this was in face a terrorist attack.
Charles suddenly grabbed his parrying dagger, trying to get a cheap shot in on Aramis, "Who I am. . ." His voice suddenly becoming slightly more manly, only just a hint, "I am an idealist, a person who wants a perfect world, a world without secrets!" Charles withdrew his Arming sword, keeping it ready if the cheap shot didn't work.
Aramis jumped back, trying to avoid the shot. "Don't attack me. Listen!" He said loudly. Charles had his attention. "What do you mean?" He put his hands forward, to show he wasn't going to attack.
"Terrorists, no there is no way. Everyone loves me..." The King is muttering to himself on the side of his bed. "I built this country to be perfect... I KILLED TOO MANY MEN TO GET HERE!" He started shouting but calmed down, his Post Traumatic Stress Disorder finally kicked back in after this attack.
Keeping his fighting stance, not taking his eyes off Aramis, "A Utopia, free of Tyranny, free of secrets and suffering, a world of Hope, an idea where all can live without secrets, by this ideal we don our Armor of Black, our Swords of Dark, our Shield of Black Unity, we are the Dark Knights!", Charles recited off the code of the Black Knights to Aramis, glaring at him as he back away and ran.
Aramis stood there. The Dark Knights? They want a world with no tyrants... but they do acts of terrorism. Aramis wanted a drink. He took a deep breath and shouted, "Come find me, I want to talk more!" hoping Charles would hear. He had a lot to think about. He walked towards his house, making it a personal mission to avoid all white knights and the king.
Charles did hear him, they didn't slow him down though as he made a break for the gate, hoping to get free before he's caught by the White Knights, though he kept his weapons out, running directly past the king on his way out, as is his luck.
"Only one group of people could do this..." The King thought to himself. "The Black Knights..." The King lifted his head and spoke to all White Knights in the vicinity. "I declare war on all Black Knights, any you see shall be slain on sight!"
Kelsa's parents came to see her. The young lady wasn't awake yet. Her mother sat beside her daughter's bed and held her hand silently while her father stood a few feet away.
Charles heard this news, running even faster to the gate, hoping to make it out a live, or before he was captured, his weapons were still out, just in case he ever need to fight.
Aramis stopped as he reached his door and decided to turn around to go to the castle to see Kelsa. He had heard the kings announcement, but kept walking as if he didn't. As far as he was concerned, These Black or Dark or Whatever Knights are not an enemy. He kept walking up to the castle to see Kelsa. He made it there, luckily avoiding all white knights, but saying hi to all castle staff. He knocked on the door to Kelsa's door.
The King saw the figure running out the gate of the town, with his or her weapon out. However, they made no command to attack him or her, seeing they had no armor on and looked like a civilian.
Charles made it out, luck seeming to be a key factor for him, even though it had run out before. Charles ran out of the gate, putting as much distance as he could between him and the town, slumping down beside a tree somewhere.
Kelsa's father opened the door. He was a very tall, menacingly muscular man with silver hair. "'O are you?" he grumbled as he stared Aramis down.
"Hello, sir, I am here to see your daughter, with your permission. I am Aramis, of the White Knights." He looked him in the eyes, his eyebrows angled towards one another, looking completely serious.
A fenale voice called for the man, who's name was Slade, to let Aramis in. He grumbled and moved away. The woman was Kelsa's mother, a short woman with light blonde hair. She kindly smiled at Aramis, but looked sad. Kelsa was laying on the bed motionlessly. The bandages on her head were already pretty stained.
"Hello, ma'am, I am Aramis, of the White Knights." He felt he could trust her mother. He handed her an envelope. "Ma'am i ask that you promise me, a White Knight, that your daughter receive this when she is ready for action again, and only she reads that. I wish I could stay but I have to track down the person responsible for doing this." His look began to change to a look of sorrow. "I'm very sorry for all of this, you two."
Kelsa's mother nodded and set the note on the end table. She then stood up. She and her husband, relunctantly, had to leave. They had to go to a meeting about the explosion. After they both kissed Kelsa's head and left a lavender elephant with black button eyes and different shades of purple patches on it (it was very old) on the bed next to her before leaving.
Aramis stood there. Looking at the elephant, and back to the girl in the bed. A part of him was ready to kill that girl responsible for doing this to Kelsa. A bigger part of him wanted to join her. But... can Aramis join up with a group of people okay with terrorism. He had to know. He left the room finally, and walked out the castle, and to the gates of the town. He was ready to leave his king, his parents, his village, everything. His mission: Find charles. Join the Black Knights, or find another way to help the world in this battle against monsters. Either way, he knew the penalty for abandoning the White Knights. Aramis walked out the village, to search for Charles.
The King was holding the meeting about the explosion in the lower part of the castle. When everyone entered and sat down at a round table, the meeting began. He explained to them that he feels this was an act of terrorism, caused by the Black Knights. No one believed him at first saying the Black Knights died when the fought the growing of AskenShire, but when he showed them the remnants of the rune, the believed him, and agreed to wage war on the Black Knights.
Kelsa eventually woke to feel her head pounding and to find herself alone. She laid there for a little bit, trying to remember everything that had happened. She didn't remember anything after leaving the tavern and a very loud sound. Kelsa slowly sat up and saw her elephant. After giving it a hug she saw the letter and opened it and began reading it.
Now the entire town was against the Black Knights, and soon all of AskenShire will be if the King can make it across the country. He begins sending messengers out to every town in AskenShire relaying the message of all out war against Black Knights.
"Kelsa, I have decided I must leave the White Knights. I ask that you tell no-one. I can't fight for the people when even I don't know exactly who I'm fighting under. Who I'm fighting with. All this talk of corruption, of tyranny, and how it's all going on under my nose. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe there is no corruption, no tyranny, and people are just scared.

I am leaving the town to find a better way to serve mankind, and end the war on these monsters. I trust you. You are an excellent White Knight from what I saw. Harbor no resentment towards me. I will never fight you if you hunt me. I will never slay White Knights. I wish I could have gotten to know you and Bree more. I hope that one day, this world will be at peace, and knights like me and you can put our swords down for good. Until then,


Aramis Kent.
Kelsa sighed and crumbled up the paper. Right when she thought that she would finally have a friend, this happens. She'd rather go back to sleep and never wake up.
Aramis continued trekking on through the forest. Tempted to yell for the mysterious woman, but what could he yell? Terrorist girl? Not so innocent girl? You almost stabbed me, lets chat? He sighed. "Where are you?" he said to himself. 

ILikeStarWars said:
"Kelsa, I have decided I must leave the White Knights. I ask that you tell no-one. I can't fight for the people when even I don't know exactly who I'm fighting under. Who I'm fighting with. All this talk of corruption, of tyranny, and how it's all going on under my nose. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe there is no corruption, no tyranny, and people are just scared.
I am leaving the town to find a better way to serve mankind, and end the war on these monsters. I trust you. You are an excellent White Knight from what I saw. Harbor no resentment towards me. I will never fight you if you hunt me. I will never slay White Knights. I wish I could have gotten to know you and Bree more. I hope that one day, this world will be at peace, and knights like me and you can put our swords down for good. Until then,


Aramis Kent.
Thank you, this war on black knights is spicing things up big time. This is shaping up to be awesome

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