Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

As Setsu and Zoku were defeated simultaneously, their bodies slowly turned to dust as they both faded away.

Kazan almost collapsed, his body exhausted after using that attack after using so many others. His magic was all used up and he had almost no strength left.


Queen smirked.

"All according to plan, now to finish it."


Kazan heaved.

"This is what they wanted, to exhaust us. To make us keep fighting until we had nothing left to fight with..."

Suddenly a Blockhead came from behind Kazan and grabbed as it stuffed him inside it's body. A SpinCap flew past Aria as it grabbed her, lifting her up and threw into the same BlockHead's body along with Kazan. Trapping the two.

Queen appeared beside the BlockHead.

"Capture complete, you return to the lab. The rest of you, finish them off..."

With that Queen and the BlockHead broke into blocks and shot off into the sky, leaving Noah, Stitch, Neku and Maz to fight the rest of the Forgotten army by themselves.

Stitch growled as Queen left, firing at some Broken who were crawling towards him and trying to kill him.


As Kazan was being carried away with Aria, he tried to struggle free. But it was no use, he had no space to move and the BlockHead was indestructible from within. He growled as he his yellow eyes seemed to glowed, becoming slitted like a reptile as he growled baring fangs, slamming his fists against the wooden confines with no use.
Aria landed into the Blockhead with a thud, arriving uncomfortably with her leg in a place she found quite uncomfortable. "Great, now we're stuck in here..." She grumbled, eying the door. She could hear Queen's voice outside, and the forgotten shoot off in the sky, and internally sighed. If she wasn't pressured into breaking... She wouldn't be in this mess already. She gave her companion within the cramped space a sideways glare as he attacked the wooden cage with his fists.

"If you please would stop doing that, we have no space and it's pointless, we're not getting out."

Kain watched the battle below. it was not going well. He rose without a sound and twirled his spear before gripping it firmly. It was time to interject, no longer could he sit back and watch. Besides maybe THEY knew why he fought. for the life of him he couldnt remember. he had these skills, this armor, this weapon. but why did he fight? for who? he knew there was a reason but it just wasnt there. he tensed his legs and called on the power of the Dragoon before launching himself high into the sky. he knew just who he was going to aid first

He landed Spearhead first on a Forgotten mere feet from Noah. He ripped his spear from the ground and in a mix of precision and power began to attack the enemies around him. A thrust he, a slash here, a stab. he was almost on auto pilot. There were alot of enemies to be sure and Kain was no fool. the best he could hope for was providing an exit strategy. once there was a slight lull in the combat he looked at Noah "Rescue later, For now escape is the only option." he turned his attention away from noah once more and started to attack a few more Forgetten as he launched himself high in the air again looking for his next Target
Noah looked at the new person who jumped in the battle with a sad look of remorse. "Unfortunately, while I admire your actions and help, running is not possible with all these Forgotten." Noah takes a deep breath in. "Perhaps it would be better, if you all got away. Please give me some room." Noah began to focus the last of his remaining strength into one last spell. It would have devastating power, but to cast it means your entire body needs to be a catalyst. Blue energy begins to envelop around him and a freezing cold emits off the blue aura. Controlling the burst of energy, Noah released it causes a large explosion in the area around him. Area's in which allies were were untouched. Then, to make an escape path, a stream of the explosion erupted in a line. Left was nothing but icy cold snow and ice. Any Forgotten caught in the explosion were destroyed, and anything nearby was frozen. After the blast faded away, a scrawny body crumpled to the ground, completely white with a hue of blue.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be3734900_IceColdExplosion.jpg.ecd6b2076af96f16c52c04fa3e063bdd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="7317" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be3734900_IceColdExplosion.jpg.ecd6b2076af96f16c52c04fa3e063bdd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(Please ignore Noah's post, I've asked him to fix it...)

Kazan growled as he sat down, his nails clawing against the hinner workings of the BlockHead's cupboard.

"I'm trying.... it's hard for me when.. I get like... this...."

He grumbled in pain as his fangs showed through his lip as he bit the bottom one, his eyes still sharp and inhuman.
Aria's tough stature slowly diminished, leaving the remains of what looked to be complete sympathy. She stared out at him, unable to move, coming to the realization that something much more deeper than what she had came to expect earlier was amock. It was some whimsy, how much she wanted to help him now, now that they were closer and in captivity. Instead of taking it as some petty form of backstory masked by a false sense of mystery, she found it more like a curse of sorts. While it did give him a significant boost in power, evident from earlier, it made him... Like this?

