Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

As the beam flew past, it hit the wall and left a gaping hole where it had hit. Aria was tempted to look back at the carnage the dragonic beast had created, but then she would be pushed back by what fear she still had. As Kazan had advised, she approached the forgotten cautiously, shooting several lightning magics at it, and being weary of her surroundings.


They had came to the realization that they were at the right floor in the wrong tower. At first, she was going to suggest that Moko-Moko fly them across, but then Noah's weight wouldn't be supported by Moko-Moko's strength. She looked to Noah for an answer... And an answer he had. He created a bridge of ice to cross over the two towers, making them accessible to the battle ahead and to aid Kazan and Aria. Maz thanked Noah for the bridge, then slid ahead to attend the battle incoming.
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The dragon roared as it still coiled around Queen, it was blasted with the Firaga as it roared in pain, but taking little damage. It then got blasted by energy shots from Stitch and Aria's thunder. It roared again as it swung it's tail smashing it into Kazan who was charging forward as he was sent flying into the wall behind with great force.

It growled as slid forth a bit leaving the majority of it's body coiled around Queen. With it's head it charged forward towads Aria smashing it's head forward ready to chomp her and devour her in one shot.
Noah crossed the bridge after Stitch and Maz, running into the fray. Noah noticed the dragon-like forgotten coiled around the Queen. The sight of the malevolent being disgusted Noah. The dragon launched forward with its jaws open to swallow Aria. Noah quickly lifts his key blade and fires another flurry of Blizzards at it creating a nice wall that would hopefully stop it. Noah began looking around the room for any ideas that might help them beat their enemy. Even though there is many of them, Queen is still a formidable adversary.
The dragon smashed through the ice sending shards scattering across the room, but the force was enough to make it veer off course as slid to the side of the wall smashing through it as it roared and spun around Queen.

Kazan rubbed his head as Stitch came over to help him up.

"Ow.... my head..." He rubbed his head which had hit the wall hard.

"That thing is too tough, I don't think we can beat it through normal methods. Look how it keeps returning to Queen, spiraling around her as if it's prot.... I think that is it, this thing was summoned by Queen. I think if we attack Queen we can stop the Dragon. I think we need to stop aiming for the dragon and go for it's master, Queen!"
Aria saw the dragon coming at her, but couldn't dodge at all due to the force and speed the dragon was going about. Luckily for her, Noah had summoned a wall of ice. Aria, initially, was not convinced that the ice would stop it, and so she stood there. To her disbelief, it caused it to veer in the other direction.


Aria let loose her breath, "Damn! That... That's crazy..."

Aria turbed to Kazan with a frown. "I'll be the distraction. I can dodge easily enough, I think. Then you guys take Queen."
Queen glared at them.

"I hope you do not believe you still possess a chance to win..." She said cockily as the dragon lifted it's tail and then fired the tail segment like a wooden rocket towards Noah as shot it great force and speed.

"Because I assure you, you do not." She glared at them angrily as the dragon began roaring so loudly that hurt all their ears and began tearing the room apart as cracks began appearing in the room causing rubble to come crumbling down that would almost crush Kazan, Aria, Maz and Stitch.
Noah dodged some of the debris that went flying as the dragon attack blasted through his ice wall and a large explosion occurred. The Dragon proved to be formidable and made it impossible to attack the Queen directly. Suddenly he sees the tail of the dragon fire at him at blinding speeds. Noah barely had enough time to raise his key blade in front of him and cast an Aero spell to help block it. Unfortunately it was still powerful enough to ram the key blade into Noah's body flying him backwards. He crashed into the wall behind him cracking it. A sharp pain rose in his chest. Coughing a bit, Noah's vision began developing little black dots towards the edge. This fight was going to be exhausting.
Kazan slashed at debri falling towards him and then rolled to the side to avoid more, as he turned to see Noah go flying.

"Noah are you ok? Stitch, go help Noah, I'll try stop that dragon from roaring."

Sitch nodded after he shot at debri with his blasters, blowing them to dust and fired at Maz's debri as well to help before rushing over to Noah, he crawled onto him as he stuck out his tongue and gave him a big slobbery lick to help him regain his senses.

Kazan charged towards the dragon

"Raging Storm" He spun his keyblade as he formed a firey tornado and flung it towards Queen. The dragon began spinning each of it's segments creating it's own sort of aero that countered Kazan's Raging Storm and it slammed it's body into Kazan as the spinning fins on it's segments slice through Kazan's chest. Cutting through his armor and into his chest as he fell back, blood start to drip out as he managed to land on his knees.