And her stubbornness and stress led her to be so oblivious.

“... Eh? ... Kazan...”

Her brows furrowed in worry.

“No, if whatever this thing is is making you do things against your will, you gotta stop, you know...”

Or if...

“Or are you not able to stop?”

Kain looked down at the ice explosion and groaned. Heroes always had to try and be the martyr. he landed spear first to keep from slipping and ran over to the slumped, white body. he threw him over his shoulder and looked around for the other 'hero' "come on i have a place where we can hide out...ive been hiding from these things for a long time" he started off for the hill he was perched on earlier. there was a cave nearby, pretty well hidden and with a fire already burning. this kid would probably need the warmth
**Maz kept hesitating on her next action until the action from afar had rose to it's peak. She averted her gaze over to Noah, he being assisted by another mysterious man who had landed over to aid them. And in good time! But Noah had oh-so-wonderfully sacrificed himself to make more progress into the forgotten horde. Not much was to be said when the man had actually taken the body and moved elsewhere, but with that Maz supposed he was planning to retreat.

Turning to another one of her teammates in the battle, she called out, “Stitch, hurry! We have to catch up with them!” While having Moko-Moko protect her from incoming forgotten attacks.

((**Edit: I put Aria on accident QQ))
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After the explosion, Noah had feel to the ground in a unhealthy state. The spell had consumed his body, leaving somewhat of a material essence behind. He feels himself picked up by someone. Opening his eye, which are just a pale light, he looks around and see's the blurry image of the man from before. Noah only felt somewhat sore, but his consciousness was fading. As they traveled further, and time progressed, Noah's "body" began to shrink more. Slowly however. After a while, Noah gathered enough energy to start talking. "Ugh. Thank you, but my time is short." Noah looks around a little bit using as much energy as possible to stay awake and move. He notices the others following behind. "Where... are we going?" Noah said, getting even more tired and tired.
Kazan just slammed his fists against the wood as they traveled in the BlockHead, cut off from the outside world. All there was, was darkness and each other.

"It's not my fault I was born this way!"

He yelled out Aria, his inhuman eyes showing an anger that been long rooted in there. It wasn't as if he was staring at her, but something that he hated for a very very long time.

She couldn't help but recognize his mood, it was like the times he had exploded before for no reason. Like when he refused to mention their shared dream, or when they fought about him being a bad leader and not explaining things. It was all linked.

He grumbled as he buried his head in his hands, remembering all the teasing...


Stitch nodded to Maz as he spit out some wood leftovers of a Forgotten he had chewed on. He followed the group with Kain heading it as he led them through the pathway created thanks for Noah's incredibly powerful attack, towards a safety.

They followed Kain to his safe little hideout, a small sets of ruins that had collapsed over into a makeshift cave.

Once inside, Stitch helped to lower Noah by the fire which didn't seem to be doing him any good.

Stitch looked over to see Noah's body had black and white lights around it, actually his body was slowly fading into these lights and into a black dust like substance.

Stitch just stared on, looking worried. He knew this was not good....

"Naga bootifa…"
Noah groans a bit as they lower him next to the fire. His entire being just simply felt cold. Straining to get anything more than a whisper out, Noah says "Well, at least you guys were able to get out alive." while taking a few breaths in between words. His body still gradually deteriorates. "My body... is slowly wearing away... I have... a few more minutes..." Noah looks around where he was placed. A little small hideout. Noah couldn't help but feel a little guilty for the trouble of having to be carried and to die in the man's hideout.
Aria stared at him with a surprised look on her face. It was amazing what more you can learn from a person in just complete darkness, when you took the time to talk to them. She grabbed at the ends of her oversized sleeves, pulled her arms above her knees, and leaned in on her legs to give off the idea that she was thinking.

“You know...” Aria looked over at him from the side of her eye. “If I had even had a clue about all of this, I would've treated you differently. I can't help but feel like a bully, who bullies just because she was bullied as well. I mean, I wasn't treated that great back at the academy... Being a thief isn't exactly the greatest thing.”

She pushed her head deeper into her legs and closed her eyes. “I also wish that I wasn't a thief. But, I couldn't help it because I had to in order to live. That, and I wouldn't have met Allison. It seems like a bittersweet exchange.”

After mumbling off for a while she scratched the back of the head, unsure of what else to say. It was an awkward situation.

“I guess, I guess what I'm trying to say is, despite it being belated, sorry.”


Maz pulled over to Noah's face, looking him all over. He seemed so sickly, and it seemed as if his body was disappearing. Maz got all worried. She wanted to do something, but was there anything she could do? “M-maybe I can heal you! D-d-does Moko have any healing baddies, um! Um!” She took Moko-Moko as quickly as she could, turned him back into book form, and sped furiously through the pages. “Zero, zero, zero... Nonono...”
Noah notices Maz's face come into view. She seemed worried about him. He hears her flip through her back in search of healing spell. Noah knew even if she did find one, it would only succeed in buying more time for Noah. By now, his body crumpled to the size of a small, and scrawny child. Noah felt considerably tired and his consciousness drifting off. Closing his eyes slowly, Noah barely whispered a "good bye" before drifting off into darkness. Whilst unconscious, dark spindly tendrils appeared in the area around Noah. The tendrils moved slowly around Noah, the rest of his body disintegrated into black dust. Shortly after the tendrils wrapped and enveloped the area around Noah was slowly wrapping what seemed to be the shape of a new body. A bright flash of light surged and a new person lay in the place Noah was. This person looked very significantly like Noah. When the Nobody had died, he reunited with his heart and appeared on the ground with an icy looking keyblade in his hand. Noah, now a no longer a nobody and reunited with his heart, lay unconscious on the ground.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be3963be0_IceKeyblade.jpg.459f1bb01b3469d97df908ea9b566807.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="7426" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be3963be0_IceKeyblade.jpg.459f1bb01b3469d97df908ea9b566807.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Kazan clenched his fists.

"Being a thief is better than being a freak.... Of course I didn't tell anyone at the Academy. I made sure no one knew that I was...."

He closed his eyes, remembering the kids pointing and yelling at him. Calling him a freak, a halfling, a beast...

"It was my chance, at the Academy no one knew what I was. That is how I kept it, I stayed away from everyone. Because once people know you are a freak, that you aren't fully human, that you are only half human. You'd be surprised how many names little children can call you when you are half dragon.

I've already spent my whole life being teased for what I am, for having yellow eyes and being sub-human as they called it. Or not even human at all. Since my birth, I've been an outcast, a freak, a mutant, a monster, a beast, a hideous mistake of creation itself....

Then to make it worse I could suddenly summon a strange weird, key weapon. So yes, the Master found me and took me away. So I hid in the academy, I made sure no one knew me and definitely no one knew what I was, so it would end. The teasing....

My mother was human, but my dad.... I come from a world where Dragons exist in myths and legends, my father apparently was a powerful Dragon with the unique ability to disguise himself as human. Well he met my mother and I don't need to tell you how babies are born. But there I was, stuck as being a freak. Nothing special, all I got were yellow eyes like a Dragon, nothing else, nothing cool like wings to fly away or even fire breath. So the kids teased me, my eyes. It didn't help then when I got upset I would growl, claw and get down on all fours like a beast and snapping at them. Just proved what a beast I was and it made them mock more, which made me act like it more....

I would attack more and more, until one day instead it appeared in my hand. Dragon Heart, of course that was it's name... "

He huffed a sigh as he lay in the darkness.

"That is why I didn't speak about the dream we all shared. I knew it was important, I know it is important and could be a clue. But I couldn't stand the idea of one more thing making me a freak, making me weird so I his the strange dream.

Then it only got worse, you guys started acting like I was the leader. I can't be a leader, I'm not meant to be one. I can barely be a part of a group. The Master said I could lead, but he is wrong. I don't even want to know people, I'm a freak and I just want to hide away from all people. I don't want to be in the spotlight, then people will find out what I am and it will begin again! I can't be a leader, I just need to hide away!!!"

He grumbled as his nails dug into the wood again. His yellows eyes glowing, but not as slitted anymore.

(Yes, so you now you finally know the truth about Kazan and mysteriously yellow eyes. Kept that secret for a LONG time.)