"It's no good, it's protecting Queen from all points..."
Aria became cross-eyed trying to keep up with the chain of destruction. First, the dragon had thrusted it's tail in the air at Noah. Noah blocked with his keyblade but due to the sheer force of the tail he was senf back with his keyblade and hit the wall, forming cracks within it. Next, the dragon roared a loud and ear-curdling roar while also calling upon debris that fell down upon the group. Aria broke through the debris with ease, but wasn't able to react anymore for she saw Kazan attempt to dive in and prevent the dragon from roaring.

"Wait, don't!..."

Aria had a feeling it woyld backfire. The damage was negated, and Kazan ended up being sawed down through his armor. His wounds were evident from the blood that escaped.


It was a bit hard for Aria. She was the only one who wasn't hurt at the time. Kazan and Noah were seriously hurt. She had to do something, forget lack of courage.

She thought. The dragon... It was eastern-like with a western heading. It reminded her of a snake. Back on her world she took care of snakes all the time. Then she had an idea.

She, using effective backup from Maz who ordered Moko-Moko to fire sawblades at the dragon, hurdled over to Kazan on the floor.

"Kazan, I have an idea. This all needs to be coordinated. We need to get it attacking from all sides. It will uncoil with the attacks it does. And then one person will directly attack Queen."

"By the way... If you can't get up, might I borrow your keyblade?..."
Kazan nodded, as he listened to Aria but then immediately clutched his Keyblade and held it close to him after she asked. He was clearly attached to it.

"Attack from all sides, very well. There is five of us, so we will use a 5 point pentagram attack. I can take 12 o'clock, you can take 3 o'clock, Noah can take 5 0'clock, Stitch can do 7 o'clock and finally Maz and Moko could 9 0'clock. Is that what you have in mind? If so, you go tell Maz and Moko, I'll tell Stitch and Noah."

He rushed over to Noah and Stitch.

"Listen guys, we all have to attack together from every side. Stitch you take 7 o'clock and Noah you take 5 o'clock. Attack with all you got."

Stitch nodded as he ran around the dragon into position and immediately took all 4 blasters as he began firing at the dragons body to also help draw it's attention away so the others could move into position.
Noah perked up quickly when Stitch licked him. The slobber smelled like coconuts for some reason. Groggily getting up, Noah dusts some debris off him. He took a sharp inhale as pain flared across his chest. Kazan ran to him and asked him to attack from the 5 0'clock position. An attack from all sides did seem like an effective plan. Noah nods his head at Kazan. "Seems to me like a good plan. Let's do this." Noah casts an Aero that launches him towards his position and dodging any attack that the Dragon might launch while he was moving. Hopefully they can take down the powerful Forgotten quickly.
Aria nodded. She was sure the plan would work somehow, and if it didn't then it would give them a better idea of the Dragon's abilities. Disregarding the whole 'attached to keyblade' thing, Aria got back up then ran over to Maz in order to tell her about the plan and then head off to 3 o' clock of the Dragon, while Maz accordingly headed to 9 o' clock of it with Moko-Moko, and sat stationed there until they were signaled to attack from there.

"Ready when you are, guys." Aria called out, keyblade ready.
Kazan nodded as he jumped up.

"Now! Meteor!" He swung his Keyblade up as it glowed with flames and the ceiling of the roof darkened, as firey balls began to rain down from the sky towards the Dragon.

Stitch nodded as he clutched all four blasters and fired with everything he had, while laughing hysterically and uncontrollably at all the destruction that his original programming couldn't help but relish.
Noah heard the command from Kazan as he saw Moko-Moko and Aria get into position and Stitch swiftly ,are his way to his area. Everyone began their barrage of attacks on the dragon. Noah shouted "Blizzarga!" and let a flurry of blue missiles that were icy cold, leaving a faint trail of mist behind them. Hopefull their attacks would destroy the dear go that encircle the Queen, or better yet injure her.
Somewhere close in another room from where the battle was taking place, a dark portal opened Nyx pulled himself out, his strength slowly returning as he followed the voice he hunted after. He mind was still hazy from when he woke up. is sight was blackened out but after a while he regained it, holding against the walls of the hallway for support. The sound of a roar was heard, and he followed it to a doorway. Peering around the corner, he saw the battle taking place. A dragon, a dark woman, and a company of heroes. His head began to hurt, and different memories were forcing themselves through. This seemed so familiar to him...
Aria, in accordance to the others, raised her keyblade high into the air. She chanted, "Thundaga!," casting the spell, shooting down several bolts of thunder down onto the dragon.

Maz sent Moko-Moko closer to the dragon, and ordered it to do an onslaught of attacks with the forgotten she had collected earlier with the fight against the dozens of them, leaving no elbow room and draining the forgotten count rapidly.
All the attacks shot out at the same time towards Queen, including giant firey meteors, large missiles of ice, massive thunderbolts, energy blasts and a morphing cat. The Dragon coiled around Queen trying to take all the attacks so she wouldn't be touched, as they smashed against it's long trailing body as it roared out. However it was too much as Moko-M0ko was able to squeeze past the head and rush towards Queen's face.

Queen just smiled.

"You just don't get it, I told you: you are all going to die here." She looked as the attack came towards while the Dragon roared in pain from all the attacks at once until suddenly it broke, it's pieces seemingly unable to take the strain from all the attacks at once, as it segments came apart as they rolled down. Suddenly the segments stopped as suddenly as if with a mind of their own each went flying off.

A segment went flying past the meteors and smashed into Kazan, slicing his arm with it's blade that ran along each segment. Another segment smashed into Aria as launched he straight into a wall, crushing her gut between itself and the wall. Noah's Segment dodged under the new missiles he was creating, although already frozen from the other missiles it still hit him as it cut his chest with it's blade. One segment block took out Stitch as it smashed into his face knocking him out completely, while the final one took out Moko-Moko spinning like a drill with it's blade into the cat trying to skewer it alive.

Queen laughed as the remaining segments floated around her including the head which floated above her, then the other segments returned as they began to reconnect one by one to reform the Dragons' long body.

Kazan held his bloody arm.

"Would have been nice to know it could do that..."

Queen laughed as she walked up to Kazan with the Dragon flying behind her, as she held it's chin lovingly.

"All that effort for nothing, I told you that you can't beat me. It's time to die my body..." She signaled to the Dragon as it flew right in front of Kazan's face and opened it's mouth revealing the cannon inside as it began to charge preparing to fire it's powerful cannon at him point blank and start Queen's destruction with killing him.
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Nyx saw the battle taking place with interest. All of it reminded him of something. New faces. New memories. A whole new wave of...feeling? Was that what it was? He noticed the cannon about to fire from the dragons mouth. Nyx was just starting to like what was going on, and while he didnt feel much indifference, curiosity took him by a strong hold.

Breaking his weapon in two, his speed took him and he ran almost faster than the wind. From the door way, he broke into breaking speed and jumped over some of the group. He ran up one of the walls, and as he merged his sword into one, pushed himself off, launching himself at the dragon. Praying to whatever was worth praying for, he swung a blind slash with the all the strength trying to aim at the dragons head. If he couldn't cut the head, he could at least try to interrupt his attack.
"It's time to die.... My body?"

While thethought of its segments coming apart and acting on their own had completely passed over Aria's mind, she still felt accomplished in getting a new sense of the foe at hand. The cost for the information, thoigj, was pricey. She was pushed with great force to the wall and crushed between, her gut feeling the great deal of trauma, and she coughed out blood. A free hand reached out from her side, weakly grasping at air, at an attempt to summon her keyblade as she was weakened and disheveled.

Maz let out a despairing shriek as she witnessed the possible impaling of her cat companion. She commanded it and commanded it to turn into a book, but it couldn't while in contacy with the drill.
The force of the swing as at least enough to push the dragon's head just enough, as it's cannon fired with a deafening roar as it blasted through the wall, but still being close enough the force sent Kazan flying out the new gaping wall as he began plummeting down the walls of the tower towards his doom as the ground fast approached.

Queen turned at the new comer.

"Another worthless rat come to die..." The Dragon spun the blades along it's segments as it slithered past the new boy, it's blades connecting with his and forcing him back. It then swung it's tail blade across the room, trying to slash and cut anything nearby.
The force from the blade sent Nyx flying, forcing him to regain his composure as he landed with a slight stumble. Seeing the tail coming by, Nyx stood his ground and readied himself. The tail came with force, and Nyx put one of his strongest slashes to meet it. As the tail and the blade connected, the sound of the metals echoed violently around the room. Nyx was being pushed back, the dragon truly was strong, but he was holding his own against it and managed to hold his ground once more.

"I like to think of myself as something with a bigger backbone." He replied plainly.