Stitch expression turned sad as he saw Noah fade away, as a tear ran down his cheek. He clenched his claws as he mourned, but before he even had a chance something appeared. A new body....

He went up to sniff it, it smelled different from Noah, but at the same time it smelled like Noah, but not quite....

What is more is it had one of those Keyblades in his hand now, like the Aria and Kazan had. He was very unsure what was going on.

Noah's Nobody and faded away and since his Heartless had long ago been defeated, he had been reborn as a Somebody once again. His two parts reunited, but thanks to trapping power of the Lost World and it's refusal to let anyone leave, his body had been reborn here instead of the place he had lost his heart.

It also appeared he had now shown himself to be one of the chosen ones, a Keyblade wielder now that his heart had been returned or maybe he had been one long ago, that had fought the darkness and lost, lost his heart to the darkness he once battled.

(Two big revelations in the RP and it's only going to get more intense now... Get ready as we get closer to the end!)
"Maybe I should go into detail about myself, too, only to clarify that it's not that different in terms of discrimination levels. But, there's something much more important that I should tell you."

Aria fixed her hair back behind her ear, quietly, forcing up a mild smile.

"I don't think of you as a beast. Or a monster. Or a freak. I'm not the type to degrade people just because they looked ugly, or, had horns sticking up outta their head, or had naturally pink hair. You, in your own way, are just like a normal person. Call me cliche, but teasers are just going to tease. They've got what you don't have, you know? Real jealous. I mean, who wouldn't want golden eyes? They're so pretty.

And, I don't think the master was wrong when he thought of you to be a leader. I mean, when I first got on this place I was initially thinking to kill a bunch of Meagers with poor eyesight and hope something would go right. I wouldn't have thought of finding a bunch of gummi blocks to make the ship again. Dumb me. It's kinda a, "where else would we be without you" kinda thing. We'd be dead a long time ago!"

Aria shifted out of her current position, and into one where she could view Kazan a little better. She sat with her legs criss-crossed, back arching backwards with her arms holding her up for the most part over her shoulders.

"Have a little confidence. Take it from me, I'm not being an ass about you being half-dragon. Huh, if anyone else did, I'll be sure to teach them a lesson or two."


Maz got all sniffly and miserable when she saw the body fall unconscious. She brought up a small hand to her face to wipe away the tears that were beginning to form from her eyes. She closed the book, placed it infront of her, and turned around to completely clean her face of her watery mess.

Moko-Moko had perceived the heart of Noah returning to his heart-lacking body, and reverted back into a cat. It meowed at it's master to catch her attention, then turned to face Noah as a whole, placing a paw on the keyblade for it's master to notice.
In his mind, Noah found himself sitting in darkness. Thinking about the events that just happened. Suddenly he sense something and looks up to see a wisp of shining light floating down that eventually landed on his chest, joining with it. With the joining of his heart, a whole new set of memories came flowing back to him. His senses came back to him and the dream started to blur as he felt the sniffing of something on him and an animal...a cat perhaps? meowing. Slowly opening up his eyes, Noah took a look around him to see his allies around him sniffling and puffy eyed. "What's wrong?" Noah asks in a slightly slurred voice as he groggily sat up. Realizing that he was still alive he looks at his body and his hands as he hold it out in front of him.
Kazan doesn't respond, he just lays in the cramped darkness. A few seconds later, Aria and Kazan feel the ground under them shift as they are catapulted out of the BlockHead onto the hard metal floor with enough force to hurt.

Before they can even register where they are, Broken slink around, wrapping them parts around them and their arms. Effectively trapping them and preventing them from moving as they are lifted up.

As they are pulled up by the Br0ken which trap them, they seen Queen's face staring at them from under the veil.

"Now you have finally arrived..."

They find themselves in a metallic room, bronze coloured walls that have rusted. It looks like some sort of lab with old machines and cobwebs everywhere, as well as old operating tables. There are screens built into the side and all manner of devices that remind one of the dentist.


Stitch smiles as he realizes it is Noah.