Looking at the dragon while in locking blades with it (or tail and blade in this case) he realised while Nyx had strength to possibly match it, it wouldnt be enough to surpass it. Pushing his sword up, he lifted up the tail in mid-air and slashed it with force, hoping for the dragon to be hit with its own tail. Not a classy way to fight, but then again, Nyx was sure none were caring for rules of sportsmanship.
Noah was hopeful at the sight of the dragon breaking apart, but that hope disappeared quickly when the segments animated themselves. Noah had little time to create a spell to block the oncoming segments as they impaled his chest. They didn't cut to deep because of the ice that made them blunt, but there was still blood and a tremendous amount of pain. He noticed a new being fighting with them but met the same fate of being attack by dragon segments along with all the other allies. Noah noticed Kazan blasted through the tower and fall. Worried Noah quickly cast Aero blowing attacking segment around him away. Using the Aero spell, Noah quickly launched himself towards the gap in the wall and pointed his keyblade towards Kazan's body that was quickly growing smaller. "Gravity!" Noah shouted and conjured a ball of energy whizzing past Kazan and stops above the ground. The gravity would keep him around the energy ball and prevent him from splattering on the ground. Noah turned around with his keyblade ready to face the vastly stronger foe and her companion.
The Gravity spell whizzed past Kazan as it stopped his descent. His scarf shaped into dragon like wings as he used them almost like a parachute to help stop his fall.

"Aero!" He used Aero as he blasted wind around his scarf to launch himself up as he glided back to the hole where he grabbed the edge and pulled himself in.

The dragon roared as it continued to swing it's tail around trying to knock them awya as it's tail pushed past Nyx's blade, it's strength overpowering him.

Kazan coughed as he used his Keyblade to get up. His eyes showing his determination as he bared his fangs, growling like had before.

"So you are still alive... time to remedy that. I'll destroy you and then I'll be free!"

Queen smiled as he raised her hand, the Dragon breaking into pieces as all the pieces heading for Kazan as the spinning segments shot their blades towards him, led by the head which was ready to bite him in half.

Kazan looked to the others.

"We have to finish her now or she will destroy us. Just clear me a path, give me one chance at her and I promise I'll finish this!" He stared at the pieces coming at him as he wiped the tears coming from his face.

Stitch nodded, seeing Kazan was serious and charged forward towards two segments as he took out his Ukelele and smashed the segments away with it, trying his best to clear a path for Kazan.

(I think it's about time we end this battle and move on)
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The segment of Queen's dragon had moved away from Aria, allowing her to fall to the ground. It didn't give her any relief, though. She felt a headache arise in her head, and it was hard to breathe. She wished she had learned some cure spell, it's just inconvenient not to. Aria couldn't have just gone down in one hit, it was unlike her. She needed to get up, to assist the others again. She wanted to be useful. Her other plans failed, she couldn't make anymore.

"...Finish her now... Clear me a path..."

She could make out few words. Kazan? He intended to end it. She needed to help out. Her hand-- she could barely see it in front of her as she checked her vision-- stretched out and down to push herself off of the ground. The jerking in her stomach was evident and made it look like her whole body was twitching. Bringing up the strength she had, she charged in. It was half revenge from before, but she pushed one of the segments closest to her away from the others and through the hole made recently in the wall. She stumbled, nearly falling off with it. Aria summoned her keyblade and pointed some extra Thundagas at it for coverage, not that she would hit them with precise aim.

Maz ran after her cat companion, worn down quite a bit from the drill attack from the dragon. She frowned as she saw it on the ground, not responding to her mental commands as well as it did a few minutes ago. She took Moko-Moko in her arms, returned it to its grimoire state, and turned to one of the segments. Kazan planned to take Queen down, and he was dedicated to it. Maz nodded. She opened the grimoire to a specific page, held the page out at one of the segments, and kept it in that position until a considerably big blob of water oozed out of the book and into the air. It flew at the targeted segment, enveloped it, kept it within itself, and veered it off course from Kazan.
Kazan watched on Stitch, Aria and Maz all charged forward with such bravery to help him fight off his Forgotten, his own personal demon. He couldn't believe it, that they were risking his life to help him and all he had to do was say it, he didn't ask. He just commanded them and they charged forward full faith in him. He couldn't describe this feeling, is this what The Master had meant?

He had first started this journey with a bunch of Keyblade Masters he didn't even want to know, but now he had become dear allies with Aria and met other friends he trusted fully and now they all charged forward to help him fight something born from his own memories.

He knew this meant he couldn't fail as he charged forward, his Keyblade a glow with fire as more segments shot towards him. He hoped Noah and any others would help as well....

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