And in an attempt to be a friendly, gives him a jovial tap on the back. However Experiment 626's strength makes the tap a blow powerful enough to send the original Noah head forward into the ground.
Noah looks around again to see the small little area they were in. He hears Stitch say something then feels a sudden sharp blow to the back sending his head into the ground. Noah gets up rubbing his back and wiping the dirt of his face. "Ow. Careful there little guy." Noah says before petting Stitch on the head. "Where are we?"
(Hey... Sorry for not responding to the thread in a while... been a bit busy with school and such. After this RP is over you think there'll be another one eventually or just immediately after this? I'd like it if you'd inbox me when the new RP starts so i can get my characters more involved. Neku was kind of an experiment and i don't know if i'll play him in the next RP to be honest.)

Neku watched as the two were carried away. He couldn't help because he was being attacked by forgotten. He dispatched the forgotten with a few swift slashes and flames.
“Now you have finally arrived...”

The five words of dread.

Aria hit the metal ground hard, getting a little bruise on her face. She grunted. She could live without getting hurled to a metal floor like that. She wasn't given any elbow room to react, seeing as the broken had taken her and Kazan and held them up to eye level with the intelligent forgotten.

Aria took a few deep breaths to recover from the fall, then forced her expression into a scowl. Queen, she could also live without. Live without seeing.

“So, this is this lab you've been talking about?” Aria huffed through her nose. “Queen, I'm aware of my position, but answer me this question. Why the hell are we here?” 
((Haha whoops, forgot Maz))

Maz suddenly became surprised, hearing Noah's voice once more. Moko-Moko meowed once more, seeing that it's master had understood, and looked intently at the former Noah. Maz slowly turned around, wiping the little bit of tears she didn't quite get, and stood up to hug Noah while he was recovering from Stitch's demonstration of being a team player. “Oh, I thought you died... I believe I... Was the slightest bit worried...” She only momentarily ignored his question.
Noah was still a bit sore from Stitch's friendly punch of a "pat" on the back, so when Maz hugged him he winced a bit. "I thought I had died as well, but we can't always be right." Noah wraps one arm around Maz while one was still rubbing his back. "Perhaps say 'the slightest bit worried' is under-exaggerating it." Noah says as finally realizes he has a keyblade in his hand. "Oh, would you look at that. I didn't know I had one of these." Noah examines it seeing that it obviously looks like it is more of an ice keyblade. Perhaps with it, his Blizzard spells are more potent.
Queen smirked.

"He finds you interesting.... he has decided you will make interesting test subjects for our.... plans."

She seemed to hesitate to use the word 'our'.

"Your reactions for the Forgotten and defeat of certain Forgotten has made him most curious, so you three were chosen for the unique reactions and responses that have come from interacting with your Forgotten."

Kazan just growled at her, a tear streaming down his face. He seemed to crying again without realizing it, he growled angrily. He tried to form his Keyblade Dragon Heart, but as he did the Br0ken squeezed harder causing his hands to bleed and the Keyblade to fall down as it dissippated into flames.


Now that Stitch had seen Noah was ok and even better yet, he had one of those key thingys he was now determined. He growled, getting up and taking out all four blasters as he shot them into the ceiling like a cowboy, causing some rubble to fall on the group.

He was going to save them... Aria and Kazan. They had treated him nicely, they had fought to protect him. They didn't treat him badly because of being a monster, they fought with him and he had fun with them. They were his... friends. Yes! They were his friends and he would save them no matter what!

"Meega save.... friends!"

He yelled out the last part determined to save his friends, only one problem. He had no idea where the bosses main base was....
Aria made such a growly face. She should have been quite expectant of that answer, seeing as it was so obvious that they were to be tested on. What got her confused, however, was the fact that queen had avoided using the name of the mastermind behind it all, and instead used the pronoun "he".

There were also plans specified. What plans were these? She was sure that Queen would avoid answering her, as she had done several times in the past. With this fact, she refrained from speaking about it for the time being.

Kazan, who had been held up next to her, had attempted to retaliate and, by doing so, he ended up with a bleeding wrist. Frowning for him after everything before, she promptly faced Queen again to ask her another question.

"This person behind it all... created you, correct? Why are these tests so important for these so called 'plans'?"


Maz sniffled again, knowing Noah was right. "I don't know, but, I got scared seeing you just, explode like that," Maz looked over towards her partner and companion, then at Stitch, having heard the blasts he used to get their attention.

"I think we should save them, too. They treated us well throigh it all. But... We don't know where they are..."

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